I am not convinced that people like pic related somehow have the IQ and the cognitive creativity to spend countless hours studying computational terminologies, sciences and hours of concentration and time to get to where they are. How is it possible that individuals who have studied hard, got into colleges earned degrees, spend hobbies, time, and money to master the craft and sciences of technology can somehow not get the job but a fat cunt that is overtly polarized and brainwashed with physical monstrosity that shows no signs of self-control and discipline can become a video game developer?
I am not convinced that people like pic related somehow have the IQ and the cognitive creativity to spend countless...
Nepotism, cronyism, politics.
have sex
>TFW you were born so fat as a baby your parents couldnt tell if you were a boy or a girl so you named you Adam and Jade
You're right. She got lucky and participated in a Ubisoft summer camp and people thought she had a lot of charisma. This is how she got in the business.
somebody with pink hair doesnt have the fucking brain power to design a good game
there is no more obvious sign of "i have nothing of worth to contribute and no good ideas" than pink hair, because the pink hair is how they try to set themselves apart from others, rather than using talent to do it
also who the fuck dyes their eyebrows
these are the talking heads of video game companies. They're literally there to for public image, nothing else.
>who the fuck dyes their eyebrows
I imagine someone who wants their eyebrows to match their hair? Pretty dumb question there champ...
you lose
Uhh because dilate, seethe tranny. Lol cuck have sex frogposter. Lmao. Cringe based and redpilled!
>lead game designer
Literally how in the fuck does this kind of person become the lead game designer for something as big as Siege, I'd love to know what the fuck she did to get that position which is definitely a lot more profitable compared to the people who actually make the game
heh, nothing personnel kid
like anything else, a small group of talented people create something and it blows up, then they venture off to create news things and the place they left behind becomes either a profit motivated cash cow or a social justice motivated lolcow
She is female. That's how easy it is.
Easy, you ask and you receive. It's all it takes
network, bro
No, give me that forced meme "have sex" bullshit. Me and countless number of students over my life time have studied and tried to make a better life and pathway for ourselves only to be turned down and left in the gutters so a fat fucking sodomite cunt or some brown-skinned 3rd worlder who can barely speak English with a fake college degree can easily take jobs that should've been taken based on merit and experience.
Do people not realize politicizing this will only distance themselves from gamers and community? Every fucking news related about games is nothing but faggot game journos whining and bitching trying to shove their shit down on people's throats while quality and ethnic of games are plummeting all because companies and developers don't want to hire people based on merit or fairness.
most people who dye their hair do not dye their eyebrows the same color, you just dont do it.
Play video games.
You can't believe a game designer is fat?
i see we've come to the meta phase of this already dying fad, it seems to be dying faster than tranny sudoku
but pepejack still remains
Becoming a tranny is a further step down the road of inceldom, not the other direction. So I'm not sure why you incels are so obsessed with that /pol/ word and using it on people who are clearly calling you out for being a pathetic virgin incel soon to be dilating tranny
Have sex
I mean, I've seen it done. I don't know why it's considered so weird.
I'm convinced that if I had hair I would be in the same position she is now I work in the industry but lack the willpower to ask for things because of my hair also I'm a cuck
almost nothing if you look at her resume, she had worked on unity and ac3, and was apparently a system designer for For Honor which is funny because that game is terrible.
cant find any education background. she probably sucked a couple dicks or was just friends with someone in ubi. even then she attained an impressively high position.
aaaand dilate
It's called a merit based system. Aren't you keks from the "party of facts & logic"? Isn't that what you want? She worked on For Honor and other games before that
Let me know what that's like in a couple years, my sexually frustrated friend
She probably just ate all the smaller lead designers till she took over
>merit based system
>in 2019 in the video game industry
How many people ITT have a midlevel position or above in a video games publishing house?
Not an argument
>I am not convinced that people like pic related somehow have the IQ and the cognitive creativity to spend countless hours studying computational terminologies, sciences and hours of concentration and time to get to where they are
It can't be that hard. Pajeets do it all the time.
ive seen it done, you typically don't. the reason why is because it makes you look like a clown. hair dye is also typically too harsh for your facial skin and your delicate eyebrow hair and can chemically burn them right off. hair gets damaged when dyed and this girl dyes her hair and eyebrows a lot, her eyebrows are going to just be gone one of these times.
You're delusional if you think companies work on a merit based system. Or you're a NEET. It's all about politics and connections and it always was
"I don't know how to impress someone in an interview"
>sucked a couple of dicks
I'd fucking understand if she got that position if she was at least an 8/10, but she's a blob on 2 legs with more body fat in her head than my entire body. I'm skinny as fuck so I'd be worried standing next to her or I might get absorbed or
yeah thats how you actually know she sucked dick. with a pretty girl she can get promotions based on more minor stuff like flirting, because the potential reward from a pretty girl is much higher. with an ugly fat girl she has to actually put in the time and suck that dick.
Not him but have dilate, sex tranny.
You people are so fucking bitter and jealous, it's incredible. How much do you have to hate women to believe that the only way for them to climb the corporate ladder is by fucking their way to the top? And how the fuck does someone dying their hair mean they're not worthy of their position?
she got the position because of politics and HR cronyism
statistically that position should be held by a man 9/10 times but because women lack interest in video games design they get over represented to make up for it
if merit and qualification was legit then almost if not all lead game designer positions in large corporations would be held by men aged 38-46 years old with significant backgrounds in upper level development and management/lead experience
t. roastie
Group of people that refuse to understand how a charismatic person (according to the people who hired her) with background in programming a gets lead developer job
Also refusing to believe she fucked her way into position because you guys can't understand how someone finds her attractive.
why are you guys even upset?
