They're offering refunds.
They're offering refunds
so stop bullying yu
Someone has to. You can't just sell people a steam key and then not give it to them
This is why we signed an exclusive deal with epic. They know how to win.
Epic is slowly becoming better than Steam
Offering Steam keys would have been both more consumer friendly and cheaper, but they refuse to do the obvious thing because that would be giving in to their competition. Yet they still want to try spin this as a positive move on Epic's part.
>protect developer
maybe the niggers shouldn't have fucked over their most dedicated fans lmao
>Kike corporations being accountable to laws and shit
That's cute
Because they were legally going to get fucked up. You cannot false advertise a product.
>Buy a Pizza hut Stuffed crust pizza
>Get Little Caesar's bacon crust instead
>trying to spin it as if they are the good guys and the backers the bad guys
What the fuck is their problem
It's sad that the EPIC GAMES STORE of all people had to step in to cover for his ass. Leave it to Yu Suzuki to make Epic look like the good guys.
He refused to give refunds until Epic said they will pay them.
>inb4 DS
Yu manages the Kickstarter.
large legal bodies would've assfucked Yu Suzuki into nothingness, but most especially gone after his shady publisher (Deep Silver or whoever) and Sweeney's buddies in China if they had kept trying to pull shenanigans. Not to mention how Kickstarter doesn't want to their panhandling business associated with the mess.
They said they would offer refunds to any kickstarter game they buy from now on, this is just straight irresponsible business management, Tim's basically trying to buy goodwill now. I give them two more years before not even Fortnite can save them from their unsustainable business model
The kikery of that headline is too much. They're spinning it to make it seem like it wasn't a fuck up to pull the title after selling STEAM keys.
thanks for the interest free loan, kickstartercucks
>Not liking Little Caesar's
Ok, this is epic
You're retarded this is just a desperate PR move because the epic store is a massive failure
I can't even call it good will, giving to a kickstarter to get sniped by Epic and getting a refund is just giving Epic an interest free loan.
If these kickstarter things were actually loans that you could get your money back on, interest-free or not, then it wouldn't be the highway robbery that it actually is.
they were about to get sued that's why
they are getting paid for epic adds
They literally gave people keys to one platform and made it exclusive on another the fuck do you think is gonna happen
Yes! Protect the scammers from the evil gamers!
Stop being so entitled you babies.
>To protect developer after backlash
Oh fuck right off
Ugh, those pesky angry gamers.
I have to ask what Sweeney is even trying to do anymore, because at this point he seems to be aware that he's perceived as an asshole and people are disliking his service more and more, so what the fuck is he doing? What is his current goal with the gaming industry?
It is kind of funny how much contempt games journalists have for their own readerbase. Or maybe their readerbase is just made up of people who don't play games.
Get the fortnite audience to go "steam is popular with old people and therefore for faggots"
At first, it was just to harvest hate clicks and get ad views. Now everyone who did that just ignores them. They're left with idiots who thought they were in good company and nobody. Every game journalist is slowly going under.
He's just having fun with all his Fortnite money. Trying out different things and seeing how people react to it. The data alone on how far gamers are willing to be pushed before there's backlash is probably worth more than any money he's losing.
Whats with the gamers and store loyalty?
For me buying a game is about supporting the developer. If the game is good enough I will buy it wherever it is available as long as dev gets a fair cut
Go away you insectoid CHINK
Hard to do that when most Fortnite players aren't even on PC and seem to already think PC gaming is for faggots anyway.
>Or maybe their readerbase is just made up of people who don't play games
It's this and faggot retards that give them clicks because they get baited
Timed exclusives are not a good way to provide competition to begin with
From the article
>Meanwhile, you can expect these Epic Store controversies to continue at least until Valve relents on that 70-30% split, which might affect their yearly company-wide Hawaii vacations but would probably make game developers’ lives a whole lot better.
>Or maybe their readerbase is just made up of people who don't play games
Where do you think those demands for "accessibility" in Sekiro came from. These people don't play games and hate the people who do and (gasp!) even enjoy them.
He seems to be all over the place these past few months. When the EGS first launched, we had Epic's executive or whoever the fuck Sergey Galyonkin popping up left and right on Twitter and forums to dab on that horrible, horrible Steam, but now he's silent, and we're left with that faggot Tim trying to save face by posting the most retarded stuff.
whats with weebs and being virgins?
If they play fortnite they don't have a right to speak about anything being for faggots
If by slowly, you mean "maybe in 7 centuries" then sure buddy.
Are they still on the fucking developer split? Fucking christ. Also, this sentence means valve "wins" by doing nothing as usual. How bad of a business person do you have to be that the competition wins by doing nothing to improve themselves?
What competition?
What the fuck are you talking about?
I'm just supporting the dev who cares where they are selling their game
Unless the devs self publish, nowhere gives devs a "fair cut"
Yeah but I'm just framing the mindset, since most of the people defending the EGS or just attacking the whole thing don't even play on PC but instead on PS4/XBox or, Lord help us, mobile phones, as it seems.
for me it's not about store loyalty. it's about not wanting to have to deal with a million launchers. plus epic's store is extremely barebones, is clearly focused on being good to publishers rather than consumers giving me no incentive to want to use it, plus people are constantly posting about how they're getting a flood of emails warning them that "people" are trying to change their epic store password. plus their attempt at a summer sale further solidified their ineptitude in my mind.
