Nothing I usually like satisfies me anymore

>nothing I usually like satisfies me anymore
>forced to fall back on old standbys for video game comfort
>Since I already know what happens it quickly loses its luster.

This feels like an ending, bros. I'll be 29 next week. Maybe it's time to set aside the mouse and keyboard and either Sudoku or find something else to sink my time in.

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You sound disillusioned with life, and perhaps you just need some help, some direction. Boy do I have just the guys for you user, they help you sort out your shit because you will sort out your shit. And by the end, you'll find enjoyment with vidya again. Trust me.

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You're just reaching an age where you've spent all your life on videogames and lack any other significant hobby, and the feeling of dread is creeping in where you feel like you're being unproductive but utterly lack the motivation to do anything else.

>PC gamer for the past 12 years
>Starting to feel the same exact way as OP
>Sell my GPU and pick up an Xbone like a fag
>Replay some older Xbox games
>Start enjoying them again
>Start playing old games online
>Shit talking
>Adding randoms and playing
>Enjoying gaming again

Say what you want, but going back to a console actually made me enjoy gaming again.

no doubt this is OP's problem but he could also just not be adventurous enough with which games he tries out. Regardless it's never too late to pick up a new hobby.

If you're into vidya there's no reason not to have at least one current gen console and a pc at your disposal

I would recommend yoga. Any kind of physical exercise is good, yoga has a very low entry bar.

Take care of your body, don't binge on media and maybe your enjoyment of said media will come back.

Just be happy you lived to experience the beginning, golden age, and beginning of the end of an entire entertainment industry firsthand. You'll be the old man yelling at clouds, but at least you'll have actually been there to justify knowing things used to be better.

A lot of great backwards compatible games on xbox. I was considering getting one just to play ninja gaiden 2 but I will wait until next gen.

>all I want to do is play Fallout
>I've already played all of the Fallout games to death and none of them can satisfy me anymore
Please Todd just release Fallout 5. I'm begging you.

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The backwards compat was one of the main reasons I decided to go with the one. More people actually talking in game instead of jacking off in a discord.

Wow, how do you end up in a pinch like that? Have you tried Stalker or vtmb?

Take a break from vidya for a few months. When you come back, things will feel new again.

read books.

In order to avoid serious psychological problems, a human being needs goals whose attainment requires effort, and he/she must have a reasonable rate of success in attaining his/her goals.

you sound like me but I’m a decade younger. I have hobbies other than vidja like drawing, tennis and video editing but even I’m losing interest in them.

Thanks, Ted K.


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Welcome to depression!
Try to focus on physically fulfilling your duties, even though you don't feel like doing them.
Also, your problem is an internal brain chemistry thing. There are many things you can do to help it, such as diet and exercise, but know that a 3dpd gf does not help, and titty skittles make it worse.

>In order to avoid serious psychological problems, a human being needs goals whose attainment requires effort, and he/she must have a reasonable rate of success in attaining his/her goals.
Oh shit! That's why women are losing their fucking minds, they don't have effort-gated goals! And all the people who are pro-women keep pushing for less effort involved!
How do we undo this? I value the mental health of women and I don't want them to lose their minds.

Stop jerking off daily.

Its too late user.

do you actually think that's just a woman thing? More men I know suffer from that than women.

Yeah but men will assign themselves a goal if you leave them alone without a goal, so it's mitigated somewhat. Women wait for someone they trust to tell them what their goal is, and they don't have anyone they trust doing that for them.

More like welcome to never diversifying your interests and burning yourself out on the only thing you ever put time into. It's a result of being a completely uninteresting person

>games don't excite me haven't played for a year
>why bother hanging out with friends
>don't even like porn anymore it just bores me and I go do something else
>cycle through 100 tabs
>use laptop, go sit down on couch and use phone, listen to music, watch quick anime section, eat food all in 1 fucking hour
>stress out about not doing anything, don't do anything even though I'm stressing out about not doing anything
>too tired after work to think so just aimlessly watch netflix


What Steam Friends bullshit threads have you been going into that mentioned "being an interesting person" as a core value or a virtue?

That's what happens when your life is entirely controlled by media consumption. It's soulless and unfulfilling for a reason, because there's literally no value in it.

Same but im 30

>did literally this
>instead felt nothing
>felt limited by the closed garden of consoles
>disappointed by the lower power and locked framerates
>lost friends and online buddies entering a different platform
>went back to PC a year later
Don't fall for the memes, anons.

You should kill yourself just for that. If you want to find meaning in media you are going to have to make your own, no bullshit.

>has a job
>thinks he needs help


No one said it's a virtue you absolute retard

Eat a dick, that'll help them for sure!

Well first stop using Netflix because it's a globohomo brainwashing tool. Try Pureflix or a VOD site.

Stop coming here you stupid fucking faggot. The reason you arent enjoying anything is because you constantly come to an echo chamber that is telling you video games are shit.

