Should we translate the game properly, respecting the creator’s intent?

>should we translate the game properly, respecting the creator’s intent?
>nahh, let’s just turn it into le quirky and le funny memeable dialogue instead for reddit!

Why are people here ok with stuff like this from the Treehouse? This is NISA tier.

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Other urls found in this thread:

Well, what was the creator's intent then?

What does that scene say in Jap then, faggot?

I don't know, but it must be better than this Western drivel.

What the fuck is translating "properly"?
Translating puns word for word that make no sense what so fucking ever in English just to "respect the creator's intent"?
If you cared so much you would learn Japanese instead of complaining, you fucking EOP

nigger is you fucking stupid?

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Am I the only one who can't stand it when a game doesn't include language options? I've never actually played a Mario game in years because of it. What the fuck Nintendo, why can't I play with the original Japanese voices?

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So you are making assumptions just so you can feel angry? Unironnically get off the internet and better yourself.

>people should keep it as the creator's intent
>don't know the creator's intent
Don't talk shit if you don't know shit

Odyssey has a language option you fucking autist

You don’t get it retard, they created a whole “mafia man who wanted to get out of the business”-like persona for the Eraser character that wasn’t in the original, they literally ignored 100% of the original dialogues of the character for no reason at all.

I’m not asking for word by word literal translation, I’m asking them to stop doing this shit.

... What fucking voices? Aside from Pauline what the fuck is there?

What does this have to do with reddit

how embarrassing

you don't know what it even originally said
you're just mad because you don't understand moonrune.

Sounds like a problem that can be solved by learning Japanese and playing that version if this bothers you so much fuckwit

Maybe you should erase yourself.

They probably did it specifically to make you angry, user

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That wasn’t me, that was a random person. He has a sad / inquisitive personality in japanese, he doesn’t have the mafia persona they created for the american release.

It's a fucking kid's game, what lore can you possibly get out a verbatim translation?

Imagine being a Treehouse apologist. Yikes.

>it sucks because they changed it
>they must have changed it because it sucks
Circular reasoning at its finest

I don’t want lore, I want the creator’s intent respected. Like I said, he has a sad but inquisitive personality in the japanese release, he has a completely different one in japanese. Same shit happened in Paper Mario Color Splash, the Treehouse is completely changing shit for american releases and you guys are applauding them

They are the same except cat Mario says nyan" instead of "meow".

Imagine being an EOP and complaining about a completely irrelevant character with minimal lines of dialogue

>You don’t get it retard, they created a whole “mafia man who wanted to get out of the business”-like persona for the Eraser character
That's not the impression I got at all, where are you getting something so oddly specific? When did he make any sort of reference to organized crime?

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Nobody applauds shit you fucking infantile queer
If you have a problem with that go complain about that to them about those specific examples, what the fuck do you even think you're accomplishing by whining on a mongolian basket weaving forum

shut the fuck up you stupid weeaboo

I am now genuinely curious about what this guy says in Japanese. Too bad I can't find much with 消しゴム君 and 実況。

>Like I said, he has a sad but inquisitive personality in the japanese release
He has that in the English though?
All his dialogue is about his existential questioning of his own existence and bittersweet attitude towards it since if he erases, he dies, but yet his only purpose is to erase.

>people in this thread doubting that NOA took massive liberties with localization, like they always do
At this point, you don't even have to know Japanese to know that the English translation was way different. It's a given.

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the one in the image is fucking insane, I can’t believe it they did that for “funny” purposes

I wouldn't doubt it, but unless the faggot who started the thread actually puts his money where his mouth is and posts a comparison image I have no reason to take him seriously.


If the original creators had a problem with it they would have stepped in and stopped it

Who are you even calling out as an apologist?

1) We get the joke 2)the joke isn’t there in the original 3) it changes the personality of the character 4) we’re not asking for literal translation, just a respectful one that doesn’t change the personality for memes’ sake

I’m not talking chinese here, it shouldn’t be difficulty to understand

But you haven't posted a comparison between the Jap scene and the Eng scene yet.

I thought NoJ massively cracked down on Treehouse a while back, though.

>the joke isn’t there in the original
what is the original then, you keep mentioning it but he could have a yakuza style background and be trying to get out of that and you wouldn't know because you don't know what the fuck the original is
either learn japanese and start importing everything or fuck off because they'res literally no middle ground you could possibly be happy with, if they translated it 1-1 you'd bitch about the engrish or about " so THIS japanese humor..." like that one faggot and the yakuza cutscenes


How could it have been invented by the translators?
It's tied into the gameplay given the nature of his missions
Are you sure you didn't just miss the subtext in the Japanese version because you're not actually as smart as you think you are?

turn off the caps you retard

Oh my god, shut the fuck up weaboo.
Also, you're making NISA fans look bad, autismo.

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Are you using the royal "we" or something? You're totally alone in this autistic crusade to save a cartoon eraser's original Japanese personality, because oopsie, you don't know what he was originally like in the Japanese version of the game.

How dare they take liberties with Mr. Eraser's personality

So what did eraserdude say in the nip version?

Literally the opposite. Treehouse works with Japan at a development level. There is no uncensored version

How the fuck am I supposed to know if these retards bastardized the only version I can understand this fucking hard?

>Treehouse works with Japan at a development level


>something feels wrong here, this seems too “americanized” for a japanese game
>just shut up and take it up the ass, dude

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Then why the fuck do you think it's bastardized, you illiterate dumb shit?

>Something feels wrong here
>Doesn't actually know if anything is wrong and still spouts bullshit with not a shred of evidence to back things up

Please stop being retarded on purpose.

ITT: stupidity

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Never watch Ghost Stories.

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I liked it, you feckless cunt.

This makes me sad. Should I be sad?

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I'm not the one claiming a translation is wrong without having access to the original material. Who's the retarded one here really?

You are. Now stop it.

>XB2 dropped completely uncensored and tittylicious
Top doubt.

Aw yeah nigga! Im the best Regi!

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Is this the Wimp Lo method of shitposting?


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Hello and welcome to Yea Forums's video game board! It looks like you are trying to use a tripcode, would you like some help?
You don't seem to be a developer, video game journalist, or some other kind of industry professional - nor do you seem to be contributing to a Yea Forums/video game-based project (including drawfaggotry or dumping a series of images) so it would seem that trying to establish an identity here is meaningless for you. In fact, your identity doesn't seem at all to be noteworthy. Your identity doesn't seem at all pertinent to the discussion of video games.
One of the primary appeals of Yea Forums is its "Anonymous"-based posting. It's part of why Yea Forums has been popular all these years. Since you are posting with a tripcode while lacking inherent noteworthiness, you are, in fact, actively fighting against what makes Yea Forums special and remarkable.
Now, you might think something along the lines of "having a tripcode makes me think about how my posts will reflect on me, thus making my quality of posting better" and while this is true on other websites, it is widely held on Yea Forums that most users wish to ignore a person's identity (unless noteworthy) and instead judge on an individual post. There are many other websites that would probably fit you. Perhaps you should try going to reddit, neogaf, or 9gag to establish your identity instead of using a tripcode here.
TL;DR: here is a video testimonial from epic maymay Tyrone -

Reminder that OP is a Snoy shill trying to cover up snoy censorship
Sage and ignore

2019... I am forgotten

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No, fuck off. Post proof or go drown like the nigger you are.

Nigger, post any example of the original translations.
I prefer more accurate (when available) translations as well, but you have given absolutely ZERO proof that any of the eraser jokes weren't there in the original game.

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>Mario in English: Charles Martinet
>Mario in Japanese: Charles Martinet

Such a difference.

Right, I'm sure this is what the creators had in mind when they made this. Retard.

Attached: mustardofdoom.png (480x320, 7K)

>I don't understand the concept of localization

Thats not mario maker you braindead fuck

First, you're comparing completely different games.
Second, M&L games are mostly pretty faithful, actually. Fawful talks weird as fuck in the JP SSS, so they made him talk weird as fuck in the EN SSS.

Fuck off retard.

>hating based Fawful
Gentlemen I am convinced user is secretly Dobson. Only the Son of Dob could have this shit taste.


