Whats a good game for raising the army of the dead and going to war?

whats a good game for raising the army of the dead and going to war?

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30 archers

15 mages

One big bone 6 shooty bones 2 magic bones and 10 smacky bones is the only answer

3 Mages, 8 Archers, 16 Warriors
wizards are mad radical but need protection

15 mages, is this even a question?
Mages are stupidly overpowered.

15 mages
I will then teach them necromancy so that they can raise their own undead mages, who in turn will learn to raise yet even more undead mages, so on and so forth ad infinium.

Two big skeles and five mages


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10 warriors, 10 archers, 5 mages

1 big boi 10 archers and 5 mages

warriors get rekt in 0.05 seconds


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If you like ARPG's playing necro in PoE is pretty fun, running around with over 100 minions watching the game fight itself is something ill never tire of.

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yeah it's basically diablo 2 necromancer but bigger and better

There are no good necromancer games.

One big bone and the rest mages
Try to take on the big bone, you get the shit sniped out of yourself by magic, also they heal him. While trying to take out the wizards the other wizards keep healing him, and then there's the big bone fucking your shit up the entire time

Three Big Skeletons. That way I don't have to micromanage so much.

wizards don't heal idiot

16 warriors
14 archerz


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10 warriors, 10 archers, 5 mages
Warriors make a "meat" shield for the archers and mages, mages resurrect any fallen warrior, archers deal with the enemy.
Total War: Warhammer has this sort of thing, vampires, vampire coast and tomb kings are built around the mechanic

Heroes of might and magic 2 or 3 will let you raise quite the undead army

Picture more interesting than topic - the thread