FFXIV Shadowniggas


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>went onto /xivg/ because the rare few times I visit there it isn't bad.

Nevermind. Today was a bad day.

So wait, the monsters in the final MSQ dungeon look like abominations because they were warped by the fear of the Ascians from the calamity that was destroying them?

This is probably a dumb fuck question since I slept through most of Stormblood, but exactly how long has Emet-Selch been assuming the identity of Solus? Or was Solus simply his own creation in order to form Garlemald?


They were summoned straight out of the Ascian's nightmares. They're all mini primals born from the creative magics.

Fantastic ending. Really was a lot better than I thought it would be.

I'm thinking it's something like overuse of their power warps reality too much or not controlling their power somehow led to it. They summon zodiark who will give them the perfect way of thinking, tempering.

How did you think of your job and role quest?
Haven't done job quest yet but the role quest was great. Kinda wish ANGERman had a bit more scenes.

They were literally too powerful for their own good.

The latter.

>Freak out so hard your worst fears come to life and start to murder you while the world ends
Yep. Pretty fucked up.

Just finished teh MSQ. Holy fucking shit that was amazing. Everything from 77 on was just a massive treat.

>the second boss of Dohn Mheg has a mechanic where you have to intercept tethers to receive damage buffs
>these buffs have the visual effect of increasing your character's size
>part of the reason why I play male Roe is because I have a big height difference fetish and I love short women
>I also have fetishes for expansion/growth and stomach distension
>every time I fight this boss I imagine my Full-Grown 16+ foot Roe grabbing the 4'10" fem au ra in the party (who failed the mechanic, of course) with one hand around her waist, and ramming his 3-foot monster cock straight into her pussy and stretching her out like a cheap condom

>mfw getting rock-hard just from typing this out

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>think I am doing above average DPS at 80 compared to others
>update ACT
>doing the same as others
Is 11k any good single target?

either early in solus' life he took hold of him, or manifested himself as solus from "birth"

We both know Elidibus isn't that smart.

The DRK quest is really good. Again.

They look like abominations because they're from XIII

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With that in mind I feel like their demise would have been inevitable. As soon as anything went terribly wrong they would be destroyed by their own minds.

>that one nerd who played FF8 and summons Quezacotl

skipped most of DPS :^)

Seek help.

>144 fps on 144hz for years
>suddenly 90 fps cap

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>that Amauroite telling me my clothes look like shit and that everyone is silently judging my fashion sense
Damn, fuck you too

Don't have sex

is AST as bad as feared when the job guide was updated hours before early access? I loved the class in SB, but am debating leveling it to 80 next or not

Really hoping the final fight is a future EX fight. Fucking amazing music and so much potential.

How do they keep making all these quality husbandos?

You didn't miss anything major

No need to be angry, child.

>Emet-Selch ends up being one of the coolest characters


Every single PF DNC I've been with has been partnering the lowest DPS. Is that the strategy to go? Doesn't seem to be very smart.

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It's poop; level White Mage instead unless you wanna gamble on a lucky buff before raids drop

>piss off vauthry in front of a crowd causing him to swear personal vengeance against me
>kill their lightwarden buddy and prove their passive defeatism isn't working
>slaughter a dozen eulmoran soldiers in battle
>steal minfilia from them
>lead them into a fairy ambush that kills a dozen more
>tank role quest partner: I cant go into eulmore! they might think Im a thief!
>you do it!
Is this dude fucking serious

It'll be the 5.1 EX trial. Was the same with Thordan and Shinryu.

Hythlodaeus, the Warden

KNOW YOUR PLACE know your place
ATTONE WITH YOUR LIVES with your lives

>people were expecting lolsorandumn lunatic villain going by his design and initial appearance
>got "Remember, we once lived"

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ending of SB really made him look like a twirling mustache kind of bad guy but they really did something good with him in shb.


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i really wanted to give this a try anons, i like FF but this game... is so god damn i don't know, "asian" why does it have to look so god damn weeaboo

It'll get an Ex version just like Ultima, Thordan and Shinryu

Physical DPS was shit.
SAM quest was a nice little retrospect on the 50-60 quest.

>random Amaurotine NPC just told me he accidentally invented the griffon
The lore dumps in the place are nuts

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I love him. I wanted to protect his glib asshole smile.

Can't believe I sympathize and understand Ascians now instead of them just being evil/chaos fuckers.

Someone redpill me on this xpac story. Don't care about spoilers.


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back to my game user.

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We are the shadownigger all along.

>His dream is dead
>He knows it's dead
>He only asks to be remembered
I'm gonna miss you, grandpa.

Because it is?

I wasn't even expecting Ascian lore this expansion but they dropped they're whole motivation and did an actual good job. I'm impressed.

>The post-MSQ dungeon in Amaurot suffers from a monster outbreak that was one of the first instances of their fears transforming their creation magic into a massive threat to themselves
>The amaurotian you consult the matter with insists that help has been sent inside but you find noone there
It feels to me like Ascian downfall was a series of engineered disasters that were meant to spread fear given how hard their power can snowball.

>"I know I'm only your stepdad, but your mom thinks it's time to talk about the birds and the bees, kiddo."

What do?

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Will I regret leveling Monk as my first job? I'm new and not even at Titan yet.

That's probably exactly what he would've been without Ishikawa at the helm.

i bought the complete edition for 20 bucks but i dont like the aesthetic of the game
well yeah, FF in general has but this game especially screems asian generic mmo to me, the races all look but from FF sadly

You're just retarded.

>He only asks to be remembered
It hits hard because the heavy implication that he finally accepted you.

>>/xivg/ raid incoming!

Tell you to fuck off the /xivg/.

oh wow guess that's it huh... jesus

Doesn't really look that different than any of the other recent FF entries, especially from a character design standpoint.

>not GUN
shit garbage expansion, unintalled

It's not completely clear if all of the monsters were created by the ascians freaking the fuck out or if there was an attack on top of the natural cataclysm and the ascians going mad. Personally I'd say at least the 3rd doom in the last part of the dungeon in space wasn't created by ascians, he looks way too clean compared to the other bosses on top of having a fucking ominous red rift in space behind him that makes it seem like he's coming from there.

Something fucked up and they lost control of their magic, now the slightest thought creates something. Them being scared of making something bad makes them think of bad stuff, and they summon it, making things worse.
Think of it like if everybody owned a loaded gun, but most of the time the safety is on and they practice gun safety I general. After whatever calamity starts everybody's guns fire at the slightest jostle, causing mass panic and deaths.

it does they all look like generic "elf" abomination with horns, minus viera of course

What happened to the elezen girl from Ardberts party?

Hey there dps fella
Crossing that bridge to get to the boss I see. Allow me to rescue you

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Finish all the role questlines to find out

Hopefully they keep the writer on for the rest of this expansion. Was so sick of that shit in Storm Blood by the end of it. Need to keep Soken on for the rest of it as well. Holy fuck the OST is good.

There was elezen girl in ardbert party?

