What is his super power?

What is his super power?
Because he doesn’t have one. How can a normal guy keep up with all those supernatural freaks he fights on a regular basis?

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Let's just say it isn't nicotine in those cigarettes

Plot hole.

Genes memes and nanomachines

He’s the man that makes the impossible possible

His superpower is an outstanding ass.
His one weakness is an unfortunately small penis to go with it

The generic enhanced reflexes and strength. Kojima doesn't do a good job of showing that shit off for the sake of making the metal gear solid ga

Because he's a video game character.

Well he is a sort of enhanced human to begin with. And according to Naomi in MGS4, he hasn't died from his engineered rapid aging + deteriorating FOXDIE by sheer force of willpower, so there is that too, I guess

he's has access to the save system
literally the only super power you need to win

>What is his super power?
Hope & Will Power.
He's the Luke Skywalker of video games.

because hes a chad, big fags genes didn't mean shit

But didn't he get all the crappy genes and Liquid got all the good ones?

It's not like the supernatural people he faces are particularly that crazy. Plotwise basically any of them would die from anyone shooting them in the head with a 9mm but maybe Liquid.

Meanwhile Snake has a reported 180 IQ, he's probably as superhumanly durable as Liquid, and has a shitload of guns and ridiculous reflexes.

his super power is his thicc fuckable bussy
all he needs to do is put his ankles around his ears and all the worlds problems would be solved

But Luke has the force
















His "crappy" genes are the dominant genes of the greatest soldier in the world.

Liquid's a dice roll on the recessive genes seeming better, but Solid's are actually tested to be best in the world.

Supernatural gun aiming (uses any gun with near perfect accuracy, even shitty guns he finds on the battlefield), hyper real tactical senses (can see around corners without looking), can perform nearly impossible cqc techniques on anyone (even on some superhuman strength enemies), and insanely high pain tolerance

It's unknown if all, some, or none of these traits are due to genetic modification, but if they are then they should definitely qualify as superhuman since they were not born from natural unmodified genes.

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raiden and solid snake deserved better

Yeah, but they were both genetically engineered clones. Think of his powers similar to Captain America

He's legendary

It was the opposite. Liquid only thought he had the good genes.

He's a clone of the peek human solider. Physically and mentally one of the greatest soliders to live.

They get distracted by his delicious fat ass

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>a normal guy
Haha what?
He's genetically modified, even if MGS1 says Liquid got all the "best" genes the point remains Solid is a byproduct of selective working of Naked Snake's "soldier genetics" to make an equal or better version.

I don't know why people assume David is shit just because of the inferior genes muttering from Liquid.
Two things sort of discredit him, first he didn't even know he was the better clone so exactly how informed he is remains in question, secondly Liquid himself even says during his spiel that the other less useful clones were killed off in some insane attempt to "improve" Eli and David, so obviously they were both deemed worth keeping.
Which means the lovely Mr.Para Medic had concluded even Solid Snake's make up was adequate compared to Naked's.

To the extent they even gimped him with rapid aging and he's still performing better than people younger than him in MGS4.

I don't think it makes him less "human", but Snake is not a "normal guy".

snake is a genetically engineered supersoldier, raised and nurtured to become the ultimate modern warrior
snake is a supernatural freak, but its low key

Big Boss, Liquid, Solidus
Solid Snake
>I fight for what I believe in. I want to preserve the past and present for the future

Solid was an actual person and had heart. The others were just retards that blamed everything on fate.

>Solid was an actual person and had heart
Tell that to Fagjima. Fucking retard ruined MGS.

He's a genetically engineered clone of a super-soldier with state of the art high-tech training since the moment he was born.

Real question is, what the FUCK is pic related's superpower?

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is it just me or is mgs1 really boring gameplay wise?

Just you

But solid has that in all his games regardless of what kojima said

Dummy thiccness

No, Liquid thought he got the bad ones. He was, in fact, the "superior" clone in terms of at least the isolated soldier genes. The game suggests Liquid's understanding of the LET project was correct, but that he got the results wrong:
>Yes. The inferior one was the winner after all. ...That's right. Until the very end, Liquid thought he was the inferior one.