Has anyone ever met someone irl, who also plays games on pc, that supports the epic store. Everyone I know would sooner use the windows store than the egs
>mfw I don't buy from EGS and I add publishers who accept bribes from them to my ignore list on Steam
to be fair metroidvania is a bad name. exploratory platformer works better
>which might affect their yearly company-wide Hawaii vacations
God I hate these fags. Why don't devs go to Discord's store or that have next to no percentaga split? Oh, that's right, they want to cry about Steam being expensive (deservedly so, Valve provides huge fucking infrastructure for your game pre- and post-release) and get the bucks anyway. As if the reduced percentage would go to the devs and not publishers, yeah right.
the backslah must have been pretty intense for them to finally start offering refunds.
>million launchers
I mean let's be honest, it's two, or maybe three launchers. You've probably spent more time here on Yea Forums talking about wasting time with multiple launchers than you actually have wasting time with multiple launchers.
I've met exactly one and they are the type of person to read kotaku unironically.
Devs who have to go the "timed exclusive" route to sell their game do not deserve money
Not a single person I've talked to who plays PC has any inclination to ever use the Epic Games Store. When I've seen people defending the EGS, most of them outright admit they don't even play on PC and instead play on PS4 or XBox only.
>windows store
god no, i'd soon rather buy from ea origin than the fucking windows store
>someone irl, who also plays games on pc, that supports the epic store
Everyone I know don't even use GOG, only Steam. Some are aware of EGS only by their bad PR and retarded decisions.
Theres already far too much launchers on PC, and Epic is pulling what Xbone did from 2015-2016 in the form of timed exclusivity. Why bother signing up for a more barebones service when you could wait a year for the game to launch on your preferred platform, cheaper, with all the DLC, and fully patched to boot?
Really if they want to be competitive, they could permanently cut the prices of games since in theory the 88% cut going to publishers wont hurt them.
A couple of my friends were neutral on them, up until a month or two ago
So Kojima games and any other developer who makes games exclusive for a time on any other console too?
I actually don't waste time with multiple launchers because I make a point not to spread out my purchases. it's pretty easy since I'm not interested in ea or ubisoft games
but why the fuck would I start now, especially on a store that offers no positive to me as a consumer
>Really if they want to be competitive, they could permanently cut the prices of games since in theory the 88% cut going to publishers wont hurt them.
If they cut the price of games it means less profits for them, they just want to gobble up most of the money.
>Epic continues to side with developers just to try and win them over and corner the market
The absolute fucking state of this shit.
Maybe they should offer fucking Steam keys instead.
Nobody gives a shit you autists
It's no fucking use, they will fall back onto the same fallacious arguments
>muh steam is a monopoly
>muh steam didn't have these features when it launched (in fucking 2004)
>muh steam has exclusives (even though most are exclusive not because of monetary incentive or contractual obligation)
>muh poor indie developers that are drowned out on steam (Even though they can go to smaller platforms that can show off their game better or launch their own website for downloads).
Yes. Especially Kojima.
>I'm just supporting the dev who cares where they are selling their game
the jews of koch media are not game developers you stupid nigger.
you want to support a dev, buy self published titles only.
>Caring about shenmue
>Caring about shenmue when Yakuza exists
>Microsoft Store
>Bethesda Launcher
They can't without offering the game on Steam. If they do that, Sweeney has his money back.
>muh poor indie developers that are drowned out on steam
Here's the fucking thing, most of the poor indie devs in epic are those that had high publicity from kickstarters and previous games to begin with.
thanks tim
>giving Epic an interest free loan
Except Epic gets $0 in these scenarios.
>Developer Kickstarts game
>Receives money to make game
>Epic offers to buy exclusivity
>Epic buys game out for too much money in exchange for receiving an (unsustainable) cut of future sales
>Developer receives enough money to be in the fucking black if they sell (0) copies and all their backers demand refunds
>Now Epic is offering to cover all refunds in this case, even more money out of Epic's pockets and none into their pockets
Epic is definitely not getting an "interest free loan."
Not the point. Even if you get something subjectively superior instead of what was advertised, it's still fucked up and illegal if it's a different product.
what the fuck am i looking at
It's also good to note that only a handful have games that aren't just self published to begin with, so some of these launchers are bloatware where you only use it for maybe 2-3 games.
They're cowards. They should have flipped off the nerds and laugh while counting all the money.
That is nice and all, but instead of being a dick and then asking for forgiveness, you should just not be a dick.
If they didnt we wouldnt be here, Shenmue 3 wouldnt even have this much drama behind it
never gets old
Is this bitch actually worried about 2.5 gb? What is this, 1990?
That may be the case in US.
That's RAM, you fucking computer illiterate shithead.
Reminder that Epic Games fucked the physical version for PC.
>inb4 hurr durr physical for PC on 2019
Dude, it was promised in the fucking Kickstarter.
