What's the specific moment where it all went to shit?

What's the specific moment where it all went to shit?

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the real problem is it getting old, it would've stagnated either way, just not in such a stupid way

When it started


This sgdq was much less tranny-centered.


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imagine the reputation of your favorite event or event you supported/participated by trannies
must feel like watching an old friend turning into a mentally ill, man-faced, discord tranny

The moment you started this post

god I could be a better trap than she is and I got joestar eyebrows and don’t look feminine in the slightest

she still gets more pussy than you, senpai

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Has anyone ever made a definitive ban list for GDQ yet?

I suspect that's because they threw an All-Female show a month prior.

no matter how much fake pussy she gets I’d rather have a functional penis than a bloody hole

>GDQ with record tranny amount makes record donation amount

Incel /pol/tards BTFO.

oh look its a jew, what a surprise

Did the trannies participate in that?
I heard that it is because protomagical girl went mad and accused them of being transphobic, sexist or whatever.

>a place is infested by cockroaches
>wow most visitors they ever had!
dilate tranny

All "females" did, if that tells you anything.

Let me guess, 80% of the were "women".
Did you see the thing? Did smooth operator or bananas go? At least those are real women.

I think there were like three *cis* women, or however they label it.

I didn't watch much - are you kidding me? I think I'd have to be paid to sit through that.

it did have a tranny
his run was fucking awful and nobody in the audience seemed to enjoy it, probably they didn't want to risk being banned

I gotta admit, that's an impressive transition.

Only one?

it's getting old.

When I aged over 25. Don't worry guys, as the sleeping godhead of this reality, all this crazy shit will cease to exist when I finally wake up

I love watching trannies have meltdowns though. They're so fucked up not even the LGB's like the T anymore.

Still seeing the world through the eyes of a self centered child. When you get close to 30 you'll realize just how much of your life you've pissed away dreaming.

I'm not convinced, but it's hard because of the beard and hat which may be why it was chosen for the "before" photo. Nose seems different as does head width, but it could be the angle.

This, I've had a pretty high tolerance for the shitty parts of GDQ but the cold hard truth is that it's inevitably just getting stale.

how the fuck do trannies and tranny lovers expect me to think "that is a real woman" after looking at these disgusting faggots?

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First decline was 2014 when it was no longer a bunch of speed runners in a room having fun but instead an open event
Then they banned bluegrass from the couch because his laugh was distracting
Final nail in the coffin was the tranny infestation

>raised 3 million dollars
>try to equate it being bad in anyway


How come you niggers keep obsessing over that one tranny on the right?

But there was more trannies running in 2012-2013 than the last 2 years combined.

Oh god she fucks his own pussy with her fat cock.

Because he is hideous.

They don't believe it themselves, which is why they need constant validation. If they had their way they would have you sent to prison for not respecting their pronouns or refusing sex.

He flashed the audience his underwear accidently on two occasions I believe. He's also very ugly and not very womanly in the slightest.

when they invited twitch faggots instead of record holders

When they banned Bonesaw

despite losing viewers every year the amount of donations they receive goes up.
thank goodness there are so many anonymous donors with thousands of dollars to throw out whenever numbers arent looking good.

I am close to 30, just a few more months left now

What are you trying to say, user?

What is it about speedrunning that attracts so many trannies?

What's the process of the descent into madness for these freaks.
Can't get gf so become the gf?

Look at the times the donations came in and follow the money

I guarantee half of this board faps to trannies and they either deny it or come up with some lame excuse like "it's not gay if they pass lol"



>infested by trannies
bad enough
>donated to MSF
ooooh, big fucking success, very ethical, nice job
where do i even fucking begin with that one

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speak for youself

Betamale neckbeards with zero confidence and self esteem and probably look for an escape for their white guilt.

it requires autism
I'll only say that much

>Nose seems different as does head width, but it could be the angle.
No, that happens when you lose weight.

I fap to trannies sometimes, the better looking ones that is, but I've never once thought they were women and never will.
I don't have to play pretend like so many others do.

Dick chopped like spring grass.
After fake vagina rots,
suicide follows.

- haiku about mentally ill crotch mutilators

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Because of memes.

