What the fuck is his problem?

what the fuck is his problem?

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Other urls found in this thread:


>t. blocked

he's too based for this world



What's ur problem?

Blocked. RT @Anonymous what the fuck is his problem?

White people are fucking faggots.

>Don't be an insect
>Don't ask stupid questions (above)
>Don't speak to him in insect language

If you want to know how many people he personally blocked it's shown in this video at the time I stamped
After this video Kamiya also blocked him

If he hates white people/the west so much he should stop appropriating our appearance and culture for his games.

This guy is incredibly dedicated to his videos, its pretty wild. Dude flew all the way to japan to track down kamiya

Nothing. You're just a softy bitch. Kamiya is based as fuck.

Kamiya is a hack.

is it an act or is he serious
I think it was genuine at first but then it made him popular so now he went full force with it

People call 'japanese Phil Fish' for a reason

his co workers and corporate masters dont speak English and dont care about twitter.

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If a white person in the exact same spot did the same fucking this but with English instead of Japanese. You fags wouldn't be defending him lmao.

Because there's this one stupid white male working in the office working as a translator that pisses him off



wh*tes are scum, Japanese are based.

Because all white people blocking is completely silent, at least Kamiya has the balls to tell you why he blocked you.

literally just end the thread here

I don't defend him because he's a Jap, I defend him because he made games I liked.

spoken like a true cuck

OTP and joosten is the surrogate mother of their children*

It's just twitter shitposting at this point

whos the bottom here and why is it definitely kojimbo?

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>at least Kamiya has the balls to tell you why he blocked you
No he doesn't

didn't he block someone for asking a question in japanese?

Are you joking? cunts like Kamiya are almost always exclusive bottoms who want to be fucked as roughly as possible

You have shit taste.

>Don't ask stupid questions
>Questions he has already answered
but yeah
basically he does it on a whim

ok he didnt need to block that one

youre a faggot

Watched that video last night, kek

>17k blocks
holy fuck, now thats some dedication

By the looks of it, he prefers to have an actual discussion about the stuff he brings up instead of having people kiss his ass all day just because he's a game developer and is Japanese

He used to be a lot more open to replying to his fans on Twitter and he wasn't adamant about getting talked to in japanese. Wonderful 101 broke him though.

He poured his all into that game and it flopped hard. He legit hasn't directed rhe game ever since and its been almost 5 years.


>Questions he has already answered
that ones horseshit because his twitter timeline is a fucking mess of retweets, random posts and his backwards way of replying that he does with every single tweet aimed at him
even if you follow him you'd have to be a complete autist to know every single question he's already answered, he doesn't have a FAQ or anything

>be gamedev who hasn't made a game in ages
>meme everyone and everything on twitter in a desperate attempt to stay relevant
it does work though

You forgot about Scalebound.


He expects you to use this third party program to search your question first before asking him


Attached: 1533742818110.png (733x627, 661K)

why not just have an faq or moments list of all the most common questions?

because it's kamiya, if you haven't got that in your head yet

>Kamiya could defeat Bacterian

Attached: surprised buruma.jpg (480x360, 15K)

fuckin hell that block was worth it

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Because that guy is talking out his ass. Your question has been asked once already and the answer was still 'blocked.'

He went to Japan to figure out what happened to the Miku Dominos pizza ad on Youtube. Nick Robinson is nuts, but he's a good kind of nuts

well thats just being a fucking faggot then
at that point why even have a public twitter, you put your face and name on it to get the recognition on a public site then bitch and moan every time somebody brings up who you are
he seems like a massive fucking egotist that acts like twitter is a complete chore for him but nobody asked him to stick his fucking dick out on a social media site, especially if he's just going to act like tim schafer to anyone whose actually a fan of his in any regaurd
>im going to tell everyone who i am BUT NOBODY ASK ME ANYTHING ABOUT WHO I AM
he genuinely makes me less excited for his shit because he's such a social turdhocker

I mean it honestly didn't help that people bitched out Kamiya for EVERYTHING, even games completely unrelated to him, people bitched and called him names. And then the Bayonetta 2 shit, and people saw the chance to dogpile on him after TW101's poor sales.