Yes... let's not make money to make us look good because people want to use the other service. I hate the Epic Game Store, but I feel like they are fighting a loosing battle at this point and they know people are now just waiting for the Steam version.
2.5gb of ram you brainlet
>not enjoying a wide swath of games and simply playing what appeals to you at the time
TFW I legitimately just see Epic Shit Store as a beta test period for the full game, much like Early Access.
>having all of your game launchers open at the same time
1) EGS Launcher is nowhere near as convenient as Steam or the upcoming GOG Galaxy 2.0, and in fact I can choose to download a game from GOG without DRM altogether while EGS is the exact opposite
2) While I am not inclined to believe that everyone who goes to the EGS is doing it to get money for the sake of getting money, I think there are teams out there who essentially piss on their communities/fanbases by advertising on Steam and then baitswitching to Epic, or likewise with the Kikestarter bullshit
3) The publisher is getting a large piece of that pie unless the game is self-published by the developers
4) I can give a fuck about the developer at my own discretion, I'm looking after my interests as a consumer first and foremost, and I'm not going to be duped into using an objectively inferior service when I could wait to "support" a developer a year past whenever the game came out on EGS, if that developer has proved by that point that they had a valid reason to do it or it was publisher pressure and that they weren't just trying to bruteforce the fans wherever the developers willed it
I've been making a habit recently to start buying games on GOG when I can help it. I didn't really take full advantage of the summer sale, but I got a few good things. I'm open to using multiple services, and I've also used and Origin (and probably a couple other platform launchers that I can't recall right now). I'm not really a Steam fanboy, and I'm open to criticizing Steam on things, as well as other game service platforms.
But I cannot, and will not, understand anyone who desires to use the platform whose owner thinks that the customer is less important in all aspects than the developer and minimizes the customer's role in making a platform successful. If you do it to get free games, then I can understand that mindset, but if you are going to buy games just because you want to support a developer, why not wait until the time is up and they sell on Steam?
Imagine donating enough money to a kickstarter to get the physical CD version (how much was it? like at least $100?) only for you to receive a CD with nothing but EpicGamesLauncher.exe on it. That's a new level of insulting.
Why do you think Kotaku still exists?
It's not irresponsible. It's predatory pricing, which they can get away with not because they have unlimited fortnite bucks but because they have unlimited china bucks. This isn't the only industry where china tries to engage in this practice and normally a tariff is imposed to bring chinese goods up to market value. The problem here is that epic isn't actually a chinese company. It's an american company which tencent (read: the chinese government) owns a minority share in. There are many foreign companies which have been bought by the chinese to try to dominate industries. The american government has yet to attempt to seriously deal with this problem. All that being said, valve has such a dominant position in the digital distribution of games that it'd be difficult to argue that this particular competition from china is a threat to the industry. That situation will change if epic's market share increases greatly and they continue undercutting their competition.
>Supporting the developer meme
The devs only get paid for making it, the money goes to the publishers, the argument only applies to self published indies, even then, I as a consumer will prioritize the store that gives me the better experience, if I give that much of a shit about a dev, I'll gift out their games during sales.
But that would be even worse.
They would rather fuck a cartoon... which doesn't exist in the real world. So they fuck pillows, and because pillows are not people, by definition, they are virgins.
I didnt even expect much to begin with since Shenmue 3 takes up 100gb for some fucking reason, but not even having some DVDs with partial installations or just pulling a GTA5 and spreading it across multiple DVDs anyways, its low.
lets wait until it has a shopping cart before we start calling it better than anything
*losing battle.
My grammer is shit.
Two BD-DL? Holy fuck.
>100gb Shenmue
What the fuck?
>predatory pricing
If they're offering to subsidize developers' losses, it's predatory pricing.
Exactly this, they know the majority will buckle because they still want to play the game, and they'll have to use EGS for that.
>getting a refund for Shenmue now directly hurts Epic's bottom line
Lifelong, diehard, proud moralfag here. Seriously, I haven't even pirated photoshop.
Get a refund, then pirate the shit out of that game. Fuck Epic.
>protect developer
yeah right, all they care about is covering their ass, if they didn't do this someone would have sued.
You know that none of the shills will ever actually read this or respond to it with anything more than flippant disregard, right?
>being this naive
>implying they don't all default to run on startup
>implying 99.98% of people even know how or where to disable that
Keep in mind these are the minimum specs and expected to change, who knows if things will get any better or worse.
Its still not as bad as Halo 5 taking up 110gb or Gears 4 taking up 125gb, but thats a low bar to be proud of.
It's just a PR move because nobody who donated to a fucking kickstarter is actually going to refund the game they're so desperate to play. Epic gets to look good and still get people onto their platform.
post yfw you never spent a single cent on the epic store/kike starter
How the fuck are these games getting so bloated? I thought Doom 2016 was bad for this shit.
>praising Timmy Tencent because he's avoiding a major lawsuit
Nigger you cannot be serious.
Shiny graphics sell unfortunately.
>Expecting anything less
Epic/Deep Silver would have got fucked by Euro/Australia if they pulled the "no refund" shit. Sad it took so long, probably hoping people who backed would forget about refunds.
