Why do nerds and normies love Witcher 3 so much?

Why do nerds and normies love Witcher 3 so much?

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Very rare game where the side content is just as polished and engaging as the main content.

It's an ots action rpg
at least it isn't corrupted by sjw (((ideology))), though

>*whistles for magic horse*
>autoruns on road to quest marker
>*toucan sam vision activates*
>"Mhmm....giant slash marks all over the victim....a Drowner™, gotta be"
>"Come on, Roach"
>*follows nose*
>guys in Drowner™ costumes appear
>"Shit you stink" ALALALALALALALALA *sets guys on fire and they stumble and recover immediately, does a cinematic slash and cuts guys in half"
>"Mhmm....Bandits™ pretending to be Drowners™......better tell the village head about this"
>"Come on, Roach"
>*autoruns on road back to village*
>"Just some bastards posing as Drowners™, here's proof *shows flipper*"
>10 crowns received

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If you turn the gore off with mods its more bearable to play but not as dark and brutal..I don't like the brutalness about it..Its the environment and the voiceacting/story..just running around in general. I don't think the gore makes it better but its there. They have monster hunter world but its not as dark..its not the same. I didn't even recommend it on steam because of the gore. I played it so im afraid I could pick up on Atomic Heart again..like I said you really need to be a bit harder, its not like you sit down and play it with your family..just not..

Fun builds, choices that actually matter as they branch the story and world, and a phenomenal narrative captured by some great VAs and animations.

Prepping potions, bombs, decoctions and reading up on monsters is fun. Deathmarch is the only way to play.

Also each quest feels curated, there’s always something unique even in the Witcher contracts that doesn’t make it feel like a fetch quest. No such thing as grinding or repetition.

It’s on rails too much and holds your hand in many ways, but it’s just a very polished game with a fuckton of fun things to do.

- It's a generic console RPG with "press attack to win" combat
- It has just enough Polish influence to be culturally intriguing, but enough American influence to make Americans buy it

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Tons of free dlc, quality expansion packs, loads of content, good sidequests

Can’t read that scribble, based moron.

Also t. Didn’t play on deathmarch

It's a visual novel for people who are too scared of playing visual novels.

>this wasn't the first reply
shaking my head to be honest family

>Can’t read that scribble,
You can always tell phoneposting normalfaggots by posting a large image with text. They will ALWAYS out themselves like this

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>he doesn't know
I'm so sorry user

Love the story and RPG elements, but the combat is trash, no matter the difficulty.

Text can’t be viewed on any monitor since you saved it in 360p, retard.

>you didn't play this open world action rpg the right way
Everyone goes on about builds and shit, I'm lvl 21 in, playing in Broken Bones, but there is literally no reason to specialize in a build since the game basically gives you all the materials for a wide array of potions, and no reason not to make them.
Combat would be the least polished aspect, given the combo is the same for the whole game.

Works fine on my monitor. Get off your phone. Or better yet, get off Yea Forums.

The irony of this is that the TW3 text is genuinely more true to Geralt's character, he actually fights alongside Queen Meve of Rivia in the books and even gets knighted by her, half of his party is comprised of warrior women as well.

Deathmarch forces you to stick to a build because you don’t regain vitality by meditating and you also don’t one hit kill everything without applying oils.

You should know by now that games should only be played on the hardest difficulty because anything below that is meant for drooling apes and the general public.

He never lapses into American-pandering speeches about how women should work instead of get married and women are just as strong as men. You're a fucktard.

Whats wrong with gore in games and stories like this

>gatekeeping muh Chinese picture forum

Kill yourself with haste and extreme prejudice


Kill yourself off of Yea Forums.

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Where does he say that in the game? Which quest or moment

>muh redditposting

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Refer to - I don't have encyclopedic knowledge of shitty console RPGs

Vitality doesn't regenerate on Broken Bones either you dunce.

It's a fun action RPG with interesting characters, an good story, decent writing, lots of violence, nudity and sex.

A few one-note and largely irrelevant characters means more then basically almost the entire game being about the adventures of a manly heterosexual who fucks sluts and whores in-between engaging in vast quantities of ultra-violence directed at various assholish humans and horrible monsters? Moron.

Good marketing and it’s babbys first “RPG”.

>imaginaruly boogeyman ruining your games
This doesn't even happen in Horizon Zero Dawn, you incel. Have sex.

That triggers you? Holy shit you’re fragile. I legit thought there was some real tranny pandering or SJW bullshit. If that’s what you consider pandering then your scope of “acceptable” must be narrow as fuck

>the entire game being about the adventures of a manly heterosexual

a game having a heterosexual male as a protagonist is not even close to an excuse for american political diarrhea being forced in your face

>That triggers you? Holy shit you’re fragile.

It's like you're insulting a mirror.

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>some women are qualified to live outside the kitchen
>this is American propaganda

This is why you’re an incel, so you know

I noticed you did not quote me, or the game. So I must ask you: who are you quoting?

Insulting a mirror but I’m not the one upset here, you are?

Your story doesn’t add up and you can’t hide insecurity behind meme images.

I’m not the one ducking at shadows in video games


join the 40%

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Still no counterpoint. That’s a MAJOR yikes

>I’m not the one upset here, you are

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It's one of the top 3 games this gen.

zoomers first adventure rpg

If your IQ is 100 or lower this is probably true.

its well written (the games anyway) and a breath of fresh air compred to the numerous wannabe Tolkien settings.
Now that GOTs has happend though a lot of pretentious contrarians are gonna argue that its too grim and made to appeal to "le normies xD"


Dude, it's not really thrown in your face at all, the few examples of this are from largely irrelevant NPCs.

true in which but are absolutely terrible

how is living like a mouthbreathing retard?

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The combat in this game is genuinely so fucking boring it's incredible. I couldn't finish it

phoneposting normalfags are hilarious man
i save big pictures with text any time i see them, you can post them in any thread and phoneposter normalfags will instantly out themselves

Because people haven't played older better games. It's like me playing Dude sex Human revultion before deus ex 1. I thought HR was great, then I played the original and I just can't go back since it just seems so terrible. But while saying this, I don't want to play the older ones, I am fine with this. Medieval mutants hunting monsters and fucking sorceresses with french knight dlc, I am good.

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Does anyone else think this game has too much content?

I'm about 70 hours in and I haven't left velen and novigrad yet. I'm getting kinda fatguied and just want to visit the snow place i saw in the trailers

How the fuck are people having the argument that witcher 3 isn't "progressive".
Most quests involving talking monsters go:
>well NOT ALL wraiths/succubi/changelings/waterhags/etc
It's about the lurch of civilization pushing away the minorities (in this case the creatures and monsters).

This doesn't make the game " sjw" but to say it isn't progressive or at least treats themes relevant to current years is just stupid.

It does, typical western RPG bloat, all quests or most are voiced and thats nice but not all are funny or all interesting.

Yes-ish. It has the mmo problem for me. Where you have an interesting story but it needs you to have better gear or higher level to progress so you go do the side missions. When doing the actually great side missions, you forget about the main story and it just seems lost then. Just after a while, don't give a shit of the story, and then you notice most of the game is the same missions just redressed over and over, which an interesting story would have hidden the pattern. If they had just story first then when done you get free roam, maybe better.

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the netflix series

>this thread again


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Yes it's very popular with normal people, your argument?

It's normalfags, newfag-kun. Lurk more.

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>nerds love Witcher 3

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because it's comfy to play and has high production values?

Because Geralt is male power fantasy