It's bait. Also Pauline sings in english in the japanese version too, because the english version is the official song.

Lmao enjoy your must4rd of DOOM!!1

That's not even the same game you double dipped faggot. Are you complaining he didn't say -nu after every sentence?

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How does he talk in the nip version?

Hello and welcome to Yea Forums's video game board! It looks like you are trying to use a tripcode, would you like some help?
You don't seem to be a developer, video game journalist, or some other kind of industry professional - nor do you seem to be contributing to a Yea Forums/video game-based project (including drawfaggotry or dumping a series of images) so it would seem that trying to establish an identity here is meaningless for you. In fact, your identity doesn't seem at all to be noteworthy. Your identity doesn't seem at all pertinent to the discussion of video games.
One of the primary appeals of Yea Forums is its "Anonymous"-based posting. It's part of why Yea Forums has been popular all these years. Since you are posting with a tripcode while lacking inherent noteworthiness, you are, in fact, actively fighting against what makes Yea Forums special and remarkable.
Now, you might think something along the lines of "having a tripcode makes me think about how my posts will reflect on me, thus making my quality of posting better" and while this is true on other websites, it is widely held on Yea Forums that most users wish to ignore a person's identity (unless noteworthy) and instead judge on an individual post. There are many other websites that would probably fit you. Perhaps you should try going to reddit, neogaf, or 9gag to establish your identity instead of using a tripcode here.
TL;DR: here is a video testimonial from epic maymay Tyrone -

Says the tripfag.

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why the fuck do japanese people think cats say nyan? meow is not an english word, it's just the fucking sound they make. it's an onomatopoeia

>Imagine being so fat you look at computers and see food

>shitting on the Mario and Luigi translations
Literal faggot detected. Educate yourself.

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Imagine using a tripcode and being a mobilefag

Mario games with flavor text have always been like this. Do you think Paper Mario's translations are 100% accurate? No, because Nintendo Co. Ltd. told Treehouse to take creative liberties in a way that appeals to a western audience. Masahiro Sakurai made the same request with Kid Icarus: Uprising, despite being the one who literally wrote the game.

The intent of the creator, particularly when it comes to Nintendo games, isn't to have their words become the "definitive canon" for the game. They generally don't care how seriously you take their text. What they do care about is if the text conveys the kind of fun and game tone that they want players to experience. Mario is an international icon and Miyamoto would probably be confused at the idea of keeping it close to the Japanese writing outside Japan.

Don't care. I want the good jokes that were hard to translate. Not the faggy jokes that some retard made that nobody laughs at.

Same way but he says nu after every sentence

Nice false flag thread

Look user. Their are genuine acts of censorship and disrespect under the guise of "translation" and I would bet money that no Jap dev that worked on Mr Eraser is mad at the english translation. Hell I would bet my name! HEY! If anyone can find genuine proof of a Mario Maker dev is mad at Mr Eraser's translation I will change my name to Faggot! And it cant be a picture only. Link me bitch.

how the fuck do you know he wasn't like that in the original you absolute brainlet

>Don't care. I want the good jokes that were hard to translate
Ah like
>Fawful sings a song of bad! Mushroom Kingdom is so sad! All of it is for Fawful! And the... rhyme... with... that-nu

This is pretty accurate. Most of the time, Nintendo localizations go more for translating the general "mood" of something while taking more liberties with the specifics. People still praise the GC Animal Crossing for its writing when in Japan the writing was fucking always as bland as we see it with the usually more accurate translations now.
That being said, sometimes Treehouse does fuck up, when they put memes in for no reason or remove random shit like they were doing in 2016-2017 with FE in particular.

Holy shit how dumb can one person be?

Please show us the original text and what it translated to in a more literal translation you absolute fucking tard.

you mean like how mario is an "italian plumber"? retard

>check the rest of that website
>find this

Attached: 1464133863626.jpg (200x200, 7K)

Hello and welcome to Yea Forums's video game board! It looks like you are trying to use a tripcode, would you like some help?
You don't seem to be a developer, video game journalist, or some other kind of industry professional - nor do you seem to be contributing to a Yea Forums/video game-based project (including drawfaggotry or dumping a series of images) so it would seem that trying to establish an identity here is meaningless for you. In fact, your identity doesn't seem at all to be noteworthy. Your identity doesn't seem at all pertinent to the discussion of video games.
One of the primary appeals of Yea Forums is its "Anonymous"-based posting. It's part of why Yea Forums has been popular all these years. Since you are posting with a tripcode while lacking inherent noteworthiness, you are, in fact, actively fighting against what makes Yea Forums special and remarkable.
Now, you might think something along the lines of "having a tripcode makes me think about how my posts will reflect on me, thus making my quality of posting better" and while this is true on other websites, it is widely held on Yea Forums that most users wish to ignore a person's identity (unless noteworthy) and instead judge on an individual post. There are many other websites that would probably fit you. Perhaps you should try going to reddit, neogaf, or 9gag to establish your identity instead of using a tripcode here.
TL;DR: here is a video testimonial from epic maymay Tyrone -

Haha yes. Much better.

To add to this can you imagine what Kid Icarus Uprising would have been like if the translation team had been held back at all? That game is damn iconic at this point. A decade from now newfag kiddos will be emulating it simply because they heard some oldfag sing its praises. And they will laugh. Why? Because the game is that damn good.

Hey, sorry, can you fuck off too? You're not as bad as OP but you're still a faggot.

Yes yes, hello stalker-kun.

if OP is still in here i'll tell you again

go read a fucking textbook you cunt

I have reason to believe you are the same tard that is mad about a damn eraser and are attempting to use the Resetera method of falseflagging to appear to gather a majority opinion.

so are we all of the consensus that op is a faggot that dosnt actually know what hes talking about?

cause if so im shilling my levels




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Mario is definitely one of those things where I just always assume they will translate absolutely none of it faithfully. A lot of shitty, dated meme references in the last few years, especially from generic Toads.

hi op

>shitty meme references

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They don't say "Meow" Either you cunt.

Im leaving the thread. This is bait. It has to be. You win OP.

ever hear of the phrase "when in Rome, do as the Romans"?

if op is still here and still being a faggot, then you arent helping user.

op, people arent stupid, we know its you

Retard. There’s no frame of reference for what’s been removed because content gets removed from all versions if deemed censorshipworthy

It’d be like if they got the devs to cut the titty slider out of the Japanese version of X prior to release, then championed it as being uncensored

By that logic shouldnt we all stop posting?

fuck off tripfag

>Im leaving the thread. This is bait. It has to be. You win OP.
>By that logic shouldnt we all stop posting?
I thought you were leaving you retarded nigger.

How fucking autistic do you have to be to care what characters say in a goddamn goofy Mario game of all things? If you care that much about "creator's intent" then stick by your word and play the game in Japanese you retard.

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>buy mario maker
>really excited, huge fan of the designer, really loved his previous artwork
>rush home and boot the game up
>title screen looks kind of weird, but I figure it's nothing
>start the story mode
>all this shit about "undo dog"
>where are the kanji?
>latin and cyrillic characters all over the place
>this is not the designers original vision
>shut game down,
>snap switch in half to protest nintendo's censorship
i can't believe the treehouse would do this to me specifically

Can someone do a case study on this? There has to be some explanation for this mental issue.

Don't worry, OP. I'll take care of you and all your problems like they were never even there.



go fucking burn to death

Damn OP, not only are you an autistic weeaboo but also an outrage faggot too. Impressive.

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>OP gets mad because a mario character said something un-mario like
>An eraser
>Mario characters on record can say whatever the fuck they want
>Especially erasers

>pretend to care about writing in Japanese games
>don't learn Japanese
I'll never understand the mindset of people too lazy to put effort into their own hobbies.

