Why do cute girls just make better protagonists?

Why do cute girls just make better protagonists?
I honestly cannot play games where you play as a guy anymore

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>I honestly cannot play games where you play as a guy anymore

Cool blog tranny.

>he wants to look at a man's ass the entire game instead of a cute girl's sexy back

Okay c/u/ck

You couldn't have picked a more generic response.

>inb4 thread degrades into pedo c*nny thread like usual
and they arent. They always have that same lively personality and it's boring and I've played atelier games, nothing really drastically different from each protag.

>he DOES want to look at a man's ass the entire game instead of a cute girl's sexy back

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Beta mindset. I bet you just started HRT

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The only thing I want is for you to go dilate.

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Why do you obsessed niggers always derail all discussion to trannies? How do you see a picture of three cute girls and your first thought is "those fucking trannies, how I hate them"
You need to seek mental help

I'm not the only who's so mentally ill that I can't even PLAY as a male anymore.

probably cause you're arguing with someone that doesnt care about anything but shitting up threads and getting (You)'s


niggas are gay

Very cute pic, OP. Have a free bump

Cute feet!

>he's staring at a man's ass instead of playing the game
Just come out of the closet already.

Have fun looking at asses while I blast your fucking head off.


Fuck yeah, arousing anime feet

its always the anime that makes someone a tranny

My lovely wife Ayesha

Ayesha has some weird looking toes.

Basic pattern recognition. Anime trannies tend to follow a patttern much less unique than they believe they are:
>I never got along with other males
>I don't talk to women but I imagine how perfect their lives must be based on idealized media images
>girls are cute and perfect, guys are disgusting
>I honestly cannot play games where you play as a guy anymore
-> you are here
>I wish I was a girl
>if I'll cut off my dick that will make me a girl

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How does one end up like this? Chris-chan is so far gone it's truly an epidemic.


Yikes tranny

Because nobody gives a fuck, stop wasting room for an actual good thread.

>lol, you don't self insert as a girl in video games?
>you must be gay

The amount of samefaging in this thread is astounding, how can op be so blatant?

Nobody said anything about self-inserting except you, m8. Also,
>he needs to self-insert into every game he plays

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Mine was
>girls are cute and perfect, guys are disgusting
>I wish I was a girl
>I don't really want to play games where you play as a guy anymore (some exceptions do exist to this day)
And this is where I've been for years, I'm not fucking delusional to believe I can do anything about it. Next step, though?

Somehow it is fun for me to play as cute girls because it kinda gives me some sort of God complex over them. Like I can look up their skirts, make them strip or wear cute clothes anytime. I don't really want to be a girl myself, but the idea of having total control over one is appealing.

How do youg et rid of AGP

Suck a lot of dick.

I'm not a mentally ill faggot who wishes they were a cute girl.

>Why do cute girls just make better protagonists?
they don't
>I honestly cannot play games where you play as a guy anymore

stop watching porn
or just crossdress in private and don't let it take over your life

I haven't crossdressed in over a year

Because you don't care about video games but about your penis.

Why are you discriminating against penises? They're allowed to enjoy video games too.

It's actually pretty simple. I don't really talk about or care about trannies, but one thing I have noticed is if a male is obsessed with pictures of female that lack an "edge," or put another way seem designed for women, they are obsessed with women in a different way than a normal male should be.

Besides the feet there really is almost no sexualization in your picture. It's more about being cute. This is what trannies become obsessed with. Now look at my picture. What do you think this is supposed to make one feel?

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Reminder that there's an entire board populated by males that refer to each others as "sisters" that has exactly the same man-hating, CGDCT shit eating attitude

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cute girls work great as protagonists for horror and mystery games. it sort of kicks in that involuntary protective nature men have for females, so there's an extra level of threat to the tension. Same thing goes with children, though I suspect it be more so with women than men when it comes to that due their motherly instincts.

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true redpill is male protagonist with waifus to romance

Canon love stories are always better

I can't play games or watch anime unless it has yuri.

