Bought game in EA a few weeks before release cause I new I was going to buy it

>Bought game in EA a few weeks before release cause I new I was going to buy it
>struggle off and on for months
>finally get back into over the past two weeks, think I finally got a hang of it (no guides or wikis)
>Get to about week 18-19 tonight, go to tackle Swine Prince as my first boss
>none of the level 3 characters I invested time and other parties into maintaining will go on the quest since it's "beneath them"
>Just abandon Swine price after losing both level 2 Dismas and Reynauld
So I thought I finally got a handle on the game, but now I'm at a lost. How the hell am I suspected to maintain 2 functional parties while throwing away characters for stress recovery on my main parties and keep them within level to go on quest I built them for? What was the point of meticulously crafting and building characters if they get locked out of the quest I was preparing for?

Attached: darkest.jpg (616x353, 38K)

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the sooner you realize this game just wants to waste your time, even with optimal team management, the sooner you'll be free

correction, still have Dismas, lost my 2nd best Highwaymen.

Play on easy (radiant) mode first dumbass.

Learn all the mechanics and tricks. Also remember to check everything before you set out so you dont screw yourself over.
Also dont get all pissy if a hero dies. There's always more. The games all about coping and coming back from defeat. Making the best of a bad situation.

Unfortunately most modern gamers cant handle even the slightest loss.

Swine prince is piss easy just kill the little one and the big one flails randomly. Any team is good enough you don't need any special build but the houndmaster w/flare is useful

Dont listen to him. Dont kill Wilbur.

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Sounds like you didn't upgrade the stagecoach/forge/guild enough. Doing so constantly provides you a stream of new dudes so you'll always have fresh meat to do low-level missions. Investing too much into a few characters isn't optimal since 1) when they die you fucking lose all the resources/time spent on them and 2) you need to have flexible party comps for different situations

this, only replace game with devs
>they've spent the entire development time making the game more unfair and bullshit, while nerfing any positive quirks players might discover like the original graverobber chaining

just use the mod that stops that stupid mechanic "no I wont do this missions because its too easy!!"

>Unfortunately most modern gamers cant handle even the slightest loss.

I think that point makes sense. I think the idea of putting the player in unwinnable situations and forcing them to deal with setbacks is very admirable idea. But it didn't stop me from becoming disheartened after losing my A-team due to an unfortunate chain of enemy crits/ dodges

Losing heros and having to pick up the pieces afterwards is inevitable and the major theme of the game.

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It wasn't a matter of me not being prepared, I had done plenty of dungeons, I have supplied myself well, I spent of time upgrading and meticulously preparing a part for this quest. How I was I suppose to know that the boss could full party hit me for stun on all 4 characters? Even with (what I assume was max level skills, armor and weapons for the weeks) build that I would do so little damage to the boss? I have no problem with loss. I play fighting games in my local community and have played some majors I am very use to losing due to my own shorting comings and failure, but this loss wasn't fair even in the slightest.

RNG is indeed bullshit at times. Many times you will lose a hero and there will be absolutely nothing you could have done to prevent it.

Dont have an A-team. They are all meat for the slaughter. Dont get attached. Also the best strategy is often the one which minimizes reliance on chance.

Attached: highwayman backstory.jpg (1000x1768, 566K)

Yea the game is unfair, dont listen to DD drones, losing hours of grinding (high level characters) due to RNG is very much bullshit.

The game expects you to die or have to retreat from quests. Like Dark Souls where losing is part of the experience. Now that you know what you're in store for, you can better equip yourself next time. Whole point is to be flexible so minor setbacks like that won't fuck with you too badly.

I would have been fine with the loss if my A-Team for the chance to tackle fight. The fact that the main team I invested so much in couldn't even go on the quest is the most disheartening part. I would understand if this was a more generic rpg where grinding was mindless random battles but it's not.

You should have a roster that's a lot larger than just one team and ideally all of them are skilled. If they aren't, leveling them up is easy if you bring novices with experienced characters to harder quests, but this is all just grinding in the end and I'd understand why people wouldn't like the game because of that.

>How I was I suppose to know that the boss could full party hit me for stun on all 4 characters?

They only cant go on the quest because you arent playing on radiant mode.
Darkest Dungeon is hard and you shouldnt expect to do well jumping right into normal mode.

