So can someone wxplain to me how ganon went from pic related to a regular looking corps of a man?

Is pic related not actually ganon? Is the zombie ganondorf not actually ganon? I need answers.

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Damn it you know what I mean. Both of these characters look like ganondorf but are obviously not the same person.

>implying BoTW devs give a shit about the story/plot

There's barely any story in the first place, and even with what little there is they shat all over the lore (and timeline of course) with impunity, fucking Rito and Zora existing simulatenously lmao. I wouldn't be surprised if they never even played the previous Zelda games.

Diet and exercise.

I thought BotW took place on the TP timeline, therefore a divergence in Rito and Zora instead of one becoming the other like in WW would make more sense.

Its the end of all 3 lines

How does that work, exactly

>So can someone wxplain to me how ganon went from pic related to a regular looking corps of a man?

The Calamity goop is clearly coming out of Dorf's body. He's probably just astral projecting or whatever in the first game then gets awoken in the sequel.

It doesn't.

Ganon and Ganondorf are not the same entity.

They basically abandoned the concept of actually giving a shit about continuity in BoTW, and since they fucked over the timeline anyway, they might as well put an end to it by claiming all 3 timelines somehow tie into BoTW so that they are free to shit out sequels in whatever way they desire.

Where the fuck is this headcanon coming from?

Literally all it takes is for them to have a game down the line that fuses the three timelines or claim that there is a game that does exactly that they haven't made yet.

Actual canon.

Ganon is literally Ganondorf.

But they won't, because they don't care.

Only retards believe in that dumb ass zelda timeline bs. Nintendo just made that shit up so it can shut up all of those theory fags. Zelda games don't have a timeline. Only some zelda games connect to others such ass OOT and windwaker, OOT and tp, and the foursword games.

Yeah, but a game like that probably needs a focus on some kind of linear narrative, and that goes against the design style of the new generation Zelda team which seems to be developing puzzle rooms in a vacuum and then plopping entrances to them randomly on a bare heightmap

I get the feeling they will make a zelda game where the time lines are about to explode or some shit and you have to merge them all.

Coincidentally those are the best games people remember the most.

pic related is puppet ganon, like in wind waker
the corpse is real ganon/ganondorf, the main body
he looks like he's being held down by the hero/the goddess/the triforce
this is likely what's preventing him from reincarnating, forcing him to do his "calamity ganon" thing to interact with the world

zoom zoom

Ganon is the spirit of Demise. Ganondorf usually acts as a vessel to host it. They are not the same being.

That's the malice. user in other thread thinks the mummy is Ganondorf and the malice leaked from him to form calamity.

Holy headcanon batman

B-b-but all those carefully crafted elements pointing to the timelines! The timelines must exist!

Nah that's bullshit. Too many subtle references in many of the games to say there isn't a timeline. Maybe it wasn't intentional at first but they obviously had a continuity in mind when making most of the games.

Here's my theory: Ganondorf was sealed very quickly in a desperation move because they are inside the Guardian's control Center. That's why he's in a weird position and the Guardians were taken over so easily.

Ganondorf is his full human name. Ganon is normally a name change used when hes becomes a monster.

Someone listened is easily influenced, listened to the internet, and skipped SS.


Yeah nah. Explain Demise.

Ganondorf isn't a host for shit he is literally Ganon and Ganon is literally the spirit of demise. There is no difference between them. Ganondorf is just a form it takes not a vessel its literally the same thing in a different shape.

Thats why I said only certain Zelda games are connected, such as windwaker and TP being connected to OOT, but Fourswords being connected to TP, that's just plane ass autism.

hmm what about him? Demise is the demon king that reincarnated as a human that was then named ganondorf

You have 5 seconds to prove Ganondorf is not Ganon or your made-up fanfiction headcanon will be discarded for the rest of eternity.

Yeah except that isn't the case.

First of all, OoT connecting to WW and TP in different times already IS a timeline.
Sure, the other games somehow fitting in there is mostly just handwaving because, obviously, they were made before that happened. However it IS canon that the three characters are in an endless cycle of rebirth, which more or less does away with the idea of Zelda games just being alternate realities or some shit.

And even BoTW acknowledges the happenings of OoT and thus in some unspecified way takes place after it. The precise placements may be handwaving bullshit by the producers, but it's not a "theory" when the majority of games openly acknowledge taking place in the same universe in different times.