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Because no sane man would watch or play moeshit games. It's always mentally ill weebs who end up watching trap porn and then they start taking HRT themselves. This doesn't apply to normal anime such as DB, classics such as LoGH, Paranoia Agent, SlamDunk etc. Any man who watches shit like kon, nichijou is mentally ill.

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That's not nice user, Being a tranny isn't the only mental illness that moefags can have.

I always knew 3DPD fags were literally castrated retards kek. You'd have to be gay or a eunuch to not want to tap this.

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Funnily enough yurifags tried to infest KlK too.

Yurifags deserve the rope.

How long until you cut your dick off?

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If you can only empathize with a girl protagonist then you are most likely suffering from gender dysphoria

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I don't mind male protagonists but I do prefer as many cute girl characters as possible. However it seems like cute girl games rarely have fun or interesting gameplay and I care a lot about that as well. Do you have any suggestions for games like this?

I'm such a sucker for this. I pre-order every Atelier game - all you need is decent gameplay and a cute girl to win me over.

I even bought pic related a few weeks ago and you better believe I've also preordered a statue of the girl from Pokemon Black/White. The statue collection is getting quite sizable now with figures from Danganronpa, Atelier and Evangelion.

Did I mention I'm a boomer? I shouldn't even be looking at women this age let alone buying minaturised statues of them. I regret nothing.

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I was just thinking the other day how I would have played THE SHIT out of FFXV if it was a group of girls and not a gay boyband. Oh what could have been.

>Atelier game - all you need is decent gameplay
Then why are you playing the fucking Gust kusoge?

I assume you too will be playing as the cute Scottish girl when sword and shield comes out?

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I'll be doing it twice.

Heh, I bought Chicken-chan at launch, May came in the mail today and I have the Rorona nendoroid preordered. I know that feel.


Please recommend something better

Anything that is not a fucking CGDCT garbage made for morons who will buy everything no matter how awful the actual gameplay is

Was there ever a good one for Misty? Asking for my penis.

god I love cute anime feet but hate 3d ones is it weird

do what makes you happy nigga, if it is collecting loli statues so be it, it's a lot more safe than drugs and alcohol

cute feet

If there is a choice between male and female and the gameplay is equal, I will pick female every time. Otherwise it is dependent on how they play, sometimes the girl is better other times it's the guy. I think it's silly to throw out games entirely just because you don't want to fuck the MC.

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I'm playing Kindred Spirits right now and it's pretty comfy so far.
Any good recommendations what should I play next?

>I have no taste but I must post

I love how Ayesha looks like a fucking psycopath

>yuricuck tranny opinion

/u/ or /LGBT/?

>>I honestly cannot play games where you play as a guy anymore
What kind of turbo faggot do you have to be to crowbar little anime girls into literally everything? It's almost as bad as being a brony or furfag.

Projecting furfag detected

Because you let your micropenis do all the thinking for you.

This. I'm a schizo and nichijou is fucking dope.

Good luck with your future transitioning.

The only time you feel safe experiencing emotions is when you do so vicariously through cute anime girls. This makes you vulnerable to the tranny cult, but does not doom you to become one.

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The place is a shithole

You, I like you.

Because you have lost the ability to sympathize with yourself. You are slowly drifting away from your self-image and falling into a trap of dissasociative fantasy where your ego diminishes to the point of personality death. Your loved ones and friends will eventually no longer recognize the non-person you've become, surviving socially on simulated interactions and dispensed rewards.

This is the future you have chosen for yourself.

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Post your lips

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first year psychology minor everyone

For me the real evil of waifuism would be that it takes an appetite which, in lawful use, leads the individual out of himself to complete (and correct) his own personality in that of another (and finally in children and even grandchildren) and turns it back: sending the man back into the prison of himself, there to keep a harem of imaginary brides.

And this harem, once admitted, works against his ever getting out and really uniting with a real woman. For the harem is always accessible, always subservient, calls for no sacrifice or adjustments, and can be endowed with erotic and psychological attractions which no real woman can rival.

Among these shadowy brides he is always adored, always the perfect lover: no demand is made on his unselfishness, no mortification is ever imposed on his vanity. In the end, they become merely the medium through which he increasingly adores himself.

