Who? WHO!!!!!

Who would LEGIT be interested in writing for a new gaming website that is actually about games and not the political trash that PCGamer, Kotaku and others have become? Like, I am very VERY truly considering setting something up. Am based in Australia, but looking at this being a multi-country site, with the focus on reviewing games as well as having some kind of well-organised system.

Concerned Gamer

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I will but only if I get to quote Yea Forums screen caps and post wojacks in the article

I mean, we could mix satire into it too I guess...

Reviews drive traffic but they're literally the most useless thing you could write about it and it would do nothing but attract low IQ retards. Report on news and write up interesting articles. Nobody gives a fuck about your shitty opinion and the arbitrary number you give a game. Anyways, Yea Forums attempted this before and like almost everything 4channel has ever tried it didn't last and failed.

This to be honest OP as a business the damand isn't there. In between competition of youtubers and AAA gaming sites you'd be better off just writing a personal blog of your opinions

Why did they fail? Like, knowing what not to do would be a big deal. And the low IQ people are the majority of people, so you need them to actually be anywhere near a success.

I'm not good at grammar and all that jazz. But I think you should know that news site that is not click baiting will NOT make much of a profit.
And are there any vidya news site that is not about politics out there? I only know a single one and that's Gematsu.

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Sure why not, even if this backfires what's the worst that can happen? Besides fading into obscurity and made into potential laughing stocks. Might as well try

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I would. English major, and I write books for fun. Also wrote for a website that put out articles on different subject matter.

Wouldnt do it full time but would definitely contribute. I dont even care about money but would put my name on the articles

I'd be interested so long as it's more representative of actual gamer culture. And I don't mean cringe alt right shit either just not the pc babby hugspace that modern journos are.

None of the websites are political and if you think they are, there's already a website for you. It's called OneAngryGamer and it's for everyone who gets mad when games contain black characters.

I have no interest in writing anymore and honestly don't see myself browsing any gaming sites except this one. But I do wish you luck user.

That's not at all what I would be in to. I don't give two shits about games having LBGT or different races. What I care about are integrity and red nobility. Both of which does not seem to be a thing on Kotaku after whats happened in Portland.

Lack of motivation, actual paychecks because this shit actually takes a chunk free time and rent isn't paid with free time, lack of user base, etc.

A lot of media is political or at least has some social commentary or is some other kind of reflection of the times. More importantly the audience you court which claims to hate politics in media often inserts their politics without a second thought. There is another problem that some people make common decency (and even common sense) a politically contentious issue.

If you haven't thought it through properly then you'll quickly find yourself in over your head and involved in things that you never intended. Rather than looking to be different than other publications your biggest concern now should be how your publication wont just be an anti-social circle jerk for bigoted gamers. Only then can you claim that it's actually about the games.

Based on East coast America. Non biased and non political stand point. I appreciate the idea, technology and buisness side of video games then playing them. Which I do enjoy playing, and have a major and expansive library ranging from all genres. I have written and typed a memoir about another topic and discussion unrelated. A total of 100k words combined. But have extensive knowledge and ability to construct a an objective and concrete aspect of all types of games. I delve and research a lot of the perspective of of what comprises the devolpment of video games. Non biased, and have a foundation in my ability to determine the investment it takes to construct and produce the very product that so many enjoy.

Sadly, the sites became political trash because that what gets them paid. Rather, the ads from the clicks but you know that whole deal already.

Something that can sustain itself without needing ads would honestly be nice, because it doesn't rely on clicks for revenue and that whole scheme associated with it, which would help with the overall quality.

Would also be nice if it wasn't another "piss and moan for another 10 years about the sjw boogeyman" as they turn out to be just to generate said clicks. Honestly tired of it all from both sides.

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I can see what you're saying there... Yes, it would be hard for people to not do it completely... hmmmm....

That's some grade A PR right there. lol

This. I wrote down my gaming opinions on a Tumblr. Only use it to write my long form video game opinions and nothing else. The 30 or so interactions are enough for me

Yeah, the idea I had would be to make it similar to Wiki, where you have a donation drive once a year or something to keep it going. I would very much like to make it an NFP site if that's at all possible.

I'll have to ask. What kind of vidya news will you be focusing on other than reviews?
Surely you're not just aiming to be a review site are you not?

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