Did you see Goblin Slayer

The monster outbreak was a "spontaneous creation" from another continent that they had brought back to Amaurot for study. The monster in question is Archaeotania and shows up as the Ixion equivalent for ShB.

>The questline in which you are chastised for wearing gaudy clothing and are sent to get white robes like a proper child has them explain to you the process of their creation magic and ends with you getting a matrix with which Ascians could summon anything the thing has been primed to summon
>You are unable to use it
>It's just a lightning crystal to you

How do you get the AF set? my friend told me the level 80 job quest doesn't give you anything at all.

More like everyone is carrying around a harmless wallet, but one day the wallet randomly turns into a bomb

I have yet to do the NIN one but holy crap was the physical DPS quest line absolute shit, the fucking PLD tournament was better than this turd of a quest line.

>need to keep Soken
Why wouldn't they? He's been the main composer since ARR.

They need to promote Banri Oda to a broom closet manager and let her take over as head writer. She clearly has a better feel for engaging narratives.

sounds like a trap

From notGerolt.

>What happened to the elezen girl from Ardberts party?

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There's a quest in the MSQ that requires you to finish your role quests. After that is when you get the AF4.

>of this expansion
You mean, of this game's lifespan. Just fucking kidnap them and chain them to the computer desk until either the game dies or they do.

The entire story for the 5.X series will already have been finished writing. By next month they'll begin writing the 6.0 story.

So when are they going to fix the textures in this game so that I can look closely at a character without vomiting?

Imagine how much better it would be if Ishikawa was the one writing Zenos.

I wanna play AST like Urianger from the cutscenes.
>throws cards and "rescues" a boss into a pit

>Straight roes existing
nice fanfiction

Really? I thought they changed it since this OST is leagues beyond the last two. My mistake.

For real though Ishikawa needs a huge raise for this. No doubt her writing is boosting sales like mad with all the people raving about the story.

I'm really disappointed with didn't get a proper Mystery Nigga glamour item.

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Is there any anime/manga/book that's similar to the story of this expansion? I want more suffering.

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This is the first expansion that was 100% Soken. Prior expansions had been a mix of Nobuo and Soken, with it become more and more Soken as time went on. SB was like 90% Soken, for example.


So what are Trusts' special skill?
I know Minfilia can do suiton-less TA.
Thancred can Shukuchi
Anything else?

Soken deserves every bit of praise he gets. Shadowbringers is his magnum opus.

Elidibus will get his plan jacked by Zenos and Zodiark will be Zenos's bitch

>GNB uses Super Bolide at half health
>Rescue them into a nearest pit

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Can someone upload the soundtrack already?

that battle theme though...

>Is there any anime/manga/book that's similar to the story of this expansion?
>I want more suffering.
Fate Stay Night anime adapted by DEEN

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There are also several composers that do a few tracks here and there.

Why would you suggest this?

Ah, I knew Nobuo was part of at least 1 of them. It's nice to see Soken do so well on his own. Hopefully we'll see more of him in the future on other projects with the lead writer of this one. First time in a long time I've enjoyed something this much.

Uematsu hasn't done anything except for main themes since 1.X. Since ARR Uematsu has only composed Dragonsong and Revolutions.

I think that's a given.

Cheeky brat.

And whenever Zenos isn't on screen, everyone will ask, "Where's Zenos?"

convince me not to change to a bun

>Fate Stay Night anime adapted by DEEN
Unironically the only adaptation of that story worth watching alongside with the movie

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so who will the BIG BAD be in the final act?

Avatar of Zodiark.

Why do either instead of just reading the VN?

Zodiark, of course.

hey. Yasunori Mitsuda peaked with Chrono Cross, a 10/10 OST with a main battle theme that was unrepentant trash. We'll take it.

Their faces are fucked and they can't wear hats.

Lalas are better, lion men is cool if u're gay


bros... did xande plan this all?

Face 1 and 2 are good, and 4 can be good with very specific setups.

>go into the deep sea
>ancient civilization say there's SOMETHING DOWN HERE

just NOPE

God I hope Zenos gets fucking eaten by Zodiark.
He's worse than both Lahabrea and Elidibus.


I really hate the dungeon boss theme.

Calamity Space Alien coming back to destroy the world again, Zenosdiark is the expansion before

I've read the VN, I'm merely stating that DEEN adaptation is worth watching, if anything then for that sweet Kenji Kawai soundtrack

So Jenova?

Dofus' villain is pretty much 99% Emet 99% because he actually manages to do back in time.

It's up

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Most DNCs just partner with whoever looks the coolest or whoever's closest.

I don't mind battle theme that much, but holy shit it's so jarring transitioning from the map themes to it.
At least the final area has the right idea of abolishing battle them together. I wished top half of Kholusia'd kept it to, but alas.

So, how is ng+?

I fucking hate reviews and people who use them as gospel. I know it's fake but still.

I'm gonna fuck Lyna.

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only beef i have with the OST for the DEEN adaptation is that EMIYA didnt play during the final battle

Not yet implemented

I thought they said that Viera wouldn't be able to use all the headgear from previous patches, but all of 5.0 would work. I've yet to find a piece of gear in 5.0 that actually does display. What the fuck. How hard could it possibly be to work around the ears? Especially for the hair styles. Jesus.

But isn't that retarded?

So... what exactly is the rift?

Ask for some personal teaching

max breast, or min breast lala?

>20 mil EXP short of 79 and they're levelgating me again

God fuck this bullshit, I just wanna finish the goddamn story

So if Hydaelyn was created to destroy and contain zodiark... what stops Hydaelyn :^)?

is there a difference?

Max and max height as well

Xande was Emet-Selch.

What game?

min for the authentic child look

Why don't the Garlean empire, just um you know?
Nuke Eorzea without warning?

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Jesus, how are you so far? Have you like, not been playing at all?

No they said that only stuff that sits on the face like glasses and circlets work. They're never going to make hats and helmets work for Viera.

I dont actually care for them either, but I'm happy wirh the rightfully deserved positive feedback SHB is earning

What's odd is that they can clip through hoods.

The level gating on the MSQ is really fucking bad this time around. The MSQ itself + mandatory dungeons only gives you maybe half the required exp, the rest you have to grind.

Emet is a founder and stealthy influencer of empires, he wasn't Xande.

Nothing is needed to stop her since she was designed to stop something else, not to do her own thing. If she had some sinister other purpose, Emet-Selch wouldn't have hid that.

I hope at least one set from Eden is Ascian inspired.

They do, which causes the eight calamity.

Because they want to assimilate the Eorzeans into a single global society, not wipe them all out alongside the land they own

They were planning to. Gaius and one of your boyfriends kept blowing up their nukes before Zenos decided that was a boring plan.

Varis literally got killed right when he was informed that now what the best time to attack.

Is the 80 job quest required to unlock the dungeons or can I just skip right into the expert roulettes?

>Go do 40 sidequests that gives minimal exp lol.

