Webm Thread
Webm Thread
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Now up the speed of enemies and add more of them and you'd have a fun game.
Fucking Barons in small spaces
its been like eight years but i still remember all those shitty youtube vids where people would snipe npcs from across entire cities using icy spear or whatever
low tech sniper elite
these threads are great but they get filled with faggots who shill their montages or post their entire "best game" one webm at a time in like 10 parts
i bet that faggot with the dark souls III cinder hex clutch shit posts his webm again too
How is it that the guy retains speed better than the vehicle specifically designed for aerodynamic flight and a minimization of wind resistance? FUCKING GAMESTOP
That'd be exactly where I leave the server out of sheer anger
The gore in this game is cool, but holy fuck these levels so far.
>2 level-long turret segments in as many episodes
>jungle episode is cancer because the AI can low-crouch and see through foliage, so if you're playing on a difficulty that isn't made for children, you're punished by bullshit
>there're a couple levels for going into the fucking spook HQ and just walking around talking to people
I hope these get better. The urban streets and hotel parts were cool, but fuck everything I've played since.
Sorry it's kinda dark. That's just the game. It automatically turns up your system brightness to compensate, which I didn't notice until I got to the recordings.
>vert aiming and dynamic lighting/particles in Doom
>caring this much about how other people play Doom
I'd only agree with you, if this were my first time playing Doom. Otherwise, shoo
>that struggle to hit both the spectre and the baron
*at the same time
Any way that isn't playing on a Windows 98 machine running MBF is wrong.
>actual scopes and functional mirrors basically only exist in indie or otherwise niche games
Performance cost for overall very little gain.
>Performance cost
If only graphical options existed...
Something consoles lack which incidentally make up a major part of the market.
You wanted a reason, you got the most common one, doesn't matter if you like it or not.
it's fine as long as they acknowledge it's not the definitive way to play doom
wat mod
Such is life. I have such a hard time getting two pinkies at the same time sometimes
>play as op nigger
>act retarded
>die like a fag
Herp de derp bad game
why would you post this? lol
Kek. This is brilliant.
Shit, you're right. My mistake.
>didn't notice the team switch in his webm
>act like I'm the retarded one
why are you posting these
>kills a bunch of sentries of enemy team
>immediately gets switched to enemy team
I love jamming an RPG down the scrake's throat. n-no homo though
I love how the engineer doesn't even care about the demo and immediately picks the medic
>health goes from 30 to 88 when hit
It's 90 not 30, but thanks to hiromoot's unwillingness to up .webm filesize, the low bitrate makes it look like 30
Something's not right here
what spell mod?
Looks like it just combined Frostbite and ice spike into a single spell.
Yea, that's the first thing we did back then. Enable vert aiming with the console.
>le boomer is mad people are enjoying doom the way it's meant to be played
fuck right off it's 200000000 times better with vert aiming, fucking boomers I swear you and your stupid fucking OLD GOOD NEW BAD
fucking die already
>modifying the game's source code to enable features the developers didn't intend
>the way it's meant to be played
Pick one.
Yea, it usually surprises scrubs.
no i won't pick one you fucking retard
I pick both because it makes the game a million times better
fuck off to your snes 2d platformers or whatever it is you retarded boomers like
Doom doesn't have a console though.
Don't worry. Everyone who wasn't 2 when doom was first out enabled vert aiming with the console anyway.
>I pick both because it makes the game a million times better
Vert aiming wasn't part of the developers vision for the game.
>Doom is extremely popular and has lasting appeal in large part because of its modding potential
>Complaining about mods
>Complaining about mods that don't even affect gameplay, at that.
Here's how I like to play, I hope it pisses you off.
The original Doom doesn't have a fucking console.
holy shit this is awful
this is one of the worst things i ever saw in my life.
Not all mods are good, as you have demonstrated yourself. Also vert aim does effect the gameplay.
Time to stir the pot
Performance cost and loss of detail, PiP is lower resolution and on top of that it can't recreate shadows and lighting. But with Raytracing on the table, reflections are going to make a comeback in games: youtu.be
good boy
what a good dog
>is gentle but firm
>could kill it but doesn't
>despite his human being attacked
that's a special dog right there
If someone says dogs aren't better than cats after watching this, he is either delusional or a cuck.
Game is pure kino.
This gives my brain godhood
In dark messiah you can see what's going on.
I am the last one that would scream for a realistic game, but holy shit are those some whacky physics...
cringe nigger dog
God I hope BGE2 turns out well. I'm disappointed its a prequel and it's no longer a zelda clone, but I'd be satisfied as long as it's just good.