Not a huge PC gamer but I wouldn't want to have to download 8 fucking spyware DRM programs just to play 8 exclusive games. It's steams fault ultimately but I can see why fighting against the newfags like the old MS store and epic is the lesser of two evils.
I don't say this often, but yikes.
Yes, I'm just pissing in an abyss, but doesn't mean I won't get my thoughts out there anyway.
But even texture wise it shouldn't be this much in raw storage? Is it something like they forgot to compress the audio or create "packs" to store the files so it doesn't take up too much space?
right here
Kickstarter especially because i'm not dumb enough to give interest-free loans to scam artists. All these Kickstarter devs going to Epic is proof of how communism doesn't work as greedy self-serving people will always exploit the system and laugh in chinese over how they got away with it. Sorry, next time you want a loan to make a video game go ask a bank you slimy developer cunts.
>For me buying a game is about supporting the developer
I don't even need to read past this. The boot has been thoroughly licked clean here.
GOG is the only store where you can buy a game and then click a link to download it directly with no nonsense or authentication. As a European company they also respect the customer's rights and don't try shenanigans to get around it and then get sued like Steam does. You would think with all of the manufactured outrage these days that more people would consciously choose to use GOG but it's all just tribalism and noise.
AAA are literally and I do mean literally fighting to eat up your disk space so as to block competition
notice how this only became a thing after SSD adoption hit 51%?
It will continue until 4 tb ssds are the price of 250 gb ssds
If you thought games like DOOM 2016 were bad, you must have been living under a comfy rock, because things have unfortunately gotten far worse. Fucking Call of Duty now takes up 136 gb, and its just the multiplayer, BR map, and zombies.
Granted, even FF15 and RDR2 I'm sure take up 100gb and you could argue its fair for open world games. But there's speculation going around that the only reason these games are bloated is just so users will keep them on their harddrive, and are less tempted to delete space to play newer releases.
Redpill me on Shenmue drama.
We will build a chink-punching simulator, and the chinks will pay for it.
t. Yu Suzuki
It is though. There's no reason to buy a game other than supporting the developer.
Wait, Shenmue 3 is a thing?
A Japanese businessman scams the general public and publishers.
That implies you got a different product altogether, this is a different delivery method for the same product. What is fucked up is that they screwed over anyone who wanted a physical PC copy of the game, the disc contains nothing but an EGS installer.
>ebin says they'll cover future kickstarters who move onto their spyware store
How to kill Kickstarter 101.
>I thought Doom 2016 was bad for this shit.
I remember being pissed at Max Payne 3 for its 35 Gb install size (it didn't warrant that size anyway, the game is linear as hell), but boy nowadays size like this would be a blessing. I'm happy that at least people like Capcom keep their fancy and big games like RE2 Remake at around 20 Gb, so not all's lost for disk space optimization.
It's being speculated that they're making games bigger on purpose, whether it's as a pirating anti-measure or, probably more specifically, to make sure it hogs up more of your memory so that, in theory, you'll give that game your attention over other games. But I don't think there's any hard evidence for that. It could also just be that they're giving less fucks about compression.
wtf I love Yu now
Humble Store ad allows to download games from the browser too.
also what this guy said
Honestly, I wouldn't be surprised if Epic announces they are outright buying Kickstarter or something at this point. They surely have enough money to throw around to do that.
If they want me to support them, then they should treat me like a king first.
Valves profit split makes sense if you think about it rationally
Valve offers the developers a platform that provides many services for them as well as the users, that they wouldn’t get on any other platform.
>built-in forum
>steam friends integration
>community shit
To mention a few. It makes total sense that valve gets a cut of the devs having games on their platform, considering they provide these services.
Think about it logically.
I've never looked into, but I've heard it pop up time to time. What's its gimmick?
I agree, fellow round eyes. There is nothing suspicious about the Epic launcher.
And with one simple sentence, you litterly assblasted all pcfags.
>game store/launcher
They're not trying to get you to support them. They're trying to get well adjusted people to support them.
Yes? Discord has its own storefront.
Yeah, discord has a store now.
It's like GOG but with the curation of Steam.
Timmy's actions kill any competition. Looks like he's starting to become the monopoly.
Does anyone know Tim's home address? Just asking for a friend.
What? I can't even find it in the client
>well adjusted people
Ah yes, bootlickers who think consumers shouldn't have a voice, shouldn't be allowed refunds, and should be banned if they buy more than one game at a time. Well adjusted indeed.
>tfw $250 backer
Time to buy a Switch instead. Fuck you EGS, YS Net, and Deep Silver.
That's not what I said schizoidanon.
What happened? Backlash over what?
What if the user wants to use GOG or some other store beside Steam/Epic?
Where is it in the desktop client? Where is your library in it?
Interesting. I'll look into it, I don't mind diversifying where I'm investing my money (never EGS, though).
My friend's cousin's kids are using EGS but because they are like typical fortnite obsessed 10 year olds kids.
I'm just going to continue being completely oblivious about discord until the day I die.
I'm fine with this.
>Timmy's lawyers made him realize how fucked of a decision he made making Shenmue exclusive and how hard they were going to be sued
Kek fuck Timmy.
For the record, those two games are PWYW (even 0.00 USD).
