>game has a legendary sword that's destined to defeat the main villain
>gets outclassed by other late-game weapons and/or not necessary to beat the final boss
why do so many games do this?
Game has a legendary sword that's destined to defeat the main villain
Other urls found in this thread:
to showcase how lazy everyone else in the world is. The hero didn't need the sword, didn't even need to be the "hero". If anyone else got off their asses, they could have fixed the problem too.
Based ALTTP and ALBW making the strongest weapon a fully upgraded Master Sword
Because fuck you. Its bullshit. I mean why does the mastersword even break whats the point of having the damn thing if it isnt the end all be all sword?
>Find the ancient legendary sword.
>It's actually a piece of shit because metalsmithing and all that stuff has actually advanced in the past 1000 years the ancient evil or whatever has been sleeping.
Because it infinitely regenerates and is basically the strongest sword in the game against calamity enemies.
I still the no they fucked up the order of the master sword in ALTTP the second one is weathered as hell looking while the first looks "reforged"
>game has a literal godsword
>majority of players use a rock on a pole as their "special" weapon in PvP combat instead
Maybe the idea is that the sword gets rusty and shit after being used a lot by Link so the second one is kinda improved but still looks like shit after all the damage received, then the Golden Sword magically restores and improves it to its limit
Dont you get a magic sword in secret of mana at the start and then immediatly toss it
>That theory that the Master Sword's hilt is made out of Timeshift Stone and the sword restoring itself is literally Fi rewinding the blade's chronology to a point before it was damaged
It only Fi could rewind time and make her game better.
>Introduce plot blade for beating baddie
>Gets replaced shortly
>Post game quest unlocks its true power.
Even for the DS version of Chrono Trigger, they didn't give Frog a more ultimate weapon to make him keep using the Masamune.
Thats still ridiculous.
They make you pay for the true master sword.
BOTW would have been better if the Champion Weapons didn't break. Think about it, your reward for completing 1/5th of the story is to have a permanent weapon to bolster your loadout.
You get one bow, one shield, one spear, and one two handed weapon in whichever order you want, and then the Master Sword is the last weapon type, the one handed sword.
They could have balanced it by having those weapons permanently part of your arsenal, but you can still find disposable weapons that do more damage.
It would have given a real sense of progression and made completing the temples more meaningful, because as you play though the game, your character becomes more complete, just like in the previous games where you'd get a new item after a temple.
Now this also raises some interesting stuff because tons of games do it differently. Which is the most preferred?
> You buy the ultimate weapon(s) from some endgame shopkeeper
> You forge/create the ultimate weapon(s) through some kind of crafting system by collecting various materials
> You find the ultimate weapon(s) in random chests littered throughout the game in both mandatory and optional areas
> You find the ultimate weapons(s) as super rare drops from random enemies or even bosses in the game.
> You always have the weapon and to upgrade it to its ultimate state, you need to spend a shitload of money.
Or everyone's favorite
> Weapons don't even matter in the endgame because magic/skills/exploits trivialize any remote effort to waste time to get those weapons.
4th is best
You earn them from end game side quests.
>legendary sword of legends that can smite all evil
>hero runs around naked except for a ridiculous hat and some nonweapon for the sport of it
>ultimate weapon is only really usable by a single class
>said class is already overpowered
damn that sounds dope. I hope they do something like this to alleviate the frustration of breakable weapons in BotW 2.
You get the ultimate weapon from the postgame superboss and then have nothing left to use it on. :^)
>character’s signature weapon is trash
>You really need to equip a Silver Sword to defeat the last boss
somewhat related, isn't it implied the magic sword from zelda1 was the four sword after the end of minish cap?
>only one godsword is meant to exist
>thousands are on the market
>Game has a Legendary Sword™ of Legendary Swords™
>It outclasses everything but you can only use it if you make a defining choice
>Easter Egg exists to let you use it post-game but only if you make the right choice
>Game gets a remake of sorts
>Legendary Sword™ still exists but is notably weaker now
>It's outclassed by shit you can buy before you even reach end game
>If you don't make the choice to keep the Legendary Sword™ (which is central to the plot and pretty much the reason the bad guy caused all this shit anyway) you can find another one five minutes later
>It's literally identical to the Legendary Sword™ except for colour
What game, Yea Forums
the last upgraded sword in altpp will always be my favorite
I wonder if, from this art, if it would be practical to use irl, following the magical rule of ''it won't break''
Sounds like Fable TLC
I think a compromise would be something that you carry around to repair weapons, like repair powder from dark souls
Sometimes I just forget that ToME exists.
