Realistically what does Sony need to do to become popular on Yea Forums again?
Realistically what does Sony need to do to become popular on Yea Forums again?
Make new games and/or remasters of their old IPs. Giving them more attention would be appreciated too.
Become unpopular and unsuccessful in the competition
It's impossible since no matter what if you make a sony thread there will always be pcfags coming in to make sure you know how superior they are even if plenty of ps4 owners have a pc as well.
Get out of California and stop ruining other developer's games.
make a game you cant experience 50% of it by playing on youtube,kinda like another bloodborne
Stick with only 3 franchises. Target children. Use underpowered hardware and bright colors. Make cardboard peripherals.
Stop censoring shit.
Make a Humble Trove-like (a.k.a. DRM-free) subscription service of PSX games for PC.
this and also this
Yea Forums is a contrarian board
the more popular something it is the more its hated here
gimme gran turismo 1,2 and 3 on the store. seriously why is that not a thing. whats wrong with them
>get out of cali
>stop censoring games
>destroy the AAA industry.
>make a sequel to legend of dragoon.
Thats about it in my memory.
I dont know about Yea Forums but as for me
>publicly go back on their censorship bs
(worth noting we havent heard anything about it in a while so maybe they did privately since they only ever got shit for it publicly like with DMC5 which they backed down on? We have to wait and see I guess)
>make PS+ optional again or at the very least give it better features or rewards.
>make the PS5 actually use all my download speed
>disc BC with PS3, PS2, and PS1
>emulation options when using BC
>UI that doesnt stutter for no reason
and most importantly
It baffles me how much they've gotten away with sitting on their ass pumping out the samey last of us garbage this gen. It;s better than when literally nothing was coming out like before Bloodborne, but jeez. Their exclusive library is embarrassing compared to the PS1 and 2's.
Stop censoring. This is no different than there PS1 days where they kept pushing for 3d games. And . Stop listening to Westerners.
It's simple honestly
> 1. Make Gravity Rush 3, Bloodborne 2 & Release The Last of Us II
> 2. Move headquarters back to Japan
> 3. Cancel every other Movie game that's in development
> 4. Revive Jak/Daxter, Wild Arms, Wipeout, Sly Cooper, Socom & Legend of Dragoon
> 5. Stop pandering to Trannies & Snoyboys
> 6. Give SIE Japan AAA Budgets & actually market their games
> 7. Reboot God of War, bring back the mechanics & game design of the orignal trilogy
> 8. Buy the Silent Hill IP & give it to Kojima so he can finish Silent Hills
Rights for the cars, I guess?
>make only consoles
>stop policing games they didnt fucking make
>shut down their american offices
>quit being jews
Full frontal nudity and big tiddies in every game
>muh anime tiddies! muh censorship!
this thread is pathetic, the sales for those games is dirt low and they dont care anymore cause of that. Quit bitching.
Nothing, they are having one of the best generations so far.
Yea Forums is full of nintenegros so they overact about everything.
Gravity Rush 3
why did they move to california where the tax is crazy anyways?
Dab on trannies
The question was what they need to do to be popular on Yea Forums again not what's gonna make them the most money. Nobody cares about that corporate cocksucker.
Yup, same thing with the Tony Hawk games sadly
its popular because normalfags like it
normalfags have shit taste and think kanye west is a musical god
was it too hard to understand?
Stop making moviestations and go back to making weebstations.
Competition doesn't censors them. I wonder why...
Better third party support with no censorship.
Were not gonna stop bitching, we'll just switch to xbox next gen, fuck shit ass sony.
Make actual fun online multiplayer games. Spend waaaaaaaaay less time on single player AAA action movies
Surrender unconditionally to bing bing, literally no other way
>Yea Forums is a contrarian board
>everybody hates censorship
>Yea Forums also hates censorship
way to fuck the contrarian argument right in the ass
well, No censorship would mean the return of maximum 3rd party support, like they did have only a year ago.
So stay the same?
Yeah it feels like a lot of franchises are getting turned off of Sony because of their neonazi-ism.
Stop making the same cinematic game over and over, and release everything on PC. Neither will never EVER happen though, so they'll always be hated here.
>>muh anime tiddies
Why have the SJW reset era trannys all latched onto this single phrase?
Did you somehow miss all the pro-censorship posts Yea Forums has been flooded with, making fun of people and telling them to "just go watch porn" and shit?
Acknowledge that they are sony niggers and they only play movie games. Metal Gear is a movie game. Final Fantasy is a movie game and not a real game.
And at least acknowledge the PS3 lost its generation by a long shot. When I hear them scream they won, I know they are delusional and will forever be hated on here.
