Why haven't you pre-ordered Azur Lane on PS4, Yea Forums?

Why haven't you pre-ordered Azur Lane on PS4, Yea Forums?


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azur lane sucks, girls frontline is better

Played AL for about 6 months. Spent ~$150 and don't regret it. It was pretty fun. I felt like it started to get a little tedious when they added subs to the US version. That's when it started going downhill. It got to where it felt like an obligation and kept nagging me at the back of mind that I needed to burn up fuel or finish an event or send out fresh commissions. But it was fun while it lasted. I still have my folder of like 300 ecchi images from AL.

I'm sure I'd play a 'real' game if it made it to PC, assuming it wasn't more gacha.

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I sold my ps4
I'd love to buy it since azur has been my go to phone game at work since it launched in CN

I still like KanColle.

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Fuck boats

super healthy!

No Ping Hai, no buy

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I wanna impregnate that jewcat

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Is it a musou or something like that? It looks kinda cool at least. I know Chaser won't get in so I prob won't get it. Also being on a console I don't have hurts its odds for me.

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>still liking that dead game

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It just doesn't have enough cool

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>on PS4
Because I don't like censorship

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I don't care what /alg/ says. I'd talk to that cat. And scream at her. And smack her around a bit. Then cuddle in the afterglow of the sweet, sweet love we had just made.

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>censored snoyshit

absolutely based

I think I heard somewhere that the main difference between AL and KC was that KC was more of a management game and AL was more about the minigame. So they're not really in direct competition. I hate minigames personally. I auto-battled for everything except EX stages on AL and geared all my ships/fleets towards soaking damage during auto-battle.

Fat dogs

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Takao best dog. Good giiiirll. Goooood giirrrrrrrrrl. ::headpats::

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Why is Anime so disgusting? Its pathetic to see people actually falling for this terribly written, trope-filled, money grubbing, imaginary masturbation material.

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god she's so hot I love this game and what it does to my dick AAA chink cunny SHNIFFF

Why did kankolle just let themselves die? They didn't even try to put up a fight. Had so many opportunities to make a proper game, and all they have to show for it is that vita game.

Tite c*nny

That's good and bad. Such as it is, I've yet to see an anime game that doesn't go fully with the bad.

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Imagine being Ajax's footrest

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hey shitcans who don't play much, make sure you're grinding D2 in this event

The graphics aren't especially impressive, but I'll have to see the gameplay in full before I knock it.

Why do KC girls use Teitoku while AL girls use Shikikan?

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I'm personally not a fan of KC's Dindu Nuffin' approach to WWII. I also prefer the minigame to the management aspect.

To avoid conflict with Kancolle in early days.

Something something sorrow of the Japanese, baka gaijins wouldn't understand, etc No I don't know the real reason, it had cute characters from what I've seen

you can ignore subs 100%
they are there to add some flavor and lower the fleets health

and cunny

>those eyes
I see we speak the same language.

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Enjoy your AIDS, faggot.

>compile heart
>unity engine game
wow nice cash grab game


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you're my idol ace

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1) eop
2) possible snoy intervention

Kancolle has an arcade game that is fairly popular in Japan, they just continued their policy of not giving a single scrap of the franchise to the west.
Seeing as working with the west only results in getting buttfucked (see: Sony giving Commifornians control of SIE which then fucked over a handful of small Japanese dev studios) they made the right call.
Azur Lane isn't very popular in Japan, most of the fans are foreigners. The phone app is quite literally Chinese spyware, too.

snoy intervention will nanking tier