Don't mind me, just bringing the best touhou game in the entire series to page 10!

Don't mind me, just bringing the best touhou game in the entire series to page 10!

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delicious cirno

cirno is a nigger...

Shit I post the wrong pic

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Somehow more accurate than OP

Fuck I keep choosing the wrong one, sorry

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Let me guess, someone recommended you 8, you tried a few stages and haven't played any of the other games.

Fuck your shitty thread

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Totally wrong

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i want to have sex with marisa

wuz fairies and shiet

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Tewi's a nigger...

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Could you please post more of Sagume-sama?

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>the carrot isn't a watermelon
for shame

Why is Touhou cover art so good?

>Why is Touhou so good?

ZUN is a good artist when he’s not drawing

Anal with Cirno!

I want Cirno to kick me in the balls and make me her maid

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we already have a 2hu thread

Rumia looks really pretty

You look really pretty

Touhou 14 is secretly the best game in the series. It has the traditional bomb system in all of its glory, and all of the game's gimmicks/features are fun and intuitive without being overbearing like the UFOs.

The cast is memorable, the bosses are fun, and the music is fantastic.

Attached: 200px-Th14Shinmyoumaru.png (200x206, 65K)

And she has a big & fat butt

I can vouch for that.

Shit, still the wrong one.

Attached: Th11_Cover.jpg (316x316, 27K)

Marisa B
You Grow Bigger Now
Forgettable Stage 4 Bosses, EX Boss only memorable because she's an EX Boss

The music is always fantastic.

It has the crappy bomb system that's based off of power. ZUN made improvements since Mountain of Faith but the bomb system doesn't really make sense. If you have to bomb multiple times in a short period of time, then you lose all of your damage, can't clear spell cards, and can't get your damage/bombs back. In pretty much every shmup, bombs are a currency that you can use to "reset" your state and try to get back into the groove, but in TH11 you lose momentum when you bomb.

Koishi and Utsuho are fun though.

>inb4 Touhou has never been balanced
DDC’s shot types might as well have been attached to the difficulty settings. What’s the point of a bomb that does literally nothing or a shot that only reaches half the screen vertically?

>inb4 Touhou has never been balanced
For the most part this is actually true though, there's pretty much always one shot type that makes the game way easier, and/or a shot type that is really clunky. I've played most of the Windows games and off the top of my head the only one that didn't seem super unbalanced was Touhou 6, but I don't remember a lot of the shot types really well in other games.

Touhou 7 went as far as giving each character different bomb counts so at least it's not that.

>The cast is memorable

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you can after i'm done with her

I can't name half of any of the characters for any game without google, there's a hundred girls to learn and only 20 or so are regularly talked about. It gets hard to name them from Touhou 9 onward, either because I'm retarded or because I'm not a moon dweller.

Touhou 14 has:
Mermaid girl
Headless girl
Werewolf girl
Music bitches 2.0
Flippy girl
Tiny girl
Drum girl

That's all I need.

For me it's UFO
Great music
Great characters
Great story

Just focus your attention on one game at a time. It took me months to realize that Seiga and Seija were different characters.

La Touhou prima
But seriously though, you could make the same case for the Prismrivers

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Lunasa, Lyrica and Merlin.