Then that content never fucking existed, numbnuts

eat shit weeb

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>it's formatted like a headline so it must be true

It's the same voices you fucking idiot

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>portraying an eraser as a mafia hitman who sends you out to kill specific enemies in a game where the two main characters are Italian is a bad thing in OP's pussy ass bitch world

These are getting worse by the day. Where do you even find these?

post the original version then, if not fuck off

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You fucking LIE

>ワレは ゲラゲモーナ様の一番弟子 ゲラコビッツであーるる!
>これから もっと 恐ろしいことが起こるるよ!
>*blasts Koopa*

>I am the great Geragemona's top disciple, Gerakobits!
>There's no time for this cat-and-mouse since we nicked Peach's voice!
>From here on out, even more terrible things are going to happen!
>First, I'm gonna wipe you out right here!
>*koops gets blasted*
>And now, it's YOUR turn!!!

>not even the same game
it's like you're trying to prove you have brain damage or something

oops meant to quote
Fucking learn Japanese

And the most unintelligent post of all time goes to..

OP, please stop, I think you're running low on brain cells

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Stop falseflagging and pretending to be that guy.

Please o enlightened one. What did Mr Eraser say in glorious nippon?


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>Japanese voice: Chararesu Martinetto

>Mario game translation
>General text
>Character dialogue
>Clues/game hints
>At most a few pages of actual story or scenarios if any
What in the absolute fuck are you looking for in a goddamn Mario game? Only a handful actually had some story or actual dialogue

Attached: 1558416562466.jpg (706x960, 51K)

>not even mentioning the actual clever shit like
>真宵 = まよい = 迷い = lost, wandering, unable to achieve enlightenment
>千尋 = normally means "great depths" but she is known for pressing a thousand 千 different ways during her cross examinations 尋(問) to expose the witness's lies

The only mario games with a significant amount of dialogue I can think of are the recent Paper Mario and they are just dogshit game, western, japanese or otherwise. It's isn't a translation problem, more of an IP that has been raped to death.

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>mfw translations in my own language are unbelievably good
Vive le français

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Any good one you were surprised by? Any of them so bad it's hilarious?

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That's not really clever so much as it's completely standard for most Japanese things. Layering meanings is one of the only literary devices the language is really geared towards.

that's because it's the country with the most weebs after Japan itself

Attached: wot.gif (220x145, 414K)

Sometimes localization imp improves things.

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Yeah, it's like the one time they actually make good use of their language's best features. The rest of the time, seems like their writing is largely just as bad as average English shit.

Anyway, 小中 大 is basically the best thing in 逆転裁判 for many damn reasons.

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based retard

Most games have played really. It's mostly the fact there's no memes while still having cleverly-written dialogues. French really suited the FE games for example. While I obviously don't know what the original lines were all the characters were given a lot of distinctions through different verbal tics.
Also Mystery Dungeon games but I think it goes without saying that those games are just that well-written even a below average translation couldn't fuck it up.

Might be the case honestly. They seem to put a lot effort in wanting to translate as accurately as possible the original character traits and such. Also don't know if it's a coincidence but it seems puns/jokes translate pretty easily in french. You can easily make it a cheesy language just because of how ridiculous or grandiose some words sound.

Yes they fucking do. It's not all they do, but they clearly do say meow.

>boot up game

>Sakurai Acknowledges that skill in fighting games is required

>still wont give us any advanced techniques and even removes staples like Shield dropping

Attached: Screenshot_2019-07-03-02-22-23.png (2880x1440, 1.65M)

meme loving fuck


...No, sir, you bring these things into balance to allow for people to "adopt" more of these "choices" to create a more varied metagame, but I wouldn't expect someone from an Asian anthill educational system to think through to that point.

is this just a microcosm of Yea Forums

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No, you just imagine they do. Nyan is as close as your stupid meow.

It's interpretation, They actually say both. also Miau, Meew and various others. It depends how your language utilises sound. try meowing Meow,Nnyan or Miau like a cat. It is pretty much the same.

What is it with frenchies and being this fucking delusional, constantly? We get it, you're brainwashed to think your language is some kind of vital cultural heritage or something, but Jesus, why can't you look at things even slightly objectively? Are all French people mentally ill?

You're hearing that because of the language you speak, dummy. Japanese language isn't constructed in a way that "meow" is a sound they would hear. They don't have as many sounds as we do. English is a soundchad.
They use sounds that make sense in their language.

The stories and information posted here are artistic works of fiction and falsehood. Only a fool would take anything posted here as fact.

French people are the most insufferable weebs next to SEA monkeys and spics.

>group effort
Fuck off. As long as the director gave approval, anything is "creator" intent. Blame the director if you want.

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It's like people don't even know what bait is anymore

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This. Nyan doesn't make any sense. Only kittens say that. Any self-respecting adult cat say meow.

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Why so mad? Sorry that your language gets worst localization but you don't need to cry like a bitch about it.

Japanese may have fewer vocalized "sounds" but you'd better do your research before saying english has more "sounds"

All of the below are valid onomatopoeic words that are used by grown ass adults all the time.


I play shit in nip, dude. I just want to know what causes your self-delusion.

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He clearly meant discrete phonemes, you pedantic fuck.

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First I am not the user you were talking to, second this doesn't explain why you are so fucking mad that french localization is good.
Like are you from /pol/ or something? Have to lash out to anything that is better in Europe? Shill out.

Fuck OP.
Fuck Shitposters.
And most importantly, fuck Weeaboos.

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So did faggot OP actually prove the creator's intent with this vital eraser character? If not why the fuck is this stupid thread still up.

There is no way anyone in this thread is above 18. You all sounds like fucking idiots.

I own the Japanese copy of odyssey. The voices are just the English voices.

Literal professional translator here. Post the Japanese dialogue and I’ll check if it’s accurate for you.

This is the most "le epic Yea Forums contrarian" trash I've read today

You fucking disgust me

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>m e r e l y p r e t e n d i n g

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When Iwata died they fired a bunch of the faggots responsible for the bad localizations and told the rest to knock that shit off, unfortunately the results of Treehouse being reformed only started to show with the Switch.

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>Literal professional translator here
If you're a professional translator of anime and games, then your translating skills are likely worse than OP's.

I had a quick look through his quest line, and in nip he's literally just an eraser who enjoys erasing shit.

Sounds like characterisation purely added for the sake of EOPs.

Another slow day in 4chins

Well user-dono since you're well-versed enough in nipponese to bitch about a goddamn eraser's dialog in a super mario game, why are you playing it in english? Clearly, with your sugoi nipponese skills you should be playing super mario in the original nipponese instead of filthy gaijin romanji, yes?

I have never translated an anime or a video game, but to get a job like that you would require at least N1 Japanese, which is a lot better than OP. The pay for those positions is absolutely shit though.

>I have never translated an anime or a video game
Then you're probably a real translator.

>to get a job like that you would require at least N1 Japanese, which is a lot better than OP
No you don't. I have a few friends who work in the field and most translators can't even pass the fucking N1, and don't really know how to write English.

EOPs truly don't understand the greatness of Mr. Konaka.

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Yeah it doesn’t look like there’s any specific criminal vibes to the Japanese dialogue. I’d like to know the specific line that was one OPs image though before I come to the conclusion that they literally just rewrote his dialogue.

This is why the dialogue in Animal Crossing games post-Wild World sucks. They're translating it too literally.

Really? I would be very surprised if that’s actually the case. Your friends are employed professionally? Did they need to complete any sample translations or submit any language qualifications when they applied for the job?

To be fair, it worked for Monster Hunter Tri-GU and Kid Icarus Uprising.

How do you know that the author's original intent wasn't to be a westaboo?

Bait or no, this thread has given me lots of laughs.

It's a line that only shows up once after you get the shirt. Which the player conveniently didn't do.

I meant if you talk to the guy again after you get the shirt. Anyways the player doesn't talk to the guy again.

Literal translations and meme translations are both shit. If you're a good translator, then you match tone and personality of each character without rewriting what they're actually saying.

Yes. They work at anime localization companies. In fact, I've pointed out mistakes to them that people they're supervising make (my friends can actually understand Japanese and are often cleanup duty) but the reality is most of those translators suck dick at Japanese. Most people who can actually translate properly move onto corporate work, or at least live action TV. Anime and games are bottom of the barrel.

Nice of you to mention shit like this.

Here, from a different video.