>makes a huge play that fucks over enemy team's defense
>team balance moves you to the team you just destroyed
Did he changed paint job midair?
>huge play
>sticky jump and spam pipes in a corner
the absolute state of demoniggers
I think he replaced the engines mid air
Is this what they would call "epic"
>huge has to refer to complexity and can't just refer to the impact it has on the round
>get no kills
>press Q and lets the in-game aimbot kill for you
wow...... so epic.............
Soldier of fortune 2
The UI and weapons were so aesthethically pleasing, based openGL.
xDDD so fanni
Fucking bird is like "WHAAAA I DINDUNUFFIN I DINDUNUFFIN" at the end
They probably do velocity damping based on mass and don't take air friction into account, or maybe they do simulate air friction but only for planes and not player controllers. Anyway it's dumb they should have made sure players lose speed faster
This is a thing of beauty.
I can even feel it...
But getting back into closed cockpit (how did he close it so well in a fraction of a fucking second from the outside, while facing in the opposite direction, by the way?) of a jet mid-flight without even a parachute to stabilize your movement from air currents and the shockwave generated by the plane itself while clearly being below the jet's plane is perfectly fine, right?
This game ever actually come out? Or is it still just tech demos? And if it did come out was it any good?
was that an actual character? Virtua Fighter 2?
Yes because it's still a video game. It seems totally nonsensical for him to be magically traveling faster than the airplane he came from. The instantaneous return-to-cockpit (and the fact that he can return at all since I was under the impression the top shell popped off during ejection) is normal for video games, especially casual ones like BF.
wtf you tard, that's more like tekken. it's a shitty sony game called fighter maker
what game is that
Soldier of Fortune
impressive. good job at press Q and aiming on people.
God I loved those games.
>pull up 4chin
>am retarded
>commence shitpost
pic related
Why delete these?
holy shit that demo is so bad lol, literally missed everything
If the game is anything like that clip it's fucking hilarious.
This is just surreal.
>missed every shot and did 0 damage
>entire team is dead
>enemy team is all on last
>still won
Is this Arma 2?
NDA for this game isn't lifted yet.
Do people like it when it looks like their character is holding their arms a foot out in front of them, or do they just not know how to increase the FOV without that happening?
Oh so mods are corporate dogs?
Are you high? The game has released.
yes it's already out, I am not sure if I should buy it not a very fan of it's creator... he seems to be one of those modern American "leftists" you know what I mean
why are these threads always so fucking garbage?
Who gives a shit about the dev.
The game itself isn't very good, what they did as a indie dev is impressive but the final product just isn't that flash.
Because faggots like to come into them whining while simultaneously contributing nothing
I saw some videos, seems to have a solid combat but the scenarios/environment seems to be very simplistic, feels more like a tech demo.
What happened to the party van anyways, doesn't even show up in my list these days.
Fucking obnoxious editing, I bet these clips are from footage in pub servers
It's because they reused the paper jam transition for some fucking reason. As I remember it superstar saga 3ds didn't use it.
I'm sorry dude, it's an online looter shooter now
>enable vertical aiming with the console
>modern games don't have console commands like this
Yeah wasn't it nice how back in the old days you could just write a short command in the console that would activate an entirely new graphics engine on top of the default 2-dimensional raytracing renderer that was literally incapable of looking anywhere but straight ahead?
There was one game that actually did have this feature. System Shock 1. Maybe Ultima Underworld too.
You fib
My build was shit when I last played E.Ψ.Ǝ. I wish my legs were that okay. How many cycles in do you have to be to get that kind of power?
Check the title
>Also vert aim does effect the gameplay
Yeah, it makes it more fun. Get over yourself and stop taking Doom so seriously.
Just tell me what game it is, if I could see the title I wouldn't be asking.
are you retarded? IS.RIGHT.THERE lmao
>he doesn't have multiple source ports installed for all his modding/vanilla desires
You sound like a fun person.
Dogs are sycophants but their loyality appeals to some. Cats are manipulators but their independence appeals to others. Some people don't like it when a friend just does everything you tell them. Because when it actually does, you know that is actually likes you. No actually that's part of the manipulation too. Cats are cool like that. A dog would never trick you because you're the boss and also because they... can't. Well, mostly because they can't. Cats are for schemers. Dogs are for leaders.
Yeah, because holding your arms in front of you at an autistic angle and jammed right up against your fucking face is far more REALISHTIC than having your arms in front of you at an autistic angle but at least not jammed in your face, right?
Vehicle physics in frostbite is dogshit
Whenever you got in a vehicle the game would apply the skin you've selected, and it would revert to default when you got out.
