
We shall be stars. No clerks or rogue Ai shall stop the ascension.

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Other urls found in this thread:




Don't you want to be a star?

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Do you think that if given the opportunity your employees would find a quiet place and fuck each other senseless?

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Maybe during the non working hours. I'm sure melting love has something to say about it during working hours

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Imagine youre an Agent minding your own business with insight work on Alruine,
then suddenly


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do you have the one with joshua and wall gazer?

Remember, Managers, to hold onto hope

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Read the manual.

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No. Remember whose the head of the recording team?
Nothing turns off more than knowing that an old man watches you.

what's it say?

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I assume saying "I love you" based on Der Freeman's reaction

I never understand why Butterfly guy.


Because he's nothing.


I heard that if you let that Plague Doctor looking guy work on you then you eventually turn into a clerk.

tfw i have a mckenna but headcanon'd them as female instead because of the hairstyle they had

I ended up having to read it to understand the Qliphoth Meltdown mechanic but that's it so now I'm good. I still haven't used the Meme Repo yet but oh well

Or you could let Plague Doctor work on you


Joshua went to easy on that fat, nasty slut, I want to wear Da Capo suit and EGO so white damage only makes me hornier, and I want to break into her cell after hours, and strangle that filthy moldy bitch with my belt while I see how much office stationary can fit in her asshole.

See, this is why you're a clerk.

I really really REALLY hope you can customize employees in LoR.

I’ve been away for a while, has Project Moon dropped any worthwhile news and updates about Library of Runia?

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>he doesn't want to become a star

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A month or two ago they gave us a gameplay video for Library of Ruina. Probably fairly old news though. It looks a bit strange.

I believe they've confirmed that you could


Is it healthy to be jealous of an eldritch abomination?

No. It means your mental corruption is too high.

I bought and apparently installed the artbook off Steam. How the hell do I view it?

I wonder what that feels like.

There are instructions on how to view it on the steam page for the artbook, manager.
Perhaps you'll be better off on scarecrow duty...

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Where do these cute emoticons/stickers come from?

The abnos draw them

Hello? Manager?

>finally decide I should read dex entries of abnormals I don't really pick up
>Red Shoes
>the excerpt that took place within the company goes full yandere mode
My pp become big pp

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>bald's weapon is just a glock

I regret everything

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You picked up Nothing There early game, didn't you?

Some loredumps on twitter in case you missed it

Dude, he's saying he loves you. What's the problem, bro? Don't you want some love?

How the fuck do I get into this? Saw lots of threads here, bought it and played for a while, but shit's kinda complicated.

abno mods when

Performing Instinct increases the agent's health at the end of the day.
Performing Insight increases their mental health at the end of the day.
Attachment increases their work success rate and work speed at the end of the day.
Repression increases their attack speed and movement speed at the end of the day.

Despite early-player assumptions, high Fortitude does not increase the success rate when performing Instinct, nor does high Prudence for Insight. High Temperance will increase success rate for ALL work types, so focus on Attachment first to raise it.

Thus, when you hire a new employee, first raise their Temperance above everything else.

Collect the EGO suits and weapons. Early game gives you an opportunity to grind, so make use of that for a while. ALWAYS equip the suits and weapons for all as much as possible.

When you get the profile for the Abnos, check on what attack type they do in containment and have the agents wear a suit resistant on that type.

When Ordeals first arrive, group up all your agents together, then send them all at once to gang up on individual Ordeals for a quick takeout without casualties.

Mistakes will be made. Use the Memory Repo if you get an annoying Abno.

Focus on completing Sephirah Objectives. Their rewards are very helpful.

That's the gist. You'll get the hang of it soon. Good luck, and have fun bro.

It seems super complicated at first, but it took me only an afternoon to realize it's really not. They overexplain stuff, likely do to the translation, and have special names for everything.
They have something called a Qlimpth (?), and there's like 5 text boxes explaining it.
when it's as simple as: hey when this starts counting, fix this shit immediately or they escape. send someone in right fucking now

Just bought this, what am I in for?

bitches and whores

Death, destruction, and cute girls

How do I activate the ordeal of dusk to complete the mission? I'm on day 5

Bad things will happen unless you know how to counteract them.

Dusk Ordeals come at Day 21. Do other objectives when they arrive. You'll have 4 departments by the time Dusk comes.

Refusing to read the manual or play the tutorial immediately followed by asking Yea Forums stupid questions because of that
You won't even be physically able to trigger it until later, let alone handle it. Don't worry about doing it right away, just focus on preparing yourself for it. When you are ready substantially later in the game, you get it by just performing work while the Meltdown counter adds up. You've probably seen Dawn ordeals already, it's like that but two tiers higher.

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>when ordeals first arrive
this is the most important part of this piece of advice. The first green, amber and violet ordeals you face should be handles this way. crimson ordeals SHOULD NOT be handled this way.