Attached: mario.jpg (1073x577, 89K)

Meanwhile if this was in Dark Souls you guys would call it amazing

In some contexts substitution is an appropriate strategy. For example if the source text contains a kanji pun that can not be conveyed in English, it could be substituted for an English pun in order to maintain equivalence of tone. Translations that are 100% literal are usually not very good. For example, the Japanese subs for Cabin in the Woods translate basically none of the jokes and as a result the movie was way less well received in japan than in English speaking countries. I think that the ace attorney series is very good at maintaining the correct tone in English translation even though many of the jokes have to be rewritten. Nintendo treehouse takes it too far though by completely changing the content AND tone of dialogue.

Right, I'd like to see someone make this work in English while preserving the spirit of the puns/number-wordplay

Attached: 4かたがない.jpg (392x2056, 594K)

You’d basically just have to write a number pun in English that is completely different from the original. Maybe you could use variation of that Die Bart Die Simpson’s joke.


>For example if the source text contains a kanji pun that can not be conveyed in English
That's translating a pun as a pun. That's exactly what I'm saying is correct. Translating a normally line as a pun because the translator thinks it's cute is how you ruin the actual author's intent.


What did he mean by this?


Attached: treehouse.jpg (1060x862, 175K)


Why are you guys sperging about the artistic integrity of a talking eraser?

Oh no they ruined the characterisation of the cartoon eraser in Mario maker! Truly this is a blight against the gaming community. Gamers rise up!

Mind reading the word 4日 for me?


Outrage culture was a mistake

Oh my god. The amount of text is different. Next you'll tell me the top one isn't even in Japanese.

Most people don't even know Nintendo treehouse removed literally every single line of dialogue Link has in BotW because "muh silent protagonist!".

But hey, keep pretending this is a minor issue relegated to background characters!

>You did well. Your job is done.
That's fucking boring as shit and devoid of personality.
>muh creator's intent
The creator is fucking lame. kys

Maybe post examples that actually matter rather than ones that don’t then?

Gotta love when people translate as blandly as possible to try and prove that the rewrite is "better".

What's lame is that you need a wacky backstory for a fucking throwaway eraser character.

English: Soul
Japanese: Soulless

This. Nintendo has been doing this for years and you fags never complained before. All those paper Mario, Pokémon and animal crossing games literally do the same thing. Most people don’t get upset that they made the games less boring and more amusing.

>but I’m not getting the pure characterisation
>this will totally ruin my understanding of the Mario lore!

EOPs can't actually understand most examples, if I post a page of Link's journal entries next to the English version, you'll just think "lol i can't see a difference" because you can't even read one of them.

Stuff like this is a bit more obvious, 2 short lines of text don't equal a paragraph.

Are saying you have a more interesting translation that is also completely accurate to what is being said? Let's hear it, fucker.

>Every single line every needs spicing up!
Do you work for the meme cartel?

>I love boring dialogue devoid of personality!

>that incredibly dull Japanese dialogue
Glad they changed it.


But T-treehouse and

>Every single interaction needs to have a joke!

look at all these responses, hows it feel to be a retard user?

>Noooooo goofy kids' games should have no jokes!

What the fuck is this thread and what is wrong with OP's brain

Holy fuck that's really bad.
I'm glad I pirated that good game instead of buying it.

>a character telling me he has no more quests is too dull, let's make him a wacky mafioso hitman instead!
Why are meme translation defenders so mentally ill?

This is the most autistic thread I've seen on Yea Forums in a while. Congratulations retards.

>wtf why did they make this eraser have a character, why isn't he an automaton just like miyamoto himself intended????

But left is 10 times better. Right is straight up cringe, left is just cheese.

is this trolling? lul who gives a shit what the eraser says?


>No jokes
But I never advocated for removing jokes, I advocated for translating them correctly. You advocated for adding them where they don't exist in the actual script. My greentext is accurate, yours is made of lies.

Do you seriously think the eraser character is funny in English? I know Nintendo cultists have a mental age of 5, but this is pretty embarrassing.

Nah right is good
I don’t see the problem with it

This isn't trolling, sadly.

Attached: the king of spain.jpg (342x358, 29K)

t-thanks fren

Attached: dance.gif (638x425, 344K)

>I advocated for translating them correctly.
I would fucking love to see you try to translate Jap jokes correctly.
Nice changing of the subject.

>then give examples instead of just bitching
>no they won't understand the examples i will continue to bitch

Attached: 1561529088453.jpg (175x288, 8K)

Literal retard

So as long as dialog is wacky you consider it fine? Regardless of the translation or what it is trying to convey?

I've given you an example, the removal of all of link's dialogue. There's no point posting a direct comparison because you can probably find a better, more detailed explanation if you google it.

But hey, keep defending Treehouse. They're "good" now!

I come back to this shithole just for posts like these.

Attached: images (2).jpg (259x194, 11K)

>caring about dialogue in a fucking mario game
>caring about dialogue in a non-canon mario game
I never thought I would have to type "non-canon" in reference to a Mario game but here we are.

>I would fucking love to see you try to translate Jap jokes correctly.
I fan translate stuff all the time. Give an example of a joke (with context) and I'd be happy to explain why I'd translate it a certain way. I sure hope you actually know Japanese enough to follow the explanation and aren't talking out of your ass like a fucking retard.

So long as it’s fucking Mario maker I honestly couldn’t give less of a shit.


Everyone blames Treehouse but they don't seem to understand that NoJ and NoA are the root cause. This is what they believe sells in NA. These kind of translations are for NA in particualr. Often Europe has different translations.

>I fan translate stuff all the time
Ok now this is just embarrassing

Mario lore is not a joke.

But the exact same thing happens with all the games. It's the same team.

I'd go as far as to say it doesn't make any sense in Japanese. Why does he start jacking off again if he just says good job.

Put me in the screencap

Attached: Chihiro Emoji.png (128x128, 21K)


>Often Europe has different translations
I think they stopped that after the Wii U era.
I remember Rhythm Heaven Fever and Splatoon 1 had different localisation for EU but Rhythm Megamix and Splatoon 2 reused the US localisation.

>he didn't enjoy the eraser being a shady hitman-type

Attached: batface.jpg (297x251, 16K)

A shame, really, they should just have left it "bing bing wahoo" like it was in the original.

Translate this one:

Better than english, that for sure.

I guess Redd White must be alot funnier in the Jap release, but I don't see how Capcom could have translated his dialogue to english when his quirk is using bad English like a retarded japanese person.

>a language I'm fluent in sounds better than one I barely understand!
Thanks frenchie, now fuck off to your own dogshit imageboard or something.

The french are always the assholes of the world when it comes to this shit. Snooty Stuck up French is what they are called.

If French is so great then why is English the language spoken by the widest range of people and used as the Lingua Franca is earth?

285 posts in and not one mention of spoony bards? I am disappoint.

I realized this had to be the case during the Game Cube era with Pikmin 2 and Thousand Year Door. The writing is really funny and quirky, but there's no way this is directly translated. For the most part I think Treehouse elevates the material with their translations, but in later years shit has been bordering on lapsing into Reddit humor, with the Splatoon games especially.

I was born in a small village. I was still a child when we were raided by soldiers: foreign soldiers. Torn from my elders I was made to speak their language.

With each new post, my masters changed, along with the words they made me speak. With each change, I changed too. My thoughts, personality, how I saw right and wrong... words... can kill.

weeb genocide when?

I'm not even french, ameritard.
Because UK and USA have finansical power.

Ok friend, give this dialogue between 2 villagers in Animal Crossing a whack and make it funny in eigo:


Skullface was unironically based and his plot to eradicate the English language was by far the most interesting part of that game. Too bad about how the game was so unfinished. I hope a different, better made work explores a similar concept

when did this board become so easy to troll? shit's pathetic

>whole conversation is some boring shit about cake
What is it with Japanese people and sweets? They fixate on them morw than Americans

I dont get it

Attached: 1561784705379.jpg (2048x1152, 155K)

Not that guy but how about something like
>recently I’ve been hearing the word “blackmail” a lot on TV. I wonder why someone would want their mail to be black. Wouldn’t that make it hard to write on?
Or any similar pun you can come up with.