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It's 7-5-7 you absolute mongrel.
Fucking brainlets I swear.

should I tell him? and check again, nigger

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I'm seeing 5-7-5.
How are you pronouncing the words?

Completely juvenile
So then you're either gay or you admit transwomen arouse you because they are (gasp!) women. Either way you're a massive hypocrite.

he finds trans attractive because he enjoys freaks

I was in old forums where like 1/4 of the userbase turned into trancel AGP after just one of them announced his '"transition".
It's extremely creepy, like the people you thought you know suddenly fall for an insane cult and you're not allowed to say anything about it.

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They're feminine appearing men, which is gay, where's the hypocrisy?
And I coudn't give two shits about trans "rights" or the unattractive ones, they have no value to me.

An insane cult that hides the truth from their own members.
>those are just botched surgeries
>going to taiwan
>look at these photos of post op trannies that aren't just photos of real women

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>when you want a hollow knight knitted doll but your gf would give you shit about it
I normally do as I please, but as a 31 year old man, i cant really offer a solid rebuttal.

SGDQ was a small resurgence thanks to people like Patty being genuinely funny. I would say when people started coming to be audience members instead of actually run anything is when the whole thing became no-fun-allowed scripted nonsense. Still, overall this was a pretty good one. The bad stuff was just boring moreso than absolutely painful. For the most part.

Jesus. It never ceases to make me uneasy with how obviously a fetish it is to these people. Major complications and what are they worried about most? Fucking.

What is this i see?
Tranny, or diseased cockroach?
Forty percent soon.

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>Fellow Joestar eyebrow user
My nigga

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Look up Rapid Onset Gender Dysphoria, it's a literal social disease, like how anorexia would spread among close groups of high school girls.

this real? Trannies shame lesbians for not letting them in their group and fucking them?

>Dancing mania (also known as dancing plague, choreomania, St. John's Dance and St. Vitus's Dance) was a social phenomenon that occurred primarily in mainland Europe between the 14th and 17th centuries. It involved groups of people dancing erratically, sometimes thousands at a time. The mania affected men, women, and children who danced until they collapsed from exhaustion. One of the first major outbreaks was in Aachen, in the Holy Roman Empire, in 1374, and it quickly spread throughout Europe; one particularly notable outbreak occurred in Strasbourg in 1518, also in the Holy Roman Empire.

>Affecting thousands of people across several centuries, dancing mania was not an isolated event, and was well documented in contemporary reports. It was nevertheless poorly understood, and remedies were based on guesswork. Often musicians accompanied dancers, due to a belief that music would treat the mania, but this tactic sometimes backfired by encouraging more to join in. There is no consensus among modern-day scholars as to the cause of dancing mania.[1]

Humans are retarded

Posting this because I love any excuse to spread it around

This is not Lynchian. This is not Lovecraftian. This is Cronenbergian.

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I couldn't figure out what it was. I kept telling my gf that there was something really off this year and I just couldn't enjoy the show for some reason. I think the being stale thing makes sense. There is zero deviation. It is a formula. I also feel negative things about the way they do business. Not transparent about how much money staff gets after getting a check from the NPO.

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Willing becoming a eunuch in the year of our lord 2019.

1% regret rate
2% Complications rate

So there are people who get complications and still don't get it, the posted example looks like the extreme end (so like 1/10000), and also the user seems to have made a recovery according to her reddit account

AGP = Accelerated Graphics Port?

Sexual degeneracy and porn addiction is probably a major component to most of their lives. tee hee I'm gonna be so cute just like those anime traps!

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You are physically incapable of getting pussy when you slice your own dick off. Trannies are by definition the ultimate incels.

Oh yeah, they're fucked! When they start getting older and the body starts cashing in those checks....you don't wanna see it. I mean it's bad enough as it is already.

>doesn't even touch the fact the person is so mentally ill they are obsessed most with sex rather than all of their other health issues or identity
You've surely convinced me of... uh...

That is hilarious. Did they get banned?

Right is still very obviously a dude

Has ever been a kino speedrun by a tranny that's a must watch? Has 1 ever justified their presence?

Either it's fake, or no one noticed lol
wouldn't be the first hard-R in gdq history

Got a source on that number? Because I have one that begs to differ.