How do I beat Binah? I did do her golden and dark meltdowns but her resistance still at 0.1.

>opinion on cunny?

You probably left a meltdown in the corner of the facility unchecked. Just keep trying, lot of trial and error until you get it down.


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It’s impolite to stare user

Read the flavor text above his containment unit when you start work, bro

Don't look at it.

It makes you uncomfortable to look at, right? Maybe you should try checking on other parts of your facility for awhile.

Easiest abno to suppress bro, you can do it with a level 1 guy in zayin gear lol

>dont look at him
>send employee in
>Im sorry manager but BBC #3 has died
wtf am I supposed to do

If this is the case QoH is based

I got the Green ordeal and smashed those golems.

I feel like I've been rolling super easy anomalies so far

>deathball crimson dawn
>they keep freeing abnos
>target abnos whenever they breach
>almost done, one last clown guy left
>he opens scarecrow's door
>scarecrow utterly demolishes my entire facility
This was the moment I learned deathballing wasn't as foolproof as it seemed

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>pause game
>assign employee work
>move the camera to anywhere else

Get a TETH or HE suit with red resistance on an employee with high temperance, then pray.

Here's my collection so far.

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>he got one sin

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Make sure you get the Old Lady's guns. Really helpful for getting those panicking agents earlygame

t. WhiteNight

Just as said above, some simple concepts are explained in convoluted way. The game is simpler that what it seems after skimming through the tutorials and the manual.

>You dont jeed to finish the day immediately upon meeting your quota. You can keep grinding the abnos to improve your agents stats.

>whenever you work on an abno, 1 block is aded to the gauge on the top-left of the screen. When it fills up, an adverse event occurs. Whenever this event occurs, the number to the left of the gauge increases by 1. In general, the further you go within each day, the bigger the threats will occur. In early days there is a pretty hard upper limit on difficulty though, so you can keep farming your abnos as much as you want
>if theres a number bext to the gauge, this number of abnos in your facility will have qliphoth meltdown. You gotta work on each of them within specified time or their individual qlipoth counters will drop (usually triggering their adverse effects)
>if instead of a number it says "dawn" or "noon", then instead of a meltdown you get an ordeal. A bunch of monsters will spawn around the facility and you gotta take em out.

>Many abnos have their own qlipoth counters. A counter going down is usually a bad thing. When it reaches zero, it usually triggers the abno to breach or use some annoying ability. Counter may be reduced by mishandling the abnormality (READ THE FUCKING MANAGERIAL TIPS), or by an outside force like an ordeal, another abno or a meltdown

is there a good way to stop panicking without outright killing the employee or am I just fucked?

>what is white damage
read the fucking manual

White weapons, you did play the tutorial right as for usable white weapons, the ranged kind, old lady provides a set early enough, but if you're grinding properly, you won't need these weapons anyway

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I wonder if Scorched Girl was made from a backalley kid.
She had red eyes and short orange hair, and wore a ragged red cloth over her body and a little red hair cloth.

>have no temperance 1 losers to work on this piece of shit without triggering him
>forced to work on him during a meltdown
>breaches and parks right at the door of another abno being worked on
You spawncamping asshole!

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do you have the rolling girl one


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I trust you'd all do the same if you were the Woodsman, wouldn't you? If the wizard handed you a lead heart and told you to leave?

Why did Hod betray Lob Corp?

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Ran out of SP

>fucking dementium looking bastard chasing my nugget people
>kill it and it coughs up clowns
>kill those and they cough up even more clowns
I want to make a fucking EO party of these random little nugget people and pretend they escaped LC via abno isekai

Asking again, why are all my agents manlets? How do I make them taller?

Angela explains this to you, I think on day 10. She makes them look like "dolls" as she puts it.
Idk maybe there's a mod there for it? Otherwise you can't, they're all manlets

By disabling the cognition filter and turning the game into a guro fetish h-game.

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Red ordeals are fun, especially when you can't find the last Cheers For The Start until it's already chilling outside of Nothing There's containment!

A Mega an user created in the early lob corp threads. Dont know where he went but he got it off the korean boards and unveiled a bunch of sweet korean shitposting for us

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No, I think they would wait until they went home

I actually do have Nothing There. 6 passing clerks ganged up on the one in his department and ripped it apart.

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I was finally able to all the first floor suppressions.

They're extremely easy compared to the other ones, but congratulations anyway.

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Dcinside ones are mods btw

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She cute!

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I'm going to guess because she wanted into the Wing


Where do these links lead to

nutsack is a bad influence

How do I become a good manager and make my AIs proud

Malkuth's on WAY stronger shit than he is, lol

she needs it though, doesn't she? All the pain.

What are you talking about? Hod's his dealer, if anything she's the bad influence.

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I thought he was teaching her how to take enkephalin in the one convo?
Maybe I misconstrued it.