All i can see from all this story is that Yu / Deepsilver are tricking the shit out of epic store
Shenmue 3 probably wouldnt sell very well because most fans already secured a key in the kickstarter and its a niche as fuck game.
They got Epic to pay for God knows how many thousands of copies upfront when in reality this game wont sell more than 10k copies
THEN they got Epic to pay for the refunds (effectively paying for the kickstarter retroactively) for no reason.
So Tim is paying untold amounts of cash for the devs AND the consumers. For no profit because thats a scam.
Based tim giving out free games
>Where is it in the desktop client? Where is your library in it?
Google the specifics, I don't use discord. Just know that even they have a store, despite "muh steam monopoly".
>Where is it in the desktop client? Where is your library in it?
That screenshot IS the desktop client. It's in the "discord" button in the top left.
so much for the pc master race, us console bros are fucking your wives while youre in the computer room bitching about multiple launchers. ps4 cock in yo wife balls deep.
Yeah, I noticed. Which is why I'm going to look into it some more, if those sorts of games are on the store, even if not all games operate under that business model.
Kickstarter promised steam keys if you donated. Epic bought out exclusivity. People who were promised steam keys wanted a refund, and the developer originally said no. Now Epic is offering to give you a refund instead.
lol sucks for kickstarter, the moment bloodstained gets buzz for being a success shenmue has to come around and fuck it all up
so how can I get a refund? I plan to just pirate the non-bloatware version
How fucking petty do you have to be to get a refund because you don't want to launch a game from a specific library?
Seriously, it DOESN'T MATTER.
>Cause the problem
>Solve it after huge backlash
>Somehow Epic is the good guy
It's not there for me. I don't want it to be, I just don't know why it isn't there. I've never even seen or heard of this, I thought it was just a chat client and nothing more.
Consoles, like cellphones, are literal DRM.
In this analogy, my wives are rotting sexless in my dungeon because I have so many of them and I will likely never have sex with all of them.
>pay for one product
>receive another
>who cares lol
They explicitly offered Steam keys, not anymore. The scummy fucks even edited their kickstarter description removing the mention of Steam, but it doesn't matter lmao just consume product.
My friends 16 year old nephew who plays nothing but shooters
Thats literally it
Shouldn't that be on Steam as well? It's shitty to do a bait and switch, but at the same time it makes NO difference.
>buy goodwill
>literally paying back people who refuse to use his shitty store
I don't see how this move buys good will from anyone but people who were already okay with Epic's shit.
You could be super out-of-date, I guess. I don't know if Discord forces updates though.
Epic's the one who bought out exclusivity, does Steam even pay for exclusivity on any games?
I mean, it bought him headlines like this one that try to paint Epic as some sort of hero.
The customer is always right, no matter what. If you don't like that, go back to licking boots. You're not welcome here.
Because it was advertised to be launching on a particular platform, and people paid into it with this notion in mind, and when it was announced it would instead be launching on another platform and people would not be getting keys for the platform they paid for but instead the new platform, this posed a problem. Especially when EGS's features are inferior to Steam's and people simply prefer Steam. This also rides off another Kickstarter-Epic controversy.
I don't get how you can sit there and be condescending and not understand this basic premise. People don't want to be forced to play on EGS.
How the fuck would that be on Steam? It's not as if Steam approved of this, and there's good reason Steam isn't participating in this dumbfuckery Epic is trying to wage.
Until recently, they haven't had to worry about buying exclusivity - if you wanted your game to sell you needed it to be on Steam.
Now there's GoG - which is alright, and EPIC - which is alright but at least they take less of a cut than Steam does.
>and EPIC - which is alright
Is this a joke?
loving this you spec happy pc cocks with your fps and ultra graphics are losing you shit every time epic flops out its cock and tells you to hop. i bet this time next year youll all have dialated anuses with an epic rash. im gonna play an old game from my 360 library because thats the only store i can buy from. then im gonna collect all the pc gaymer tears from this thread and sip them from a wine glass as i listen to all the screeching 'ree ree ' audio ive recorded in this thread.
It's not.
wouldnt that be up to the dev/publisher? I mean it's not like steam had ever paid them to not put it on any other store than steam.
although that isn't the issue, since the issue is you're getting the product from EGS intead of from Steam, when they heavily advertised that the game would need Steam
360 still exists?
It's not there if you disable a setting that sounds like it's about telemetry and not the store even though it doesn't disable telemetry
>I thought it was just a chat client and nothing more.
Oh, my sweet summer child. There is no "and nothing more" with Electron. It's basically its own OS completely with 360 controller drivers.
>if we do not give some sort of refund we are going to have class action lawsuits across multiple countries and its very likely we will lose some of them
>even the ones we win much money will be lost defending ourselves
>better bite the bullet and give the damn refunds thankfully comrade china will pick up the bill for now
>because thats the only store i can buy from
In other words, you're too poor to afford a next-gen console.
>Oh, my sweet summer child.