Gladiator or Marauder?

average player doesn't parse and console players can't parse. pub DNC will be bad for you and the group a majority of the time. enjoy

>pick up SAM randomly just so my side quest exp isn't wasted
>Shifu takes my gcd down to 2 secs
What the hell, was it always this fast? Should I stack skill speed?

That's what Gaius wants. Varis is happy to wipe everyone out and Zenos doesn't give a shit.

Is the lali-ho emote from a sidequest?

Xande was the founder of the Allagan Empire. He was Xande.

You need to finish it.

Can someone explain to me the significance of the gods of Darkness and Light being Primals is?
I figured that the Primals were gods anyways.

When you're raiding and you're fucking up so badly you keep wiping, how do you save your dignity so you don't get BListed from everyone there and put on a discord to avoid? :(

>be healer
>be bored
>queue for Dying Gasp
>get 7 Viewing Cutscene
this is the sort of thing I live for

Only if you want to go fast.

Zenos does give a shit, using the Black Rose might cuck him out of a strong opponent.

I really hope the writer get to work as main writer in another game

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Yes, it's from the one about the angry dwarf kid

Yes. Complete the autistic dudes sidequests. The one dude who can't say lali-ho to anyone. You get an aether current from him.

They are man-made and pretty much aether parasites.

Drag me over this if you want but I'm 1000% glad Soken is the XIV music guy and not Nobuo. Nobuo is a legend sure, but he could never make the tunes we got with Soken.

>started early access at 2 am on the 28th
>queued for daily roulettes as DPS while doing msq
>did it again at daily reset
>did it a third time the day after
>reached out to do fates whenever they were in close vicinity while msqing
>reached 80 without being blocked by lack of xp
It's not that hard. And if it somehow is just queue up for dungeons. You don't need deep dungeon bullshit to level up in this game.

Now that we've had Emet-Selch I hope no one still has the audacity to say that Zenos was a good antagonist because "he's just like the player!"

Fuck. Thanks.

>Other healer immediately leaves
>Soloheal the whole thing
>6 commends and constant praise after the fight is over
Sometimes there's fun to be had in this role.

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Where do I get Rowena’s Token (Creation)? I want to get the Lost Allagan Katana but I need 7 creation tokens. Nobody sells them though

Sell me more on healing. Instant queues sound nice, but punching stuff is much more fun.

He was an ok antagonist, with an emphasis on was, they made him way overstay his welcome without making him grow.

What went wrong?

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I like that he implies he TRIED to have a normal mortal life. He "fought with us. Shared bread with us," and all that only to grow disappointed and just want to return everything back.

You cannot get them. Instead, you can purchase the lost allagan katana with Centurio Seals in Kugane. However, the rowena's token should also be available as poetics now in rhalgr's reach. Check the poetics (other) section in there.

But if no aether is given to them, Won't the world just cease to exist? Since they are what support the world of Eorzea?

And what about their creators? If the original creators were responsible for creating beings that create whole universes, wouldn't that technically make them actual gods? Or at least more powerful than any Primal, and therefore not human.

Or are they implying that Hydelean was created by the fallen heroes from the previous world before the cataclysm?

I can't believe that one shitpost image that showed up before early access which compared Vauthry to Innocence actually ended up being 100% correct.

Is Titania actually a dude?

Wowfags just can't let it go.

No shit, it was a pretty easy call.


One of the selling points of healing in FFXIV was that you had a mini-dps rotation that let you have fun during your free time which ranged anywhere between 50% and 90% of the fight, depending on content.
Now you have more healing than ever but are restricted to a spammable single target, spammable aoe and a dot. A bit more if you are a WHM.
Essencially, a good chunk of what made healing fun was removed.
And I can't force myself to drop healing because I couldn't stand watching anyone else doing the job instead and severely underperforming
If you are picking up healing, you do so solely for the queue times and ability to salvage pretty much any shitty situation.

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Titania is genderless


Fae are gender neutral. King is simply the title of office.

If you haven't done the MSQ then do it. If you have then just fuckin pay attention better

They dont look good. They can use hats or helmets. They only can use their hairstyles; Forget about using your pretty Alma's hair in a bun.
I regret swapping to bun. Might fantasia back to something else, probs a elf.

user what the fuck
Based fetish though
You horny fuck you're supposed to separate your libido from daily life like this

About to start new expac content. Should I play as my pld or gnb? Both are lvl 70

So why is it referred to as King?

If they redirect him to going after a method of summoning Zodiark without getting ascians involved so he can threaten you seriously, he could become decent, and they could do an empire expansion without requiring the city-states to somehow conquer a much bigger territory. The whole muh hunt thing has already been played out and we don't need to see it again.

King in this context (and throughout parts of history) is merely a title and is otherwise gender-neutral.

I've always thought it was the way between dimensions from the final fantasy games. You cross the Rift and arrive at, lest's say, ffviii world.

I accidentally bought the mac version of shadowbringers and was denied a refund :)

>Game journalists and reviewers often play game for less than two hours
>XIV always sits at 8-9/10
Do reviews get some kind of best hits version of MMOs when they review them? I can't see them actually playing past sastasha or the first boosted character dungeon.

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They took it to honor the Voeburtian King before them because apparently he was a cool dude.

Because the first Titania had the same sort of air and personality or whatever as the King of the people who lived in Il Mheng before the Flood, so the faefolk decided to call their ruler King.

Aether doesn't seem to be required for those two due to the way they were created.

So do you just take the clipping pill as NIN with Raiton now or what?

>every time feo ul calls you her beautiful/precious sapling

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On the bad side, there are no Innocence weapons. On the good side there will be Hades weapons

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How the FUCK did they make this expac so good after the shitfest that was Stormblood? There's no way they're topping it.

They did say the Zodiark literally rewrote the laws of existence, after all.
Hydaelyn no doubt did the same.

do you think astro will be saved? I imagine all they can do is tweak some numbers, but I don't imagine that would make the class fun

If the ascians need to cause calamities on the source to facilitate the rejoining, can't they just instigate them and work with the people to ensure the lowest amount of life lost?

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Go cry somewhere else you tedious piece of shit. Nobody cares that you have one less dot to spam while the AI does all your work for you.

Different writer.
No lyse anywhere.

>GNB and DNC don't get Alex weapons, HW primal weapons, SB primal weapons, Alphascape weapons, Sigmascape weapons, or SB crafted weapons
What a joke

Kiran made it in? Time to by this MMO

Can I go back and solo old trials at 80?

Aren't the Forgiven weapons innocence-y enough? I've yet to pick one up.

The ascians need to sacrifice everyone anyways to summon zodiark even after a successful rejoining. We're just cattle to them.

>queue up for Crown of the Immaculate
>more than 30m
I just wanna beat this trial and go to sleep

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use trusts nigga

yeah but they can lie and get everyone's cooperation instead of being absolute dicks, right

The Ascians don't even consider people of the Reflection and Source alive.

Because for it to BE a calamity the loss of life must be so great to the point where no sane empathetic person would agree to it.

