she seems like a cool character ability wise, too bad she's in a dying game.
it's the same game. this "large" update doesn't justify the wait. now we have to wait 3 or 4 more months for the next big update, at which point the game will be more than dead
So whats the next big battle royal game? I am old, and out of touch.
>no duos
>no solos
>map is exactly the same
Yikes, so this is the power of female lead developers
hopefully this stupid fad will die soon enough. there's fartnite which I believe still has a decent lifespan remaining, PUBG which just got a major update, that one COD battle royale (no idea if that's going anywhere), and of course apex
god forbid if autochess becomes the next fad, though
Auto chess
It's still Fortnite, memes aside.
It's updated every 2 weeks or so with new content.
That's why all these new BR games fail: the compitition that is already established gets better so the player base doesn't want to leave.
Fortnite wont die until Epic cashes out and stops pumping out regular updates
Watty's pretty cute
I'd say it already died and AUTOCHESS is filling it's place. But it's dying even quicker with TFT games being inconsequential and not including some stars like Vi and Jinx. Dota and the epic games one have no clout at all are dying if they haven't already. AUTOCHESS relies heavily on champ design and recognition just to feel like you get attached to your team. The whole RNg item sickness is an even greater topic to be had as well where without good item drops, you're just fucked.
Buzz lightyear cute. It good.
autochess is a joke to me desu. warcraft was already a casualized starcraft, then dota was a casualized warcraft, and now autochess is a casualized dota (I know it's a stretch, but you get my point)
this is even more casual than hearthstone I think
Looks cute, but i will never touch that game. If it was actually a Titanfall title though...
Still Fortnite in terms of br. Current big rising trend is autochess.
can someone redpill me on autochess? I know nothing about it
Shitspawn slapping a band-aid on the gaping wound that is Apex's hemorrhaging player base.
All true. It's fantasy football tier
She looks adowable
It's dead, not even my friends who loved the game want to go back.
BR games are easy to get tired of. You're walking a fuckton without action, and the moment something exciting breaks out it's over in seconds, or ends up in the most anticlimatic way.
Apex, if it was a round based elimination game in some part of the map would be better, because the mechanics, feel of the game and everything just works, but the BR format is meh.
>no duos
>no solos
Let’s at least agree that no one thinks Fortnite or PUBG are better than Apex, right?
The game fucking sucks ass and is boring. Im tired of fucking 1 v 3 scenarios. Im tired of relying on others whether I win. Its a fucking BATTLE ROYALE! It should be every man for themself not hurr durr u good at game? then carry ur teammates :D. Fuck my teammates, they let me down. I got 6 kills and how many do they have? none, and the disconnected. SO then after THEY disconnect, I have to suffer the whole match by myself either running around for 15 minutes just to die becasue its another 1 v 3 shit shitty fucking cocksucker of a match. Fortnite has solo, racing games have solo. Fucking call of duty has solo. Why make a shitty BR game where everything relies on your team. Fuck EA, fuck the damn cocksuckers who play it, and fuck my teammates. I got fucking TWO MOZAMBIQUES in a ROW, while the enemy gets shield and an automatic rifle. I didnt realize getting FUCKED in the ASS was normal gameplay for this. Im tired of shitty weapons and shitty loot. At least in FORTNITE I can play SOLO and not have to worry about 1 v 3 situations.
Git gud sad boy
the original autochess is pretty good, the clones specially the lol one are diluted and simplified to a point every low iq can play it
Imagine playing Apex Slowgend
I used to like fortnite, but honestly it's fucking annoying to play now. Building is simply too fucking powerful
>shoot someone once
>within a second they shit out a tower, completely reinforced so you can't easily knock it down
>even if they build a fucking mile high in the air and you break down the tower, they just carry the gliders, so there's no risk of fall damage for them building autism fortresses
Not to mention the playerbase screams and whines at anything that even slightly counters building until it's nerfed and then removed
>clingers were a decent counter to building if you kept several to toss
>planes were incredibly fun, just blasting through enemies autism towers, and if you hit them directly you could send them flying.
>first guns on the plane were nerfed to be less accurate
>then the health of the plane was nerfed
>then to add insult to injury the plane was nerfed so it couldn't fly through buildings, it would just bounce off a player built wall
>boom boxes interrupted building to force them to fight
The plane one was the last straw for me. It's a giant metal fucking plane that you could hear coming a mile away. If you died to a plane, it's your own fucking fault
Still disconnects
Can't be played. Fortnite, as shit as it is, it's playable.
Loving the update. Still the best BR game around. I bought the pass.
It is the best BR, because it's shouldn't be one.
>core gunplay and physics remain shitty as ever
way to spruce up / polish a turd, guys
The guns are fine, but the characters are NOT ok
>Play Wraith
>Zigzag through a hail of bullets
>Win every 1on1 standoff
>Play Fartboy the Fat
>Embrace Death in a whiff
He's supposedly got a 15% damage reduction from incoming shots, but doesn't make a fucking difference
frotnite is better
eerrrrrrrr, I was talking about Fortnite, dude
which game is this