Theoretically I should love the game to death but it just doesn't hook me.
> Be Frog
> Get legendary sword
> It's only good for a short while
> Go on sidequest
> It becomes his strongest again
the avo's tear shit was pretty gay
sword of aeons used to do like 555 damage in the non tlc version, then in tlc it became weaker than the solus greatsword you could buy halfway through the game
not to mention several new swords you could find in the new demon doors
What is top middle supposed to be? It looks rusted out and pitted to hell.
>Spend 3 quests gathering the materials across time and taming the souls of what Masamune is, its understood that only with this weapon will the heroes have a chance at defeating the villain
>First time its used, it cleaves a mountain in half and opens way to the villain's castle
>When thats over you can buy a stronger sword in any shop
>This happens in the middle of the game.
Yeah yeah I know about Frog's quest at the end to empower Masamune so that it actually becomes the strongest sword in the game, I still found it weird.
the master sword in a link to the past but after you upgrade it for the first time
>actually having problems with BOTW
Start game, do the tutorial, go get phantom set (stealthy way), go to a major test of strength, spam crits with bow, kill it after 50 arrows, collect OP weapons, use them on 3 other major test shrines, done. Game is beaten
>legendary sword
>said to be supremely powerful
>meet a crazy guy who's obsessed with it
>asks you to help him remake it
>you conveniently find pieces of it as you handle your main shit
>talked up to be the only way to kill the big bad, designed for such purpose
>finally you get the sword practically at end game
>guy tells you it can only be used once, and will destroy the big bad
>its just a powerful basic sword that does x3 damage on the first hit then breaks
>the big bad barely loses 10% health from this attack
Masa has the best crit rate in the game (if I remember correctly) so it can actually still have alot of use even when it gets out classed in raw damage numbers. Still weird choice.
fucking delet I hate this shit so much
You’d be lazy too if you knew someone was going to come save you
Fucking Wyrmhero Blade.
Yeah looking at it now the tempered blade should definitely be the first iteration in ALTTP. response makes sense in a way. Like maybe the Dwarven smiths imbued it with powerful magic but didn't really give a fuck about how it looked. And then the great fairy you give it to for the final upgrade was like "wtf why does this look like this," and then she pimps out your Master Sword.
does any game uses this as an actual point? sounds pretty interesting
>final boss has strongest sword in game
>you kill him to get it
>you must kill your sibling if you wish to keep it
It gets nerfed in an expansion, and if you spare the sibling, you get a sword of equal strength
You know this game.
Watch out, we got a bad ass over here
Square did it for the DS version of Chrono Trigger, at best you can use it to make the two endings where you only have two party members easier but that already wasn't that hard in the original version.
Why would it go to shit after an upgrade? It looks like it goes from brand new to being left in the rain for 200 years.
what game
it's MAGIC user
it's MAGIC
I think that at this point everyone wants botw with a bit more of classic-style progression.
the prophecy impa talked about wasnt for calamity ganon but ganondorf's body being freed underground, which will require the sword to beat him and the glow-y hand link gets to give it a consistent power source
of course I dont think they really planned this out when they made the first botw but its an easy thing to fall back on to seem like it was intended
It's the tempered sword. Obviously the blacksmith was extremely rough in the tempering process
The Anathema
Dragon's dogma?
Just go straight to Hyrule Castle and Royal weapons spawn around the edges of Ganon's boss room.
Not gonna lie I enjoyed the way you had to go to unlock the Bishamon Sword in Onimusha Warlords.
He also ruined the hilt and replaced it with masking tape for some reason.
was that the Rainbow Katana
based quads
dragons dogma is more about you rising up to the challenge, aka the dragon finding a worthy contender who didn't shit his pants at the first sign of death, rather than the sword you used to stab him with
sort of the same, only without a legendary sword
10 hours into BOTW. Are you fucking saying the Master Sword is also subject to this durability bullshit?
What the fuck is the point? this is the worst flaw of this game
>the best weapons in the game are devilish in theme and scale off how many things you've killed throughout the game
I love this in the tales games
It is but it regenerates
No the Rainbow was Crono's original Ultimate weapon, the DS version lets you fight the final boss of Cross and beating it gives you a slightly stronger sword.
how fast?
No. You must be thinking of something else. Secret of Mana did it great because if I remember right (played it many many years ago), it started out as just a rusty weapon, but as you go through the game it could be upgraded.
It regenerates and you gotta buy/beat the trial of the sword DLC to restore it to normal.
