Fact: You only dislike Fortnite because Zoomers play it and the gameplay is fucking ass

Fact: You only dislike Fortnite because Zoomers play it and the gameplay is fucking ass.

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Children's game indeed.

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hey bro, can i copy your work?
yeah sure, just change it so you don't get caught

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RE2 invented chinese dresses

Imagine being this desperate to hate something

he has a point, it's pretty much a direct match
they could have tried doing more than just adding a prosthetic arm and headphones
but its fortnite
everyday low value, everyday low self esteem

yeah because fornite doesn't ever ripoff designs from other shit constantly
the fact they actually have a official john wick skin now makes it even fucking dumber too

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>the gameplay is fucking ass
i hate everything about the game besides the gameplay
maybe you're just bad at it? it's tight on the level of cs/siege

Payday 2 has a John Wick skin but I don't see you crying about that

wow you are certainly correct that i am not complaining about payday 2 in a fortnite thread you scum sucking lobotomite
payday 2 fucking sucks too by the fucking way i don't know why you think one completely unrelated game doing the same shit somehow excuses this one

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The girls are ok.
That's about it.

Fortnite invented homages

Me and my friends actually played it a lot when it was just Save the World horde shit. Lost interest in it once we all got to the point where the game was just drip feeding content. I've ALWAYS wanted to fuck Penny and Hype. God I fucking love how thick they are.

>it's tight on the level of cs
wacky rng bullet simulator is not a high bar
the gunplay feels awful even if you can get one that isnt a fucking pea shooter and the building mechanic only helps drag the fuck out of the last few minutes of a match where the autistic top rankers build a fucking tower of babel every time they hear a stray bullet in the next town over


i feel my post warranted more of "cope" response actually but thanks anyways

That was licensed cross-promotion though zoomzoom

more like because I suck at these kinda games and either go the whole game without seeing anyone till the end or die in the first few minutes

can you explain what's rng about it?
aim your shots and shoot in small controlled bursts

when your shots are going cartoon style in a perfect circle around the enemy then the fucking bullet spread is a little too overtuned
theres a balance to weapon spread to make sure that single shot guns with high accuracy and players with good aim aren't just dominating but when its at the point that you can stand point blank to another player's head and you can miss your entire clip/magazine's worth of shots then something is clearly fucking wrong

why don't you just aim better?
i regularly beat shitty snipers with a suppressed pistol at +50m
haven't played in a while tho cuz again I dislike literally everything about the game besides the gameplay

lore wise the game literally takes place in john wicks world so it makes sense try again kiddie zoom

because bloom retard you cant aim at all

>hold right click
>depress left click
>1 kill
why can't you just be better?

I wonder what new buzzwords Q3 of 2019 will bring us

aim better as a response to being point black and still missing sounds like something a complete idiot says, one whose so used to the absolute grime and shit of a game that instead of wanting a better, functional product he'd rather keep it awful and nearly broken because they'd rather have the internet dick points that comes with being good at a "super duper hard game its not shit ur just mad cuz bad"
you sound like one of the faggots that bitched about monster hunter world being "casualized" while ignoring the literal truckloads of improvements its brought to the series
in other words you sound like you suck cock for gas money then remember you don't have a car

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Fortnite has a Payday 2 skin

lol nice argument fag dont waste bandwidth next time and just take that L

>implying im wrong
>defending fagnite
>having to be completely still to gain 100% accuracy
oh man nu/v/ is amazing

If there was a constant mode with no building I would play it.
>shoot guy
>spams towers
>waste ammo
>rinse and repeat

>comparing cs to siege is already a fucking insult but you went full blow nigger aids bringing fornite into it mcfucking kill yourself if you can find a rope thats thick enough

Half correct.
I don't like Battle Royals and the second thing.