Attached: できないちゃんのえがお.png (756x574, 86K)

Okau nigger, if it's not about cake then what is it about?

Or what about
>recently the police have been on TV a lot talking about a kidnapping case. Who knew a child sleeping could cause so much commotion?

I stayed up way too late making this, can someone try it?


imagine actually reading that japanese and thinking that fawful is speaking normally at all
fucking JSL

>不景気 is the economy going to shit
>some dumbfuck animal hears about it on the TV and doesn't know the word
>goes with the only other possible thing it could be in their mind
>"I keep hearing about this "fukeiki" on TV lately... What the heck kind of cake is it even?"
>other animal jumps in and theorizes "It's probably one of those cakes with strawberries on top..."
>first animal is all like "anyway, I wonder when I'll get my chance to taste test some of that fukeiki..."
>second jumps in and suggests "Let's try it together!!!"
>first comes back and basically just affirms "yeah! I wanna try it!!!"

For the record, there's an alternate splitting of this dialogue as the player gets to interject by either saying "I dunno" or "that's not what it means..." but that's the scene.

Imagine actually reading that Japanese and thinking it has anything to do with "the mustard of your doom."

Yeah he talks like a fucking weirdo in both, but the contents of the Japanese one are absolutely ho-hum compared to the wild shit the US release saw.

I figured it was some dumb joke about recession.

Look at how easy it is to get (you)s on Yea Forums. I need to stop thinking so hard about how to get (you)s when low-effort stuff like this gets 30+ replies.

To be fair, I'll tell you that the patrician's option for translating this dialogue is to invert it so that the villagers are very well-versed in economics and yet somehow neither of them has heard of a "bear market," so they start trying to determine what kind of bear they're talking about.

You're the type of retard who probably thinks Persona 5's translation is amazing or something

As long as the new writing is good and doesn't distract from the overall tone, characters and plot, I don't have a problem with localizers rewriting shit. Good examples of this are the GC Animal Crossing, KI:U, and Splatoon 1/2.
Actually, come to think of it, Splatoon 2 actually had a bad example of how to do it as well, with how they completely changed Marina's character to be just "diet Marie" on launch.

Attached: really_makes_you_think.jpg (1024x768, 100K)

Natural languages are steaming piles of shit. And it doesn't help that every pile of shit is so different that even dumb puns cannot be adequately translated most of the time.

Absolutely based. All these Nintendo niggers seething

>mfw this gave me an unironic chuckle

Attached: tenor (1).gif (220x220, 151K)

Put me in the screencap

Attached: 31F7F2E1-D692-43CB-85D6-6155441D2F01.gif (100x100, 21K)

You're getting too hung up on how things like "The [insert word] of doom" have become a big fucking meme in recent years, you moron. Fawful talks like a total fucking weirdo in Japanese. The weird way in which he talks cannot be directly translated in any meaningful way to a western audience, so they gave him a different but equally weird (from a western perspective) way of talking.


Attached: (You).png (1190x906, 178K)

I really hate this logic.

Let's say, for the sake of argument, that the original Nintendo lines really are boring. So then, what are Treehouse's localizations doing in the long term? They're covering up that fact. Nintendo never gets the criticism they need because someone else is shielding them from it. It's actually making the problem worse. This is one of the many reasons that the creator's intent matters. Sometimes the creator's intent IS wrong. But you don't fix it by painting over it, but by criticizing it and letting them learn from it.

Except I'm not arguing the "weirdness of talking styles" here, I'm straight up talking about the actual words, the contents of the text.

The difference is that you can back-translate the English text to Japanese and have it be weird on multiple levels (preserve his peculiar talking style) while still making perfect sense.

The English crew had to pull a fuck ton of shit out of their asses to make this character and this scene work, but the Japanese text does not display similar effort.

However, the rest of the game isn't really like this and Mr. Green Stache/Greenie/etc is a marked improvement over everyone just calling Luigi 緑髭

>I'm straight up talking about the actual words, the contents of the text.
They're the same. Are you autistic? Nigger, the ENTIRE MEANING of what Fawful is saying is still the same. Nothing has been changed in regards to the point Fawful is getting across, all that's changed is the way in which he says it.

For you.

You linked me my own post. Good job.

I'd swap economic depression for something like "Japan's market" and then make it a joke about wanting to eat sushi at the fish market. Or maybe something about the company Apple and wanting to eat fruit.

Glad to hear that those years learning Japanese and translation theory weren’t wasted.

>You linked me my own post. Good job
So? Can you translate the joke or not?

There are adults complaining about ONE single piece of dialogue out of many in a child's video game right now on a chinese image board ran by a greedy japanese guy, all because of "creator intent"
Complaining about a Mario game's dialogue. Fucking Super Mario.
I'm not sure if I wanna say "please get laid" or let you stay a virgin because this shit has had me rolling and it's not even 6 AM here

Attached: IMG_0670 (3).jpg (320x272, 18K)

I h8 people like you.

Fuck off

Attached: fucking_idiot.png (499x338, 36K)

Yea, right after that they changed Marina from Marie 2.0 to the awkward Marina that is more consistent with both original scripts and her appearance.

You didn't post a wojak, but you're absolutely more fucking stupid then a wojak poster

good bait

It's amazing how a simple image can be so powerful.

Not a translation of the joke at all. Just a new joke that doesn’t fit in the same context. Sorry m8, but I r8 a 0/8.

Holy shit you absolute dumbass.

Attached: 56198631_p0.jpg (923x1300, 456K)

Change the filename to せせら笑い

Except it literally is, you fucking retard. Did you miss the "give me context" part of my post? The moon joke I made had no intent other than mashing numbers into words. I know this because I wrote the fucking post. As long as you do that in English, the joke is preserved. You don't know Japanese, and you likely don't know English either. Stop commenting on translating Japanese into English.

Konaka is actually the most funny if you are a native english speaking JSL, as only we can truly appreciate just how fucking ridiculous the man is for talking the way he does.

If you can find no other reason to learn Japanese, do it for him.

Attached: how beautiful the denkistand it was.png (950x603, 689K)

please include me in the retarted screencap

this is literally, unironically Yea Forums personified

if you want one post that sums up Yea Forums in a nutshell it's this one

So why does mr.eraser put out hits? What did they do?

sorry that'll always be the "fun things are not actually fun" user

I’m sorry but it had more context than that. You responded to an image (that included a similar joke) which was written in Japanese. Your response was “I can’t read Japanese” utilising the same joke. If you had just responded to him
>I h8 people like you
It wouldn’t have made any sense in context

>this is literally, unironically Yea Forums personified
>if you want one post that sums up Yea Forums in a nutshell

Attached: v video games.png (409x123, 3K)

>Let me tell you what the thought behind your own post was
Even for an ESL retard that doesn't know Japanese, you're exceptionally fucking stupid.
>that included a similar joke
The joke was putting numbers into words. If you could actually read Japanese, you'd know that my response had nothing to do with the image at all. It was all just a string of putting numbers into words with the words themselves being inconsequential. I know you're arrogant to the point of being retarded, but you don't get to tell people what the intent of their own jokes were.

Attached: v.png (457x192, 15K)

'Muritards are still stuck in their 90s' "let's 'improve' the source material for our audience by adding 'personality' and 'humor' to 'spice' things up" anime adaptation medieval mindset, but what did you expect? It's an extremely self centered country that is not accustomed to the idea of importing other nations' entertainment and respecting it.

Attached: sumo-dawg-20.jpg (500x375, 28K)

It's a fucking course creator Mario game, you autist.

Okay your original joke was retarded then. Sorry that I assumed that it was actually slightly nuanced with some logic to it. I guess I overestimated you.

You seem like a bit of a self important faggot. Somehow doing fan translation for free online supposedly makes you supposedly better at both Japanese and English than everyone else in this thread? All the posturing just makes you come off as extremely insecure. Sorry that I offended your ego by calling your translation work shit. I won’t be downloading your fansubs anytime soon.

So yeah, you can't.
>you'd know that my response had nothing to do with the image at al
That's exactly the point you moron.

