>nobody hosts LAN parties anymo-
Nobody hosts LAN parties anymo-
Other urls found in this thread:
-re that are worth going to
Looks fun.
>implying OP isn't mad that his single parent didn't care enough to throw him a birthday party this cool
Me and my cousins did something similar when the first Splatoon came out, man that was so much fun.
One of them was moving away the next day.
>one piece of pepperoni already eaten
I wish I had friends.
where we dropping boys?
it adds to the party aesthetic
One Piece is garbage.
LANs are dead because you need 1 console per TV now. Split screen is how you could have 8 friends in one house without making a big deal.
>LAN Party
>Not actually playing over a LAN
That's honestly a fucking bad ass birthday party. Obviously we are gonna shit on the footnote part, but it's what kids these days play so whatever.
used to have friends over and hook up OG xbox for 8 player splitscreen halo before anyone had internet that wasn't dialup or their own PC
kids are spoiled these days
>will never walk down to 7-11 with friends to buy some chips and slurpees at 2 am to come back home and play halo together again
>all of them have moved on except me, dont even talk to them anymore
>not red vines
It's ruined, burn the whole thing down
mr pib and red vines = crazy delicious
>tfw still do that
>only one of them have moved on and don't talk to us anymore
>other one became kind of a chad but still hangs out with us
>playing games and watching shit on youtube until late night
>going to some fast foot at 2 am
>everyone sleeping on the sofa and waking up at 12 am the other day
its fun
>cold pizza
I dread going to a LAN party in this day and age, even though broadband internet pretty much killed them
I am forgotten
>hating cold pizza
god I wish all the food and drink was laced with cyanide.
all that absolute bullshit in the room and you think they don't have a microwave, or even a toaster oven?
read the manga faggot
kinda did this with the boys when smash Wii U came out. ended up getting fired from my job because I was going to use my vacation time on the friday/saturday/sunday, so when the schedule came out on wednesday I called in to ask if I worked on thursday, so they told me no and I didn't show up friday/saturday/sunday because I was going to use my vacation so of course I wasn't going to work, but the manager just decided to NOT give me my fucking vacation, scheduled me to work, and fired my ass when I didn't show.
Oh well.
I miss it so much user, I'm eternally jealous.
This is a twizzler family
why would someone go through all that trouble just to show how much stuff he has and food he eats?
jizzlers are fucking gay
Fuck white people
You're right, nobody hosts LAN parties anymore because modern games don't have LAN capabilities. Or did you think LAN party just meant playing in the same location together?
It's not a LAN party if it requires connection to the centralized servers.
I would go just for all that food
I can't think of a pin about red vines but your the gay one
me too
shut up buster
Imagine no one showing up to this kid's birthday party.
>no anchovie pizza
Whatever you're not my real dad
haha dude that's so random xD updooted
fuck /pol/
>The fully states of ameriwhales in 2019
fucking kek.
There are like 30.000 calories in food just for the average whale in America.
Mind repeating that in actual English this time?
do Am*ricans reall do this?
I know all yuropoors are genetically conditioned to hate each other but in the united states people have things called friends that can eat the food with them
I wish I had rich parents
Do you think about anything besides America all day?
I want to eat Pizza so fucking bad right now, fuck you user.
>implying they're on LAN and not just all on wifi
... And nobody came to the party
Looks cool, I'd host something similar for my brother if he played fortnite. Instead he has pretty severe autism and doesn't have any friends at school. So we just play MH4U whenever I have the time. He's pretty good and lmao2hammer is always a blast.
I'm surprised that my opinion of smashfags could sink lower than it already was
to be fair I'd asked the week prior if the boss had my vacation request and he said yeah. I'd put it in months in advance too.
I wonder if any little girls showed up
have sex
>All those PS4's on the FUCKING CARPET
Why does this webm make me so angry?
So much calories. You can feed your whole neighborhood for a month with that
you're either mad that people play fortnite or jealous of this kid's rad birthday party
anything other than that is too autistic for me to decipher
That's kinda the point? Do you think all this shit is for one person?
Because zoomers don't know what a real LAN party is and this is a cheap imitation .
good post
>1 player per console
>playing through internet connection
>LAN party
>not playing on LAN
What did they mean by this?
>having friends to play games with
This, Jesus Christ. LAN parties aren't, "Let's all play an online game, except in the same room."
One Piece is STILL shit.
There are four of you. Are you gona stay in that basement until election day? If no, what's the point. You are gona throw 99 percent of the food into garbage anyway.
90% of the food is unnecessary and is just there for reddit upvotes
based and truly redpilled
The whole thing is pretty much for reddit upvotes.
>can afford all of that shit
>still has the most basic bitch cake you can get at any grocery store
Come on now. If you are going to go all out, then do skimp out of the most important part.
Carrot Cake is the best cake, followed by ice cream
>average snack of an American.webm
Really used all of your bain power on that one, /int/ poster.
can't believe you managed to find 7 people to play with you. i had like 2, 3 tops but he was an ahole
do 2 of my wife's sons count as friends?
you can't lan fortnite
you don't get to bring friends to your birthday party
What if they work for the masked man?
No matter how much we all fucking love or hate videogames, and how much we argue over the little things, we can all agree on probably one thing.
Feels Guy > Wojak
alright, call in the invitations
When I was a kid, we went to the bowling alley
Even going to an amusement park was ritzy, and I was only allowed to take one or two friends.
Haven't you realized by now that rich people love to flaunt their money
Would you make me a sandwich?
Why not go the extra mile & get em a copy of pic-related user they'll have a blast with all the cool guns
It isn't a LAN party, until there's Ethernet cables and CRT monitors everywhere.
such pain in the ass that virtually no game these days supports lan. Even valve have dropped it eversince l4d (you can still host and join via console, but still - fuck those irresponsible trend makers)
good pizza is still tasty even cold. Nasty greasy cancer like pepperoni and plain chese, on the other hand...
>will never take a break from playing cards to walk down to 711 at 1:50am to buy more beer and smokes
>>will never decide to drink the beer and continue the card game in the parking lot
>will never end up fighting each other at a bus stop on the walk back home
says the fatty
you can have wireless lan... but of course they're running corporate-controlled tcp/ip party pooper
That's a good looking pizza
screencheat is great for a compact lan. also, out of all early 2000 games i'd say avp2 is the most exciting one due to asymmetric gameplay
that feel. i know that feel. eh, good riddance.
Imagine if that was a smash party.
Imagine the smell.
You got into fist fights on the bus?
>fighting w/ your own friends
bloody savages - you only fight back random assholes on street
I was so close to calling you autistic, but then I realized that I'm the real autist in this situation.
>cold pizza
Fucking child abuse