I don't think I've seen a single Jap dev on twitter get as much shit as Kamiya has, maybe Sakurai does but I've never seen a single tweet of his. Either way I hate that he does it, but I understand it.

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and that's the meme

Actually pretty based.
The dude gets zillions of messages asking him the same predictable things that he answered before or just trolling him.
This guy just thought it would be fun to fuck with them all by writing childish or overly exaggerated rude comments to them and blocking them.
Hes apparently also a kind guy in real life though, so thats just his internet persona.
Watch video in 's post.
The fact that Kamiya had to go out of his way and search for this Youtubers twitter account to block him despite the Youtuber never telling him about it, proves that most of the time hes just trolling his fans.

The website barely fucking works. I couldn't find any answers I wanted from it
His stickied tweet should just be a pastebin or twilonger with a long FAQ, instead of whining about getting those questions

>before the election refugees came
what a good time it was

''Don't ask stupid questions''
no matter what, even if it is, if it annoys him in any way or shape or form he will BLOCKED

>it's okay when Phil Fish does it

he doesn't want to because he wants to keep it up

He's too pure for twitter, so he bends twitter to his will

If he is white, he would be able to articulate himself in English and be able to communicate with us more clearly. We would still like him, maybe even more, if you seen his translated interviews he seems like a cool guy.

Whatever you say dumbass. I bet you're blocked too. You're just trying to rationalize it. Kamiya is just a racist and the only reason we like him is because we're not hippocrates.

>Can't talk to him anymore because/v/ kept harassing him
Fuck you whiteoids.

>Yea Forums nor any video game directors will ever do cool shit like this any more

Attached: Ranger.jpg (1143x1464, 42K)

why are you going on the defensive for my guy
I didn't do a thing to you

You've won a game of Tetris 99, right user?

Attached: tetris.png (608x598, 516K)

He wants you to become a better person.


He is literally racist

>non-japanese person @'s him
>immediately blocked
He genuinely hates gaijins

And the only person he responded to was the one who called him a faggot.

Attached: kamiya347462.png (1920x1301, 430K)

He told you 10000000000000000000000000000000000000000 times.

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An extreme case of BASEDom and REDPILLery.
Fuck foreign insects.

Nah he still talked to fans after that. Him not letting Americans talk to him is fairly recent.

user, it's been a year, how is that recent?

>marry me!
Kamiya, it's a trap

>not being a tree ent in 2019
your years are my seconds


It really is hard trying to understand the foreign mind. They're just so different, they think different completely, are bred completely different. I learned that from a young age.

Whites are kinda insufferable, user.

>he as blocked over 17398 people now
based, I wish everyone did the same instead of crying for 200 years everytime someone uses a word they think is offensive.

Some things are not to be understood.

This is a pretty good thread. Blocked.

Oh, they do, but only behind blockbots. I can't imagine someone else being as based as Kamiya doing it manually.

I know, we just suck so bad, *sigh*
I wish I had a japanese wife, so my children would not suffer the curse of my white skin

Imagine minding your own fucking business on Twatter and some dumbass foreigner pries into your shit and makes a pseudo-documentary video on you despite knowing fuck-all about you and not telling you anything about it.

This is why he hates foreigners, they are loud, nosy, annoying insects.

If dubs I'll ask him something stupid and screencap the results

I believe this to be true as well, I think he would be(is) what they call a power bottom

('-') .oO0 ( Hello! )

Don't play with my heart.

He smiled when he showed him the number, you're projecting, and people often have completely different personalities off the internet. Kamiya's not an irl autist. He doesn't care.

Manlet rage

cringe. blocked.

Bald. Reminds me of Krillin.

Sure, you're nice to the guy offline, then the next day you wake up and the faggot just posted 20 minutes of bullshit about you. Just goes to show dealing with Westerners is a waste of time at best.

Just look at how people use Twatter in Japan vs. the West. In Japan people only comment if they have something to say. In the West it's like a horde of insects repeating the same old shit thinking they're so funny and original or asking the same old dumb questions for attention.

I wish

>In Japan people only comment if they have something to say
There's a Japanese twitter user with 36.8 million posts.

>in Japan people only comment if they have something to say
tell that to all the doujin artists and game makers out there with 95000 tweets about what flavor coke they drank that day and 0 followers/replies/anything

wrong tripcode nigger

>Games undersell
>Scalebound gets canned
I'd be angry too.