Ryne was basically this expansion's Lyse, it's just that she has a nice short and sweet character arc and is actually a chosen one, unlike Lyse who is just some random chick who gets the leader role without any qualifications.

you can't use trusts for trials nigga

>Hey Lahabrea.
>Remember that old classic you used to listen to back at the Akademia?
>Reckon we could remix it and it use it as background music for our Ascian meetings?

You can't use trusts in trials, idiot.

Since AST is back to its old Heavensward self, I expect SE to overbuff them to the point we'll again see something on par with 20% balance AST. That being said, fixing 3.0 AST took them a solid fucking year, so I don't know how soon the fix will come.

So what did you anons think of Ardbert and his role in this expansion?

Be REALLY honest here, in his shoes, with his knowledge of how the worlds fragmented in a way you did not would YOU see the inhabitants of the other worlds like the First and the Source as actual people? I mean, personally, I don't support Emet's views but I'll be fucking lying if I said I didn't understand where he's coming from.

why the fuck do retainers keep bringing me fedoras

Ah thank you. I suppose I’ll have to get them with seals, as she has Rowena’s Token(Genesis) and Rowena’s Token(Mendacity) but no creation. I’ll get some seals

They just know

Aether isn't required because they were made using the Amaurotite creative magics. Their internal aether was so vast it was almost infinite, and their creations don't need to drain aether to sustain themselves. Even then they sacrificed half their people to provide the aether necessary. Hydaelyn/Zodiark also wouldn't suck aether from the planet anyway because they ARE the planet. What was summoned was the planet's will. They summoned an identity into the planet itself.

Maybe the brainlets but anyone with an average IQ can understand they're getting played.

So how fun is DRK at 80?

>Ryne was basically this expansion's Lyse
No. Not at all. How dare you even utter her name in the same sentence as lyse.
What you mean to say is Ryne is a well developed character. Lyse isn't.

The Interdimensional Rift is literally the space between Final Fantasy universes, hence Gilgamesh is the same guy between (most) games after getting flung into it as punishment by Exdeath. FF5 says some portions of it have a bunch of demons sealed away in it, and Omega carves out a little hole in it to run all his simulations in XIV.

It feels pretty bad rn. The "Play" action is bugged which makes it feel even worse.

They took what was a very disappointing and overhyped character from Stormblood and made him more fleshed out, have an important role in the story and made him more sympathetic. I REALLY liked what they did with him.

That's why he's such a great villain, it's easy to understand his motivations and why he feels it's necessary to do what he does, but to someone with a regular mortal perspective his actions are unconscionable. In the end we won because we're stronger, and so our will is what becomes reality, instead of his.

is anyone leveling DRK right now? I'm at level 50 and it feels awful and incomplete compared to when i leveled WAR

I've been doing leveling every day, a handful of sidequests, dozens of fates, and all the Role quests and I'm still this much short. They've really amped up the level gating in this expansion compared to the past.

That's pretty explicitly what they've been doing all along. The story tells you numerous times that their behavior revolves around lies and trickery, and that's still true. Emet-Selch was honest but not in a way that he gave away what his plot was until it was already in the final stage.

>from Stormblood
Did you mean Heavensward?

Ryne is Lyse done well, change my mind. Struggles with being in the shadow of someone else (Minfillia and Yda), has to embrace her destiny, etc etc. Only difference between them is how well executed Ryne was compared to Lyse.

It's obviously done to encourage you to do more FATEs

Ryne didn't really get enough characterization to make me care about her desu. It would have been nice if we got a flashback of her life up until meeting Thancred because I wasn't totally sold on her motivations + personality.

She is still miles better than Lyse who is a mary sue.

Run your closest level dungeon. Use food and if you have it, squad exp scrolls or FC buff. It will take you a few runs but I've found this the faster way to level. You can do quests while waiting.

Her life was literally imprisoned, there is nothing to show.

Leveling was piss easy this expansion. Just do a main scenario roulette and a dungeon.

>Ryne this expansion Lyse
Don't ever compare Ryne to that shitter. Ryne actually likable want to try her best to fulfill her role and legacy. Lyse was you're chosen one because no one else had development.

I didn't think we would ever see bro-tier characters such as the Ishgardians again. But Ardbert, G'raha, and Feo Ul definitely exceeded my expectations and blew them out of the water.

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And we were stronger not because of the friends we made along the way, although that is a majority of it, but we are actually OP in terms of lore. Compared to most FF protagonists who simply win because they're the main character. It'sl ike they covered all the bases.

Holy FUCK you're right, I can't believe it'sb een that long.

They're already encouraging those with the tricolor gemstones though.

PLD plays lamely

Literally the best.
Between this and
>Just this once, work!

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Fates still give barely any exp though and you're much better off doing roulettes and dungeon farming. When I got cockblocked by a level 79 requirement when I was only about 25% of the way into level 78, I finished the rest of that level just by doing fates and sidequests. It took over 4 hours.

>doing titania extreme
>we clear 3 times just fine
>4th pull
>someone cancels the countdown because the NIN said brb
>blm gets pissy because he used his leylines early
>same BLM make us wipe at first tether
>all dps leave after bitching
>WHM says he's too sleepy to continue solo healing
>AST (pt leader) begins to trash talk WHM and kicks him from party
>WAR posts screenshot of AST's ACT
>not healing or shielding
>just spamming malefic and combust
>AST threatens to report WAR
The more I play the more I regret not joining a static

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Exactly, it's to get you into the gemstone grind

Feo is amazing because she's so utterly sincere in her love and adoration for us, and isn't afraid to shout it from the rooftops. It's nice to know someone cares for us that much, and has our back.

Remember to donate to the Doman Enclave, my friend.

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>What, all by myself?
>Ardbert's chuckle

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Do you think they will bring ffxiv to switch? I dont know if buy it for the ps4


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>'Tis good to see you awake, G'raha Tia.

What a fucking bro.

>tfw he fades through the sin eater
>tfw you can hear those 2 soldiers get slaughtered in the background
Just when you think that the story couldn't get any darker, it gets you even harder moments later.

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Just do 2 dungeon runs you fucking moron.

What should I use my stones on anyways at 80?

alright thanks. Shame about pld since I wanted to level the other second. Maybe I will do a dps class like Machinist.

I liked her conflict of trying to live up to Minfilia. Her whole journey of becoming her own person.

But towards the end, it felt like she was just becoming a hanger-on. Her oracle of light shtick didn't really become as pronounced throughout the story. It was said she that Minfilias had the power of slaying Sin Eaters equal to you and it was hinted in the story she wanted to become just like you, but you still ended up doing most of the work anyway.

Is tank queue that shit on NA and EU? I got in just fine within 5 mins on JP DC.

That scene was so fucking good holy shit.

All the worthwhile stuff comes from ranking up the FATEs in each area

I'm just making a point retard. The game doesn't encourage you to do FATEs for exp at all because FATE exp is still trash. For every other level I did dungeons.

why, I already got the coat.

>Just this once, work!
That scene tore the heart out of my chest, I can't imagine how he must have felt when his axe slipped through without contacting. I was rooting for him so hard there.

What DC?