They're already popular on Yea Forums. There's always at least 5 Sony threads.
Not just threads on Sony games. Threads about Sony in general.
Make games instead of movies and stop censoring shit.
To be fair, not showing up this year was the best move they could've made for E3. This year was so much bleh because nobody had anything new to show. At least Sony didn't waste anybody's time.
Make a portable console AND ACTUALLY SUPPORT IT
I just come here to just talk about games, so I probably missed that overwhelming majority of those threads.
>ruining even more good games with soulless cash in (((remasters)))
no thanks
Yea Forums has never given Sony a real chance. Basedtendies refuse to share the industry with anyone, even 30 years later
>To be fair, not showing up this year was the best move they could've made for E3
Stop parroting this shitty talking point.
Keep on wojack posting, it'll make your shit opinion shittier.
They need to stop sending their marketing department to start stupid, pointless, retarded and insulting threads like this one. Get a real job, you useless fuck.
And if you're doing this for free, that's about 10 times more pathetic.
How am I parroting? I'm not copying something I saw online. These are my genuine thoughts about E3 this year.
Stop trying to force extra regulations into game development where devs already have rating systems, age restrictions and the general law to keep them in check.
I agree with a lot of this, but
>Revive Sly Cooper
I'm still trying to forget the last time they did that.
because it's true, you dont care about anything besides some anime tiddies being censored or whatever. Just the thought you would not buy a game cause it censored one pair of tits and not affected gameplay at all is bewildering to me. Peak incel mindset there.
Yeah, just don't self regulate. That sure worked well for loot boxes.
Oh no. That didn't work at all.
Funny and cute.
Yea Forums will allow more leeway for sony threads when sonyfags stop being the worst fanbase on the planet.
so never.
For me personally, make Japanese games again. Sony is so far into the cinematic western garbage that it's impossible.
I sort of agree. E3 is a bit tainted now, The best solution is the smaller publishers doing their own thing just like Nintendo ended up doing.
When was the last time Yea Forums had a Sony majority? Tail end of the PS2 days? Certainly wasn't with the PS3.
They are still popular on Yea Forums, easily the second most popular platform on this website behind PC the eternal. No matter how much people bitch it has all the games they want on it, this years biggest E3 hit is exclusive to the PS4, and it will be next years 2nd biggest game, being beaten out by only another PS4 exclusive, the top 10 biggest 2020 games will all be on PS4, and for 2019 all the biggest games are on PS4 too.
Bloodborne II with tits
E3 as a whole just seems pointless. When anybody can just announce whatever over the internet, do we really need a convention and G4 to show us what's new?
sony will never be popular on Yea Forums because of all the salty nintendofags who never got over how the n64 got humiliated by the ps1.
What was wrong with the PS3 game?
Stop censoring games. Simple as.
>gay faggot ass weeb cuck
how are they the worst exactly? because you say so?
>because it's true, you dont care about anything besides some anime tiddies being censored or whatever
Because I'm adult and not a child like you. We are ok with violence, sex, and gore. It's understandable though since the vast majority of PS4 owners are children
Release Ape Escape 4
Always been the biggest shitposters.
They shit out the most wojak edits and console-war meme images and just generally shitstir the most.
This isn't some bias of mine, I'm not some "nintendie" who's been caught in the crosshairs, I've grown up with Playstation all my life and even I was a massive faggot fanboy during the PS3 era.
Sonyfags have gotten a massive ego boost this generation and they've used that positive energy to just attack everyone.
because muh wojaks
Anal vore threads spammed every day. Golden face spammed every single day. Console war wojak edits posted every day.
So you're an idiot who can't notice a falseflagger when you see them?
let me guess... it's really the "nintendies" all along?
you people bore me.
this. nintendo is ruining this board. we got a fucking DLC cereal mascot sticked and an eceleb who only got sticked because he was a Nintendo fan
>n-n-not us!
Sleep in the bed you made, snoy
Free Online would be enough
As long as goldface and onion wojak posters are here, never.
have sex
Encourage creative, unique games that we had witnessed on the PS1 & PS2. Revive, create or sustain their platforming IPs.
>creative, unique games
>ps1 and ps2
Most of those games were just do what someone else did with a bigger emphasis on story though.
You want to see creative and unique games, go play the Saturn Dreamcast or N64. Playstations own games have never been anything particularly good, and when it was, it was always their Japanese developers.
Kula World and Crash Bandicoot were fun.
You must not have paid close attention to the ps1 and ps2 library. Saturn is god tier however.
>remove paid online
>introduce backwards compatibility
>stop imposing censorship policies
not that hard
you tried
>release TLoU2
>stop pandering to trannies
How will they square this hole?