Nothing, he doesn't put up with inane chatter and that hurts the feelings of thin skinned faggots.

You're not Kamiya.

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>banner is of posts of him saying he'll block you if you tweet in foreign languages
>pinned tweet saying he'll ban you if you post in a foreign language
>lol, he blocked me, fucking japanese phil fish.

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>motherfucker actually went to japan to talk to Kamiya


>tfw in that thread
>tfw had my copy
>tfw never owned a cell phone or a camera so couldn't join
lol ;_;

Yeah he hates whitey. He's okay with me.

>that time someone asked him a mangled question through Google Translate's Japanese
>asked them to clarify in English
>they did

Attached: (roaring laughter).png (344x290, 163K)

now that's a good one

>Do your homework
It's like he knows Yea Forums is full of children.

>Using Youtube
>Get recommendation about this exact topic
>It's ten minutes of the guy sucking his dick
>Say something along the lines that Kamiya posting LITERALLY 60 times a day is "epic"
>Everyone in the comment section agree's
>Even on Yea Forums people seem to think that's "based"
Here's a thought: If most of Twitter is filled with absolute dumb cancer why not just, you know, ignore it?

Attached: The guard looks at you with a troubled, uncomfortable glare, like that of a man who must explain to (600x450, 11K)

I think the best part about this is that he sounds like Rick Sanchez

Please tell me there's screencaps, because He usually tell people how much of a failure they are in the language and try again.

>using a secure trip
what a cocklover

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>one of the most prolific and influential video game directors of all time
>has literally never made a bad game
>came to Yea Forums to do an ama
>newfags hate him because he blocked their stupid asses on twitter
daily reminder that the only people who hate kamiya on this board are retards who unironically have twitter accounts.

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This guy's video quality is hot/cold. Sometimes it's good shit and other times it's him referring to Chris-chan by "her" pronouns

The same can be said for Yea Forums, people want to connect with others even if it means dealing with a literal flood of faggots.

Oh don't be that way user, he's only explaining Kamiya's personal list of what it takes to get you blocked
we all know he doesn't follow it and it is a meme, settle down

Common sense? on social media? what are you, a faggot?

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No wonder he was blocked.


I understand that, but the difference is I don't feel the need to reply every single shitpost I see.

If this was a random thing he'd do every now and then I'd agree it's pretty funny but he does this everyday, going at it for year with posts going near the hundreds. Every single day.

It has gone passed being a funny joke and more just pathetic.

anyone have the kotaku tweets

This dude takes every chance he can get to go to Japan.

Probably trying to save face after getting fired from Polygon for solicited sex

>near the hundreds
He has over 17,000 people blocked.

What would he do if someone hacked his twitter and unblocked everybody?

I'm referring to his Twitter usage rate not his total.

it's all just 1 or 2 trips and his brother is a famous EDM artist so he's got money to blow

>I understand that, but the difference is I don't feel the need to reply every single shitpost I see.
It's the same logic as Yea Forums used to have of ignoring sauce beggers. You should know how to find what you want and he uses it the same way with people asking him questions he's asked before.

>other times it's him referring to Chris-chan by "her" pronouns
He's smart enough not to become the target of SJWs. It's called playing the game. You should learn how to do it, before you say something that gets you fired from your job.

Notice how he actually got an interview with Chrischan. Do you think he managed that by calling Chris male pronouns?

Which one of you faggots did this?

Attached: 1561691631066.jpg (768x576, 42K)

>mfw when i have Kamiya blocked

Attached: iPF_JWuV_400x400.jpg (400x400, 33K)

> In Japan people only comment if they have something to say
LMAO have you seen any Japanese twitter accounts you retarded weeb?

He just wants a clean timeline with boobs, ass and thighs but he's constantly tagged in shitposts.

He makes shitty games and makes up for shallow mechanics through stylization that's his problem.

Attached: Itagaki on DMC.png (662x594, 308K)

What would happen if Kamiya was a Yea Forums janni

thanks for the chuckle, user.

Of course we would. Everyone praised that Kingdom Come guy and he didn't even have Kamiya's resume.