Kek, this seems like such an autistic thing to say given that if we're talking about "realism" your hands are going to be at your sides most of the time.
There are worse ways to ruin a game using the character's hands
I can't see webm titles, only the filename. Now tell me what the game is already
Doom - Guncaster in Hellbound
Yeah, but not when you're in combat
>spoonfeeding because he doesn't wanna figure out how to read metadata
I do it to upset people like you
I am on phone so I couldn't mouse over the title for the webms, clover doesn't have it implemented for some reason
>I do it to spoonfeed my fellow redditor
Guncaster mod for Doom
That is the joke. That I'm making fun of you. Because you're bitching about someone having their arms out in front of them, which I legitimately can't see a good reason for since it looks better in every way. Having the viewmodel super zoomed in while having a high fov looks incredibly autistic.
I actually like the idea of full body awareness in first person and animations. I just don't like how fucking long basic actions took and how much it moved the camera. Just add simple legs when looking down and visible arms when weapons are sheathed, switch them to invisible when weapons are unsheathed. Then have the "animations" be more like that mod for FNV that adds first person pick-up/interact animations, where it's quick and doesn't move the camera.
Oh, that's understandable then.
Not really. But spoonfeeding someone who has the answer directly in front of them and is usually just too lazy/stupid to find it for themselves amounts to you telling other people it's okay to act like a lazy retard. Ta-da, more underageb&s and redditors flock to Yea Forums to give us a plethora of even more absolutely shitty posts. This board is already terrible enough.
Its not very good, no. If you want a single player adventure with decent melee combat get dark messiah. If you've already bought dark messiah maybe try playing dark messiah anyway since it is way better
>t. toxoplasmosis positive
Just anther arpg. Go play path of exile.
>but muh realism
Fuck off, having your hands covering half the screen isn't good
>retard can't detect blatantly clear sarcasm/mocking tone
Sorry, I'll put a /s for your next time, fellow r*dditor!
Edit: Thanks for the gold, kind stranger!
Yeah well I'm betting that the video is meant to be a joke and you're too much of an idiot to realize the blatantly obvious.
this destroys the console peasant
>zelda clone
What is this?
I think pickup animations cannot be implemented without compromising control beyond the point of realism itself. In the real world, if you want to grab and object, you are capable of antipating the action by extending your hand before reaching the minimum grab distance. A game has to come to the conclusion that you are within reach before it can even begin to initiate the animation, or alternatively the game can just assume you want to grab everything and always have the character extending his arms to reach any interactable object whether the player wants to interact with them or not. And when there are multiple objects to grab like with a table full of coins, the game can't animate you sweeping it all into a sack. They need to be grabbed one at a time, with an animation that has delay. With dynamic inverse kinematics the player doesn't need to be glued into place as this is happening, but bottom line is that there will be more delay, and there can be a context where identical real-life interaction would have less delay, making the act of animating actual arms actually less realistic than having items disappear from a table because control is always more important than visuals.
What you don't see, you imagine as being what it should be but never can be visually replicated. This is the reason why most first person games don't give the player character a shadow. Humans don't pay attention to their own shadow even though they know it's there. You don't even need to actively think that it's there, which is why it's pointless to render it in a game. However if you were to implement it, all it would do is draw attention to itself, and that would only reveal how ridiculous the animations look like because the game was designed to play and control well at the expense of perfect animations. Thief 2014 is the prime example of destroying what was left of quality after you compromise the most important thing to support the least important thing.
>he doesn't play volus
>mangefag is so insecure and defensive that they need to attack a neutral assessment that doesn't state woof good meow bad or vice versa
Not THAT console dummy.
I'm not pissed off but I sure am sad for you.
>played this a few times when it was free
>devs let anyone who played it during that time keep it when it hit 1.0 $5
Based devs. I should play this again. Are there any mods that aren't on the Steam workshop? The Wipeout ship mods are still there right?
kira kira diamondo kagayaku hoshi no youni
Must have had it mounted the wrong way around.
Is that the game where they put the integer vertex coordinate jitter and affine texture distortion so it looks like it plays on the PS1?
>take some shrooms
>put this on
>get comfy
Goddamn interdimensional waifu phasing through space and time
cringe inducingly slow typing
My old dog would have bit down hard and then shook his head until the bird's head and body came apart. He was a good dog.
good to hear that insult to life and piece of shit is dead. Shovel?
Truck. The family cat got the bucket of water for being a cunt(not by me though).
based dying light poster
>Demoman wins by doing absolutely nothing.webm
back THEN, Doom didn't have a console.
>turn on radio
>news is playing
>9/11 just occured
Fuggg. That's my vr irl experience. Home sick that day from school.