Doesn't Chrono Trigger have New Game+ where you can retain all your equipment?
fuck idk it's been a while since i've played. I wanna say 30 minutes for some reason, though
That's fucking stupid and inconvenient holy shit they dropped the ball
This too. The DLC is honestly worth it even without the master sword upgrade though imo
>The ancient evil awakens
>"Oh no, we need to find the chosen hero and legendary sword!"
>Meanwhile the neighboring kingdom just drives right in with recently developed tanks and immediately blasts the fuck out of the ancient evil two hours after awakening.
Yes (although you can't keep plot equipment like the Masamune) It's just that the new best weapon from Crono is from the new super boss and by the time you're strong enough to beat it, you won't need the sword it gives you for anything else.
It regenerates in 10 mins. Finish the trial of the sword DLC, and it gets like 3x the durability and is always at 60 power.
ah so it's 10 minutes
Whoopdeedoo, an infinitely regenerating piece of shit in a game where you can just fill your inventory with stronger weapons that are within walking distance of a fast travel point every time they respawn
real life
Wasn't dubs deactivated?
I think that's actually supposed to be one of the fake Master Swords you can find in the Lost Woods.
Silly newfag, dubs automatically roll up 1 number, 99 rolls up to 100
dubs are but trips and above aren't
So is the tempered and gold sword not Canon? Or do they revert after Link returns it
It was such a cop out too. I wonder if there was a popular outcry against having to murder your sister for the Aeons in the original game and the devs decided to put in a reward for saving her. I get why they added it when they added post game content but they really should have kept it the way it was to reinforce the whole choice aspect of the game. Ah well.
Basically all of us are hoping for some extreme tinkering with the durability in this next BotW because it really sucked that hard and doesn't even make sense with some of the weapons you pick up. Why does a steel sword break after 20 hits? Why does an ancient light saber beam sword break after 35 hits?
It was just not implemented properly. I get it; they wanted to fill up the game with stuff to collect like the weapons so they needed a check and balance. Too bad it makes you paranoid and frustrated whenever you get into serious fights. Here's hoping they fix it for round 2.
>grab durians every reset
>one durian hearty simmered fruit because any hearty food full heals
>mash face against controller because there's no way to die
>Customizable character has access to pretty much every class
>Gets a super special sword early on that gets plot buffs later on, most importantly being able to properly dent endgame bosses
>Using any class that doesn't use swords is always less effective because they can't use that special sword
This is why I love Release that Witch. Fantastic Chinese light novel. Suggest it if you like reading.
There isn't a better weapon. It's durability alone when fully upgraded outclasses everything in the game. The only weapons that are comparable are the rare two handed clubs with a huge attack buff
what always bothered me was fable 2 mentions the hero from the first game used the sword of aeons against jack of blades
but theresa is still alive
either they thought avo's tear was the sword of aeons, or theresa ain't who she says she is
What the fuck makes you think that?
I played the game before the DLC.
Id like something that lasts longer but degrades over time sorta like monster hunter with sharpness. you have a main durability and a "condition" stat where the durability decreases based on the condition of your weapon. if you keep a sword sharpened/upgraded/etc then it will last far longer than if you just keep smacking it on people. also weapons should have a "broken" state rather than just shattering so you would still have something to use as a weapon, even if its only 1 damage
Yeah yeah Fable TLC. Another user beat you to the punch.
>ultimate weapon can break
The sword literally becomes red in game in both ALTTP and ALBW, it's not a fake sword, it's the real deal
Maybe it just degrates over time and return to its "base" form (until something special happens and degrates even more like in WW)
Yeah, but you can still have fun kicking ass with it in NG+, right?
I've always hated that in Fire emblem games
>in endgame in FE7 or 8
>still using iron or steel weapons because I might NEED it later
Considering I got all the other endings first because the achievement for the super boss seemed like the best to leave on the steam library for last achievement shown, no.
this, it lines up if you think about it. You didn't need the sword or anything else to kill calamity ganon.
Unironically this.
They aren't even the best weapons in their class so they're the most hurt by the durability mechanic since they're the only weapons that aren't as disposable as everything else. After a while I just put them all on display in my house.
Yeah, this would have been at least bearable, and is actually quite common in games that come out now that have some kind of durability stat to them. It's especially silly for the bows and really works to break immersion because you stop to tell yourself "fucking really?" before switching to another bow.