When he dies does that mean he officially blocked everyone from ever talking to him for good

90 percent of what he blocks isn't even shitposts or repeat questions. I think he's just blocking random people to build a reputation.

I was obviously referring to commenting on people's shit, i.e. actually bothering other people, retards.

Except I don't remember Yea Forums making 60 replies to said question.

I remember the old adage of "Don't feed the trolls". That was a pretty good one.

At this point he's just doing it to keep the meme going

Again, you must not have ever seen a Jap persons twitter. The only reason you aren't seeing it is because Japs are shit at english, if you believe they don't shitpost you're delusional.

He only block EoP and morons.

you figured it out

>Doesn't want to be reached out in English
>Retweets shit in English

Is he the ultimate brainlet

Attached: cc3.jpg (679x381, 91K)

Unlike you I speak Japanese and 90% of accounts I follow are Japanese. The rate of comments to likes/retweets is overwhelmingly lower in Japan because people don't bother other people for no reason.

>In Japan people only comment if they have something to say
god what the fuck is up with you faggots and idolizing the japanese as higher beings of some sort?
I cant tell you how many times ive checked a hentai artists twitter for their art and have had to sift through countless pictures of the food they ate or the gacha shit they unlocked. its absolutely bananas.
kamiya is a petty dork, it shines through in all of his interviews and it shines through on his twitter account. he strikes me as someone insufferable to work with, like he couldnt compromise with anyone and demands to have his way 24/7

Attached: 1402691764923.jpg (320x213, 60K)

Someone doesn't pay attention to japland on Twitter.

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Sure you do Google.

I miss his bantz
I wish the normies hadn't overrun him, so he wouldn't just have to resort to blocking everyone. Now people just know him as the Block guys instead of the idgaf blunt answer guy.

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Why are you mad about the video? There is not a single mistruth in the video so everything in it has the right to be said.

He's actually right. The only time you interact with enemies in kamiya's action games is when they flash the bright light.

some guy did a videon on him and he found that he has like 17k people blocked

What the hell are you talking about, that's blatantly wrong.

>Rick Sanchez

>you will never top kamiya while he demands you to trust harder and he calls you a filthy gaijin
Why even live

Attached: 0E50C9B0-2EFB-4D79-8DF0-E9DDBBB114CB.jpg (1000x1000, 226K)

Imagine having an ego this big because a bunch of manchildren liked the game you made about some fucking faggot who eats pizza and has a gun.

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It's a below average show but you can't deny the vocaroo sounds like him.

Except it's not. Nigger I've played every DMC except 2 and 90% of the time the enemies are just sitting there letting you juggle them with no effort.

Ah yes because Itagaki is such a virtuoso of balanced game design.

Attached: 1276920604572.png (1024x634, 94K)

People rambling about shit on their own timeline is different and irrelevant to this discussion. At least they usually don't talk about politics unlike Westerners.

I used to follow many Western animators and artists but eventually gave up on that and switched to only following Japanese people and the odd Westerner who mostly stays away from politics, because the large majority were obnoxious SJW retards. I'll take silly rambling and food pics all day over that poison.

He never said anything about balance retard.


I meant the only time you have to react to something an enemy does, ignore my poor choose of words. For the rest of the fights enemies are literal fodder for combos/juggling and you don't really have to pay much attention to them unless you're optimizing like crazy.

Wtf all this time I thought the nose was his mouth and the mouth his chin

Yeah instead they're communists like Kojima

Kamiya hasn't been in charge of DMC since the first game, unironically the only game in the series with well balanced enemies. These two faggots don't have any "wait for the bright flash" shit.

Attached: Grace_&_Glory_Page.png (554x558, 542K)

Attached: My Sides.gif (615x413, 1.96M)

Yeah, the only good fight in the entire series. Woopity doo

Attached: 1362082116658.png (500x521, 217K)

>god what the fuck is up with you faggots and idolizing the japanese as higher beings of some sort?
>proceeds to be a complete weeb faggot and idolize the japanese
like pottery


>At least they usually don't talk about politics unlike Westerners.
Japs talk about politics just as much as westerners if you're an EOP You wouldn't notice or even care.

Regardless, Itagaki's statement about "react to the light" only applies to the lowly Angels from Bayonetta 1. There are no "lights" in DMC1 or TW101. And I even respect the hell out of Itagaki.