I'd go with "match Microsoft's pressure and send the industry careening towards a future where consoles are extinct", but they need the PSN subscriptions to keep the company afloat.
So now you know your answer user: Surrender to bing bing or die
PS3 sold better than 360, you dimwit
Crash as a platform was a very shallow attempt at using 3d, most of it's use of 3d is just as a visual gimmick to emphasize that this game is indeed rendered in 3d.
>games that completely defined gameplay systems for multiple generations
>not creative
You tried.
>bing bing
>saturn and dreamcast
Lower prices. 60 dollars/game isn't in line with inflation, it means there have been bloated production costs. Make more and cheaper games.
bloodborne 2. all the pc fats will be seething again
>saturn dreamcast and n64
why do you bother misquoting something 2 inches above your post you fucking idiot? god nincels are all paint huffers
And got slaughtered by wii
How about just a rerelease of the last one on their next system? Maybe with the power of 2015 specs they'll be able to reach a stable framerate.
BB’s on PC via PSnow. Consoles are becoming more like PCs, on a hardware level too
>legend of dragoon
I still can't believe they didn't make a sequel for the PS2.
Bing Bing is only part of, it not all of it you dumb nigger, yet you instantly jump to the bing bing as if that's all I even talked about.
Consoles are generally sold at a loss, it’s the games that net the real profits. Most Wii owners I know only had Fit or some tennis crap.
Nintendo consoles are normally sold at a profit, a significant portion of Nintendo's profits from that generation were just on the back of hardware, the attach rate for the Wii was around 9 games per console.
Because sony sold it years after the 360 was discontinued, and barely beat the 360 in sales.
The fact remains the 360 sold more games than PS3 games and was last place and lost badly. Sony nearly went bankrupt and had to sell its HQ, laptop division, and tv division because the PS3 cost them so much.
I was talking more about Mr.Domino, Mister Mosquito, Katamari Damacy and games like that. These games aren't the most popular but they're certainly interesting & valuable.
From horror classics to ninja titles to platformers and so on & so forth, the library of the first two Playstation had something for everyone. That's what's so great about these two consoles to me. I'd like to see that again.
Make childrens games.
>Realistically what does Sony need to do to become popular on Yea Forums again?
Stop being a console
>what Yea Forums calls childrens games
Leave my weebshit alone. I bought a PS1, PS2, PS3 and PS4 for this stuff and now I have to skip a PS5 to buy my games on an underpowered fucking tablet. God fucking damn it.
just stop kowtowing to mentally ill blue hairs on twitterbooktagram and i'll support you again
>mfw haven't given sony a single dollar since they gave the company to californian bloggers
there's so much to play on pc and switch that i don't even feel like i've missed out on anything
No one cared about the Wii back then except toddlers and senior citizens the only systems that mattered were PS3/360/PC kinda like this gen
yeah just like candy crush is the best game ever right?
Sony doesn't encourage that, most of their games are do what someone else did but with a bigger emphasis on story and polish, it was the move to 3d and the low cost of video game development at the time that created the environment to allow this to occur. Sony isn't going to bring any of that back, in fact their whole MO is to push against that specifically by pushing developers to aim for graphically detailed cinematic experiences, and the both the marketability of these things, as well as marketing games on massive budgets as a whole Indie games are the closest you will ever get to reliving those days, only the ego of these people is so big and their creativity so miniscule that it's mostly just puzzle platforms and metroid clones.
The only way to see this happen again genuinely is to somehow get medium size developers to not have to worry so much about visual fidelity, and to somehow allow these games to be marketed effectively, and then for the Japanese marketplace to somehow embrace that, you'd also need to figure out a way to emancipate japanese niche developers from moe pandering, which is outright impossible.
console warring has been a thing since this board started, it will be a thing till it finally dies. the good graces of Yea Forums generally align with whatever company is the last aggressively retarded. Right now, that's nintendo. in 2006 when they were balls deep in the casual market, people tended to prefer MS. around 2010 when MS kept fucking up and sony was getting all those timed exclusives that MS paid to have for a couple years, general opinion shifted to favor PS3. MS left itself a total invalid in the gen 8 race due to "WE HAVE A SYSTEM FOR YOU, ITS CALLED THE 360" and the wii u being a tremendous flop in every single sense of the word, leaving PS4 as the only v iable contender as a console for the new gen. But they started doing dumb shit like make PS+ a requirement for online play, and removing traditional backwards compat in favor of PS now/streaming solutions, less quality of life, or quality of life tied to ps+ (rest mode updates/patching being a big one, cloud saves being another), so people who may have bought in but are now feeling the sting of bullshit are speaking out. Nintendo's the least offensive of the trio because MS is just porting their games to PC so why would you ever buy a fucking xbone, and ps4 is just digging a hole. Nintendo's still kiddy shit, and the least powerful, but at least it's not as bad as the ps4.