Mega.nz's leads to a Mega page
Dcinside is essentially korean Yea Forums (correct me if im wrong

Yeah, because she wanted to use her own product, but didn't know how to. Hod is the dealer of the facility. She's the source of the enkephalin epidemic. Netsach is just a victim.

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Why are the sephiras all so dumb and useless

You haven't met them all if that's what you think.

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When did this happen? From what I could tell, she had begun a counseling program and didn't realize it had created an addiction issue in some employees like Tiffany. Thus she had access to enkephalin and the ability to distribute it, but that was shut down by Angela.
Then she got upset because the employees were pissed off at her, and Netzach came over and told her how to get high and that there would be aftereffects.
It seems like Netzach gets enkephalin regardless of what Hod does, because Angela says that's his job, get high and drunk all day.

Where can I get a job like netzach.
seeing people die would just be a bonus

Bribed with drugs, that whacky addict.

>Netsach is just a victim.
She had the authority to give away the Enkephalin and Netzach exploited that fact.
Both are horrible.

>Then she got upset because the employees were pissed off at her, and Netzach came over and told her how to get high and that there would be aftereffects.
She's the one who wanted to get high after realising what a complete fuck-up she is. Netzach just told her what would happen if she did.

There's nothing wrong with self-medicating against depression. It's Hod's fault as the counselor for giving out dangerous drugs with no oversight. It's first and foremost the medical professional's responsibility.

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Wait was it ever explained why I can suddenly use bullets
It just appeared one day.

Yeah, I didn't imply otherwise. But it really wasn't Hod being a drug dealer, she was trying to counsel depressed employees and got taken advantage of, and got depressed and tried to take the easy way out of it by getting high. I don't think there was any malicious intent, and she certainly wasn't being a bad influence on Nutsack. She's just incompetent and stupid.
Netzach gets whatever drugs he wants, and takes so much that it's far beyond addiction, he's basically always on them. Granted his whole life is just wanting to die and being denied it.

>Abnormality dissolution 97%
What am I missing? Is it Whitenight? I could swear I got his info before memrep.

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You finished one of the tipheret missions

>I don't think there was any malicious intent, and she certainly wasn't being a bad influence on Nutsack. She's just incompetent and stupid.
Of course there was no malicious intent, since her entire problem is that she's innocent, young and wants to be helpful, but is a naïve moron who fucks up everything for everyone by getting into things she has no competence in, just like what happened before the game's story itself. But, she is absolutely a bad influence. She's like a teenage with no medical training working as a psychiatrist. She has no place having the power to prescribe those drugs, but she does anyway.

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Would Hod believe you if you told her she would become a better person if she had sex with you
Why are some in round containers anyway?

Can I get a tl:dr of the game's plot and setting?
I love the Cabin in the Woods approach, but unfortunately I suck at base management games and really can't handle them, so I will never be able to play the actual game.

>Why are some in round containers anyway?
Backer abnos? Melting Love is one, Ppodeae and La Luna absolutely seem like they would be, but I don't know.

right that makes sense

If this rough machine translation is to be believed it's a collection of abno's shy faces.


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How can I deal with CENSORED?
Anybody who enters the unit has immediately 60% penalty of sanity.

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Not on nutsack though, and the employees consider her not worthy of respect anyway, and keep in mind these are probably CLERKs that are shitting on her and calling her useless. They walk all over her. I'd say the clerks are a worse influence on her than she is on them.
Isn't that what caused her meltdown?

just git gud_________________________________________________________________________________________________


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Get your highest prudence Chad, put him in black protecting gear and make him do insight work on it.
If that doesn't work, spend a day grinding insight to max it, get some gifts that boost SP and do it.

I gave my highest sp employee the Child of Galaxy regen buff and used that to survive so I could grind out the PE boxes.

Note that sometimes even a gigachad will get mediocore success rolls on CENSORED, and CENSORED can roll Black damage as high as 10(!) possibly about 14-15ish times if things go awry. It's rare, but it's happened to me. If you have something like The Smile EGO Armor lol it's no issue ever

>got nothing there
>don't know if I should just meme repo
Help me bros. Can I just leave him alone until I've got the proper resources to deal with his horse shit? Also what actually happens if you let one of the qliphoth meltdowns complete on a containment unit with no meltdown counter?


You get power sapped a touch if you let the meltdown complete.
Some might manifest effects anyways.
As for Nothing There, unless you get an abno with high Red Resist it's better to memrepo. Work on it also benefits from higher levels of Fortitude, but getting him too early and having weak armor is disaster.

>, and the employees consider her not worthy of respect anyway,
Because she's such a bad influence. She's pretty much a teenage girl being put in charge of adults facing death each and every day.
> I'd say the clerks are a worse influence on her than she is on them.
The facility itself is the problem. She shouldn't be there.

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keep him for that gear, I managed to do it just fucking barely with Laetitia's gear on a unit with EX stats until I got better stuff
X counter meltdowns take a little power.