You're right technically. But you're ignoring the practical aspect of his point.

user, all his missions are about killing certain enemies and he seems reluctant to "erase" anything unless you do something for him.

Attached: 1556924479047.jpg (601x601, 19K)

Poor OP, upstaged in his own furious trolling rant thread by a far funnier guy almost immediately, cucked out of (you)s he so desperately yearned for

Wow this really give socrates faggot bridge a run for its moneyb

user, that's what these faggots don't understand. They work at the development level specifically so they don't have to censor. The only example of censorship recently was some spirit artwork and that's solely because they wanted to get certain ratings.

Attached: 1533718879985.jpg (540x622, 221K)

That's the same guy, retard.

Never mind that Nintendo is infamous for ruining the original script with shitty jokes that even a 3-year old would cringe at. Remember Octopath? What about Gates to Infinity, a game all about immersing yourself into a different world, and to this date the only PMD with fucking pop culture references.

Attached: 01.png (523x536, 314K)

Nah man, it's not low effort. It needed this setup to work by sheer coincidence that presumably a third party user would ask that particular question to a particular OP for it to work. And it requires quick thinking to see it and make that post as early for max impact using selected wording

>This is NISA tier.
No it isn't. It's worse.

Its a mario game
Chill the fuck out
The English text is way more amusing than the JP one

The creator intent is to create a fun quirky character and the ENG version does a better job at it

Attached: 1554628653280.jpg (1200x1663, 316K)

T. OP at damage control


Attached: lv1ntikha9431.jpg (640x919, 76K)

What does it mean though?

Could someone please make a blog post doing a side by comparison of the literal translation and the NOA translation? Until this can be done I really have to refrain from commenting on this issue.

That's just Yea Forums crossposting their inane board culture

>Oh, I'm completely fucking wrong?
>Then the joke was dumb
You don't know anything about translating Japanese to English and you're a fucking retard.

>You seem like a bit of a self important faggot.
You're the idiot trying to tell people what their own posts mean. Why are you so stupid?

Can't what? The joke was combining numbers into words. 4+read was not the joke.

El retardado

Whatever makes you feel better, retard.

This shit is so autistic. Reminds me of that guy on Kotaku who made a 12 hour video series on the translation of FF7.

If people care that much about “purity” then just learn fucking Japanese. No translation will ever be equivalent to the original. Anyone who can speak at least two languages can tell you how much is lost in translation. A translated work will never match the original. Ever.

fuck you, if you don't feel the same about loli pussy YOU are the crossposter (from normalfag boards) .

Attached: fd314d3e58aeeb2c62d845ef212a2a81.png (720x1280, 804K)

Seething retard

Why would I not be seething though? You dumbass americans keep forcing me to play my games in moonspeak.

>normalfag boards
But I don't post in Yea Forums?



I won't. I don't eat shit.

Attached: kuso.jpg (1019x412, 120K)

Attached: IMG_20190703_111531.jpg (734x503, 27K)

>The meaning is the same even though he's talking about totally different things
The only thing that's the same is that he's going to fight them, you faggot.

Literally who cares about the creator's intent of a minor character in the story mode of a level-creation game?

Attached: 1543362789021.png (502x585, 334K)

No, but you're happy to talk it.

Why wouldn't it matter? Stupid.

I believe the logic is something like
>if they can't even get a minor character's dialogue right, what does that mean for the more important stuff?

you have it all wrong

loli =/= 3d shit

reminder that only loli can run normalfags off this site
remove resetera and /pol/ newfags from Yea Forums with the power of loli

webm related

Attached: 2019-06-19 21-27-52.webm (516x566, 2.9M)

Reminds me of Stanley Kubrick wigging out when he found out that the Japanese version of full metal jacket didnt have swear words in it (because swear words literally don't exist in Japanese the same way they do as English). He made the company re-translate the whole film hyper literally so that characters said things like "You are the son of a female dog". Everyone found it awkward as hell and the translation was later redone (again).

If I recall correctly, it's only the American English version. So if you want the real translation, learn Spanish or German or something and use that.

Octopath was the most blatant because it has voice acting, and what's written never fucking matches up to what's being said. The japanese script is a lot harsher and more somber while people go around cracking jokes and quips like superheroes in america.

>Making shit up

At the very least what we've seen of Three Houses is significantly more faithful, but we won't know for sure until it comes out.

You want creator's intent? Then play the fucking original Japanese version.

holy fuck this is the worst thread i have ever seen

Loli is mainstream. If you really wanna scare away people, 3d is the way to go because dumb nornalfags like you is afraid looking at such images will send your coordinates to the cops. There's a reason only the biggest, baddest motherfuckers around kill threads with 3d, not boring ass drawings.

Not even that, you have to dig into Akashic Records.


Attached: 1554100097374.png (110x104, 10K)

>388 replies
>180 unique posters
>arguing about the dialogue of a Z tier background character in Mario Maker of all things

>pic unrelated

>muh creator's intent

The intent of the man who put pen to paper doesn't mean shit, this is pop-fiction, make it entertaining and read well. Reading stories in their none native language is already an exercise in futility.

However letting people self-study languages without forcing them to learn some linguistics was a fucking mistake.

>I think that the ace attorney series is very good at maintaining the correct tone in English translation

Attached: dr hotti.png (1419x963, 182K)

you dumb nigger. 3D shit has nothing in common with video games while loli is often Yea Forums related. You fuckheads who don't acknowledge that it belongs on Yea Forums should leave, I'm staying forever with other oldfags.

Attached: the greatest philosophical debate.png (1920x1080, 1.43M)

If the original script is bad it's not the translator's job to improve it, it's the translator's job to convey it regardless. Your attitude is a blight that is completely contrary to the idea of actual translation and the idea of "if it's bad it should be improved" is exactly what results in complete garbage like Fire Emblem Fates, because the ones doing the rewriting are the ones who are making these calls.

The tone is still fine there though. If anything the translator makes a solid argument as to why translating it directly would CHANGE the tone in English due to cultural differences.

>The intent of the man who put pen to paper doesn't mean shit
Yea Forums gets stupider by the day.

>Often Europe has different translations.
It was Nintendo Europe that gave us Xenoblade 2 and that was every bit as bad as Treehouse's own scripts, simply lacking the censorship of content.

Attached: aspect raidou.jpg (1270x635, 100K)

The translator completely fails to understand that Hotti is supposed to be creepy and not some wacky endearing old pervert that the Japs all think is hilarious. There is no cultural difference here, the translator was simply uncomfortable with the subject matter and sanitised it as a result. The tone was not conveyed.

Good troll

>If the original script is bad it's not the translator's job to improve it, it's the translator's job to convey it regardless
Actually, the translators job is to do what their employer tells them. Often employers will decline accurate translations if they think it is more profitable to edit the script in some way. Here's a few examples:
1. The English distributors think a direct translation uses language that is too difficult for a younger audience. The translator will thus be asked to dumb down the language.
2. The source text contains elements that might "offend" people in the target culture, potentially hurting profits.
3. The English translation is deemed dry or boring, so the translator is tasked with spicing it up.

None of this is good for maintaining the "creator's intention", but it is still the JOB of the translator to follow orders whether they want to or not, or they will not get any work.

At that point it's not the job of a translator because it's not translating.

He is both supposed to be creepy and an old perv. Those two things are not mutually exclusive, retard. Ace attorney is cartoon a comedy series - not a Law and Order SVU game. The translator did a good job of maintaining a comedic tone that depicted Hotti as a creepy pervert, without giving it darker implications of pedophilia which would be much more controversial outside of Japan.

Attached: 1553299893514.jpg (236x226, 14K)

It's a mainstream method of literature analysis. You cretin.

>He is both supposed to be creepy and an old perv. Those two things are not mutually exclusive, retard.
Good job leaving out the "wacky" modifier which distinguished it.
>The translator did a good job of maintaining a comedic tone that depicted Hotti as a creepy pervert
A comedic tone which was not present in the original.
>without giving it darker implications of pedophilia which would be much more controversial outside of Japan.
Which they changed to sanitise it because they mistakenly believe that paedophilia is not an uncomfortable topic for the Japanese.

