What is the "Dark Souls" of food?
What is the "Dark Souls" of food?
Hot peppers or something like that. Because only "really hardcore" fans can eat them, and the "really hardcore" fans will tell you about it every chance they get.
When in reality, anyone can eat them, you just need to do it a bunch of times. It doesn't require any special skill.
>get called an incel on Yea Forums
>start getting self conscious about my virginity
>know it's not even a tranny/roastie calling me it but probably just another virgin shitposter trying to get me angry
>get angry anyways
How do I get over this? God fucking damn it.
deep dish pizza
Probably those pig brains in milk gravy. I think they had enough cholesterol in them to kill 4,500 Brits, 1,900 Frogs, 47 elephants, 15 blue whales, a couple of Krauts or make the average Amerifat get about halfway through their daily cholesterol intake.
surstromming, everyone that eats it right out of the can does it to brag about it, but smart people know that you can make it easy to eat by washing it off and put it on some bread
unironically go to therapy or watch some corey wayne. you need to higher yourself
Not anyone can eat them, people have allergies bro
Have sex.
You walked right into that one.
I saw Ashens review one of those, they really do look that awful, and you yurofags wanna give Americans shit for their food
your dad's dick
Have sex
Haha you'll never get laid, fucking homo
yeah i'm allergic to dark souls too.
how many attempts?
Clorox milkshake maybe?
Have sex
get on tinder and lose the mental blockage
>Food analogy
>being an incel
Cope, Dilate then Have Sex.
You mad?
That food from inuits or eskimos or something when you let seagulls ferment in a sea lion(?) corpse buried underground then drink their innards through their cloakas.
a food that not everyone eats, but everyone knows about, and the ones that do eat it think they're ever so clever and above it all for doing so, and some of those who eat it go to great lengths to put down others who also eat it so they feel better about themselves
is it the avocado?