Fucked up my last PC reapplying thermal paste to an old CPU

>fucked up my last PC reapplying thermal paste to an old CPU
>finally got all the parts for my new build
>Too anxious that I'm going to try another $1000 worth of equipment to actually put it together

Any games for this feel?

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How did you ruin your whole PC by putting thermal paste on the CPU?

Shorted the board because my entire apartment is carpeted and I am an actual brainlet

Rig was such a frankensteined monster that any reasonable replacement would require an entire new build (was an i7-2500)

you know you put the paste on top of the CPU right? like, the flat part? not the part with all the pins? I can see that fucking up something really fast

Oh static energy, yeah that's a killer if you're not careful
Actually ruined some shit before because I was wearing wool clothes

Middle of the processor, slightly smaller than a pea. Cmon mate

How did you fuck it up? were you sweating onto the cpu or the socket?

>buy a prebuilt
>dont have to do any of that shit
>arrives at house
>playing games 5 minutes later
Convenience > autism

Just buy those new little squares you put on the cpu. They supposedly work just as good as paste

Prebuilt doesn't feel the same. Computers I've built myself always feel more personal and unique then one's I've bought outright.

>spend $2000 for 64gb of ram and a gtx 960
got em


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I'm saving cash by reusing the case from the old pc, it's a sturdy steel case with a ton of fans that I have had for years, covered in stickers from cons & events I've taken it to

It's kinda sentimental, and a prebuilt wouldn't feel the same

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full retard: the game

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do you mean an i5-2500 or an i7-2600? cause that CPU doesn’t exist

prebuilts are good but support for those fuckers ends too quick when they won't update your bios or other shit for you. also they cheap the fuck out on your power supply. good luck finding anything but chinese on your PS because its just a fireball waiting for its day.

I was recalling it from memory, like I said I built the PC long ago and I am a brainlet.
I know it was an i7 so I'd go with the latter

based msi

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Good thing hand picked all of my parts.

what the fug

Some good friggin cocaine.

how much of an ADHD spaz do you need to be to build up that much static? just fucking sit on the floor and don't fidget around.

it it too hard?

Carpet and some clothing materials build up static very easily

fuck you

yes, good goy overpaying for outdated parts in your "alienware gaming PC"

>MSI approves of cunny
nevermind extremely based


Never go full-prebuiltretard unless it's one of those "gaming boutique" PC's like Oracle or some other absurdly overpriced company. At least you get some semblance of quality with your $3000 RGB display-box.

I normally go with a decent barebones kit, then work my way up from there.

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>it's been two years


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Post the one with hellman's mayo being applied

whats so bad about this
never built a computer

>two years already
what in the goddamn?

blueberry sized dot, in the center

apply CPU


retard. buy an anti-static wristband and try a graphite pad


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I legitimately think it's stupid to put any kind of delicate computer parts together if you're not a broke Uni student.

Yes, I've done it. I've built a full computer from scratch. But there's no reason to. Get the parts and just pay the store to put it together for you.

They're trained in that, they have better tools for it, and if they break something it's their money that pays to replace it.

if you're that nervous why not return the parts and have a company build you a custom one. they charge like $200 to build it though

>buy a pre-built
>not double checking
>not triple checking
>not quadruple checking that everything you paid for is installed and working at the right speeds and frequency

Never buy a prebuilt, you can get scammed so fucking easy and not realize it

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it's really not that hard

The Return was fucking GARBAGE.

>inb4 LYNCHED lol

>Yeah those minimum wage guys are definitely top notch engineers who can connect a SATA cable, a difficult feat of modern man

This is how stupid you sound

>not playing PC building simulator

It's not that it's hard, I've done it.

It's that it's delicate and fucking up costs you hundreds or thousands of dollars.

I'll replace RAM, put in a drive, change video cards, whatever. But as soon as I'm fiddling around with CPUs or setting up a motherboard, I always feel like an idiot for doing it myself. There's no reason to.

oh yes matching arrows is hard

you sound a little FROSTY

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I'm not talking about putting in a drive, or changing a video card you mongolid.

I'm talking about the actual fiddly/delicate parts.