He's lucky and can do dramatic jumps

It kind of is, yeah. There really isn't that much stealth. The game is pretty much a boss rush, which had some cool gimmicks at the time but it's been out done by other games in the series now.

Snake got the 'recessive' genes, Liquid was lied to about that and thought Snake had the dominant ones.

That being said, the reality is that dominant/recessive genes will all have the possibility of being 'stronger'/ 'weaker' or 'common'/ 'rare' regardless of which type they are, so either snake having dominant/recessive genes doesn't really mean shit.

Same case as batman

I’ve always thought that what made Snake cool was that he didn’t have fancy powers, it was sheer wit, ability, and force of will. Even as an old grandpa he kicks some ass, and crawls through the microwave tunnel. He works hard man

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>Tell that to Fagjima.
It stands for all the games in the series with Solid Snake in them, though. It's not like he ever depicted Snake as less human or shat on him or anything.

>somebody in the Smash Bros. team spend time modeling a scrotum on Solid Snake

And yet it's still not the most-bizarre thing from that series.

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>Real question is, what the FUCK is pic related's superpower?
being fuckable and chest hair

That’s Wario. He attacks by farting.

I mean, thank god right?

>totally not a genetic manipulated person with soldier genes
Nope, just a regular guy...

Has the ideal genetic profile for soldiering (at least until PW/PP randoms show up) and elite training from an early age. Villains not being immune to bullets helps him too.

Egoraptor only censored the Youtube version of Metal Gear Awesome 2, not the newgrounds version.

>soldier genes
I wonder what an actual biologist or geneologist might say about this.

I don't think it's boring, but I wish the game had more stealth than it does. The game is almost as much of a boss rush as Alien Soldier. I do like all the bosses, but I wish there was more time spent sneaking around Shadow Moses because it's such a cool setting and the stealth that's there is pretty good. I replay MG2 and GB far more than MGS1 for this reason.

Not just you, Solid 2 is the only 2d one that's still fun.

He's literally just a lucky, fit dude.
The damage indicator in his games is how close his luck is from running out, not how much he's been injured.

50% genes and 50% enviroment.
The genes has the potential to do something and the enviroment makes that happen or not.
In the end the basic wiring of the brain is part of the genetics.

>lost to a girl

It's not that farfetched to produce a human with only amazing genes in the near future, China is already testing it out with various methods. We need to find out what most genes do before that though but gene splicing is definitely already being done.

Exactly. I was just telling my mgs virgin friend that in a world of super-powers, Snake keeps up just by being based as shit

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Gene editing/cloning in theory would at least give you a much higher possibility of manifesting certain desired traits as long as you were raised in an environment that also encouraged that trait.

There are genes tied to potential and ease in physical and psychological performance
but to tie performance to profession is sort of asinine.

how does the Psycho Mantis fight work when emulating the game?

Actually pretty cool.
I played with a controller plugged into pc, but switching to keyboard mid fight gives the same effect as connecting to port two. But I actually think it was in the pc release.
PS1 emulator has a menu to select port

The exact same. Pretty much any emulator for any system will allow you to dictate what controller is in what port assuming the system had multiple controller ports to begin with.

He's not a racist.

Pretty far reaching, and a very shallow understanding of genetics.

That's just sci-fi, though. Which is still valid as a form of fiction but justifying it as "soldier genes" for as a sole reason for the audience to suspend their disbelief as if this is just a flat ou fact of life is hilariously misguided.

Yes but ideal genes aren't what's referenced by "soldier genes". Retroactively justifying is the same shit that people do with the bible. "What the bible REALLY meant by sending bears to kill children is..." Not that I'm innately knocking the bible, I'm just saying taking shit out of context to fit your narrative is utterly retarded.

Forgot to mention. Same om the ps3 release.
You just select port in the PS menu

Who do you prefer Yea Forums,
Big Boss or Solid Snake?

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I'm guessing it was just put as 'soldier genes' as an umbrella term for whatever the hell traits/personality they think a perfect soldier is meant to have.

Big Boss is more fun.

Boss's games have better gameplay.
Solid is a better character.


Solid snake.