Like it or not, that's the way the translation industry works. I don't like it either, but all professional translation is like this - especially of narrative works. Here are a couple of examples from the Japanese translation of The Thin Red Line.

Attached: Thin Red Line.png (796x232, 14K)

Hmm man I can't wait to see this post with all those replies in some kind of ebin subreddit about how "this is what weebs actually are like when they complain about localizations" and then used to justify censorship. Surely it's nothing but coincidence that such a convenient retarded statement was made right near the start of the thread.

>defending NoA/Treehouse

Attached: 1556323571693.png (540x636, 334K)

That's not translating, that's rescripting. Which is inevitable because certain sayings, jokes, or phrases do not translate well into other cultures.

So is the death of the author. Both are completely fucking retarded and anyone who invokes them should have their internet access cut off.

Why are they retarded?

Look at the fucking guy. He is wacky. Every single character in Ace Attorney is wacky.

The original is intended to comedic based on the silly cartoon man doing groping motions while thinking about a little girl. You're not meant to come out harrowed or deeply disturbed.

Also, he's literally right. Pedophilia ISN'T as much of a taboo topic for the Japanese. Underage kids in sexual situations are the butt of the joke in Japanese media all the fucking time. He even noted that it doesn't mean that theyre more ACCEPTING of pedophilia itself - they just joke about it much, much more often.

>Let me ask you why they're retarded and then inevitably respond to everything you say with "Well subjectivity exists, so you can't prove they're factually wrong"
Just save everyone the time and kill yourself. You have nothing worth saying and any argument you might put forth will just be a waste of bandwidth. You're not nearly as clever as you think you are.

Friendly reminder that translating jap jokes is a complete nightmare and you'll have to change things or you'll end up with dialogue like this

Attached: japanese humor.png (1001x728, 87K)

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underrated post

So you don't actually have any argument against the notion that there can be more than one meaning to something?

"Fuck yourself" is clearly the better translation, even if they had to esrb-filter it.

>that there can be more than one meaning to something?
Explain to me why someone who had absolutely no hand in creating a work of art or literature should be able to decide what meaning that piece of art or literature borne entirely of someone else's emotions and thoughts holds. The works can have multiple meanings. That doesn't mean you get to decide them. The ideas "They can have multiple meanings" and "I get to decide the meaning it holds" are completely unrelated, and as a result the phrasing of your question renders the question irrelevant to the topic at hand. I'm going to reiterate because it's important: You're not nearly as clever as you want to pretend you are.

I probably would have gone with "eat dirt" personally. Maintains the kid friendly atmosphere.

The character is an ex-prostitute speaking to her former pimp.

This thread gave me autism.

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Because the text has no meaning without being read, and the person reading it is by necessity, interpreting and ordering what they read inside their own head; in doing this, they can find meaning, that meaning might be there by design, or it might not be. Neither is more or less real.

>The ideas "They can have multiple meanings" and "I get to decide the meaning it holds" are completely unrelated

This however I feel like is a misunderstanding of the idea. Death of the author entirely because the whole point of it, is that there are multiple, potentially endless meanings and the question of what does it all mean should remain forever open. There can never be a definitive "this is the one meaning this text has!". Because in doing that you limit the text to just that one thing when it can be that thing, and something else too.

>Because the text has no meaning without being read,
Except it does. It literally has meaning as soon as the person who wrote it thought it up. You're a retard, and your opinions are worthless.

>is that there are multiple, potentially endless meanings and the question of what does it all mean should remain forever open
There are not unless the author wrote the piece with the intention of multiple interpretations. If the author wrote the piece with a particular theme in mind, then that's what the piece is about. To pretend that your interpretation is just as valid of an interpretation is nothing short of arrogance.

Primrose comes off as a bit more hardcore in the Japanese version I think.

Attached: Primrose vs Girugamesh.png (672x1404, 314K)

>It literally has meaning as soon as the person who wrote it thought it up.

Yes it does, I never said otherwise. But there is more than one meaning to everything. If I read a book and take away a different message than what was intended, as long as I can argue the point then I have a perfectly valid interpretation. If no one knows what a long dead author truly intended and we decide based on arguing based off the text itself, how is that any different to doing so for a living author?

It's simply an open question, the author's intent is just one answer.

>You're not meant to come out harrowed or deeply disturbed.
Yeah, you're supposed to find Hotti creepy and disgusting, which the rewrites diminish.
>Pedophilia ISN'T as much of a taboo topic for the Japanese. Underage kids in sexual situations are the butt of the joke in Japanese media all the fucking time.
It's amazing how you completely fail to see any difference between jokes being made of kids being put in sexual situations and a scene of a creepy paedophile being a creepy paedophile. They might both broadly relate to paedophilia but there's a pretty huge gap between what they're portraying.

But that doesn't even make sense in Japanese, it's ZUN being a nutjob.

>Yes it does, I never said otherwise.
Except when you literally said
>the text has no meaning without being read
If you can't even be bothered to remember your own posts, then neither can I.

>If I read a book and take away a different message than what was intended
Then you misinterpreted the book. That's all there is to it.



you would browse redd*t

A cartoon pedophile with pink hair in a game full of cartoon characters who speak exclusively in jokes.

Where is the joke in that scene?

The text is in the author's head in that case, you literally just said it there. Are you just being intentionally obtuse?

>Then you misinterpreted the book. That's all there is to it.

Who decides this? again, if we have no record of what the author "really" means, then there can never be a correct reading according to you.

"The Jews fear the Samurai"
I kinda understand why they decided to localize him

>if we can't confirm the right answer then it must not exist
You've never passed a STEM course in your life, have you?

I don't need to, someone will inevitably bring it back here as a super epic """rebuttal""" post next time someone brings up localization.

I have a degree in theoretical physics, my thesis was on the propagation of dark type solitons through kerr-type interfaces.

The joke is literally that he looks silly and is a perverted pedophile. That's it. It's not all that funny to me personally, but it is clearly the intention of the scene.

You obviously never passed an English lit class either lmao

>Chinese moon runes appear on screen

Attached: 1560861161922.jpg (692x800, 73K)

Weebs really are subhuman

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So you can admit that the intent was him being a paedophile, but you can't admit that changing him to no longer be a paedophile is changing the intent?

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>tfw people like him are the reason that every time I tell people what I studied I immediately have to show them that they don't need to put on the training wheels to have a conversation about literature, art, or philosophy.

Not all of us hate the humanities!

Anime website, newfaggot


Nope. Only anime boards are for anime. This is for video games.

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you mispelled theoretical degree in physics m80

This, but unironically

Actually, the argument was about whether or not the translation changed the TONE of the scene.

For reference here is my original post that you took issue with:
>I think that the ace attorney series is very good at maintaining the correct tone in English translation even though many of the jokes have to be rewritten.

I maintain that the translation does a good job of conveying the original TONE. Not the original content. These two things are not mutually exclusive.

You don’t speak Japanese and aren’t qualified to talk on this subject. Fuck off you stupid mutt.

Actually he spelled it completely correctly. Your post simply implies that his word order does not correctly represent what he actually achieved.

I don't think they preserved the tone because once again they are trying to sanitise Hotti being disgusting and the scene being uncomfortable, which is missing the point.

Good god, you are retarded.

He was right, though.

You misspelled, misspelled.

Congratulations, you have hit peak irony.

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>Most people don't even know Nintendo treehouse removed literally every single line of dialogue Link has in BotW because "muh silent protagonist!".

Holy shit I didn't know about this, fuck treehouse

This conversation is going to go around in circles because we disagree on the intended tone of the scene. I agree with the translators interpretation. I think the scene is supposed to be humorous at the expense of laughing at the creepy pedophile. You think the scene is supposed to be uncomfortable because of the creepy pedophile. I would argue that my interpretation (and the interpretation of the professional translator) is more consistent with the overall tone of the Ace Attorney franchise as a whole, as well as being consistent with Japanese cultural norms relating to sexual humor. However, without contacting the original author of the dialogue it is impossible for either of us to definitively conclude what the author's intention was.