You have no clue what this even means
Yes exactly. This convinces nobody but the people who were already okay with Epic's shit. It's a step away from acknowledging their store is garbage. That there's such a significant portion of people that would rather get their money back than support Epic should be damning. The journosphere is either too retarded to get that or is getting fortnite bucks from this shilling opportunity. Epic is giving people refunds! Ignore the fact that the only reason it's happening is because nobody wants to use their shit and they fucked over these people to begin with.
backwards compatibility is a thing on xbox 1 pctard.
Why does Yea Forums suck steam cock so much.
It's just another jew store like the rest.
No, steam is not accountable for that change.
Arguably, maybe deepsilver shouldnt be legally able to say "our game will be on steam" before actually closing a deal with Steam, even before this whole EGS thing happened.
Maybe Steam could have sued them for using their name / brand without an actual confirmed deal, but this would be counterproductive to steam to sue everyone who says "coming to steam"
What you mean to say is, Epic is slowly becoming video game poison where no game developer wants even a whiff of their game being an Epic store exclusive. There are some games that are purposefully staying away from being Epic exclusive, whether you know that or not. And it will keep getting worse.
No. You call it Metroidvania and when they ask what? You tell them look it up.
nah. you can't bait a story for 3 decades and just fucking expect things to be ok.
at least epic is the one losing money, but this looks like a con.
Of course sooner or later they will realize they HAVE to give refunds. But not because they feel sorry or something. No no no.
They did that because they realized that if people start suing the shit out of them, they will be totally fucked. I talked with my friend who is also a lawyer and he said that even medicore lawyer has very big chance to make backers wins this case because all proofs and shit backers need to win is literally served on silver plate, but If they will hire top tier lawyer what is most likely they will literally fuck them dry.
>Company does something to damage control and save itself from getting into serious shit.
>"Lol this company is better than competition now"
Also, GoG is the best store because I can literally download games I bought without bullshit DRM or launcher. Also I remember they had some really good offer what was all Witcher games(including DLC/additional content) made by CDPR + Cyberpunk 2077 preorder for the price of single AAA game.
>backwards compatibility is a thing on xbox 1 pctard.
Yeah but you sound like you can "only" afford to buy from one store and can't get anything else, so in other words you're a poorfag who can't experience more than one type of system and will cope with this by saying "w-well at least I have my old library h-haha"
It could be worse, sucking tencent and sweeney cock at the same time.
My co-worker uses it just for Fortnite. She's also a huge (unironic) faggot that talks about Steven Universe 24/7 and has a "Here and Queer" tattoo.
If normals can have their "action adventure" that refers to games as different as nuZelda and Uncharted, then we can have our term that tells us about a very specific core gameplay mechanic.
I had about an hour long debate with a coworker over it. He was shocked how staunchly against EGS I was, claiming that it was vastly superior for the publisher and therefore a better platform regardless of any other "talking points." Also refused to understand that buying exclusives in the manner that Epic does is not just predatory and bad for the consumer in the video game industry, but in general.
>She's also a huge (unironic) faggot that talks about Steven Universe 24/7 and has a "Here and Queer" tattoo
Lmao, how unfortunate.
>for the publisher
I could understand "for the developer," but "for the publisher" is an extremely cucked mentality.
What surprises me is that more devs/publishers don't try to play the system some more. Deep Silver is fucking genius for this, first they gain their trust through the Exodus debacle holding firm, and then holding firmer through Shenmue essentially fucking over Epic with Anti-Consumer Laws. I can't fucking believe nobody else has thought of this.
No shit EU law would force Deep Silver to offer them anyways
So the devs are still getting paid to fuck you in the ass
At least you got your money back. Not your game though.
To sum up the general argument (not that I agree with it, but I understand the train of thought) - many of these games would not exist without publishers' funding. The argument is that any form of funding, therefore, must be good funding, because in the end it allows these games to exist. Of course, you have the rest of the arguments that go along with the revenue split (more money going to the devs, etc.)
Like, the logic is there, but to agree with it, you'd have to entirely ignore every other facet of the situation just to prop the argument up. It's mind boggling.
Steam drones are genuinely - GENUINELY - fucking annoying at this point, and I say this as somebody who loves using Steam (team corgi ftw)
This situation seems especially egregious because it was a KickStarter game, so without the money from these people who are now getting refunded, the game would never be made, so there'd be no game to go exclusive to begin with. It's the definition of "a slap in the face" for long suffering fans. Pretty gross.
Honestly I don't even know what to say to that. I mean sure, in theory a publisher can make a game happen, but there are so many things that can and historically have gone wrong with a publisher's mark on a game and a development studio, and you could point out several examples in the past two - three years alone to rub it in your coworker's face how retarded he is for taking the side of the publishers.
worked for trump, why not sweeney?
On the plus side, Epic is paying Shenmue fans to pirate it, even if that payment is just getting your money back for sinking it into this shitfest.
especially a publisher like Koch Media. The Kochs are self-serving exploitors and neocon warmongering fucks; why would anyone take pride in supporting them? fuck the Kochs
seriously, how much pocket change do these fuckers have?
i don't like steam, but i hope these epic aggressive expansion loving fucks will crash and burn.
China sounds more and more like 01 from Animatrix
Steam is the most lightweight
Bethesda is the heaviest
Its like pottery
>I actually don't waste time with multiple launchers because I make a point not to spread out my purchases.
the right answer
Could have started that way. And at this rate I'll grow old and die before they manage to match steam.