Attached: based.jpg (225x225, 6K)

>"A Cereza Kojima Production"

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> At least they usually don't talk about politics unlike Westerners
you just gave youtself away as a massive delusional weeaboo
I never get tired of the classic "hmm japanese only care about cool epic stuff while stinky americans only talk about politics!" angle.
Gonna go ahead and (rightfully) assume you speak zero japanese, and are going purely on video game directors, many of whom have injected political themes and issues into their games (see MGS).
Even if you could speak japanese you'd have no reference point. Japanese politics =/= american politics. Just because it doesnt bonk you on the head doesnt mean its not present.
Get that japanese cock out of your ass and come back to reality, user.

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Get mad.

>but you can't deny the vocaroo sounds like him.

based boomer

>Enemies in Bayonetta and TW101 just sit there letting you juggle them with no effort
>Kamiya made any DMC past the first one
What the hell are you talking about, that's blatantly wrong.

Show me some animators or game directors who talk about politics regularly, I read what the people I follow are posting and my experience is based on the animation industry. And I'm not EOP, you're talking out of your ass.

If your "counterpoint" to the statement that Japanese people don't rant about politics all day on Twatter is "artists make political statements in their works" then I'm gonna flip that accusation right back at you. Unlike you I actually follow artists I like and read what they are saying. So far I've only seen a couple of women bringing up feminism and idpol crap to my timeline. Besides that it's talk about unions and retweets of news with no commentary at best. Meanwhile I can't follow most Westerners without them REEEEEEing about drumpf or some shit all day.


Attached: gDLZKl.png (600x547, 48K)

old boomer doesn't know how to use twitter.

Why doesn't he just fucking jack it off to some pornhub and be done with it?

He does it like that to upset people like you. You don't become a famed game designer without more knowledge of how computer's work then anyone on Yea Forums.

Using social networks for chilling and personal emotions instead of political correct self-advertising.

>t. cum brain

Hacks attract other hacks.

>old boomer doesn't know how to use twitter.
And how exactly do you use twitter 100% legit right way?

This, but unironically.

Attached: 1556796273505.jpg (509x257, 26K)

See insects? This is how you do it. You show respect and modesty, and hire a translator for your tweets just like Niche Gamer man.

Attached: 2q8Fmx.png (578x552, 348K)

he's unironically way to full of himself, he thinks he's a gift to the world but he's really just hot-headed and childish. Will block anyone for any reason, and hates foreigners

OCD or autism or something.
He hates it when people write "Platinum Games" instead of "PlatinumGames" (one word) and will correct every single person doing this. He spends all day on Twitter searching for that, along with mentions of himself, Bayonetta, or Viewtiful Joe.

Attached: kamiya corrections 2.png (522x879, 78K)

i am in fact rather handsome
and you didnt even deny youre a faggot
go back to /faggotsville/

But he's wrong, dumbass jap

Thanks :) Blocked

Thanks. Blocked.

It wasn't Wonderful 101, it happened much more recently than that.
What did it was he started spitballing ideas for Devil May Cry after playing the new God of War about a year ago and first posted in Japanese "What if a new DMC was more like God of War?" which got like all of 3 replies in Japanese. Then he posted it again in English and got absolutely FLOODED with retards who thought he was being serious and not just spitballing, also ignoring the fact that he doesn't fucking work for Capcom so it would never happen anyway. He pointed out the difference in reactions between Japanese and English users, posted this comic making fun of them, and decided from that point onward that any non-Japanese users aren't worth talking to period.

Attached: DTjRIV3V4AEeB_8.jpg orig.jpg (660x2002, 683K)

He's a virgin

A dickhead who makes good games and is awesome at his job, therefore he is allowed to be a dickhead

Dude, he got fired from his last job because of SJWs.

Mental illness.

So tl;dr Yea Forums pissed him off.

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What it makes that video for me is the autistic dedication of the guy, going to fucking Japan just to ask Kamiya how many fucks he has blocked over the years and then fucking off, it's surreal. Even assuming that guy is loaded with cash hats off to him, that's the good kind of autism.

The nigger goes to Japan every chance he gets. This was just another excuse to go.