That's how I see it anyway. I still play on my ps4 because frankly the censorship hasn't hit anything I play yet, and I can't forsee it doing so with the trend of games they've ACTUALLY censored so far. If it does, you can bet i'll drop it, and i'm certainly not planning on getting a ps5 at launch, but I didn't get a ps4 at launch either, I played my ps3 just fine till 2015.
Stop making movies
Make games
Leave politics out of it
200 more goldface wojak edits
Cease all censorship.
Allow crossplay.
>disc BC
at BEST, that would only happen with an extremely selective few titles, and it wouldn't read off the disc it would just be a digital download that uses the disc as a proof of purchase, like the xbone. And even then virtually 0 chance of that happening with all the legal red tape around selling those games on a new platform. Licensing to stream is much easier and cheaper since they probably pay a rate based on time spent playing a game. That's how it was for gametap anyway.
Also i've never had UI stutter on my ps4, when/where does it stutter for you?
>allow crossplay
they're the ONLY company that allowed crossplay up until 2018 though. They haven't stopped it at all since they let fortnite get crossplay, also last year. brawlhalla has it on all platforms, dauntless has it on all platforms, I think rocket league does, or maybe it's still in the works. Bitch about MS demanding special servers for PS:U, DC universe, FF11, and wanting unique, 360/xbone only servers for FF14, that being the sole reason it's not on those systems.
>nintendo less worse than sony
But that's a lie, censorship is largely irrelevant, and Playstation 4 still has the best games, FFVIIR is PS4 exclusive.
What does Nintendo have right now worth caring about? nothing, they don't even have games to play.
>if you dont like snoyfags you're a nintendobson le us vs them my tribe good your tribe bad better dead than red unga bunga red vs blue
Ending the censorship bullshit would be a great start. A better library of games that aren't just glorified movies with action set-pieces to break up the cutscenes would be even better. Basically, stop trying to be hollywood for vidya and get the fuck out of california and by extension get away from the politically correct bullshit that is popular there.
They have less people shitting on them, and the court of public opinion is all that does, and ever has mattered.
I honestly don't know what happened to Sony. I really used to enjoy the PS3 and PSP line up. Actually I think I know what happened, I mostly started hating Sony after they catered to the west and mainstream audience. It alienated their core buyers.
Ah yes its totally the falseflags every sonybuddy is a perfect angel that has never boasted about sales while ignoring actual game quality
Imagine a sony thread without anyone obsessing over the tendo boogeyman
How about actually make a game again?
They only reason they became popular was because Xbox fucked up
>pr is currently less worse
Sony just aren't talking, wait for the PS5, Sony will dominate hearts and minds once more, not that that matters, it's still the best console and is head and shoulders above the condition. A lot of people hate goldface memes, but truth is they are an accurate portrayal of the situation.
>censorship is largely irrelevant
to the people Sony is targeting now sure it is, but the consumers Sony is driving away are still a market force, whether you want to accept it or not, and they will bitch about it for all of eternity because censorship is literally always wrong.
Wakey Wakey Snoy
It's time to seethe while you eat your s-o-i
The PS4 only got the attention it did because all they wanted to do was Shitpost Nintendo, so because of the Wii U being a piece of shit.
They tried by starting to WHIIIIIIIIIRRRR post when the switch became successful but it only really lasted a year
Holy shit an actual underage retard
Are you talking about Knack?? Kek
Why is it necessary when bloodborne exists?
Just like people complaining about the lack of mods in Modern Warfare 2 no doubt? I'm not even sure if it will actually drive anyone away, sure these games are being censored, and some may disagree publicly, but they are still going to buy PS4/5 because there's still a mountain of games that they want to play on it, then you've got weeaboos, the only problem there is that most of the games that are being censored are only on Playstation, and have shown little signs of moving away from that platform, so they will continue to buy them, just like they are doing so in Japan, these games still sell primarily and overwhelmingly on PS4, in spite of censorship.
Switch's success won't last forever, third party support is too pathetically weak for any follow through.
-Move the HQ back to Japan.
-Stop the censoring
-Make actual honest to God fucking video games.
So yeah, it's not going to happen. I won't be buying a PS5.
>switch's success
>implying it even has any
Lmao fucking delusional nintendobson
You dumb faggot, then why was the PS3 not popular? Wouldn't it have been the contrarian opinion to be all about the PS3 during that era?