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i used it exclusively on materials, because fuck grinding that shit out

>Get Satasha in leveling roulette
>CNJ spamming heals on the tank for no reason
>Politely tell him to DPS unless the tank's health gets a lot lower
>He actually listens instead of being a passive aggressive twat or ignoring me
I don't believe it

Your average western healer hates healing.

I can pinpoint the exact moment you know ShB isn't fucking around and when you know it's going to be great and it's when blondie gets stabbed and starts bleeding Sin Eater juive from her eyes, ears and mouth right in front of you.

At least in the end he managed to save all of Norvrandt and the Source. He was a true hero.

I'll bet her story isn't over, those threads of her trying to become more like the WoL will probably continue into the post-ShB stuff.

It's been awful since EA. I hate that I decided I wanted to tank this expansion when everyone else wanted to as well

I wonder what Fanow smells like with all them fit bunny girls?

I'm so glad we now have a decent way to get mob-drop materials that doesn't involve just farming the fucking mobs or relying on retainers.

when does drk start feeling good?

Ryne is going to become a permanent member of the Scions, just you watch. They'll figure out a way to teleport her to the Source.

It's almost as bad as DPS queue. Not quite though. NA people hate how they gutted healers and all the previous good healers are trying out something different I think. Doesn't help that a new tank got added to the mix with no healer.

Probably just smells like trees.

If it worked it would have totally ruined it though, so thank god it didn't. It's like if Yoship had the balls to actually keep Nanamo dead.

if you don't like it at 70 you won't like it

Role waiting list number: #1
Average wait time: 22m

So it turns out i probably wont finish the shb story msq until next week and its killing me. I want to know the damn story

[spoilers]whats the last zone and whys it so special[/spoiler]
do we see what hydaelyn and zodiark look like and is the theyre primals lol bullshit hold true?
wtf is hades[/spoilers]

Congrats, you cracked the code.

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Bros, I need all of these that you got, stat, please

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Nobody is doing Satasha you fag

How about a better solution:
You leave shitposting for a week, finish the game and then come back?

I very strongly implied others don't listen or get angry regardless

>mfw roll 1 for my weapon
Thanks Yoshi. And with 9 totems too, thanks for nothing I guess.

Do you just hate dungeons user? If you do them at a healthy pace you won't really be gated and even if it does happen it will be very close.

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Elidibus is only a retard because the burden of their task, getting styled on by a fucking nerd like Urianger, and the stress losing Lahabrea and now Emet-Selch has utterly and totally broken him, right?

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I'd let her play with what's inside my pants if you know what I mean.

Someone explain this shit to me cause I’m literally retarded.

RDM has jolt II which is 250 potency, Veraero/Verthunder which are both 310 potency, and Verfire/Verstone which are 270 potency.

From my general understanding, the flow is supposed to be Jolt II -> Verthunder/Veraero (alternating) ->Verfire/Verstone (when they proc), and making sure to keep the balance gauge somewhat even.

My question is, if Verthunder and Veraero are a higher potency, and they give 11 mana instead of 9 like Vertstone and Verfire, why would I not just spam Jolt II -> Verthunder/Veraero and skip Verfire/Verstone?

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nice try, it's expert roulette

Why should anyone give a shit about healers crying that they have to occasionally push a button that doesn't attack the boss?

Because Verfire/stone replaces Jolt 2, and doing so will give mana on average per GCD.

Do what said but if you don't want to listen

The last zone itself isn't anything mind blowing. It's more about what's in the final zone itself.
We see a hilarious cave drawing of Hydaelyn supposedly doing a drop kick on Zodiak's spine where they look kind of like elemental spirits/anima/etc yes they're primals. Emet-Selch never lies.
Hades is Emet-Selch

so which materia should I get as WHM?

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Because Verfire and Verstone have the same cast time as Jolt II and you use them to replace jolt II, not Verthunder/aero

stack piety as high as that beast will go and solo heal everything in 2/1/5 comps.

I think it's pretty fun desu. Especially the aoe spam you can do on trash mobs and summoning fray is cool.

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Speak of RDM. I haven't seen many at all on my way through DF. Did the RDM die down? Still a shit load of SAMs.

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>needing piety as a WHM

Is piety actually a viable stat now?

So then the 7 other people that show up in the final battle are just from other Final Fantasy universes?

Who /dideverysinglesidequestwhileleveling/ here? Everytime some sprung up, I'd always clear them out before continuing the MSQ.

What DC?

This just made me realize

How the fuck does BLM outdamage RDM when Fire IV is 300 potency and they only have access to it for a specific phase but Verthunder and Veraero are 310 potency and RDM is shitting them out almost constantly

I got you bro.

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Most of them aren't very interesting.

where's this quest?


Because Astral Fire 3 is an 80% damage buff.

>comparing potencies between classes

Because Astral Fire has a special multiplier that increases the potency of Fire spells.

Fire spells potencies increase with astral fire.


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Why not just die? If everybody is a fraction of themself, wouldn't dying mean you still live but get to be whole again while also keeping all your memories and experiences across all your shards?

I do.
Feels wrong leaving sidequests just sitting there, it bugs me seeing the map filled with them.

How's WHM this expansion? I want to level a healer out, and I tried SCH out and I didn't really like it, but I only got it to 72.

The only time mp is ever an issue is if dps in dungeons are so shit that healers need to spam their aoe 40 times.

You're a hero, got anymore?

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make of this what you will, but in full 70 gear melding all the piety I could, I was regening 300~mp instead of 200

Only if you play AST. And it's less viable and more like necessary.

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>The only time mp is ever an issue is every dungeon roulette

I didn't want to overflow on exp while getting to 80 so I skipped all of them, even the aether current ones. I plan on going back and doing them all eventually though, just like I did for the previous expansions.

You should never, ever compare potencies across jobs. They should be viewed and compared internally.
That being said, astral fire 3 gives an 80% damage bonus and enochian gives a 15% damage bonus.

Why does this look like a SFM porn crop?

I did every single sidequest, 1 leveling roulette, maybe 20 fates, and 2 extra dungeons to help friends and I still got level gated at 79.

Verstone and Verfire are shortcast spells that replace Jolt in the rotation, not Verthunder or Veraero. When you get one of these procs, you cast it instead of Jolt, and then dualcast into Verthunder or Veraero.

I like how Emet-Selch is probably one of the most powerful entities in existence and to defeat G'raha Tia he just shoots him in the back with a flintlock pistol.

So every single day?

yes he's comic relief tier now

>even the aether current ones.
user WHY.

It is not clear. I take it as he summoned "heroes" from other worlds INSIDE the FFXIV universe. Maybe the broken fragments, maybe just heroes from parallel worlds same as yours, but its nature is obviously never trully explained.

The Rift can be used to travel between dimensions. We know some things come from other worlds (FF games) into the FFXIV one (Lightning, Noctis, Gilgamesh, Omega, Midgarzorm).

WHM is good. You'll never run out of mana, holy has become incredibly spammable, and the new instant cast cure 2 media spells are nice additions. The blood lily nuke is nice, but healer DPS is never really going to be jaw dropping. It's just another button to press in the end.