And that's not a high bar, Epic just managed to somehow go far below the bare minimum.
>Anyone who wants competition to Steam is a chink
That makes official, we're overrun with chinks. Cue those Tienanmen posts.
chink get
I teach at a middle school. Literally EVERY 12-year old is playing this game. I don't think any generation ever in the history of video games has had a game as unifying as Fortnite.
beisad end epicpilled
chinks win again. how do they always do it. is it bots.
GoG definitely has the better product but it no longer has regional pricing unlike Steam.
Now the Chinese are farming for digits, too, Jesus Christ
Who /nintendchad/ here?
>30% refund
Goddamn chinks.
I, too, do not like spicy things!
You and I both know Phonon is fucking BROKEN.
How does it feel to eat shit with a smile on your face
Greentext or not, this is now official.
i can't imagine a single dev team was happy with moving to egs exclusively. Some did it just for the money, others did it for the guaranteed buys for their game they knew couldn't compete.
But the cat is peeking out of the bag, Take-Two and Deep Silver are two notoriously greedy publishers who are taking their games, previously under contract, kicking and screaming towards free money. Who else is really doing this besides unoriginal jank? Publishers are the ones who stand to gain from egs, no one else. Everything about egs is catered toward publishers, not devs. No community forums, no reviews, nothing negative at all next to these games. Just exactly how publishers want it. Advertiser friendly too. People will catch on to this con before Timmy Tencent can establish this shitshow but not before doing permanent damage to a handful of devs being dragged along for the ride.
Just how deep are the Chinamans pockets? Where do chinks even find such wealth when the majority of them eat dogs and birds off the street?
>Solve it after huge backlash
More like come up with a compromise that doesn't upset but doesn't please anyone either.
There's like 1.4 billion of them. 99% of them are poor and can barely afford food to eat. The 1% that are not are the ones buying out every western company.
That explains why Tim was sperging hard the other day about steam's rather fair key rules.
Those damn philistine gamers checkmated him yet again.
State run shit.
>theyre a hero for sort of fixing problems they caused
You know I actually put the effort in and searched through the Kickstarter page, not ONCE did it mention how they was going to distribute the game digitally, even the info on the phsyical copies don't give any information regarding it.
Granted it is pretty scummy what they've done, but legally I don't think you could really do anything.
I thought the pic had a guy getting ready to shit on the baby.
>if you wanted your game to sell you needed it to be on Steam
No one was stopping them from putting it up anywhere else either, though
As long as Epic keeps pulling this shit that will start to become a huge red flag for any Kickstarter/etc. If the game doesn't guarantee a Steam release on the page then you can bet your ass they're gonna fuck you with Epic, it sucks that you pretty much have to wring the truth out of these devs because they'll never say it outright considering how badly people fucking hate the Epic store.
Why are steam loyalists so fuckin fuckin upset anyway? Everything is still on PC you just change stores. It's not like you need to buy a different machine to play everything
So are they refunding the entire donation or only the value of the game? Because if it's the latter it's a cute and funny move.
Just don't support kikestarter and pirate anything good outta it, like i did with bloodstained
I'm not a backer so I wouldn't know firsthand, but as I understand it backers were asked to choose the platform they wanted their game on and Steam was an option.
Did you even read the thread? Originally, they had the option to choose Steam. Since Epic bought them out, they deleted that option, including any mentions of it on their page.
>$7.1 million burgers
>only $7.1 million burgers
>might be less than what fortnite made in a week
If this ever turns into a legal dispute (yeah right, it's never gonna happen), I have no doubt they will claim that the expression "Steam version/key/release" was meant to be taken as a release for PC/Windows. The actual shop doesn't matter, you are still playing in your PC.
Typical disgusting lawyerisms.
I like actually supporting devs that earn it in my opinion though
If they go on Epic then they immediately get put on the "THIS ONE'S ON ME" list, Tim wants to get the check then let him
Because Epic store has/had security flaws that would've been unacceptable ten years ago, like not having email verification when making a new account. That alone should be enough reason to not use the Epic Store without all the other bullshit piled on top of it.
even if it turn out like that it also sets a bad precedent for any future kickstarter projects or give the "muh monopoly"fags ammo
Must have imagined choosing STEAM as the platform i wanted my key for.
No there’s a receipt via Fangamer that specifically uses the word Steam. The EU would’ve fucked these slime balls so hard, that’s why they’re doing this
How long until we can talk about Shenmue again?
>lol just buy another hard drive what are you a poor fag
I actually surprised that Ace Combat 7 and latest NFS only take up like 20~GB
the hexaplet of "Revealed Truth Through Concealement".
You just revealed that chinks are indeed behind this
If you want to support devs maximally you wait one year and buy the game on steam. Tim sweeny already paid the devs for the first round. If you buy on steam the devs double dip in revenue
the only places I see caesars are low income urban zones
What's your point?
pc gamers arent used to getting shafted like this. I know consoletards have been pacified by paid online and other drmbox garbage but even a slight annoyance like another fucking new storefront trying to force you to install yet another launcher to accompany steam, origin, ubishit launcher etc will get backlash and rightfully so.