Only idiots think that Yea Forums was ever a contrarian board, maybe now it legitimately is now that it's full of dumb little kiddies who want the max amount of (you)s and don't give a shit about conversation.
Sorry, should have used quotation marks, it's sales are already trending below the PS4, so any "success" it may have had is largely irrelevant over it's lifetime
not sell a console for 1000 USD so see you in couple of decades
Except you're wrong, nobody is enough of a bootlicker to buy censored products on purpose. These games only remain on playstation because corporate can't tell everyone they cancelled a project halfway through development.
>nobody is enough of a bootlicker to buy censored products on purpose
Fails to explain why the PS4 versions of these games are the highest selling versions in every case.
>These games only remain on playstation because corporate can't tell everyone they cancelled a project halfway through development.
Happens all time time for other platforms, there have been Vita games cancelled, a load of WiiU ones, and even PC ones, it doesn't happen on Playstation because it's the most important platform for releasing games on.
>lack of mods in Modern Warfare 2
>comparing 10 year old casuals to 30 year old weebs
One of the markets specifically has funds to buy another platform if their favorite titles are better there.
You're the ones coping now that nintendo sold their brand out to a bunch of middle aged white women who aren't interested in video game brand loyalty. What are those wii u numbers again?
I actually need them to censor the gore in the game. Its a little too much for my stomach. Its not gonna really affect the gameplay in anyways. Plus, it'll prevent people from becoming violent.
you seriously think shit like Omega Labyrinth is gonna sell better on PS4 despite the explicit attack they made on Sony about the PS4 version? You show me the numbers for other titles, here's DOA X3 launch sales.
Yea Forums is Nintendo central. You see how many Smash threads there is a day on here? It'll never be popular. You can't even have a single Spider-man thread without someone ruining it.
Its still a good way of getting a select number of people to play a demo you dont want leaking. And they broadcast the game to the world.
I like movie games.
It wasn't 10 year old casuals complaining about the lack of mods, it was 20 year olds at least. Last I looked at sales data censored PS4 versions of games were doing like double what you would see on the Switch, those 30 y/old weebs don't give a fuck, they just want their fix, and Playstation is the only delivery method. But even then losing this is like losing a layer of skin, it really is nothing.
DOA X 3 already backs up what I said, Omega Labyrinth is a standout since the versions are distinct by name, but it's still highly likely that the PS4 version will be the top selling one.
The consoles have the same size userbases too.
What will it take for Yea Forums to give Nintendo a chance?
PS4 library is better than the PS3. You're crazy.
Probably nothing they do will make them popular here. As for me, they would have to get back to their previous more hands off approach for third parties and actually let the rating boards do the decisions about what content is suitable for minors and what isn't.
They of course have every right to do whatever they decide with their platform, and honestly games are most likely going to get tuned to their policies from the start so we see natuely less drama about this stuff in the future. But overall at this point, I see little reason to continue buying their stuff as I never was someone who bought their fist party games. Everybody's golf is a great game though
I would like Sony to go back on their censorship policies, but I don't think that will happen in the next couple of console generations. They would have to completely fall apart in terms of sales to make any changes (which is realistically not going to happen), and censorship would be at the bottom of the list.
In the past Sony was (and felt like) a Japanese company. Now there is no literal difference between them and Microsoft - just another large western company. They are no longer unique. Movie and AAA games from them feel the same as Microsoft's.
There are always people sucking Sony's dick, and Yea Forums's age never changes. While some of us have been here since the beginning, there are always new people coming and going so Sony will always be defended here.
Having crossdressing in their major titles. Personally I don't give a fuck but I am also often feeling like I am the last cis person on Yea Forums.
I guess? I don't know. I've found that I'll only be interest in 1 or 2 games. But most is usually cinematic game #81991
yikes my friend
Buy Nintendo
Then they would just hate them more, Nintendo needs to buy Sony for Yea Forumstendogaf to ever like them
Make everygame a loli visual novel with NO CENSORSHIP and the games should feature literally no clothes (or gameplay) whatsoever, the titties MUST take up the entire screen and congrats, you're popular on Yea Forums
There's nothing Sony can do, other than fuck up in the beginning of next gen, get humbled, and legitimately improve. That way they can stop smelling their own farts and the fan base will stop being a bunch of complete niggers.
Sell cardboard boxes and party games for children and have a library entirely of last gen ports
Please let this happen. Sony has the cash to make it happen.
I’ve been saying it for years. Backwards compatibility. All the way to the ps1. If they did this, no bullshit, they’d be top dog.