Ravana was a great fight, and Sohm Al was a really fun dungeon. Does HW keep up with great instances?

He probably should have put more effort into it considering G'raha still had the power to pull seven more WoLs out of his hat at a moment's notice a thousand miles from his tower.


Something I learned from unlocking flying in heavensward and stormblood is that you only ever truly unlock flying once you're "done" with an area in the msq so it never really offers an advantage to go out and do them for that end. It's only worth unlocking once you go back to do gathering or whatever.

What is the "trial trio" going to be for SB2? I didn't come across anything on the First that would make me think "oh wow we'll have this to fight later" even for a 5.3 patch.

HW was regarded as kino before this expansion blew even it away. The answer is yes. Stormblood is meh at best though.


Omega and Midgarsormr are from a different planet. The stuff Omega creates in his "interdimensional rift" are from stories and myths it gathered during its lifetime. Crossover characters are non-canon and Gilgamesh is a joke character.
The "champions from beyond the rift" are most likely just from the various fragment worlds.

What's the best Yuropean English speaking server? I can't stand my fellow French.

Which gold seller you guys use?

>ya boi is back
oh boy, Elidibus just run away is pretty fucking funny tho

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what are you buying so much that you need to use a gil seller

Omega and Midgarsormr are interdimensional beings. Midgarsormr is the original Shinryu from the other games (The "Shinryu" of FFXIV is just a primal with its image). They clearly mention their conflict went beyond dimensions, not planets.

Anywhere but the Chaos DC.

race mixing is against the twelve tweaching

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It's taken down just not by us.

I did the MSQ as RDM and I saw plenty of RDM and SAMs all the way to the end. It's just your datacenter I guess.

Out of the roles in the game, which would you prefer be played by a good player? Like would you prefer a good melee, ranged, healer or tank above others?

>There's actually no need to take down the Garlean Empire now that Elidibus ran the fuck away and Zenos is not interested in the throne

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Someone sum up the base game and the start of Heavensward for me. Tried asking in xivg but that place is a shithole.

I've only done two role questlines (SCH/SMN privilege) but my instant guess is that she's the Ascian Lohgrif and was leading them astray to set up the flood. Lohgrif was namedropped by Emet-Selch a couple times but we never learn anything about them other than that they failed at their task.

>This will be your dps for tonight

healer. maybe then i could play something else then

There is because now he's interested in Zodiark and going after you.

Anyone who didn't choose that option is a shitter, change my mind.

So for people done with SHB what are you doing now? I've been leveling up my 70 jobs with the fates in kholusia trying to get the special fate to appear. No luck so far.

>Zenos is not interested in the throne
That doesn't mean that he wouldn't start a war for fun

IMO it's melee. The disparity between an excellent melee dps and just an average (even if competent) melee dps is higher than with any other role in the game. Of course, having a dead weight fuckhead in any role is going to cause disasters.

7 Rejoinings.
7 Fragments
7 Summoned Warriors of Light.
He summoned (You)r other soul fragments.

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>Constantly hearing about how shit queues are over on Aether
>Had nothing but sub-5 min near instant queues on Primal regardless of role

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ARR: Summoned primals are going out of control and you stop them.
HW: Dragons are mad as fuck at the knife ears.

A very very very close comparison and probably inspiration is Lightning Returns. Obviously not as good thanks to being FF13 related, but the tone and setting are identical.

anyone got that picture of arbert's through the expansions?

Is anyone else shocked by how fucking good this expansion is? I was expecting worse than SB especially because Yoshi-P is moving to a singleplayer FF project now right? Why is this expansion so much better than SB and why is WoW getting diarrheadicked on so hard?!

Also post YFW second half of the final zone

Aether is the datacenter that every redditor plays on so it's no big surprise that they're all huge babies.

Gilgamesh is absolutely canon you fucking moron and he even uses his dimensional powers to bring Hildibrand to the First.

Nice. Did the assmad primals have anything to do with the Empire? Did we collapse that shit or just kill their Emperor at the end of ARR?

Bit of leveling, EX/tomestones farming, fates and shitposting here.

am i the only one who thinks varis dying this early into the expansion just so the poster boy of SB can retake the spotlight is pretty disappointing

He didn't want him dead, he wanted to interrogate him to learn his bullshit interdimensional teleport magic.

Can you explain to me why the french are such massive shitters at the game?


Shadowbringers is the MoP of FFXIV. It will bring in a swath of new retards, then the game will fucking die.

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Leveling other jobs, working on crafting, taking a break from playing the game literally nonstop for a full weekend.

Can confirm, it brought me in.

You discover you have a special ability that makes you immune to the mind control elements of the Primals like Ifrit and Titan. As a result, you are hired by the Scions of the Seventh Dawn to kill the shit out of them. You spend a lot of time doing that.

Gaius van Baelsar, also wanting to kill the primals, but also not liking your bullshit, works with a hooded guy named Lahabrea to rebuild Ultima Weapon. You fight him, you win, Gaius dies and Lahabrea fucks off.

A few months later, Alphinaud decides he wants to make a faction of mercenaries to act in lieu of relying on you all the time. he proceeds to create the Crystal Braves, led by the honorable Ilberd who immediately proceeds to betray everyone and cut off the arm of Raubahn and poison the Sultana. You flee to Ishgard to try and right what went wrong, and hang out with Haurchefant and his dad.

6.0: Zenos again (for fucks sake), he causes the 8th calamity with his stupid antics.
7.0: Zodiark on the moon.
8.0: Hydaelyn.
9.0: Whatever caused the calamity that made the Ascians summon Zodiark.


Yes, but he evidently didn't incapacitate him hard enough if he can teleport into illusionary dungeons and ruin his plans with diegetic party finder.

>Why is this expansion so much better than SB
Far better writing, much more interesting setting, content is good all around.
>why is WoW getting diarrheadicked on so hard?!
BfA is an unmitigated disaster. They pushed 8.2 out the door to compete with Shadowbringers and now have created a shitty situation with their customers where the new zones can be completed in a couple of days and then it's just grinding reputations and doing whatever you were doing before.

Get better reading comprehension. Gilgamesh is canon but he's not treated seriously so his exact origins are unimportant.

"the rift" in the context of XIV is just the plane between fragment worlds. It has nothing to do with other FF games.

Yoshi is not leaving for another project. I don't know why people keep saying that.

Except that Shantotto, Lightning, Gilgamesh, and Noctis have all traveled to XIV through the Rift, dumbfuck.

I'm still lvl 77 on my main job, working all day sucks, I wish I was fired already

Basically in 1.0, the primals were summoned to stop the garleans who came to conquer Eorzea after being shunned for not being able to use magic but come ARR it sort of backfired on our asses and Varis, the garlean emperor is mad at us for it. The war with the empire only really start unfolding in Stormblood.

Any melee in specific you notice?

ave you ever considered fapping to your character?

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Anyone have a link to Shadowbringers' lyrics?