>with background in programming
Absolutely false and wrong
Leave your mother's basement, incel.
t. roastie
Why do you hate women?
>Absolutely false and wrong
user do a google search before you show your retarded level online.
It is baffling that you understand the human condition so little that you think someone with such a little self-control to get that fat and with such a little self-esteem to need dying her hair to prove how "unique" she is has some secret ability that puts her above the rest of the applicants, instead of just infering it is due nepotism or/and politics.
Where does it say programming on that LinkedIn profile? You're retarded
This one has achieved ultimate enlightenment.
for honour sucks
"Someone is fat therefore he has no hobbies or talents"
user stop projecting
what if she was promoted because she had a ton of good ideas as a junior?
It is baffling that you think irrelevant life choices like someone's weight or hair color has any bearing on their work capabilities and merit. You're literally upset that a woman achieved something that you never will.
It is interesting how you fixated on fatness but said nothing about the other point. I wonder who is projecting here lol.
Have you heard about the lonesome loser
>i'm an ideas guy
>Thinking game design is as narrow a category as level design
and the games would still suck
I at least have a job and have met a few of that type. that is why I can accurately make that assesment. You, on the other hand...
Don't worry, I'm sure you'll find a lost uncle some day that will hook you up.
Yeah, stop replying to me right now. You know absolutely nothing about video game development. Designers DO NOT touch a single line of code. They tweak values in Excel sheets and that's it
Is this a M2F or TrogodolyteDwarfF2M tranny
>accurately make that assessment
You mean type up a bunch of presumptuous bullshit about a woman you know nothing about to justify your bitterness over being a virgin? Alright then.
Oh! She's french? That explains some of it.
>players psychology
>avatar customization
>Paid content
>online progression
Doesn’t work cus I’m not a tranny, but you’re still a virgin
Right but now because of that games like Rainbow sex have fat girls and bitches with highlights in their hair as professional military operatives because that's what you would actually see in the progressive real world right?
Dont care about girls in video games
Do not
But that shit has always rubbed me the wrong way, just looks unoriginal and out of place.
Nobody sucked the equality teet like BFV tho, christs sake, another fun game but theres literal niggas that are Nazis.
if you think that studying hard gets you anywhere you're a fucking fool. the world is full of people in it for themselves and the only way to succeed is to abuse the advantages that people give you. if you want a single room in university tell them about your "disability" or "anxiety". if some stupid sjw cunt is bitching at you play up the fact that you're a part of some underprivileged group, most people can do this because the sjw types tend not to fact check, even an anglo can talk about how oppressed the welsh were. if someone you know has a high position get them to give you a job. if you're a woman you can just suck dick. honor never really existed and hard work and pride are lies fed to gullible people who don't understand that the world is dog eat dog.
i bet she'd gobble my dick like it was a free snickers
you can just look at the bugs in that last ass creed to know how shit their overall personnel and hiring policy is
they clearly don't have talent as their priority, might as well be bioware at this point
All of us user, let's work out together.
but sure.
"little self control"
that's your lead to fat.
"Little self esteem that leads her to dye her hair"
and then talks in front of rooms of people and posts it online, clearly a shy girl move.
There's no point in getting into your last "point" because again, you refuse to accept her sucking dicks because "hur fat/ugly" but you say she lacks any skills.
Is it "women have it easier" incel bullshit or is it "mah joos"?
>this guy never once learned the subject and the proper terms.
sure buddy, just values in excel, nothing else.
Never thought about it that way, but you're right now that I think about it. Some have really low standards and I'm sure someone at the top would be into that kind of thing.
>I did Java in programming class once
>I learned how to do if and for statements
You're a fucking disgrace. STOP replying to me RIGHT NOW
>average French 'woman'
it' not so much what you know, it's who you know
Grill yer sausage
Don’t judge a book by its cover!
I still play it from time to time, it does kinda suck but it left a lasting impression on me and I stuck around for the long run and its alot better but from an honest unbiased standpoint you're right, I also didnt know she had anything to do with the game but it makes alot more sense now.
Also. AC3 nad Unity? Really? Are those like not the absolute most shit tier installments on that shit tier series?
My god. Doesnt quite add up to siege turning out how it did tho because it's pretty fun.
Most women are incapable of grasping advanced tech and mathematics, they don't have the brain structure nor gray matter for it.
But that is irrelevant when you have people motivated by ideologies that ignore reality and demand quotas and not competence, but don't you dare assume she is not the most competent person for the job despite only being hired because she has a vagina.
Because Video game development is literally bottom of the barrel CSC work and there's a reason why shitty employees with D averages are complaining about long hours and shitty conditions. Anyone who's good at computers isn't working for some toy factory, they're working for the NSA or the CIA or for one of the big FAANG companies or in research. There's no lack of skill in CSC, there's a lack of talent in video games.
That's true, but they're all cousins with the 3% of Pajeets with any actual talent or work ethic, so they get free jobs. See it constantly here in British Columbia. The second one brown person makes it to management, no other race is ever hired and the business is staffed solely by other (related) brown people.
>tfw you used to work in programming but moved to management the second you got an opening
Feels good man
I feel bad for maker culture cucks and all the stem worship shit that's going on right now. Thousands of tiger moms are going to be disappointed their $4000 code camp is only giving their kid a $25/hr job at some desk patching porn sites
Is her name Bio? Or is she a bio weapon to be used against mankind? I'm becoming scared.
She is the weapon to surpass Metal Gear
They're turning Programming into a trade skill within the decade. You don't have to be smart to do it.
Eternal death really took its toll on Diavolo, hasn't it?