I had that happen when i was at max power and thought I just wanna see what happens if some abnos escaped before ending the day and then I realized I couldn't end the day anymore and got fucked

Okay so letting the countdown run out on like one sin and hundreds of good deeds or the fucking thing you put your agents in so they can instantly fucking die but give you like 10 energy is not actually a major disaster.

pretty sure the iron maiden thing can't get a meltdown anyway.

Oh thank god. I was fucking worried that if it one day had a meltdown I'd have to stick one of my weaker agents in there just to appease the gods of change.

I'd say it's less because she's a "bad influence" and more that she simply has no real power and no backbone, so they don't respect her. Hell, even when she snaps they just laugh. Malkuth is cute and young as well, but she orders employees to be slaughtered or put down like dogs if they show signs of panic.
The facility being a problem is there for all of them except Angela, so nah. None of them should be there. Clerk bullying is why the manager gets execution bullets.

>Agent with Sound of a Star weapon goes insane
>attacks a fellow Agent
>WHOOPING 42*3 W damage, they instantly lose their mind
>SoaS Agent fires again
>renders them sane
>renders them insane
>keeps doing it
holy shit

>and more that she simply has no real power and no backbone
That's what makes her a bad influence. Incompetence in leadership positions where life and death is involved causes massive moral issues and gives rise to peer-leadership, where the individuals assuming positions of power don't actually have the means to lead effectively, causing further performance and moral issues. She's the kind of person who ought to be fragged for the sake of everyone involved and I'm sure the only reason the clerks haven't done it is because of her being a box and them only having handguns

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record it if you can

I hope there's no Abno's present that drop their Qliphoth counter every time someone panics.

I still don't want to say she's a bad influence, because that implies she has power. There's a different term I can't think of right now for her, sort of like a figurehead but lesser. The Asiyah employees only seem to have confidence in Malkuth (read: fear) and Yesod. It's essentially like her department doesn't have a leader at all, she doesn't have power.
Also don't frag Hod she's cute

>Also don't frag Hod she's cute
That only makes it better.

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It's okay only if you do it the old fashioned way

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Someone pls help

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Hokma could just reverse time over and over right when you cum for infinite pleasure

post yfw you get memerepo'd out of existance

do not bully Hod, she already gets bullied enough anyway

How do you get different endings?

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default face for all encounters, world-ending and otherwise

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core suppressions

You are missing
>O-07-103 (tool, only appears if O-05-102 is present)
>D-01-106 (Aleph abno, donor so it doesn’t count towards dissolution)
>Bald-is-awesome! (Zayin abno, has no number, often mistaken as already gotten)

You might also be missing O-05-47 as its info isn’t unlocked normally and therefore doesn’t appear in the codex

Nah, It's Army in Black, Yang and Bald Is Awesome that I'm missing. Thanks.

By the way.
it's been a while but user, whose sister made LC fanart: What is the status of Gebura pegging Chesed? Is it already finished?
Was it already posted?

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How tall are employees in meters?


>start sweating just from reading about what happens during sephirah meltdowns
How fucked am I?

You're getting the perspective wrong. It's the Abnos that are huge.

>roll both plant and Nothing There on day 22
How fucked am I?

>employee's black swan gift causes punishing bird to go apeshit which leads to big bird breaching which also leads to bird of judgement breaching
How fucked am I?

What's your ethnicity?
Are you Asian?

What the fuck am I supposed to do now that I'm stuck with melting love

I'm a spic, is that good enough?

This is what I have right I was forced to memory repo by Silent orchestra and the nameless fetus, moving on is there any cost from doing memory repo? And is it true that you need all abnormalities complely investigated to reach the true ending?

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Reminder if you Day 1'ed on your first playthrough it means that you're a pussy bitch. Thank you for listening

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Memrepo snaps your employees and ego gifts you got since it was implanted out of existence but it keeps the ego gear (of alive employees) and all the data you've collected on abnos.

I haven't day 1's yet and the only thing I ever repo'd was the nameless fetus, but I'm not sure how well the later days will go since I can't beat apocalypse bird now and I have all the ALEPHs in my facility.

I'm on day 48 now but Chads are dropping like flies. 6 dead in the last two days, I don't know how much longer I can keep this up. At least day 47 is over, FUCK that shit, fuck it, stat malus or blurry UI alone is fine, but both together leads to fucking disasters.

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I'm thinking about picking this up and I know it's a horror game, but are there any jumpscares? Like big enough to cover the screen rather than the cell of the particular monster?

>and I know it's a horror game
But it's not.

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Just don't touch abno's that state they don't want to be touched.

Is being a spic ever good enough?


The only "jumpscares" are:
>wall gazer
>nothing there
>silent orchestra
>forgetting your tickets
They aren't especially frightening and you probably won't piss your pants from them.

and about the true ending do you need alll anfo on all abnos?
I am new here What is a tripfag?


Cute evil girl.