>Boss's games have better gameplay.
I don't agree.

he's the shit

I liked Big Boss as a villain in MG1/MG2, and I think MGSV does some interesting stuff with him too. In general I think Solid Snake is the more compelling character, though, and the prequel games spend too much time on shit we already knew.

Ok, hold up, didn't Snake have the dominant genes while Liquid had the recessive genes?

TPP is way better than any game where you play as Solid Snake.

I mean technically you aren't big boss in that game.

It's the Asian genes he inherited from the Japanese egg donor.

Trying to connect the superiority/inferiority that Ocelot and Liquid mention to gene dominance/recession is batshit and pointless, but if we take the game on its word it would mean that Solid Snake has the recessive genes and Liquid has the dominant ones. The only thing to care about is that, however they determined it, Liquid has the superior genetic stock and Solid has the inferior leftovers. The game's invocation of gene dominance is nonsensical even by its simplistic "soldier genes" standard.
I still don't agree, though I think MGSV at its best is pretty good.

Strictly gameplay. But I would much rather play 1 or 2 overall.


He's a master of espionage, he can accumulate any information he wants just by repeating the last thing he heard as a question

The whole point was that the genes didn't make the man since it was assumed Snake was the 'inferior' clone

Does he row row fight the powa?

>And yet it's still not the most-bizarre thing from that series
What is?

>Naked Snake > Solid Snake > Big Boss
Also this

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I mean either way the reality is that recessive/dominant genes are more complex than just being weak/strong traits respectively, they can be either or in basically any capacity.

Snakes power is being peak human. If you take the twin snakes as Canon he can do some ridiculous feats of agility with said peak human strength

Getting transported to the smash world gave him super human powers, like how superman got his

Thought the Twin Snakes was told from Otacons perspective?

It really felt unnecessary and weird to me that they made the egg donor japanese. I get kojima probably just threw that in to appeal to japanese players and maybe even pump himself up a bit, but there's nothing about snake that's remotely japanese.

Fuck Big Boss, he's a wacky asshole.

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> If you take the twin snakes as Canon

gay detected


based gurren poster

rip kamina

He's a really good soldier. He's really, really, REALLY good at his job, which is shooting, fighting and killing. All of the "Snake" characters are based off of this concept alone. They are absurdly good, so much that they fucking skyrocket over anyone else's ability as a soldier in terms of the physical and mental, because they're all fucking smart too.

That's fan headcanon


He's a CHAD and shits on faggots like Link and Mario

Solid by far. He's also a better, stronger and more compassionate person in general, as far as I can recall. Just overall a great guy who exceeds the abilities of his dad.

So he's a bottom?

Might not have even been Kojima's idea. I read somewhere a long time ago Araki got into an argument with his editor about the race of Johnathan Joestar or something because Araki wanted him to be white, English and his editor said he needed to be Japanese or at least half Japanese to appeal to readers.

Another thing, whenever a character has a white and Japanese parent in Japanese media it's almost always Japanese dad and white mom, typically.

Making the egg donor Japanese was actually a way of writing around the earlier idea that Big Boss and Snake were part Japanese. MGS4 directly links Vulcan Raven's comment about "blood from the East" to the Japanese egg donor despite mitochondrial DNA accounting for a very minuscule fraction of total DNA.

And a good friend.

he was gar as fuck

its Raiden going through his VR training

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funny how that is basically opposite of IRL, i know asian guy white girl exist but it is just SSSSSOOOOOOOO rare compared to white guy asian girl, rare enough for me to have never even seen it before

I used to live in Singapore and it was the majority of interracial couples. I did see one Chinese guy and a white girl once.

Solid Snake for sure!

Yeah, there's a recessive gene that makes guys develop super muscles.

Snake isn't Steve Rogers.

his superpower is that he's a video game character. he's a VR trained future soldier. He's LITERALLY the player himself.

Good training, intuition derived from experience, and luck.

>MGS4 wasn't Snake, Huey, and Raiden going around the world fucking up Metal Gears in Philanthropy and then trying to save Raiden from becoming a cyborg ninja after he gets captured
>all because Kojima is autistic and is mad Big Shit isn't as popular as the only character who acts remotely like a real person would

Big Boss based entirely and solely on MGS3.


This is the reason