Already did

That is literally the case. Ganondorf was never an individual and was literally at every point in his life the spirit of Demise since the instant of his birth. Same for every single incarnation be it a pig wizard or anything else. Its the same thing being born in different shapes.

>but hey that’s just a theory
Sick of those stupid game theory shitters.

There are no carefully crafted elements pointing to the timelines in any Zelda game before skyward sword. OOT was just LTTP but in 3d. Nothing in LTTP links it to OOT. There is a reason why both games backstory are the same in the sense that hyrule before the events of the game, had some civil war. OOT was just LTTP translated to 3d.

The fact that past technology was super advanced was always a thing apparently too. The Tower of Gods in WW was built using Sheikah technology and so was a bunch of stuff in SS.

The timelines got merged so now their are three ganons.

Ganon was Ganondorf only on a couple of occasions, and those 'dorfs are definitely different reincarnations of him (just like different Links) because otherwise gerudos wouldn't be all like "fuck, not this shit AGAIN!".

There has always been a timeline.
You're confusing bad writing with intent. Nintendo has no good writers on their staff outside of Koizumi.

It would be hilarious if that was the case and that was why Ganon was so beef. Where are all the Ganons at the latest games we know of in the timeline?

Only time Demise reincarnates other than in OOT is in Four Swords adventures.

All the other games its the OOT ganondorf who was sealed away and changed his name to ganon

Wait, which Ganondorf is a reincarnation? As far as I know all Dorfs were one and the same, the OG Dorf from OoT.

The timeline shit started with Skyward sword. Before that, there was no mention of a split time line and dumb shit like that. The time line shit started with the release of skyward sword because they knew retarded Nintendo fans will eat that shit up.

It's an unholy trinity of sorts.
Demise is the Father
Ganondorf is the Son
and Ganon is the Holy Spirit

They did it specifically to shit all over your stupid timeline. That was the point. Stay mad.

>Before that, there was no mention of a split time line and dumb shit like that.

Are you fucking retarded? SS didn't invent the timeline you dumb shit, WW and TP being LITERAL sequels to two different timelines in OoT did. The only thing SS did was confirm that these figures do in fact get reborn after dying.

Man I hope they unused Minish concepts from BotW make it into BotW2

The timeline shit literally started with fucking OOT are you fucking retarded? Three timelines started with Skyward Sword but Two was a thing ever since OoT you little shit.

>BotWfag openly celebrates the killing of everything that is Zelda

Imagine my surprise.

I really don't understand why people would see them fusing them timelines as anything but a good thing.

The stupid fucking "timeline" isn't what makes Zelda you absolute turboautist.
Fucking exactly, jesus christ.

AoL is a direct sequel to LoZ.
Every game, outside of a couple of the spin-offs, has a direct connection to a previously released game.

>they did it to shit over the thing they themselves created
Okay then.
BotW's story is awful anyways, not surprised that they couldn't be bothered to have some consistent lore. If they want to continue doubling down on the side content at the expense of the main quest, they need to actually start putting work into their worldbuilding, because right now they're way behind their peers.
>inb4 lol it's a Nintendo game they don't need to put in any effort!
>inb4 story doesn't matter even though the game has hours of cutscenes and NPC dialogue

Noone cares that they fused the timelines, the issue is that BoTW fucks up continuity and established lore.
Rito and Zora existing simultaneously has NOTHING to do with fucking timelines, it just a case of BotW devs being retarded hacks and not playing any actual Zelda games.

BoTWfags cannot defend this so they go into full damage control meltdown mode with "FUCK MUUH TIMELINE" autism.

Expect it didn't. If you can remember when TP came out, people like you guys were arguing that TP was a sequel to WW but if the sea level went down or some dumb shit like that. That was their reasoning on why hyrule looked different and why the temple of time was overgrown and destroyed.

>TP Ganondorf literally tells the story of how child Link told the King about him and how he got executed for it before being able to do anything

What the fuck is wrong with you

>>Rito and Zora existing simultaneously has NOTHING to do with fucking timelines, it just a case of BotW devs being retarded hacks and not playing any actual Zelda games.
This isn't just ignorant, it's blatantly wrong. You can't fucking honestly think Eiji Aonuma, the guy who DIRECTED ALL OF THE GAMES, never played a Zelda game. Fuck off, quit whining about shit you don't know shit about.

