Was Overwatch ever good?

Was Overwatch ever good?
Or was it just trash since the start?

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shut the fuck up you dumb faggot and just post the porn

I"m stroking my cock rn

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Season 1-6 was good
like the first two years I think
then they needed the wrong heros and buffed the worse ones and fucked the meta for all eternity

I like this one in particular because it always make retards rage

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Nah, it was shit from the start

The hype for this game died right after the first Christmas event. Ever since this it's been a slow decline with an incredibly sharp drop after the introduction of Brigitte.

The game is fucked beyond repair. There's nothing they could even hope to do beyond trashing it and starting over.

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>Was Overwatch ever good?

only an insecure inferior small dick white supremacist would make that

and here it is, the first retard

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It was actually made by an Asian woman

shes white so why wouldnt she?
typical virgin

Sorry meant Blacked. Bleached don't exist and my inferiority conplex got the best of me and my post.

no it wasnt

It was a bang bang shoot particle effect machine. Battles were chaos and skills were just random. It felt more like bumper cars to me than a real competitive game. It's fun for casual I guess but ranked play is laughable.

It was good until Blizzard made Tracer a lesbian.

Pretty sure it's a no. They could had made it good, but they did not go that route

she is asian, isn't she?

shes white

So if she's a slut for big white cock, does that mean she's a virgin?

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It was kinda alright. Wasn't good, but wasn't nearly as bad as Yea Forums says it is.
Great waifus, and porn though.

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she is korean my dude
and here we see the second retard

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Here ya go, chum.

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it's good as a vehicle for lewds, waifus and porn.

i want Mei to smother me to death with her boobs, butt, and farts.

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lmao this looks like straight garbage compared to the other edits itt

I really dislike this little fight between bleached and blacked fags.
Both threads get spammed to shit because of this

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I enjoyed the game very much for the initial first month or two when everything was brand new and people were learning the game along with me. When the meta whoring started to seep into the quick play, that ruined the game for me completely.
People weren't trying to have fun anymore, it was to win at any cost. Pick off-meta hero, people will bitch about it and report you, and sometimes blizzard would ban you for this. You weren't able to play heroes you wanted and play the way you wanted, it was just absolutely disgusting fucking meta tactics with the same heroes over and over again every game.

Thanks to this game, I started to innately hate multiplayer games that have this similar curve of play.
A multiplayer game is only ever truly good if people can pick whatever characters or loadouts they want and still come on top with pure skill and nobody would ever bitch about it.
Being forced to play something you do not want is not how a game is supposed to be played.

Oh, and the forced faggot shit on blizzard's part didn't help the game any more.
Now the game just serves as a crank for porn to me, there's no reason to play it at all.

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Man, such a well crafted response for a shitposting thread, where nobody will read your post

Oh yeah. Blaming forced faggot shit on a game that doesn't have it. That sure is intelligent. I remember when Tracer started every since match talking about how gay she is and how great it is to be gay.

Fucking idiot.