Really hope DL2 won't be a disappointment.
I played the Messiah demo way back then, but only picked it up a year ago and played through it till the end. Did you have any performance issues? I remember this part in particular was terrible for me.
I fucking love the game's aesthetics. Shiny did a really good job with low poly graphics at the time, especially with Sacrifice.
>he didn't enable look up and look down in Wolfenstein 3D
>he didn't noclip from W3D e1 floor1 straight up through the ceiling to the ground floor past Grosse
My favourite part is how spells are so fucking weak in Skyrim that it still takes half a dozen hits to kill a generic enemy.
I wish everone who has nothing good to contribute would keep to themselves like me.
Instead we have a shitty thread drowning in garbage.
there is a trick to fix the performance issue. The funny thing is, the game ran shit when I bought it. And I thought it was my bad pc. But now on my gaming laptop it ran exactly the same shit. Until I figured out a real simple fix that I can't anywhere right now. And because I am not at home I can not look how to do it. First I had to make a shortcut to the other messiah exe. It was called messiahd3d or something like that I think. And than I had to add -x or something to the end of the path of the executeable. And then run window mode and it was running smooth as fuck. Also do not choose T&L or something like that in the menues. And disable some effect in the menu for the hud to avoid some polygon flickering on screen.
>mad he has to actually aim with vert enabled
wait what game is this if not wipeout?
Also yes, it's a toggleable option
>Magnifies just the area in the scope without having a full screen zoom in
It'll be fine, can't imagine they'd fuck up anything that badly. All I can think of is that maybe the environment might not end up being on par with the first game. Definitely expecting the story to be better than the first one now that they have competent writers for it though.
oh no no no
Been more than a decade since i played but i don't remember having any issues. Then again i don't remember anything but the Prague, Jungle and China levels.
How did he win? He missed everything.
Toxosplasmosis is one of the world's most common parasites, mange isn't even remotely close in prominence.
There have been Yea Forums lobbies too
Very fun
Gee I wonder.
>They couldn't just make one-handed swoop animation where you pick up all the cutlery as one object
What game?
I would be impressed but that sort of thing happens in Planetside 2 from time to time, though light assault class has jet packs to make it even better.
psychedelics and vr sucks, it just draws attention to the fact that you have screens with constantly refreshing pixels infront of your face instead of a morphing wall with googly eyes looking at you funny
dios mio....
That jumpy editing is giving me a headache
the worst is wanting to show a good game in these threads but you are so shit at playing it and there is no way to show how good the game actually is.
I miss when Id released all their shit after they made their money.
>all those classes, free content, abilities and other stuff
The best part of game.
Colorful magic
What game?
Based and pawn pilled
>black betty
is this active still?
i never got a chance to play it especially since i got ea's pajeet support to remove the game from my library after i finished the single-player
Video game physic was a mistake.
I just saw this video yesterday on jewtube. Odd. Wangblows 10 sucks though.
Holy SHIT I forgot about this game.
The way it keeps it's wings up for a moment like FIIINE FUCK
la creatura americana
I think it was called Messiah.
Sauce? I love it
it's unique and fun
messiah, if it runs laggy you need to change the shortcut to a different exe in teh same folder and add something like -x behind the file-path. The level design is tight and awesome in that game.
exanima, takes a hour to learn but it's unique and very addicting and fun
Oh, I remember playing it on my 98, probably still have a burned copy /somewhere/
Wonder what a speedrun would look like.
bought it recently on gog. Music is pretty good
Have sex.
holy shit
The neck has skinned mesh transform deformation. Correct me if I'm wrong but wasn't the Playstation incapable of doing that? All PS1 3d characters I remember were made with separate bone meshes.
Interested. Elaborate for brainlet?
top tier magic takes forever to charge but you can expect to make most non-endgame/DLC bosses deader than dead with it
The PS1 does not have a floating point vertex rendered. Basically every point in a 3d model needs to be drawn at integer coordinates ie. (1,2,3) and they can never be at (1.00234,2.0101,3.00562). So every model becomes a wobbly piece of jelly as it moves.
The PS1 is also incapable of calculating true perspective projection of textures, so it uses what is called "affine" texture projection, which distorts heavily at specific observation angles. There are Unity engine plugins to achieve both effects in a modern game.
Most importantly, a thing that I didn't mention is that unlike he N64, the PS1 couldn't do bilinear texture filtering, so every pixel is crisp and clear. The N64 had power but no space, so it compensated for the games' poor texture resolution by filtering it into mush.
I have to admit from an outside perspective that never tried the Ace Attorney series, damn did the 3DS games try to keep an art style that still looked pretty stylized even for 3D assets
>never tried the Ace Attorney series
try it brah.