I think you'll be fine. Not like core suppressions are very hard anyways.
Just S Rank them until Day 49 bro

Could you elaborate on that?

Don't diddle the little girl.

Lurk for a few years

Holy shit Angela 3D model where?

>forgetting your tickets
>They aren't especially frightening and you probably won't piss your pants from them.
Fuck off, that scared the absolute fuck and shit out of me the first time it happened. Never pressed space so hard in my life.

On my HDD.

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Describe the core suppressions using bike-riding analogies

I think it's been stated because her family had connections to the head and they threatened to hurt them or something

Damn, did that artist make more? That’s awesome


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lurk moar, faggot

>angela 3d model
>abno 3d model

fuck fuck fuck

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Creating Melting Love for ss13.

I cant create the horror form from 4 angles due in-experience.

Attached: melting love size.png (605x321, 14K)

It's pretty straightforward, almost literally, explicitly. And also

Where does this game land on the autism spectrum?

B-but you need to touch it to find out it doesnt want to be touched

Suppressing Hod is like deciding to hire a bike as a Dutchman when you want to travel to a nearby village in Germany.
Sure, the planner says it's only 10 kilometers,
but these aren't the roads you're used to. They are not flat.
And you might get there eventually, biking's in your blood after all, but fuck those protrusions mother earth stamped out of the ground we call mountains. Fuck 'em.

Some abnos do have effects that cover the whole screen, but they hardly qualify as jumpscares. They give more of a "well now you fucked up big time" effect, especially the first time you encounter them.

shit why can it do this, I thought I would be safe

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>sitting down in vrchat

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>thinking you can escape Abnormalities

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>the red shoes have fucking teeth and tongues

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Thats really well done, is that the only lobotomy character model?

I love you everyone

heh i remember someone saying they want to make a LC themed ss13 server months ago
good stuff

After Anons in the previous thread insistence, clerk-killer got a promotion and, in celebration, hit the new record of killing 5 clerks in a single shot.

Post employee hijinks

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How would Yuuka fare against ALEPHs? Including ordeals and bosses

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>get it on sale because it was recommended to me
>start out
>beginner abnormality is a fucking giant floating skull that talks about sin and shit
>unlock his stuff
>pretty okay stuff

>ffw to day 3
>unlock some fairy because i think what could go wrong
>looks cute and harmless af
>hint 3
>anyone surrounded by the fairy that does any other work instantly dies

just the kind of fucked up game i was looking for after scp doesnt get shit with the remake taking years

She'd be fine and probably easily crush everything but CENSORED, because that's just awful.

Newbies are cute!! CUTE!!!
I can't wait to see you despair

Fairies like meat. That's why they're so fat.

She'd kill everything.

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Eh the fairies go away from an agent pretty quickly. It does give a unique death animation if you fuck up though.

The actual fun abnos are not added to the pool of possible picks until after day 10 or so.

Just remember that One Sin and a Hundred Good Deeds is your friend. If you ever find yourself overwhelmed by evil, he will be there to accept your confession.

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>Yuuka vs The Red Mist
>Yuuka vs An Arbiter

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>still haven't done ordeal of dusk mission
>can't anymore now because melting love keeps fucking me up before I get to that point

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We're talking completely different levels of power, user. There's nothing in the facility capable of beating Yuuka, save maybe if One Sin calls upon God to smite her down.

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Theoretically, can you work on Plague Doc for long enough in a single day with less than 12 employees that you can unlock his escape info?

No, the cap is 999.

What if you removed the limit?

Tbh I don't even know why anyone would even ask about how a touhou girl would fare against some moderate-strength monsters in the first place but eh
It's like asking if Kirby would win against a cake

>One Sin

It'd probably crash the game if you did that and tried to unlock the info. Or maybe the dev will call you a cheating nigger.

The powerlevels in Touhou aren't readily apparent what with the danmaku, so it's not that odd. The series probably has the most secondaries of all.

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Probably, since it has such a huge amount of fanart.
Going to have to be honest here though, I've never managed to actually finish a touhou game. I'm slow as fuck and I end up getting totally shit on by one boss that I just end up stopping on. I got into trying the games solely because of the music back in 2009.

When you add the pound (#) symbol to the end of your name followed by a word, like a password that only you know, it scrambles the word into a code. That way it's undetectable and can be used over and over again.
People don't like it when you try to stand out here, because the idea is that everyone is anonymous.

Bask in my glory and I'll shall push back the white night

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Why not give it another go? Boot up EoSD and try your best. We'll all laught at you if you play it on easy, but it's better than giving up.


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That's a great piece of art. Though, the low-quality red letters in the bottom-right are a goddamn travesty

>Bask in my glory
But that's wrong and completely heretical. That's what the Beast does and why God smites it.

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>get army guy
>he turns into a fucking aleph when breaching
>get plague doctor
>he turns into a raid boss after diddling my nugget people

wait until you see one sin's final form...

No :)

Have you tried clicking on Don't Touch Me yet?