For my money, I would prefer some kind of crafting system you can do at camp where you collect the weapons and can combine multiple ones to make something that is better than anything you can find. Tone down the degradation way down and for unique weapons you craft, make them super durable. There's a lot of ideas that could have been implemented.
Games that give you the ultimate weapon after 100%ing it with no fucking NG+ are the worst of the worst. It's a big fucking middle finger
>get the super special GOTY version of a game
>gives you super overpowered gear at the start of the game and you have to avoid the temptation to use it
>alternatively there's some cosmetic gear you get
>has garbage stats and the game has no appearance slot items, so there's no point of actually wearing it in gameplay aside from looking at it once
I'd prefer it if they make me do a quest for it or something when I'm the appropriate level for it.
You did need the weapon to beat the final boss. It was sacred.
The biggoron sword isn't balanced at all. Its slow and you can't even use your shield with it.
>Etrian Odyssey 2
>Second best weapons come loaded with additional stat boosts and stuff to support the classes they're designed for.
>Ultimate weapons have nothing but raw attack power, and even then they're only slightly above the second best weapons.
This isn't the case in FE4, where the continent has actually competent weapon smiths that can fix your weapons. You will almost never use iron, and using steel simply means that unit isn't as much of a priority.
the biggoron sword had super fast fucking stabs, even faster than the master sword
Being able to repair weapons would just create the issue of having a load of junk weapons they you'll never have any reason to pick up. Sure you kinda have this be the case in the end game when you're fully decked out, but by that point you've spent the majority of your time having to deal with disposable weapons and should have a big enough collection you never run out.
I really do hate it
>really cool looking post game weapons
>but they're a lot weaker than end game and even mid game weapons
>better off using weapons you have been for half the game and tens of hours so far
god damn does this piss me off
Fucking dwarf smithing magic to make an already magical and legendary blade made by the gods even better only then to have it enchanted by great fairy magic. This is why I love the Golden Sword.
>need 50+ arrows, which are pretty scarce early game
>need a durable enough bow
>need to not get hit by the boss
>acting like it's not easy as shit to break the game just by playing normally
you can bumrush to hyrule castle and get high-tier set and weapons very early
Don't forget Link's ultimate sword being green is fucking kino. Fuck the redesign
The Two Worlds II speedrun:
To my knowledge, at least in the case of Zelda, the Master Sword is the only sword that can store corruption.
Ganondorf pretty much can't be killed, but killing him with the Master Sword will make him take way longer to respawn.
>final boss is some NPC you meet early on
that's fucking genius. I mean it falls apart after multiple playthroughs, but you can just do that as a joke ending of sorts
He died in Wind Waker. That timeline never got another dorf unless BotW really was some sort of merge.
Clearly all the other Links were just pussy bitches who couldn't get to the head.
>fable 2 mentions the hero from the first game used the sword of aeons against jack of blades
I dont remember this but it's been a while since i played 2. Jesus fuck it's such a good IP but Molyneux cpuod do nothing but fuck it up. Here's hoping Fable 4 actually delivers under new ownership
Pretty much a suicide mission unless you're a speedrunner and you'll only be able to carry about 3 weapons which will eventually break. Stockpiling strong weapons doesn't neckbeard a viable strategy until you get enough weapon slots, and by then you'll like be well into the game. Honestly there's very few ways to break the game for more than an hour or two at best without spending a lot of time and effort, at which point you're just on a progressing normally.
*Stockpiling strong weapons isn't necessarily a viable strategy
>gee i sure hope you like having to play through an anoying ass musical to complete me
hope so
>fable 2 mentions the hero from the first game used the sword of aeons against jack of blades
I can't find anything worthwhile online that corroborates this statement but it's been so long since I played like But I get where you're going. I never really believed Theresa was the OG hero's sister, but Scythe was a thing so maybe she figured out the immortality thing. Or maybe she figured out how to trick death and just faked it. But I digress. I kinda want to hook up the ol 360 to play Fable 2 again. PC port when Molyneux you fuck?
I love the fifth option so much.
>Find piece of shit
>Polish it
>It gets better
>Keep polishing it
>It becomes some crazy fucking artifact of some ancient empire
It doesn't really matter, the awakened master sword is the only weapon you really use when you get it.
>Too bad it makes you paranoid and frustrated whenever you get into serious fights.
Only for literal retards.
Hyrule Warriors does a good job of handling this.
>Get Master Sword in story.
>It's a little stronger than your T2 Sword.
>Beat Mission 18. Get Sword beams.
>Unlock T3 weapons which overpower it.
>Unlock 1st Master Sword skill, it outclasses T3 weapons by a decent margin.