In the end, one of the biggest problems with translation is that, unless the translator talks through every line with the original author, the translation is just one person's interpretation of a work. If someone wants to experience a work as the original author intended they will have no choice but to play it in its native language.

>If someone wants to experience a work as the original author intended they will have no choice but to play it in its native language.

I mean that's just obviously true, because the linguistic tools the author uses are stuck in his native language no matter what.

No you don't. I, however, do have a PhD in biochemistry. No one with even a tenuous grasp of science would claim that being unable to verify the correct answer to a question means that the question doesn't have a correct answer. Pretending that's the case would actually make you the stupidest person on Yea Forums.

I have, actually. I took plenty of humanities courses as an undergrad. Not everyone's professors are idiots.

The pseudointellectualism in your post is strong. I take back what I said before, you probably have an undergrad degree from a low tier school. That would explain the unwarranted sense of self-important combined with the blinding ignorance.


Lol are you the same dude who was telling other anons who disagreed with you that they “couldn’t speak Japanese” and “weren’t native English speakers”?

Just telling people that their credentials aren’t real because you disagree with them isn’t a very effective argumentative strategy.

>tell someone that they’re not a native English speaker
>they actually are one and just brush off your stupid comment because it has literally no basis in reality and is thus incapable of offending

Fantastic fucking bait so much summer replying to this it's absolutely beautiful

Attached: 1553198218988.jpg (600x590, 76K)

>get called an idiot twice
>insist it's the same person because no two people could find you stupid
That's an unreal level of asshurt.

>was telling other anons who disagreed with you that they “couldn’t speak Japanese”
Do you speak Japanese though? If you don't, then it sounds like the first person was right to call you an idiot.

Trying to call someone out for making assumptions works a lot better when you don't make assumptions about them in your post.

>The pseudointellectualism in your post is strong. I take back what I said before, you probably have an undergrad degree from a low tier school. That would explain the unwarranted sense of self-important combined with the blinding ignorance.

The irony.

I asked actually. I didn't insist. I'm also not either of the anons that were insulted. I just noticed a very similar pattern of the posts in this thread. If you're not the same person, both of you have very similar, overly aggressive posting styles. I think that you could work on your arguments a bit if you're going to be so confrontational.

seeTrying to be clever really isn't working for you.

>Oh I just asked a question
>I wasn't saying they it was the same person
>Just ignore the tone of the post and the angry greentext
>I was just asking a question
But do you know Japanese?

>overly aggressive posting styles
Enjoying your first week on Yea Forums?

>and is thus incapable of offending
Did you mean to say "of offending anyone" or "of being offensive" ESLkun?

you never even went into a university in your life. Not even as a janitor or pest control.

>But do you know Japanese?
I do actually, although I don't see how that's relevant. It seems that most of Yea Forumss Japanese speaking population is in this thread because its a thread about Japanese translation. Funny how that works.

And yes, I am enjoying this week of my eleventh year browsing this board. Thanks for asking.

I just can't get over the lack of self awareness. It's pure comedy.

Calling someone an ESL while you're missing the obvious context in writing isn't a good look.

Attached: 1562115585339.png (345x348, 252K)

>I do actually

Do us all a favor and kill yourself and your entire family.

>still trying to act clever
>while getting basic English grammar wrong
I actually feel bad for you, mostly because I know you talk to humanities students and convince yourself that you're having stimulating discussion with them.

Which one? I'm happy to oblige, although I don't see what testing my Japanese has to do with anything I have posted in this thread, since none of it would require Japanese knowledge to be valid.

>I just can't get over the lack of self awareness
I agree.

>Which one?

>since none of it would require Japanese knowledge to be valid.

Attached: cat.jpg (1309x1080, 85K)

I'm sure all of these backstories to these characters are equally retarded in the Japanese version and instead of doing a word for word literal translation that would make no sense since we're not Japanese, Treehouse made up their own shit instead. Who the fuck cares, its a Mario game.

俺はこれしか投稿していないけど( )それを指しているのか?




You are a man of culture even if you are a tripfag.
I've watched the rabbit scene one million times and I still lose my shit everytime

Yeah, that's about as unnatural and clumsy as I expected your Japanese to be. I'm not going to argue with you anymore since you really don't know what you're talking about, but if you want a tip for the future try reading some forums in Japanese to get a feel for how Japanese people actually type. It's painfully obvious that everything you wrote was an English thought that you just forced into Japanese without any regard for how those thoughts should be expressed in Japanese. Ironically enough, that does make any commentary you have on translating the two languages pretty worthless since you don't know how to preserve tone between the two languages and needlessly translate nouns and verbs 1:1.

Here's another (You) to celebrate the depths of your retardation.

Cool great shut down bro. I'm sure that your Japanese is better than mine. Unless you're a literal native speaker I'd like to hear your great qualifications. Feel free to post your JLPT score ITT.

Even if my Japanese did turn out to be worse it would having nothing to do with my posts which simply criticized your tendency to accuse people of lying about their qualifications. Of course since you have no counterargument you just default to "IM BETTER AT THIS UNRELATED ACTIVITY".

Where the FUCK do you think we are

>Moon gets called shit
>Bring up the JLPT
The absolute epitome of "I don't actually know Japanese."

>thread entirely about preserving meaning when translating Japanese to English
>Japanese skill is unrelated

Very fuckably drawn mouth

>asked for proof
>have literally zero qualifications to provide
Yeah I didn't think so. I'm sure you have developed absolutely prime shitposting skills from spending thousands of hours on 2ch and never hanging out with an actual Japanese person IRL. You must be the king of the /djt/.

>Thread is about Japanese translation
>So you must prove to me your Japanese skill even when your post isn't related to that topic

>and never hanging out with an actual Japanese person IRL
I live in Japan. Thanks for the laugh, user. Like I said, keep working on the moon and you'll get there one day. Or maybe you won't.

Okay, rather than flexing your japanese, how about you do something useful for everyone and take a look at the dialog?

Thats what he said in japan but probably with sushi and shit

Nice. So do I. Post location so I can come and debate you IRL. I live in Ikebukuro. Where are you?

>definitely skirting that line between a T and an M rating back in 2006
And then Dual Destinies received a 16 in the UK

Attached: 321219.jpg (1920x1080, 870K)

If you provide the time for the exact line you want I'll have a look.

>I live in Ikebukuro.
I'm 4 stops away from Ikubukuro, actually. I'm there all the time. Given your level of Japanese, I'm sure that you still get confused with the whole 東口 西武東口 thing.

>so I can come and debate you IRL
Sorry, I don't hang out with redditors.

What’s funny is that this is probably a faggot that loves the original Evangelion localization, despite it taking many liberties with the translation compared to the Netflix localization.

A: turn off your trip you faggot
B: KI:U was entertaining in JP too. people who think only the EN version has any personality at all are retarded. I do think the localizers and VAs did a good job on it though.

>東口 西武東口
Lmao no. I literally live here. That station is a fucking labyrinth though. There are over 50 exits so I often have Japanese friends get confused when they come and meet me here.

>Sorry, I don't hang out with redditors.
Okay. Enjoy your ALT job I guess.

>Lmao no
Sure thing, user.

>Enjoy your ALT job I guess.
I'm not going to get into a 身分 pissing contest with you because I know you're no one important, but I'm not an ALT and no matter how many sad stabs in the dark you take, you're not going to figure out what I do here.

I'm sure you're joking but even this game has language support. It's currently in Japanese for me because I'm too lazy to change my system language to English

English is better
>muh original intent
Who fucking cares let tree house write the non localized versions too then

youre both homos of the highest caliber


i can't tell if this is bait or genuine retardation
either way this thread is embarrassing even for Yea Forums standards

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More liberties than cutting out the iconic Ending Theme?


I'll think of you guys next time im helping my big titty friend with her japanese homework. Have sex.

>hanging out with weebs who take Japanese class
I vomited in my mouth a bit.

Attached: 1561344379095.png (882x624, 39K)

OP, Could you confirm that this is the post-completion dialog? (the one you get after completing all his quests)
If then, this is the JP segment:
timestamps not embed correctly on vé?