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Better than most but still obviously male and 100% unfuckable.

I saw one recently where all the kids in a highschool got tourettes.

I bet.
Personally I like dogs more.

“P-Please...... kill.... meee...ee....e....

when is the next matrix trilogy guys?

Quit coming over here Fry man I'm trying to speedrun.

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what am I looking at here

Some will disagree, but the start of nu-GDQ for me was AGDQ 2015. Right away it felt wrong, because the room was much larger, the angle was stricter, and the lighting made the crowd way harder to see. Crowd interaction was part of the reason the old ones were so comfy, but that change made it so the couch are the only ones that matter. But, I think it also has to do with the hobby getting way more popular. Speedrunning was niche as hell until the Twitch era, since everyone was conglomerated on sites like SDA or their own leaderboard sites, and you would just generally know each other. Now there's so many new faces that camaraderie only exists among runners of the same game, and all the casuals in the audience makes this even worse.

I wouldn't blame any single person on it though, the GDQ staff are hyperactive to censor anyone but that's still only part of why it's worse now

Breeding boypussy is the best thing in the world, fuck video games

>tries to violate nature
>can't be violate no more cause your insides are nothing but chewed out meat

it's like pottery. harry pottery

check what runner on left spells out

Being aroused to one's image as a woman.

Narcissa produces cringekino, if that counts.

isnt that every tranny

it's up to you to roll the dice based on favorable studies you cherry pick.


Don't gas light kids with gender dysphoria into getting years of hormone blockers before ending up like Jaz Jennings and getting the 1 inch micro penis inverted with intestinal material.

>donates 3 million dollars to a "charity" that ships migrants by the boatload into Europe and gives medical aid and food supplies to terrorist combatants, allowing them to keep killing innocents
Yup, that sure is worth supporting suicide-causing mutilation fetishes for. What an ethical event!

>Trannies have coopted traps
>only saw a rise in popularity because of traps in the first place
>now demonize "trap" as a slur against trannies
>when tranny is actually a slur against traps

I hate it

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no regrets here, user
i've got a self lubricating pussy that can have 20 orgasms in a row with no refractory period :3
>heritage . org
why not just link stormfront

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Sure you do, bro.
Sure you do.

whats this guys autism level?

good, traps are fucking gay and the sooner you realize trannies and traps share the same degeneracy, the sooner you can become sane

What game does he play?

They try to insist it's an identity and not a fetish.


its cause the ring leader didnt attend

hes just gone full schizoid and is living inside ff14 at the moment

>unsutured surgery wound constantly leaks blood and pus
>"self lubricating"
Well, that's a way to frame it.

you want to use blood and rot bile and pus as lube, tranny?

>There is zero deviation. It is a formula.
Yeah it's not just the overall novelty of the event being run into the ground, but them hastening the staleness by playing it too safe and trying too hard to please everyone which has the opposite effect. "Hey you guys like PJ, Punchy, Patty, Mario, Zelda, Mega Man, rando, Celeste, and TASBot? Well, we got it all!" It's a miracle they didn't just throw Cuphead in there again. SGDQ 2019's lineup was great on paper, but you sit down and watch it and it's all just so bland and expected as a long-time viewer. Maybe it's still fresh to more casual viewers, I dunno, I'm hearing a lot of praise for SGDQ 2019, but it left a lot to be desired for me. Some of my favorite runs from AGDQ 2019 were off-key shit no one cares about like God of War II, Bomberman 64, Medal of Honor: Airborne, and PJ bucking the awful game block label with a surprisingly respectful and informative run of Mohawk & Headphone Jack. I can't think of much from SGDQ 2019 that similarly stuck with me.

every fucking time. holy shit.

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either way you're a faggot

Why are there transformers in Summer games done quick?

>traps are fucking gay
yeah so? you need to realize trannies are schizos who turn the way they are because they are in denial of being gay. they wanna eat the cake and fuck it as well. do gay shit while saying theyre really a woman tee hee.
theres literally nothing wrong with being gay.

He's getting at their laundering money.. I think.

I'm laughing at your life choices.

>theres literally nothing wrong with being gay.