>Unlock T4 & 4+ weapons, which beat the Master Sword again in damage and element versatility.
>Unlock 2nd Master Sword skill, Master Sword now BTFO the competition in raw damage but lacks 2nd element coverage and versatility of other skills, but depending on your playstyle you may not even care because the weapon still shits out sword beams if you're good.
Shit is nuts.
it's one of the loading screen messages you see randomly while moving between areas
>hording weapons
Literally aren't supposed to do that.
this, weapons have normal durability but can be uprgraded to increase it to insane amounts and can also be repaired. It would also be good to have some weapons that are similar to each other and do around the same damage so that people can stick with their favourites, also combat needs to be better with swordplay and using other weapons, every other 3D zelda had better swordplay than BotW even skyward sword, bring back more special moves and different slashes and it's good.
that's basically how it works in the witcher 3
weapons (and armor pieces) lose durability but can still be used when they are at 0%, only your sword now just uses like 60-70% of its full attack power and stats
you can repair it again or just ignore and play with the broken gear
it's a nice tradeoff between taking care of your equipment and being overly frustrated by it
>game has weapons or spells with cool and unique attacks/animations
>they quickly get outclassed and there are no lategame equivalents
>Main character is the legendary sword
>game has legendary sword which supposedly was capable of killing gods and was the cause of a world war
>weapons made from miscellaneous spider body parts are exponentially stronger
The red sword seems to be displayed below it though.
Without the DLC basically everything outclasses it. My endgame build was the Ancient armor with an inventory of ancient weapons. The durability and huge damage boost from the set was broken.
because the secret ultimate weapon is stronger than the legendary sword, duh
that's why one's fucking secret, and the other a legend known by everyone
I actually like number 5 myself and personally. Though I do prefer there to be intermediary weapons you pick up but the idea that it's the first weapon you have that becomes the ultimate one strokes this weird boner I have where progression starts with you getting fancier and fancier, but the ultimate form involves kind of a jump back to a simpler and elegant design rooted in your foundations. Is there a term for that? I feel like it's rooted in an Eastern philosophy in some ways.
Similarly, I'm a bit of a HEMA fag, but I actually like big, fancy warcraft gear... as Penultimate gear. The ultimate gear though is plain and simple stuff, maybe just beautifully made. The intention is that players see these humble weapons and think "I went through all that to get THIS?!" cue their face when said simple looking sword oneshots opponents that used to be boss fights.
Another thing that is kind of fun though is tying gear upgrades to story progress. Ages ago I had this idea for an RPG I wanted to make (I pointed at the moon without seeing the distance between my finger and the moon) where primary weapons upgraded throughout a character's personal storyline. Biggest example being the polearm-wielding elf starts out using a staff, then he upgrades to a basic leaf head spear from a friend, later still he gets a sword staff, after defeating a personal rival he claims their warscythe as a trophy, and his final and ultimate weapon is his father's poleaxe.
Story requires you to get legendary weapon to kill the big bad dragon god.
Unit takes half it's health dodges his attack then over kills with a crit using a mid tier magic attack.
Fire Emblem is weird. Robin is opop
How many games actually do that though?
Very few. And usually the weapon is mediocre.
>Enjoy witcher 3
>do this long quest to have someone forge me a legendary silver sword
>get it and and feel really smug about it, do the next main quest and some basic Witchhunter drops a silversword from the same level but with almost twice the stats
I was fooled.
design similarity and the same weapon progression in minish cap
I like the second and fifth ones the best, the way Monster Hunter and Dark Souls does it. You're encouraged to be able to swap out weapons depending on the situation and you can upgrade the shit out of the weapon you like a lot and it will remain strong late game.
I'm kind of like this, except for it being majorly simplified. I absolutely love the idea of the weapon they start with being their be-all, end-all. There can be "upgrades" of sorts, but I like them in more of an 'add-on' feature. It makes it so the weapon in itself is something you can customize to your own degree. Want your weapon to excel physically? Augment it as such. Want your weapon to enhance your magic outrageously? Go for it. I love being able to command whatever playstyle is needed or wanted at any particular moment. Sure, the loss of things like alternate weapons are a shame, and I'm not against a few alternate here and there to spice things up, but there's something about what you start with being the strongest I love so much.
The Blood & Wine DLC had a silver sword that gets stronger the more you kill with it up to a cap based on your level, and it outclasses every silver sword in the game at all levels.
These are all wrong. None of them look like this in any official art.