Well, it's currently ALEPH free for all out there.
Let's look at the contestants in this race.
Firstly, our initial ALEPH competitor, Nothing There. This guy is pretty neat, because he's hostile to absolutely everything. Unfortunately he picked a really shitty fight in the form of Melting Love, who is currently beating the snot out of him with impunity.
Blue Star and Silent Orchestra must be having some sort of relationship I don't know about, because they're sharing a room. White damagers unite.
The Mountain of Smiling Bodies had a hearty meal, and got all 3 bodies. Unfortunately for him, one of those was ripped apart by going too close to Nothing There and Melting Love's quarrel. He quickly ceased hostilities and ran away once this happened.
Army in Black is having a very poor time of it. No employees to panic, no one to kill, and the King of Greed is oneshotting several Black Hearts.
CENSORED seems to be trying to impress Melting Love, who has turned her back on Nothing There and lost interest, instead beginning to make an omelette out of the Small Beak Egg. Perhaps it's the red slimy flesh on the front.
The Apocalypse Bird is doing nothing in particular.
In the pit crew, Grave of Cherry Blossoms and Plague Doctor are not able to possess anyone, because the girl in the shelter is blessed already. Blue Star tends to be doing the most work oddly enough.

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Funny that you post Sakuya, this was the goofy remix that got me to try out other touhou music.

That's actually what I assumed got you into it.

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The birds. One Sin.

That obvious huh?
I ended up listening almost exclusively to touhou music for roughly 2 years after finding that song.

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>the virgin Melting Love hunch
>the chad Nothing There stride

Maybe the true Aleph where the friends we made along the way... All my friends jumped into blue star

Small Beak is down! But now that it's down Melty has moved on to greener pastures, namely netzach's pastures, and CENSORED is having a spat with Mountain.
Although upon checking back it appears Mountain is fleeing from CENSORED and CENSORED is giving chase.
This appears to have been the case for several minutes, as Mountain tries to smack CENSORED a few times then run, but CENSORED is like a homing missile and refuses to stop pursuing Mountain. We have a real bully over here.

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So, can I really not do much about melting love without execution bullets?

Why don't you jump too, user? Do you not want to meet them again, as stars?

Why does your doctor have wings

Jesus christ how much did he eat? Let the false prophet loose.

It seems he took your cheers to heart user, and has perfected his stride.
Dunno, he changed color last failed attempt at the bird I did.

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He had a fucking feast my man, and since he has lost his third lump several times I estimate he has consumed roughly 20 clerk bodies.
Apocalypse Bird heard Melty cracking his favorite egg and decided to put her back in time out.

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>Dunno, he changed color last failed attempt at the bird I did.
If he gets loose even the Alephs will be afraid.

Imagine the cleanup process

He doesn't seem to want to break out right now so I'm sure it's fine.

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So manager you start a brand new day at lobotomy and check what abnormality is the new cell and you find this... What now?

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>let him murder all the other Alephs

What EGO gift do you want the most? Keep in mind you can't take it off.

Oh, so that's why CENSORED hates Mountain.
Bitch keeps eating his onaholes so he can't make more friends

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force everyone to use it

Sound of a star.

i am here, here's my collection so far, ingame music (minus core suppression), department/Ordeal assets, and the Sephirah stickers
if you guys have any other game assets feel free to share them, i've been trying to create a complete download of everything the game has to offer minus the raw code

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Shy look today’s

Mountain makes a hasty retreat as the two red guys who were chasing him decide to fight amongst themselves instead.
A solid plan considering Nothing There just axed his third orb.
NT defeated CENSORED.

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Great early gear and a neat gimmick.

Shy look today is underrated.

Love at first sight, the strangely angled NT decides this will be his quiche in the morning.

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Can anyone upload the english artbook?

A rival has appeared for long bird's love.

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Just supress her. It's much easier than do it her way.

Man this shit is fucked up

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But when your name has "Love" right in it, can you really lose in a battle of passion?

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Reminder that one sin is a casual filter. Scrubs will abuse him for boxes not realizing they are making the whole complex go berserk.

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>Hey kid, want some cool EGO gifts?
>Come on, they're free. Just let me hug you for a bit

Why is yesod suppression such a nigger?

aand crash
well I know they can do it at least


>just supress her
>all my guys just die
yeah great

>not realizing they are making the whole complex go berserk

But I lost CENSORED before getting his weapon. Oh well. Worth it.

Don't worry about it, just keep playing.

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>kill all clerkoids with exec bullets
>assign one guy to melting love
>put him in the hallway
>work on her only when absolutely necessary (meltdowns)

Salute to the brave employee who was sacrificed to Gebura. Now onto the bucket hag.

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When do I get exec bullet, I'm on day 25

Should I try and get CENSORED back? I feel kind of shameful not having all the ALEPHs back here.