>I always feel like an idiot

That's cause you are

And yet OP here is an example of someone who wasted hundreds of dollars because he tried to do it himself - despite knowing what he was doing.

Why use your money when you can use the store's?

just go outside for that feel

>Didn't manage to read the whole sentence


The audience is Judy

>fiddling around with CPUs

You mean just putting it down down on the socket and pushing a bar down..you're making it sound much harder than it actually is.

It only takes like 5 minutes to open the case and run a few benchmark tests.
What's the problem?

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And yet, OP blew a thousand dollars worth of parts doing it himself, rather than paying $50 to have a tech do it.

There's a reason professionals in every single industry laugh at DIYers.

Unnecessary unless you're rolling around in your ass-less onesie beforehand.

I hope you were one of those fags that said ESD was a meme but if you weren't Im sorry in advance.

For one it spilled over the edge, but spreading it around like that creates air bubbles that make it less efficient, and he used way too much

Also just putting a pea sized amount on and putting the heatsink on it should spread it fine

The video is effectively combining two different ways of applying thermal paste (Blobbing it on in the middle, spreading a tiny blob of it with a thin flat surface) and fucking it up by applying way too much and doing a really quarter-ass job. The point of thermal paste is to fill in the gaps between the CPU heat spreader and the heatsink, not to create a solid layer, which tends to cause less thermal transfer. Also, with some of the thermal compound falling off the side on to the motherboard, the best case scenario is that it's a fucking mess to clean up. The worst case with an electrically conductive paste, is that you like fry your motherboard and likely everything on it.

It's also a video by MSI, a parts manufacturer. So unlike some idiot from let's say, The Verge, they really should know how to apply thermal paste unless it's (hopefully) an obvious joke. It would be like a master carpenter with his own set of exquisite tools, building a stool and fucking up the nails to the point where they're bent and he's likely has hammer marks all over the wood.

>Its been 2 years and you haven't done anything noteworthy since then


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>there are people who actually took msi howto channel seriously given it's MSI
>they probably even thought that it needed to drip on the sides given the "professional" did it that way
MSI did delete the video years ago though

It's about 500% more paste than you need, for one. Secondly, it's dribbling off the side in a big glop. There's more, but the whole clip is just a fucking mess so let's just say everything is wrong with it.

I've never used any anti-static devices in almost twenty years..common sense and some basic knowledge about static-electricity go a long way.

how do you fuck up thermal paste?

who said anything about using anti static devices? that's uh cool though im proud of you...

I'm surprised too, I've literally worked on my comp on my carpet floor and have had 0 issues.

The only scary part is putting the CPU into the socket, everything else is idiot proof.

david lunch lol

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>mATX mothernard in ATX case
>shitty gamer branding everywhere
>three fans at the front and no fans at the back
>always overpriced for specs
>cheapest motherboard, PSU, and slow-ass ram available just to make the machine work
>at least one part dislodged from the mobo during shipping
Kill yourself.

>when the BAM BUM hit

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boards have a conformal coating specifically for people like the ones ITT

I've been assembling my rigs since 1999, and after a good number builds - there's still one step that makes me sweat. Mounting the fan on the CPU. Fucking thing always feels like it's gonna snap in half. To be honest, it's not that easy to fuck it up though, unless you're deliberately being an asshat.

I lightly bent a couple of pins on the CPU this build but luckily everything seems to work fine.

should have gotten naked, and touched some metal before handling the CPU.


>uhh guys acktually building a PC is not so difficult at least for me I've done it many times in the past I'm so smart
yeah congrats you can go work for minimum wage at geek squad now

>> did you grease your socket?

big iq play fucking up thermal paste my man

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Friendly reminder that it's been confirmed that Eddie Vedder recorded a song that plays during the Twin Peaks finale. It confirms Agent Cooper never gets his mind back. (Pic is evil Cooper)

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Looks like buyer's remorse for a pre-built is starting to settle in.

I tried putting in a new motherboard on my pc and completely screwed up the wiring and fan install.

I ended up buying a new fan but it wouldn’t fucking sit on top of the cpu so now I’m left with all these parts I can’t be bothered to build with.

Maybe I’m too stupid for this kinda thing.

I bet you drive an automatic car too