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Wait you mean some Taiwanese doctor can't replicate what took nature millions of years to evolve?

but its the truth. theres plenty wrong with being an obnoxious flamboyant faggot sure but if you just like sticking your dick in a man who cares.

after bottom surgery, the mucosa are closer to female mucosa than male. its magic :3

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which was the worst run?

>this is what trannies actually believe
truly, trannies are as disgusting as scat lovers and furry dog rapists

the metroid prime run

Don’t forget that it also has some stomach stapled to the front

There's not such thing as gender dysphoria. Kids say that stuff because there is an adult in their life or the media telling them they should be feeling that way.

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When they made the chat sub only when that one tranny was running that Infamous game

Just what a gay would say.

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I'm honestly impressed how you managed to miscount the number of syllables in his haiku and fuck up how many you need to make one.

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>Hi hooooooooooooooo

what the fuck

>t. nigger

I really do feel bad for ugly people sometimes.

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>autistic event
>filled with autists and trannies
well what did you expect

My mom caught me in her pantyhose once. I nicked them so I could make a better Link costume.
>sweetie what are you doing in my pantyhose!?

>people still think that it's not a money laundering scheme
Thank you Anonymous for $700 without a comment.

I always watch these after the fact. What're the best runs?

What was Yea Forumss reaction during RE2R when the runner namedropped Yea Forums?

Holy projection batman

>spells out nigger
>does a backflip
talk about camo, too - right when it hits a mil

Huh, it's almost like literally every organization, project, or collective goes to fucking shit the instant you start letting SJW garbage and trannies into it, and allowing them to dictate and censor speech. I wonder why this is such a trend? What a mystery.

At first it was exciting to see speedruns as a concept at all, and then you got to see nearly every game dissected and ran in various categories. It gave reason to finding glitches and understanding the game in great detail.

But just due to time we have seen the same games run over and over. Rerouted or few bugs discovered here and there but they fir the most part remain unaltered.

The release of new games means there will always be more, but that opening wave will never be matched. Plus the smaller, more genuine community of the past who did it for fun when now everyone uses it as a platform to plug themselves, get money, and have a tranny safe hugbox

Im surprised the trannie jannies haven't deleted this thread yet.
Laughing at these mentally ill freaks should be a right for every normal human.

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>some runners/couch members mention "wow anonymous sure does have a lot of money"
>not sure if they're poking at that or actually being genuine

Who was in the wrong here?

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It's fake, but you are right that Werster said nigger on stream to get a hundred dollar donation. That was a different time though...

>no ff run


if you decide to be a disgusting tranny at least take a shower once in a while. look at the greasy fucking hair. im going to puke all over the place

Why do you care what people fap to? And this is Yea Forums not christian site, newfag.

>wh-what do you care
typical degenerate cope
kys faggot

I applaud his weight loss in the face more than anything
cross dressing is still mental illness though

oy vey donate to my patreon goyim

>the real problem is it getting old
Thankfully, that's not a problem to 40% of the trannies.

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old fags know the bonus stream was the best part of every GDQ, and that the death of it signaled the end of fun forever

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When ironic shitposting became the norm

He would be fairly average looking if he took off the dumb tranny shit and made a normal, relaxed face.
The tranny shit makes him look like a -1/10.

>that time when they played Sanic Ball
Good times.

the bonus stream was usually that fat fuck negliera eating fucking chips and screaming like an autistic faggot
it's not something ill miss

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>sent to prison for not respecting their pronouns
Doesn't Canada do that? Or is it just a fine?

Something incel would do.

>Joestar eyebrows

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gdq should quit banning normal people and stop bending over ass-backward for trans. instead they should just ban trans, like any sensible person would

instead of supporting an organization that primes muslims and africans for rape in christian countries, they should support an organization that sends the trannies to libya and syria to be raped and have their heads chopped off, as is the local custom. this makes a lot more sense, and is something for which i would actually donate.

This dude spend days maybe years thinking the entire crowd would notice him and start cheering him on

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>give 3 million to child rapists who ship mudslime child rapists to europe

Based muscleman went to gdq for fun only to get accused of sexual assault

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he really needs a better haircut and he'd be a chad