>completing any day with less than S ranking

one thing: why is it written "McKenna jumped when the loudspeaker called his name, but he quickly got to his feet" I know you mean jumped as in surprised but it can be interpreted as him literally jumping up. I suggest rewording it to "Mckenna was startled when the loudspeaker called his name,"

Not him but I don't see how that is ambiguous at all.

Lurk moar's the rule but I'd also prescribe a dose of google alongside it and to take when needed.

>completing any day in more than 1 try

How do I writefag? I've got an idea but my preschooler level writing may ruin it

Disciplinary department

>extract core suppression tracks from the game for sharing purposes
>wav format makes them take up half a gb
Is there a good program for batch converting audio or am I doing this the slow way

Meant for

because someone could imagine he was so surprised he literally jumped up, and than the point of him getting on his feet is redundant. This way you remove a potential redundancy issue. Yes I'm aware that ironically this post is redundant

Angela and presumably the Manager when it isn't time to monitor the containment cells are omnipotent in the facility, I'd bet you can't even drop a shit in the bathroom without either of them knowing about it in some way, let alone bang your lover at the bunks or broom closet. Along with that, it's likely you can't go home since business in Lobotomy is probably classified.
I assume that since you got a workforce full of horny, stressed and constantly nervous people you got people who are probably more likely to physically vent their frustrations on their fellow workers and especially the Abnormalities. Gebura would be proud

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It says jumped, not jumped up, so it's fine.

"Jumped" can be interpreted as jumping up. this is a minor point though so i'm just going on a bit. Also in the last paragraph it says "He nodded and smiled as she rambled on about how much she admired how her suppressed those breaches, how she looked up to him."
I'm sure it was a typing mistake but it should be "how much she admired how he suppressed those beaches....."

>Reach Binah phase 3 with no deaths
>everyone is mostly healthy
>2nd meltdown of pillars starts and abnos starts breaking out nonstop
>realize I forgot to take someone out of shelter
I missed this.

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I want to fuck it

Speaking of the shelter, does it protect against long range attacks like green midnight?

If all the Alephs would break out, who would be the last one standing gameplay wise? Apoc Bird prob shouldn't count since it's 3 in one. I'm thinking it would be Melting Love or Censored since they make children.

As far as I know it protects against everything but docbro's possession and WCCA+Portrait combo damage.

Presumably yes.
It is the "safest place on earth" after all

Stab myself with it.

Seriusly? you are going to examinate if you need a minimum stat requirement for safe use? or if it even works? it could be a regular arrow for all you know. Imagine Angelas face when she finds a death manager... again

Yes, the only thing that can affect people in the shelter is the same thing that can persist through time fuckery: WhiteNight.
>WCCA+Portrait combo damage.
Doesn't portrait shift to a different employee when he enters shelter?

Reminder that Wall Gazer is the only abno in a facility full of murderers and abominations that is such an asshole she doesn't even give an EGO gift.

It does not. You just get some free energy and then the employee in shelter gets the WCCA damage and dies.

Should I have departments with mono damage output? I've got alriune and it's a bitch to find all my best Reds only to have them be dabbed on by the third petal when they finally reach her.

Well there is a gift there, just have to look harder

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Her gift is removing virginity,

Thx bro, you're doing great work

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Wall Gazer is a massive slut though.

Does it matter since 90% of employees are gonna die horribly regardless?

I want to do unthinkable things to Binah's brainless corpse as she's forced to watch!

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Yes! You could be fucking Der Cute instead!

Thank you user, appreciate it

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There is a literal button that is named "Don't touch me" if you even try to interact with it can really fuck up everything. The only way to get it observation is by clicking on it during deployment phase and even then the game crash while a voice in korean tell you don't touch me.

This picture gives me FLCL vibes.

Her gift is letting you stare at that fat, wet, naked ass.

I got "The smile" EGO suit, things went very smoothly.

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Wait, Binah is a girl?

Look at this duuuude

>He genuinely fell for the Futa meme

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They like it more when you call them 'young lady' at that age

And Netzach is a boy. Crazy huh?

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And hod is a traitor!

t-t-they're fast!

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Shoot all Clerks, wage war now


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Cute Traitor!

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>doing Hokma suppression
>trying to snipe clerks
>SANIC employees keep trying to dive in front
Fuck's sake

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Hod did NOTHING wrong

Did you really think she was a guy

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Laetitia's cuteness is so dangerous that if her friend was stronger she could easily be a WAW

Holly molly I hear about how she is harder to deal whit than some of the alephs but not to that extreme I just wanted my Magical girl waifu. Is she outright impossible to keep calm unless you have the executioner bullets?

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She would make a cute guy

just use the work rollover method bro.

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You can get one of those hallway fucks loose, like meat latern or butterfly man and then surpress

Is the fight over? I wanna see what happens next.

I using the German sniper dude to murder some clerks to keep her at peace, goddammit even in videogames girls have some ridiculous upkeep price.
work rollover method? you mean Memory repo?