>That's what happens when your life is entirely controlled by media consumption. It's soulless and unfulfilling for a reason, because there's literally no value in it.
He (she?) says, while consuming the media known as Yea

Video games are our generation's war.


you were supposed to invest time into a more meaningful hobby, or even dedicate your youth to something important so you're actually prepared when the existential demons come to fuck your ass instead of continually pushing them down the line
it was only a distraction, no salvation. there's no turning away now. time to pay your soul debts.

I tried to attempt suicide over the weekend, and then I remembered I won't see the birds at the park and I really like those great pigeons.

I'm an out of control alcoholic who never sees their friends or family. I've been forgotten by world but man those pigeons brighten up my day.

Hang in there bud.

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>there's no turning away now. time to pay your soul debts.
Just take up writing or drawing, it's super cathartic, you feel better so fast its stupid.

I could never kill myself because I couldn’t eat quiktrip biscuit sandwichs or ribs if I’m dead

or music, that's what did it for me, though i dabble in those as well too
those things are key elements in why we like this shit so much to begin with, and to actually be able to engage in the creativity of it and not just be a passive consumer of what other creatives shit onto your plate is glorious

Can you give one concrete example of something you can invest time into that makes life more meaningful in the long run? There's literally nothing else to life than work and family. I only have work ahead of me, so let me at least have my videogames to enjoy as much as I want.

idunno, by your own admission it sounds like you're already locked into that life with nothing ahead. ideally you would have spent your late teens and twenties figuring this out but instead you didn't face it until it was already too late

I recently graduated and I already feel like I'm trapped in an existential hell. Not even a bad degree necessarily, its CS. Even did okay I feel. But even a few months of job searching and I'm already feeling like a sad sack of shit. Thought it was supposed to get better not worse

I suppose you're just at a plateau. Keep going and it can only get better. It's better than the neet alternative.

Quit focusing on "meaning" thats what helps me the most. "Meaningful" is subjective and based on point of view by definition. Find something that eases your shitty feeling and do that. For me I enjoy making bows and arrows and 3D target shooting with them. Just try and find something weird like this that piques your interest even a little and give it a shot. It doesnt permanently solve the issue, but having multiple hobbies helps I find.

Keep searching now. If too much time passes after graduation it gets even harder, do it now before your job references dry up.

if you're a white male better get ready to lie and say you're half native american if you even want to get job interviews.

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That is honestly all that keeps me trying. I just want a damn job. Not even something fancy, I just want to not stress about my loans(they're just 7k but I still want them gone ASAP). I worry about shit like this constantly.

find peace in god senpai

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I got close to one job but I fucked it up during the third interview and lost the opportunity. I got nervous and I think it influenced the decision cause my answers werent concise. I have felt like shit hard since then

>3 interviews
do Americans really do this?

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I'm guessing you're relatively young. You tend to worry about a lot of shit. One day you just don't care anymore and boom, you're a boomer.

Underrated post

Well, I graduated kinda late. Im in my mid 20s, feelin real close to late 20s.
Well, 2 were on the phone. One with HR which I assumed was just filtering out the spam. Second phone interview with an engineer who I guess wanted to ensure the absolute basic competency. Tell me about an SQL query structure, explain how this works blah blah. Then they had me come in person and code shit and answer math questions etc. The last one I was nervous as all fuck and thats where I dropped the ball.

Play some stuff you don't usually play. I had the same problem. Realized one day it was basically my own fault, because I had been playing the same genre of games for like 20 years. FPS's can only vary so much. Same goes for RPG's, etc. I started buying games that I would haven't considered before, and I started having fun.
It's like listening to one genre of music forever. You gotta have some variety.

I feel like there need to be more FPS RPGS, with less RNG based gameplay, that take place in a time other than YET ANOTHER MEDIEVAL FANTASY SETTING, seriously, RUINER was probably one of the few breaths of fresh air I've gotten in a while now, just because it eliminates most of those, sure it's still top down but at least the gameplay and setting are better, this is why I'm looking forward to cyberpunk 2077. A FPS RPG, where you don't have to worry about RNG when attacking AND it's got a SCI-FI setting, that sounds like a breath of fresh air to me. From all these top down turnbased/D&D miss dice roll RPGs.

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You probably used video games as a mean to escape something. I know a few people like that and they get disillusioned with video games very easily. Find something to do. Create or face your problems head on for once

>idealistic fag
>people are terrible, not worth the effort
I just need to be more selfish and stop trying to save people from their own shit. I have this urge to help other people while forgetting myself. But mostly this is because i really hate how this world works and how in the grand scheme of things, the rich old pieces of shit win. Now i just try to find happiness in the little things. It's pretty hard to accept that the only way to change the world is to sacrifice yourself for a SMALL CHANCE you can even AFFECT ANYTHING AT ALL. I've seen so many good people die for nothing. I don't like becoming one of them.