I recall being pissed off upon discovering that my overleveled guys couldn't tackle lover level areas too. But, that's necessary to keep the game balanced of course. At least your A-team is still alive and kicking.

That is disingenuous and you know that, unless you admit this game need to played with a wiki open. That concession is fine in a game like The Binding of Isaac where the sheer number of items and synergies/desynergies is staggering but I shouldn't be expected to do it in a game like this

>game requires you to read the wiki

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>where the sheer number of items and synergies/desynergies is staggering
Is that not the same with DD?

You're not supposed to read wiki. Knowing things makes the game less fun.

Not really. Once you get into it you'll learn that only a handful of items are worth using with some sets being objectively superior to all others. Only times you'd stray from these is when you're striving for some niche bullshit, like having a hero who's really fucking strong when he's right about to die.

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Not at all honestly. BoI has hundreds of items, many of which look similar, that give you no actual information on what the item does upon pick up. In fact, as more content got added to the game, more items that are straight up useless or detrimental got added to the item pool and picking them up blind you would have no reason to suspect so.

Sure, you can always trial and error it instead of reading the wiki. Only gonna cost you a bunch of guys lives and the time/gold you invested in them.

As for advice, prioritize heirlooms over gold. Focus on upgrading the blacksmith, the guild and the stage coach.

Actually the idea of unwinnable games is bullshit even back then. Back then if you lost its a total restart, here its just something you're supposed to accept exactly as the devs wanted you to.

Honestly it seems the theme is more bullshit happening that ties your hands from doing the simpliest things.

So I always enjoyed this game but I'm really shit at it and never got far. But I like the artstyle, the announcer and the God tier music in it, that's why I bought all of the dlc a couple days ago. As I said tho, I never really got far in this game and I understand the new dlc mechanics will kick my ass even more, that's why I don't plan on playing the content yet. Anyways, this blog post has one goal:

anyone can post those infographics aimed at new players?

Could really use some pointers like that before starting my first true run I actually wanna finish

you stinky at viddygame

Enemies ignore bleed but are weak against blight, they apply neither blight or bleed outside of roaming enemies. Crusader gets a bonus against most enemies. Higher-tier enemies often have PROT making blight even more useful.
Lots of chaff enemies. In medium/hard instead focus on mitigating the sheer damage being brought by enemies. Burst down courtiers, spearmen, arbalests and above all, Bone Bearers.
Some holy curios can give good buffs if you use the right item

Enemies bring blight, have high blight resistance but are weak against bleed. The large amount of Human and Beast enemies makes Bounty Hunter and Houndmaster better.
Burst down crones and viragos, especially viragos who prevent healing. The Fungal zombies may seem annoying at first but they dont deal much damage outside of their blight. Also watch out for Giants. Keep them stunned if you can or make sure you have high-health/PROT people in the first two rows.
Curios are nasty and usually require an item for proper handling

Enemies are both weak against and apply bleed with blight resistance. As with the Weald almost all enemies are human or beast making skills and trinkets that buff damage vs those more useful.
You're going to be wanting to spread damage out more so then other zones. Except for Skivers who you should burst down before they annihilate you.
Curios can provide food often. Also bring extra shovels. The map layout makes blockages more common but also makes scouting easier.

Enemies are weak against blight and resist bleed. They apply Debuffs and often also bleed. Burst down Thralls and Shamans. Enemies often have Prot so bring shieldbreaker or more blight. The groupers are basic but versatile and can you mess up if you underestimate them.
In Hard/Medium you're gonna be dealing with more stress and PROT.

In short
Ruins: Bring blight and holy water
Weald: Bring bleed and antivenom
Warrens: Bring Bleed and bandages
Cove: Bring blight and medicinal herbs

Absolutely based. Thanks a lot for this indepth write-up, it helps a lot

You're supposed to maintain more than two teams.
Upgrade coach and the number of slots first.
You should have minimum 4 teams on rotation before you go after bosses, and this is after you've filtered out the ones with good perks and upgraded their armor/weapon/skills.

I mean it's not required but you should if you say stupid shit like:
>"how was I supposed to know about the bosses attack before actually fighting the boss?"
OR care about not wasting your fucking time seeing what fucking happens, then having to retreat and re-do the quest because you did something like not bringing 4th row targeting to Prophet. The only difference is the manner in which the information is delivered.

And also your heroes say "don't fucking hit Wilbur", as the Swine Prince uses Enraged Destruction every time you do.