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With which WAW abno did you do the "suppress 5 WAW abnomalies" mission ?

>Binah fades right out after dying
>someone fucking dies as the report card appears
I am insurmountably furious.

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Imagine how I felt with wrapping up Hod's suppression on a purple noon, and at the time, thinking the day would end before anything bad happened.

Work on her before triggering meltdown while she is still in normal mode and when you get enough boxes for good result and then trigger meltdown, i think it also works if you trigger meltdown while she is doing the kiss animation.

no. wait until there are 2 works left before a qliphoth meltdown and then work da queen as you're second to last. when she's at about 14-16 PE boxes immediately start work on another abnormality, this causes the qliphoth level to raise and the queen to go hysteric but the queen already has the 16 boxes needed so when the work finishes she'll go back to normal.

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>Hod Suppression
>all is well until the person who was assigned to Queen of Hatred loses their buffs to the point where her escaping is inevitable
>try to damage control, get everyone barricaded in the Information Department
>suddenly Green Dusk hits, robots with machine guns everywhere
>Scatter my Agents to instead work on Abnormalities since none were in fighting shape, many of them get caught by the robots and die in the process
>Agent assigned to the Express Train meets one of the robots and gets shot to hell before she could stop the 4th signal from activating
>send my best Agent to take the ticket before the train kills everyone
>she take the ticket but suddenly 2 robots come into the hall to fight, she starts holds them off while the rest of the Department is trying to meet the energy quota
>Suddenly Queen of Hatred literally teleports behind her and breathes her fire, incinerating her just as the Suppression ends
>Daily Report comes in: 31 Dead, 3 Abnormalities Escaping, Rank D (and like 2 LOB)
that was fucking stressful, this game can give you actual war stories to tell when it stops holding itself back

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the game lies, old promise is a aleph tier tool
it can ruin a whole run, forcing you to restart day 1

tools have 5 levels of observation, i bet its that

... do you have more?

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>Decide to bunker down and do dusk mission.
>it's a crimson one, things are going well and only one level one employee has died.
>kill the rolly pollys, then the abominations, then finally just hunting down all the stray small clowns.
>One of the stray clowns goes to where blue star is and stays there, it's one of two left.
>frantically trying to get justice chads there to stop meltdown.
>we don't make it, blue star escapes just as the clown is killed.
>one clown left at 1/5 of health, blue star is charging up.
>hit the clown and kill it
>too late, blue star pulses once, all non chads immediately die.
>end the day with 6 employees dead 12 surviving.
>Get three cut-scenes of the AI losing their minds and being totured, or maybe they were the humans the AI were based off of.
>core suppress missions unlocked, have barely any employees left

Lads what the FUCK is going on

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Yin Yang, had enough ranged weapons to suppress them at that point.

Welcome to Lobotomy Corp.

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Maybe you'll step up to the plate?
Maybe you won't.

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fuck how do I resign and leave
I hate this place
Also I'm taking Laetitia with me

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Fuck man, why would Angela program my perception filter to find this so hot, I'm not even into guro mostly.

Wouldnt that situation be more like the filter stopped working?

If you were forced to eat an abno, which one would you eat? It will be cooked by a chef of your choice.

Nothing there, that'll teach him

Nothing There.
Would you even be satisfied with the meal? Did you even eat anything at all? Why is there an empty plate in front of you?
>fuck this, I'm going to Binah Burger

But tripclerk, that'd imply I'm a filthy fucking degenerate who enjoys watching his employees die horribly.

In this circumstance, I'd try Void Dream. Something like lamb(?) with a hint of chicken.

punishing bird

>kills you from inside your stomach

I didn't expect this game to be so long, 20 hours in and I'm only like halfway through
Is there even more replay value with those multiple endings too? Can you miss them however or is that not a problem.

You can just unlock the best ending and view the worse endings in the story replay on the main menu. You'd be locked out of them otherwise because can't undo suppressions or codex without deleting your save.
As for replay value, if you like beating up the ALEPHs and doing the final few days, no reason to not get far enough to do them again.

Attached: solo, but not really.webm (1366x768, 1.73M)

... Did you just call me a clerk?

>Binah Burger
The extraction team must be rolling in cash with all the customers they get
The fuck are they gonna spend it on though lmao

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Wellcheers, duh. Before anyone says you have to eat the can or the machine, you don't eat chicken bones or apple cores.

post geb

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I'm sure they have some other restaurants competing with them though.


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How tall is she? She has to be like 20-30 cm taller than me which is hot as fuck

What could they be?
>Gebura Grill
>Chesed Cafe
>Hokma Hotdogs

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>chesed sushi

Hod Cocktails

I'd wager between 210-220cm tall from , it really depends on how tall the Fixer in LoR is, I would assume people like Fixers would be quite a bit taller than average but who knows.

Man, 220cm would be like 50cm taller than me

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Whatever the case, she's a fucking amazoness

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