>Except it didn't because I said so
>And you argued for this point because I said so otherwise I would be wrong so you see I am correct
You really are just a retard aren't you? Before TP came out it was unknown what it was but when it came out it was fucking obviously a sequel to the child timeline because Ganondorf was sentenced to the Twilight realm because the failed to kill him.

Jesus you really can't make any salient argument can you?

Aonuma didn't direct BoTW you sad copelet.

Not him but I think he purposely disregarded the life, I firmly believe BOTW is a soft reboot that wants to have its cake and eat it too ie: acknowledging all past games lore simultaneously while creating a new starting point for future titles.

Are you actually a moron? How can you argue that timelines fusing have nothing to do with two characters from two different timelines co-existing? What level of retardation is this? This has to be intention because I don't think you could breathe without help.

Yeah thats what I said. Only certain zelda games are connected. I forgot about the first 2 Zelda games but yeah that proves my point. The timeline that Nintendo made makes no sense since LTTP never mentions anything about OOT and they just forced that dumb downfall timeline in after to make lore retards feel happy. Only games that are sequels are connected. The idea that Foursword adventure comes after TP is just pure autism and I don't know how zelda lore retards accept that.


>discussing zelda lore on Yea Forums

Yeah naw would rather cut my own prolapsed anus off.

calamity ganon is the malice that leaked out from the mummified ganondorf over 10000 years

He's unironically said the developers of BotW have never played a Zelda game twice in this thread, he's definitely mentally retarded.

Not the guy you were responding to but its obviously a soft reboot. They knew what they were doing but some of the people yelling about timelines and characters existing are fucking retards. They intentionally ignored certain things sure but they aren't mutually exclusive with a timeline fusion so they don't really have to be addressed anyway.

Its clear what they are doing so you have to be an autist to scream at them.

How are you confused by this at all? It's straightforward.
Ganondorf's malice was leaking from beneath the castle, And since his physical body was unavailable to use, He decided to build a new one out of guardian tech. The ganon you fight in BotW was nothing but puppet ganon or phantom ganon.

It's like Turn A

That isn't true though. Their official stance is still "We aren't telling you a fucking thing other than it's far in the future"

Calamity Ganon sounds like a damn cowboy name

>two characters from two different timelines co-existing
They aren't from two different timelines, the Rito evolved from Zora because a fuckton of time passed between OoT and WW to the point that all the species literally changed (Kokiri becoming Koroks, also). There are no Rito without Zora being extinct. Why would there be?

Keep up the mental gymnastics damage control though BoTWtard.

gorons didn't

Ganon is his spirit. They're the same person and separate beings as you can see in many games where Ganon takes the form of a puppet or a phantom separately from Ganondorf.

Attached: Ganondorf.jpg (640x736, 60K)

Gorons are an old as fuck race too, they've been around since SS. Much like rocks, they are unchanging.

>rito evolved from zora

Another thing that supports the idea of BotW being Puppet Ganon, Is the fact that you don't need the MasterSword to defeat him.

Which we know from the lore that Ganon cannot be sealed or defeated without the sword that's evil's bane.
But something interesting to point out, Is that Link has the MasterSword in the BotW 2 trailer.
Meaning that the sword will be needed in this game's quest as opposed to being optional.

How low does your IQ need to be to care about garbage like the made up Zelda timeline that even Nintendo doesn't care about. Autistic zoomer.

>Mental gymnastics that two different races exist when timelines merge because in one they didn't go extinct
Why are you so crazy?

Even if you want to pretend to be retarded and act like Rito bearing the Zora symbol and Medli's ancestor being a fucking Zora spirit isn't sufficient proof of them being their descendants, Aonuma confirmed this in an interview anyway.

It is true in that they wanted to creat a 'new' timeline separate from any single one of the established, yet giving them all some form of acknowledgement.

If i'm wrong then worst case is that they give some exposition to the previous timelines in future installments of the 'new' timeline. Either way people are going to bitch and complain because:
>Waaaa i don't have all the answers spoonfed to me immediately
Either way, it will be interesting to see where they will go with BotW 2 Electric Boogaloo.

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Zelda lore fags are worse than Darksouls lore fags. Don't they see that the developers make the fans make theories and pick which ever one they think sounds better and then say its canon.

