Yfw 1 HP

>Yfw 1 HP

Attached: 1hp.jpg (778x689, 202K)

Other urls found in this thread:


Wait, Escanor's dead? Or did he come back from that?

dropped this garbage a while back, let me guess. Merlin or someone else magically comes in with a new special power that they can heal him fully?

He got Mael'd.

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Everyone is telling me to watch and read this but it looks so damn bad and cheap that i never been able to.

Am i right or not?

Ehh, its standard shonen with some REALLY cheap asspulls.

Though the author DID pull a Kubo tier troll with the "ending"



Its shit. Don't bother.

Nigga. Author died. Who says Escandor can't?

He gets bettah!

Time to wiki dive

What the fuck? Who is writing it now?

Time to praise the Sun bitches

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I usually,play suicidal when this happens

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This series should have ended already.

He's bullshitting

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did they bring Arthur back yet?

Nah, theyre saving him to finish off DK

No. Was actually proabably a sign that the series had not ended since Merlin had not gone full /ss/ on him.


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>Completely outclassed
>Knows he can't win for shit
>Doesnt give a shit
>His pride literally won't let him hide
>Stands there and acts as a human shield until he's nothing but mince meat, refusing to fall
Escanor proves once again to have the biggest, hairiest pair of testacles in the whole series

>escanor dead

The fuck?

Attached: 1480386107555.jpg (259x205, 9K)

Fuck Escanor, this is the best moment of Season 2 by FAR
whats even happened in the manga? I stopped reading when Elizabeth had 3 days to live, is she dead yet?

It already ended (manga)

The anime is getting another season

He's not. Mael asspulls him back to full health and returns Sunshine to him >Any of the protagonists dying

But the manga hasn't ended yet.

>Literally doesn't care about the bad guys
>He's doing all the shit to save the loli
>Rejecting thots
>loli lover

Why is ban so fucking based?

Attached: Lancer03.png (800x600, 418K)

Wait really? I got a lot of shitty YouTube recommendations about how the "ending" sucked,did they expanded the story to "fix" the shit?

Author was trolling everyone

>is immortal
>can't die and always comes back
>has a perfect loli
>literally just fucks around with his opponent
>is an expert at using nun chucks

Yeah, im thinking ban is based

>ywn fuck diane

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I'm not dead until you kill me, work for it!

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fuck this shit!

>yfw 1 HP

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Is Escanor dead?

lmao, what's the source?

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>laughs in damage boost

Attached: tfw get stronger as HP gets lower.jpg (700x363, 43K)

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>Last in your party
>Kill them on a lucky reflect.

Attached: mr_rodgers.jpg (900x673, 46K)

>Man too angry to die.

Attached: Khârn_the_Betrayer_Updated.jpg (1536x2048, 699K)

Wtf am i looking at

my face at 1hp

w-what's that

Attached: 5243.jpg (240x210, 7K)

Wtf happened to escanor

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ajin i think

Fuck you user I was still catching up

just read a wiki article and it looks interesting, i'll give it a try


it's just a flesh wound.
he'll be allright.

>forgot to save before battle

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Modern art

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>A main character dying in 7 Shartful Sins.


Attached: 1532730852266.png (312x261, 43K)

Literally me last night.
>Play Strange Journey Redux
>Map full of damage tiles and traps
>Traverse map with only 1 HP party
>Subapps saved me multiple times
>Finally at Ishtar
>Reflect back physical attacks
>win with only 1 demon at 1 HP

trying to identify what that even is damaged my mind slightly

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Is he dead?

if i go down, it'll be on my own terms

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Fucking end it Bros.

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is he ok

No, he gets saved. Presumably he'll die after the next fight though, although I could see an asspull saving him.

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some dumb sculpture.

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fucking normies dont understand simple props and think its something gruesome or snuff related fucking idiots

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this mangas fight scenes are so fucking kino

he looks like a cool guy

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what manga?


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>cheat death is ready

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It'd be neat if games had an item that gives a party member a 100% boost in all stats if another party member wearing the same item faints/dies in battle.

>it's another Yea Forumstard goes to a different board trying to spoil an anime
Why do you people do this? We don't watch this, spoil it in Yea Forums.

It wasn't a bad chapter honestly, it's a shame Escanor is stuck in such a shit series.

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what manga?

The title is right in the page



is he kill?

I posted the last page, what do you think.

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fuck this bitch i hated her so much >:(

nope, he's fine.

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in shonen manga, logical conclusions arent always a sure thing

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Everything is perfectly fine...

Attached: Zoro_After_Taking_Luffy's_Pain.png (672x1390, 1.47M)

>You Didn't Win

What a fucking kino shot. Photographers are assholes who take advantage of bad situations for art but every now and then they shit out something gold.

Attached: guts.gif (498x372, 2.74M)

They are pulling the if you use this once more time you will die but this series is fucking trash that likes to bait people with shit like this all the time.
Just a few weeks ago he announced the manga was ending in a few chapters and he kept going.
It was cheap as fuck.

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Zoro's such a fucking TANK

Guy doesn't even know how to dodge or block, he just takes it and keeps going.

Keep in mind, this was AFTER an arc that they SHOULD NOT HAVE WON and then he took ~twice as much damage and stayed standing.

Easily one of the best scenes.

>poison takes you down to 1hp

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Who looks at their health?

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>tank game had locational damage

Attached: 1532546237946.png (1020x2512, 258K)

This is technically win for Escanor

>survive combo with a pixel of health, in a hard knockdown
Motherfucker I dare you to try a meaty. You dont think I'll throw out a reversal?
>Get safe jumped

Attached: 1537399838518.jpg (300x295, 19K)

>gets stronger the less health i have
>get combo'd and expect to die
>live with 1 hp
>it's my turn

Attached: 1541394653143.gif (540x300, 364K)

>mods unironically deleted the seven deadly sins discussion before
I unironically thought I was tripping the fuck out. That was pretty good discussion, probably on the archive

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Does anyone ever use the archives? Now that I think about it I don't think there's ever been a time I used one. Who pays to host all that?

>1 HP
>Peril badges activate

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its good
the anime is pretty good too if you're illiterate

this anime fucking sucks

He is made of house. But also the house is made of him. Same with the rest of paper world. It's all one giant living abomination. Think deep cosmic horror, but paper

Aizen was fucking cucked

the whole series was fucked when it kept on going after

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That sentence needs some banging guitar, and you've got a decent trailer ending

Sato really is the best thing about this manga. Where every other demi-human just want to be left alone, he does the most outrageous shit to fuck up society.

came here to post something relating to this, based hunterchad

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>haha rise up gamers

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