For real, they're really good.
too soon
What wad? Looks UAC Ultra-ish.
It's obvious that BGE2 is suffering from the same problem FFXV did, where they're trying to make a bigger game than the console can actually handle.
>Now let's talk about a little something I like to call "Aggro".
IMO it worked fine in RDR2, but they limited it to having like 2 items at most in any container and the pace of the game isn't really all that fast to begin with.
Is there any PC game that has better graphics than this? Holy shit.
>Takes entire party to cast godly spell
This game was too good to be true
>When there's so much shit on the screen you can barely tell where the actual gameplay is
That's 4 characters casting the same spell.
well in my opinion the worst aspect of that game is how it compromises everything for the sake of animations.
i dunno why people even bother posting that webm, the original UI is already obnoxious enough to turn people off, although i don't mind it.
Oh. I never really managed to complete the dlc island so I just kind of assumed it was a high cost spell or something. Still, super cool looking
god what a shitty over-the-top edit for such a mediocre play
go back
It really depends on the pacing of the game but they could speed up the pickup animation based on the speed you're moving and also make it not lock you in place or move the camera and it would be fine. Also it would be rather easy to implement something where if you're repeatedly picking up stuff it does the animation much quicker which would make feel much better. Pickup animations and visible feet are the sort of small stuff that really tie into the immersion a game can create. Thi4f does good on some parts but then shits all over its immersion on others.
neck yourself
I think the way Crysis did it was a pretty good example. You can grab everything with the same animation, and all it takes it a second but it dynamically parents the weapon, barrel, Korean throat or sea turtle to your hand or some shit and thus it creates a consistent idea of how grabs will work all game long while not interrupting the flow of your movement or camera at all.
>Raiden vs Metal Gear Ray
>Thi4f does good on some parts but then shits all over its immersion on others.
There is only one dynamic animation that Thi4f does right and it does it perfectly. Whenever there's a doorway with drapes, as the player approaches Gorrot extends his hands to part the drapes or just one hand when approaching with a strafing angle. As you get closer he opens them more. If you back up at them he doesn't use his hands. When you're past halfway through the animation reaches maximum and he lets go and the cloth physics around the character do the rest. It has zero impact on control and looks really good. It's like a secret cry for help from a good game designer who was stuck making a shitty game.
if I recall correctly in Crysis the game locks onto an object as soon as the player presses the interaction button and then doesn't give a shit if the player moves away from range or turns the wrong way. So there's a pickup animation, the object gets picked up, but the game never interferes with the player's control to make the animation look 10% better for the few who notice, screwing over everyone in the process.
That's Colorful Magic
wat gam
It's the title of the Webm.
nice job quoting the wrong post you waste of oxygen.
Sir Kicksalot
I love the small stuff like that. It really shows that at least one developer at some point over the course of the development really cared about the game.
Do they disable aim assist at competitive levels?
hopefully you die painfully
Thanks. Now i have this fucking urge to play skyrim again.
Do non-tryhard people still pay BF4?
Thank you, baby boy.
these webms suck...
Yeah tons.
>le incel zoomer acting like he's a purist or some shit
Get l41d.
i think only casuals played it from day 1
some fag says this every thread, post a good webm if you're so great
>someone saved my webm
not gonna waste my webms on this sucky thread...
300IQ zoning.
>he enver played Spyro
Shut the fuck up user you sound like a retard. God I would fuck the shit out of you if I ever saw you IRL
Can you hear your dad beat your mom outside your room for added realism?
dark messiah
Karadzic symulator
>gets killed before he can finish it
Brought a smile to my face
>your motherfucking life ends 30 minutes from now.
Anything is better than Skyrim, even boring grindy pointless hack n slash.
i once dated this webm using the hats they are wearing to be from at least 2012. iirc auto-balance conditions are that one team has 3 or more players than the other so it takes the most recently joined players, in order, and fills the teams so that they are within 1 player of each other, and the switch happens when they die.
in the chat at the end someone disconnects before he dies, presumed to be a red team player. the game marks the webm guy, who by the game's conditions, literally just joined and this is probably the first time he's spawned. blu's offense is nowhere near the cart, despite the choke and sentry nests, you can still push here. red team doesn't even have any snipers, just a spy in the background without a disguise running around on top of spawn.
tl;dr you can take by conclusive evidence that blu team is shit, and there is literally no reason to be upset being balanced off of them. situations like this never personally made me upset, so this webm doesn't bother me.
smooth doom
and some megawad
i mean the only thing he'd have to change to make this close to vanilla with visuals is lock camera and auto aim