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post the interview then

>waaah waah stop caring about story me just want to walk through the wasteland farming shrines pls no bully BotW best game ever

Cope harder.

The name gannondorf was something the translation team came up with. Ganon and gannondorf are the same person.

BoTW was clearly so that they could take everything they wanted from every timeline. That much was clear. Over the years they had a bunch of shit spread across timelines which they can now use in any game alongside each other. It was overdue.

Are you actually fucking retarded? The Rito don't need evolve from the Zora, they are their own species.

>no argument
>literally lying

So this is the level of coping BotWfags can exhibit

>I'm a autistic Zoomer who started with WW and pretends Zelda is about a made up timeline
Gas yourself

thats never been done before in a zelda game, its always gameplay first, and the story is an afterthought

>waaah waah stop caring about story me just want to walk through the wasteland farming shrines pls no bully BotW best game ever

Cope harder.

I’ve played some Zelda games but don’t know shit about the lore. At a glance it looks pants on the head retarded but I loved BotW so much I’m a little more interested.
I highly doubt Nintendo thought any of this stuff out in advance though.

Pretty sure SS was created first and foremost to give the franchise an origin story

>get proved wrong
>y-you're just lying
Cope harder about your fake made up lore Nintendo never gave a shit about.


As someone who is arguing against him as he is clearly a fucking crazy person who doesn't understand timelines in WW it was pretty clearly implied that the Rito did in fact evolve from Zora's. I do not recall if it was outright stated but it was at the very least heavily implied. However it does not change the fact that them co-existing after a timeline merge is perfectly sensible and only a fucking crazy person wouldn't understand that.

Holy shit you faggots argue about the most asinine shit. The developers of the fucking games care less about the story than you people.
If you care enough about the Zelda story to argue about it on the internet: kill yourself

>i-if i say i proved him wrong then it magically happens

Panic damage control harder my sad little copelet.

They thought at BotW in advance. Combining the timelines was a calculated move to get rid of all that bullshit so they could move forward smoothly and have access to all the lore they built up in the past in a single timeline.



Wait, so BotW is a combination of all the timelines, putting us on a single path? How did they explain that one?

They didn't.

You are thinking about it too much. I will tell you how the meeting went.

>Hey you know how people keep asking us about the timeline and all that other shit?
>Yeah its so fucking tiresome
>How about we throw all that shit together into one world and then from now on we don't have to worry about it?
>Sounds fucking fantastic

Not an argument.

I think it's Zant.

isn't Ganon and Ganondorf the same thing as Hero and Link?
the "soul" and the "person where it lives" ?

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But thats actually wrong you fucking moron
>inb4 "lmao zelda lore dont matter"

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Literally all they did was put BoTW at the end of the timeline shit on their official website. That's it. It was never explicitly said that the timelines "combined" or whatever, that's just what people inferred from it being the current ending point, apparently for each timeline.

Dark Beast isn't Ganondorf. It's his essence leaking out from the corpse under that weird glowy hand thing that keeps his body from doing shit. His workaround was to posses an amalgamation of robotic parts and reincarnate that way.

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it isnt wrong

it is, ganondorf is the original and ganon is what happens when ganondorf is altered by the dark world


This is simply not true when we have interviews from back when WW released where Aonuma already stated there are 2 world lines after OoT

5 seconds isn't enough to explain. You may as well be the House trying to make Google answer questions set on the House's own closeminded rules.

If I had to guess then the reincarnation which is calamity ganon is only a spiritual entity, which is why its always black good bonded to a mechanical armiture to make a body.

The Ganondorf body we see in the reveal trailed will hopefully be the mummified husk of Ganondorf corpse that may either awake with its own spirit or be possessed by the next calamity ganon incarnation since one line suggests it got so mad it can't take the original ganon and Ganondorf forms any more.

"You are the only one who can destroy Ganondorf, the thief-no, Ganon, the evil King Of Darkness!" — Maiden in Water Gate Dungeon in a Link to the Past
"Ganon's wish was to conquer the world. That wish changed the Golden Land to the Dark World." — Essence of the Triforce

calamity ganon is not actually ganon but a manifestation like puppet ganon or ghost ganon

the master sword is not even mandatory to kill him, he is a fake

No, they are different beings. Ganondorf is the gerudo-born man that was born with Ganon, an entity/demon.

Goddess of Time got fuckking sick of all the shenanigans and merged everything