A waifu is merely the sign of a weak individual unable to deal with real world expectations and so resigns himself to fantasy. Eventually he will realise that he is his own worst company and if he can correct himself, it’s likely it will be too late. A sad existence made even more pathetic as time marches on.

hardcore waifufag here, you know nothing of actual waifuism. Those who have harems are just normalfags or failed normalfags. Those who actually love their waifu strive to improve themselves for their waifu, and don't use her as a comfort blanket. The waifu is not a tool for comfort, a waifu is a muse.

Go post your armchair philosophy somewhere else.

You're castrated.

Mental illness

yurishit is mental illness
seek professional help

>If I don't like it it's mental illness
oh yeah I'm on Yea Forums, almost forgot.

then go back to your safe space, c/u/ck

Calm down sister

never browsed /u/ once in my life faggot, try again.

>some waifutard getting assblasted over stale pasta
lol, defensive much?

There is no way she can wipe properly
Imagine the smell

At least acknowledge that it's a mental illness. Imaginary gfs and shit, the fuck is wrong with you nigger?

>I self-insert into everything because I have no life
>if you don't do the same you are a tranny

Disassociate yourself from cartoon characters my dude

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waifu is merely a term. Obviously we're not in a relationship because that is impossible, however I do love her with all my heart and am fueled by that love.

>yuritards are still sperging out about self-inserting despite consuming shit created for lesbians to self-insert
>all while hating male characters as if they personally threaten them

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>Why do cute girls just make better protagonists?
The universal appeal of youth and cuteness.
>I honestly cannot play games where you play as a guy anymore
Stop being so foolish.

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I don't hate male characters, also I don't give a fuck about people that self-insert unless they start shit first.

Based and Yuripilled.

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>posts a lesbian

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You have autism, user.

Not even circumcised but sure.

>Is obviously superior and allow for more interesting stories
>make normalfags seeth
>make SJWs seeth
>make trannies seeth
Absolutely based.

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Because behind every anime picture there’s a tranny, making the same posts over and over again.

This reminds me of every faggot saying they want to BE the girl. Anime truly is a gateway.

Found you.

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You first tranny.

Dilate bitch.

prove it

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>Tranny's worst nightmare

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Pretty spot on really.

Ego is a bad thing

Yea Forums and /pol/ needs to be nuked.

you first tranny

And california and reddit.

Based and straightpilled. Self-insert trannies on suicidewatch.

Yuri is the best and it's hilarious how hard the unsecure estrogen boys hate it

My condolences.


Girl protagonists are fine. Gay yurishit is not.

You first

>Gay yurishit is not.

Yurishit works with everything.

>>all while hating male characters as if they personally threaten them
Where do niggers like you even get that sort of idea? I only see faggots constantly autistically screech when they see yuri, as if it personally threatens them.

Holy shit this is on point

>I only see faggots constantly autistically screech when they see yuri

Gay people I know love yuri and yaoi stuff.

It's been a thing here at the very least since the fucking Yuru Yuri.

People always use this as an excuse and to some small degree it rings true, but ultimately playing a character is just about immersing in to the game through that character.

>Source: just trust me bro
And I know literal faggots who like /ss/ and other straigh shit. So what now?


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That game would still suck either way, user.

cute girls make better protagonists because most male protagonists aren't nearly as cool as they could be
for every yuri hyuuga and papa nier you've got a couple dozen soras and vaans
that said, vaan was actually a neat character

This is not a matter of gender but how poorly they are written.
No matter how horrible some male JRPG leads are, i can't think of a single way swapping their gender will help because for every Estelle Bright we have a dozen of Compile Hearts and Gust kusoge female leads.

it doesn't matter if a female character is badly written or not as long as she's cute
if a male protag isn't interesting then what does he have?

/pol/ needs some sort of scapegoat

>/pol/ needs some sort of scapegoat

/pol/ always need a scapegoat, reminder nazi/ conservatards were pedos in history but they don't wanna tell you that.