>Shantotto, Lightning, Noctis
joke character

You might as well say the rift also connects XIV to nier, yokai watch and dragon quest.

Holy shit, they were the other Warriors of Light that failed to prevent their shards from destruction? That's unbelievably kino.

The player character does nothing for me. Now, certain NPCs on the other hand...

Was Emet grabbing the Exarch just so he could figure out a way to go back in time?


He literally killed Varis to stop the war and Black Rose production so he can have personal 'fun' with you when you come back.

I made a brown Viera and use the racial leggings, so yes.

>joke character
You take that back right the fuck now.

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He obviously didn't want to kill G'raha Tia that would be stupid.

MNKbros, how are you holding up? Do you hate it? Have you dropped it? It feels fine to me, but I miss DK not being a debuff.

Also I'm not sure if it is a DPS increase or not, but it's fun to use SSS -> Tornado Kick -> Anatman -> Perfect Balance at the tail-end of a RoF/BH window while in coeurl stance. Although using PB to get DK buffs might be a better use of the CD.


Crossovers are canon, faggot. The reporter in the Lightning questline references it during a seasonal event. Get fucked, shitter.

Play the game retard. Skip potion WoWbabbies are not welcome here.

Do not spoonfeed retards.

No, they're the remaining ones, so you can block his bullshit limit break with your own.

Does anyone have a link or a picture of the content timeline?

So how are the Ex trials compared to SB so far? Aside from Shinryu and maybe Tsukiyomi, I thought the SB Ex trials were some of the easiest ones in a while. It still baffles me that people are capable of wiping on Byakko and Seiryu at all.

>Let me just put those new pants I got on-
Guess I'm buying prisms

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>in ff14

When the fuck was this i didnt start playing til last year

>missed shantotto in ff14



>Tornado Kick -> Anatman
Anatman gives GL stacks even if you don't have one?

I think he is more interested in him for summoning people across the shards. Possibly as a way to force a rejoining without the need to overload an element in the shards.

You don't get to decide that something is non-canon just because it triggers your autism, retard.

If it's in the game, it's canon.

Thanks anons. I remember running around dealing with some traitor around the Sultana. That should be enough so I can keep up with what's going on.

It was time travel and a different type of rift travel, both of which are new tech to them.


Constantly. I even commissioned some art of her for my personal use and i completely fell in love with her and damn near suicidal

Protip make your character a dude or ugly to avoid this shit

She is also part of the BLM quests.

Special events. And they ain't coming back, ever.

Nybeth Obdilord canonically traveled to XIV from Ogre Battle. The Rift is connected to other games no matter how much you may hate Dissidia.

Generally if you don't want to kill someone, you refrain from shooting them in the back with a gun.

I've already played the game but this was years ago. I'm not redoing all that shit just to know what's going on when I continue.

shantotto is still in xiv

Only at level 71. DK being a self-buff is weird as fuck because I'm used to automatically applying it on new mobs whenever they appear, feels like learning to drive on the other side of the road. I keep going to hit Howling Fist only to remember that it's not there anymore. 120s PB absolutely sucks and makes Monk hell in dungeons because you often lose GL between pulls.

Yeah, in combat. you'll get one during the time your GCD comes back up from SSS and then you snap punch to get your second, then PB for your last two.

So as PLD what should I meld? saw some old guides recommend all direct hit, though the tanks I've been spying around Eulmore look put in a mix of all different shit

Is there any point in using cure 3?

I didn't realize everyone here was willing to be this retarded just to defend their dumbshit pet theories

It was a crossover event during ARR.
Shatotto isn't Shantotto. Shatotto is native to our world and even thinks rhyming is stupid.

Probably winged him or used a magic bullet. We don't see an injury.
Looks more like they're just dunking on your pathetic attempt at bait.

Dart gun!

This a serious question or are you just retarded?

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I accept your concession.

Imagine getting summoned while you're having sex or using the bathroom.

It's a serious question. I only leveled my whm to 61 so I don't really know what I'm doing.

Which Tank should I level? I need one for the Role Quest, it's a good excuse to actually learn a new role and become more versatile.

Some good and some bad.

The numbers seem pretty good at the moment, and I like the new tools (anat, GL4, SSS), and I like leaden fist A LOT (though it's taking a little bit to get used to not seeing the DK debuff). Double true is gonna take getting used to, it's very tight.

I miss having ogcds to play with, ST feels like shit as a DPS button and you're holding it most of the itm anyways, and TFC just handles itself, so the only actual ogcd button you're paying attention to is just EF which is pretty stale. Also really miss IR, critting is fun but even that aside it was nice to be weaving in and out between bigger burst windows (ROF+BH) with smaller burst windows (IR), having more control over your damage cooldowns in dungeon runs etc. Even pre-TK rota monk in SB was fun because it felt like after all your burst you still had windows coming up soon to line shit up with and burst again. Also PB as a DPS cooldown feels really shit and not impactful.

>SSS -> Tornado Kick -> Anatman -> Perfect Balance at the tail-end of a RoF/BH window while in coeurl stance
You're hemmorhaging dps if you do that, should basically never anatman outside of opener or phase transitions. PB is for leaden fist spam, you have 6 GCDs to fit 2dk/2boot/1twin/1coeurl.

Remember to do your duty and become an Elezen!

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Cure 3 is very effective at what it does, but you will almost never use it in pugs because everyone tries to stand as far away from each other as physically possible.

>daily life
user...I don't know how to tell you this...

So are Allagans more powerful than Ascians or what I feel like catboy needed to give us some answers. He's literally one of the only true Allagans we know of, and obviously Emet wanted to get some stuff out of him too.
Also you know there's a good chance he knows how to send our allies "home" by now, but even after the MSQ he says he's still looking for a way.
ALSO he didn't disappear EVEN THOUGH HE SAID HE WOULD and they even point it out after the MSQ is done. I just don't want him to keep so many stupid secrets from us, and apparently everyone is just super good and dandy with not asking any fucking questions about it.

I never use it and im just fine. Honestly the cost/range compared to just plenary+
Medica makes it useless to me

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Kinda, but not really

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How the fuck do I find the level 80 class quests?

everyone got tired of asking him questions and then just him going maaaybee~ ;)

The Ascians built Allag. The Crystal Tower's new abilities come from Cid reverse engineering dimensional travel from Omega and time travel from Alexander. He outdid the Allagans.

Easy stuff. Really enjoy Innocence atmosphere while Titania's not so much. Susanoo was god tier because of his personality even if the fight was easy.

All in all I'd say perhaps SB gets the point here if we're solely looking at the 2 release ex primals.

I haven't played since 2.0, does Shadowbringers have any benefits that make it worth buying while I'm catching up on MSQ, aside from the jobs and races? I already have HW and first SB.

If Yoshi-P gets FFXVI or the online successor to XIV, I could see Soken coming along, he deserves SE's highest profile projects going forward.

It's the game's big heal, but it should only be used for stack mechanics everyone actually bunches up for. Most of the time you need the bigger radius aoes.