>top left isn't a master sword
>top middle must be the fake one
>top right has to be the last one because it has the green hilt but its shaped wrong
>bottom three are almost accurate but look like shit
I literally remember (almost) nothing about MC, care to elaborate?
>design similarity
Magic sword's design has been changed a lot depending of the media
The fuckhead on deviant art doesnt even know what tempered means.
wooden to white sword to magical sword in zelda1
basic to White sword (picori blade) to four sword (fully upgraded picori blade) in minish cap
>top left is the original design of the Master Sword from ALttP
>top middle can only be the tempered sword because it's the only sword with a red blade in the game but it's also how the blade was depict in ALttP (then ALbW just made it the regular modern Master Sword but with a red blade)
>top right is exactly the fucking Golden Sword from ALttP (then ALbW again simplified the design and made it just the regular modern Master Sword but the blade was golden this time).
>none of them can possibly be the fake Master Sword because those had a red hilt
>bottom three are fine and your autism doesn't matter
Everything you said is wrong, congratulations for being a fucking retard. You can admire this other beautiful and accurate fan art while you kill yourself now.
Yeah but IIRC in Zelda 1 you just switch blades since they literally offer you the new sword in front your eyes while Link already wields one, while in MC you improve the sword from basic (also wooden sword =/= basic sword) to Picori and it's always the same weapon
Not him, but what are you, shit or something? I always go to Hyrule Castle to get the shield when I start a new game. It's not even hard
>game has a weapon destined to destroy the final boss
>it gets outclassed by other high tier weapons because it's only destined to destroy the final boss and not every other enemy
>it has a hidden stat that massively buffs its damage vs the final boss rewarding players who choose to use the lore-appropriate weapon
How did this game have so much soul?
You cant post another deviant art pic as proof you dumb fuck
>top left is the original design of the Master Sword from ALttP
So it's not in the game faggot?
>top middle can only be the tempered sword because it's the only sword with a red blade in the game but it's also how the blade was depict in ALttP (then ALbW just made it the regular modern Master Sword but with a red blade)
Its fucking broken and has a different hilt you dumb reddit bitch. Its clearly not a master sword
>top right is exactly the fucking Golden Sword from ALttP (then ALbW again simplified the design and made it just the regular modern Master Sword but the blade was golden this time).
Then what's the bottom right one supposed to be? There can't be two, especially if both are clearly wrong
>none of them can possibly be the fake Master Sword because those had a red hilt
K, then dont post pics of swords not in the game
>bottom three are fine and your autism doesn't matter
Bottom left is the only thing resembling a master sword in that game. Bottom middle is straight up red which is wrong if you're saying it's the tempered sword. Bottom right doesn't have a green hilt.
Never post again you pathetic excuse for a human being.
Also the sword Link uses in Zelda 1 is completely different to the one of MC, it's not a design being updated like happened to other weapons, even modern depictions of the classic sword show it's just a regular sword and the only similarity with the Four Sword is the rounded thing at the end (which only looks like a gem for the Four Sword when Link uses to divide himseld). You can literally use it in BotW and see how different is to the actual Picori Blade
>You cant post another deviant art pic as proof you dumb fuck
I can because I BTFO'd with official sources, the fan art is just for season more the post, retard.
>it's from ALttP? So it's not in ALttP?
Okay I'm not reading anymore. Try harder, shitposter.
From what I hear that's why the Ultima spell sucked in FF2. The programmer decided that against the director's orders, and he was the only one who could read the source code so nobody could force him to change it.
>it has to be the tempered sword because its red
There are two red swords there
>it has to be the golden sword because it has a green hilt
There are two golden swords there
>Find Ancient Legendary Sword
>It's a actually a piece of Lostech but nowhere near as hyped up to be
>Then find a hidden armory full of them just beside the prophised location
>Beat the big bad with a good old fashion army
Name One game that does this.
Not him, but there arent six master swords in that game
>hero: I've sacrificed everything I love to get this sword
>guildmaster: check out this radical shit we found in the backyard
>I can because I BTFO'd with official sources, the fan art is just for season more the post, retard.
Ur what hurts?
I swear to god I can't believe you are this braindead but fine I'll reply: The swords are the fucking same you literal retard, top 3 are the original designs (ALttP) and bottom 3 are the updated designs (ALbW).
Left (top and bottom) = regular Master Sword Middle (top and bottom again) = tempered Master Sword
Right (top and bottom once again) = golden Master Sword
Now please PLEASE kill yourself before you spread your genes
Not sure if you're kidding
None of the top swords are real.