Based epic
>it's about not wanting to have to deal with a million launchers.
This. How could you not think of this yourself ???
>Here and Queer
What's this a play on? I'm retarded.
Epic truly Epic (games)
How many of you faggots actually care about shenmue and arent just here to bitch about epic
>For me buying a game is about supporting the developer.
For me buying a game is not about suppporting the publisher, it's about sending a message.
Are you a brainlet, desperate attention whore or both ?
Steam has much more options than launchers like and the wg launcher, like a workshop for fanmade mods and a built in forum. It shows, when a game updates, how much time is left. It allows a refund under three hours of play. It shows user reviews.
For me buying a game is about GAMERS RISING THE FUCK UP
>should we offer a service with competitive pricing and features, with a handful of exclusive titles to boot?
>nah let's just straight up steal titles from another platform at the last second lmao
EGS deserves every bit of backlash it gets. Practically nobody would have given a fuck about them were it not for the fact that they bribe(d) developers to go exclusive for them at the last moment. Not even consoles pull that shit. Plus, their platform is fucking garbage.
Prior to the exclusivity announcement Steam was listed as a system requirement.
the LA machine chews em up and spits em out like that
they were people with dreams once
>epic desperately pays off company for exclusive game
>fuck over supporters by selling out to epic chinks
>epic gives refunds and are the good guys
fuck these tiananmen winnie the pooh niggers
wait, do they only offer refunds when people backlash?
do they not offer them normally?
Nope. Take the money and run, fuck the plebs who gave them money. The only reason they even give a refund is to quell the outrage a bit and try to paint themselves as the good guys.
I wanna fuck Winnie the Pooh in his yellow plushie ass while he screams loudly Tiananmen Square Massacre of 1989 pasta.
>knowingly start up a firestorm
>firestorm get too intense
>throw water on it
They stopped compressing data to save CPU cycles, I shit you not.
>STEAMcels vs EPIChinks
I never thought PC gaming would kill itself.
Epic is already much better than Steam
>no VAC ban
>if you use their engine and release the game on their store it's completely free
>only a 12 % cut
>every sale means the devs get the same money and Epic pays for everything
>has the best games I have ever played on it like Heavy Rain
>they literally give certain devs a huge amount of money just to cover their development costs without even having to sell one single unit
>the last sale was literally god tier. They not only cut the money when the sale was, you also god the money cut on pre orders AND if you had bought a game a few weeks early they have refunded you the difference between the sale and the price you paid. It worked flawlessly and I got 10 $ back for my Borderlands 3 copy
The Epic Games Store is the best gaming store I have seen so far. Everything just works and most importantly it has finally the best console exclusives on PC. If Epic continues we will get Persona 5 on PC which would be impossible without them.
Are you really gonna argue over 40 dollars back to you out of nowhere?
>>has the best games I have ever played on it like Heavy Rain
You almost had me until this point.
>used Steam to advertise the game
>asked people about which platform they'd like to have the game on and mentioned Steam in there too
Okay retard
How many goddamn times am I gonna see this shitty pasta? Who the fuck even -
>Everything just works
Because I am not gonna download 5 different clients to my PC and have all of them hug ram and disk space. Oh and of course let's not forget about auto updates and shit like that, I am not gonna read through all 5 launchers' settings to figure out how to turn auto updates off.
1-3 launchers, okay. 4-10 launchers, not okay.
>Lemme buy a $100 SSD whenever a new game comes out
Yeah no.
They make millions every month
have a u
That's a fucking dumb reason.
>he thinks EU law woud let anyone get away with this
What I read was, when you have a game with like a km of draw distance, decompressing the textures on the fly can actually take a toll on the CPU, whereas disk space is cheap and it is assumed that everyone has hundreds of gigabytes available at least.
>ITT: people replying to the most blatant baits
and this is why these threads will never calm down, easy (You) farming, god you guys are so fucking dumb its frankly amazing
When did they sell you a steam key?
Something I have noticed about these threads is that when shit about GoG gets posted it gets almost ZERO fucking responses EVER. Post something about Steam and you get 20 Changs. Post about how great GoG genuinely is because its fantastic and nothing. This is clearly a shill campaign pitting EGS against Steam and they don't want the fact that better stores exist or don't have material for them.
Really? Maybe someone can dredge something up using the wayback machine then.
This is only happening because THEY made the shitty deal.
GoG is like Switzerland. Nobody cares about them and nobody dislikes them either.
They edited half the pages as shown in website archivers. Not that it matters since myself and thousands of others have been making chargebacks due to proof already there. They're literally doing this because chargebacks cost them more money than just doing what they should have done in the first place.
>$0.10 has been added to your Steam wallet
Where do they get the money to offer developers all these irresistible exclusivity deals? Do they really think it'll payoff if they can just get enough exclusives on the platform?
>the best games I have ever played on it like Heavy Rain
Ok David Cage.
>where do they get the money
you know epic makes fortnite, right
But they are literally paying developers enough so that even if they didn't sell a single copy their game's would be profitable. It's nuts.
Why do Steam drones hate competition?