Seriously, fuck him and fuck Urianger too. You just know that fucker is up to something, since he didn't show up for a while after everyone left Tempest and then magically shows up later.
Secretive smug fuckers.

People Yshtola fucks

1. futa catgirls
2. giant cat men
3. Uriangers ass

People Yshtola will never fuck
1. lizards

Feo Ul minion when? I would never dismiss her.

I have heavenward do i need to buy all dlc or is the new just enough?

Not just Cid though. The tower being sent back intime happens long after he is dead.

Zenos only sought war to find good prey; now having you, the ultimate prey, he no longer gives a shit about war mongering.

please, your just as likely to get a green dps who refuses to heal at all and calls you toxic if you ask him to do his damn job.

Cid created the initial designs by examining his past adventures with you, his successors just made them reality.

Why are there so many bunnybreakers, I thought we would be overwhelmed with dancing bunnies but they are all using gunblades instead.

Neither did I, but here we are reading your bullshit.

I want to level something new, should I go with NIN, SAM or DRK?

This math makes no goddamn sense. If there were 7 rejoinings, that means there are only 7 worlds left, INCLUDING The Source, meaning only 7 WoLs INCLUDING the player character and Ardbert.

He doesn't know anything, he just pretends to. He's literally a random catboy who just happens to have Allagan ancestors. Did you not do the Crystal Tower raids?

The Allagans didn't have time travel, it was invented over a period of hundreds of years in the future after the 8th umbral calamity based on groundwork laid by Cid Garlond. This is explained in the game. Ascians want the secrets of time travel for obvious reasons.

G'raha didn't disappear at the end because, like I said, he doesn't actually know anything - like some quip out of Avengers Endgame, he thought he was in Back to the Future when logical time travel never works that way. At the end he realizes that his original time (our future) probably still exists as an alternate timeline.

God imagine the sex between the WoL and Zenos.

I don't think there's anything sinister about him. There's an implication in one of the ending scenes that the reason he's not erased is that he's necessary for the present (in other words, he can't go away or it creates a time paradox). So either his timeline is continuing on its own path or it did get overwritten and the tower's travel cut him out of that time and pasted him into the First in the present.

as much as I love NIN bunshin is straight garbage

You need to finish the main story. Then go where it usually was in old expansions. Or read the patch notes.

Shadowbringers was honestly one of the best story in a videogame I have ever played.

Not remaining.
Already rejoined.

Anyone who doesn't rely on Cure 3 is a shitter. It's vital in raid progression.

What's funny is that Travanchet created Alexander for shits and giggles and apparently never told his bosses what it could fucking do.

If anything I'm seeing mostly Hroth dancers

Are you saying the other WoLs that were summoned are from worlds that have been rejoined?

How garbage?

why didnt the ascians just give the survivors of the earthquake that destroyed allag the technology so they could rebuild quickly and then start causing more calamities instead of waiting 3500 years for mhach

It's not the media tour one its just a flat repeat of damage, doesn't even mimic the combo potency. its literally a shittier version of duality where the only plus side is the duration

Man, I wish my character could hold her greatsword on her shoulder like the end of the ShB cinematic

>Tfw wearing the sailor hat and full blue pld clothes
>as a lala
I rock that kid face too for maximum blue prince aesthetics.

That's my motto when creating MMO characters.

The survivors shunned magic and technology. They also didn't wait for Mhach. The ice calamity was between Allag and Mhach.

How do I into RDM?

Do GNB weapons somehow grow when unsheathed?

Attached: 1551645947649.png (1920x1080, 3.41M)

Otherwise, how id NIN?

>Alt tabbed in queue for duty
>Window flashes every two fucking seconds but not when the queue pops

Fantasia to male.


Yes. It happens to other jobs' weapons too.

feo ul and the amaro should have been main story rewards

More like shards fused together with you being summon.

Other than that NIN is fun, Opener got a bit more complex due to bunshin and meisui, expect to clip a lot of GCDs though

That doesn't really make sense. If they're rejoined, there's no benefit to them turning up to lend power the WoL already has. More likely he summoned seven people with the blessing from the other fragments, since we know it's possible to have more than one blessing at a time per world. Everyone present definitely has that, at least.

Where do you even get the amaro mount?

When we get the Sin Eater version of best minion.

Attached: 1457923514273.jpg (1318x1186, 369K)

Max all DoW/M to 80 IIRC.

You've been reading too much lore without committing it to memory. Travanchet didn't "create" Alexander, he just led that group of Au Ra on with lies and bullshit in hopes that they would summon a primal, as per the Ascian modus operandi. He probably had no idea what Alexander could do.

I like my character though, I just wish I had the option to use the male pose

That's... Basically what I said, when it gets right down to it. But thank you for the clarification.

>everyone walks out in their AF gear in the last trial

Attached: 1457752625931.jpg (225x225, 8K)

What's your opener?

i instantly glamoured that shit away

>things that never happened
As if I would tolerate that orison garbage again.

I got to MT the last trial as DRK. It was the best.
Although honestly DRK being the posterboy for the expansion was kind of a mismatch because you do not wield darkness in the story at all, everything revolves around the blessing of light.

It's a lightning crystal because that's what a Weaver would need to make robes since they're lightning-aspected, so it's 'everything you need to make it'

SCH main here, thinking of trying out WHM.
I loved the oGCD playstyle of SCH, working through a list of priority spells before using GCD heals as a last resort.
Does WHM play similarly?

Disgusting, I bet your glam isn't even good

I would if the gun didn't clip into the hat on my lala.

WHM's AF looked terrible, so I just glammed back to the Qitana Ravel set.


the fact that all the new zones are on a single map really fucks with me

Bluespirit's a pretty good tank and dragoon set, I'm surprised. Dyes great, is surprisingly plain for this point in the game, goes with most helmets including DRG's AF helmets.

tell them to stop making terrible white mage AF and i wont glamour it away

>And since when was the last time we had a dark knight? Over a hundred bleedin' years ago.
>Wha? A Dark "Knight"? No I meant a dark NIGHT
yeah they kind of knew exactly what they were doing

I wanna get nice looking glamors, but everything is so fucking expensive. Gatherers and crafters seem to only make money if you spend hundreds of hours into it. How do you make a good amount of gil in this game without selling your soul to jew tactics?

sure, except our "lustrate" has a GCD

I kept hoping that if you played DRK your darkness stand would pop up at some point but it never happens.
You're the Warrior of Darkness and all but at no point do you actually canonically wield the darkness as a weapon.

similar, but i feel you're more restricted in your OGCD options than SCH. You get 4 or 5 OGCD heals. And lilies, the aetherflow equivalent for WHM, doesnt provide OGCD buttons like SCH did.

Oh that would be because it's a reuse of a crafted armor Heavensward-era model according to Garland Database. It's still great armor though, I'm surprised I didn't know about it already.

I like the scene where he very briefly sees the WoD as one of the giants. I like to imagine he saw his former friend who is now opposing him. That shit must hurt.

It's a rehash of High Mythrite from Heavensward, bro.