Splatoon 3 Discussion #2

Since Splatoon 2's final splatfest is this month, How long until Splatoon 3, or a spin-off of some kind?

>Splatoon 1 was first shown off at
E3, June 10th, 2014
>Splatoon 1 Released on
May 29th, 2015 [For the Wii U]
>Splatoon 1's Final Splatfest
July 22nd, 2016
>Splatoon 2 annouced for the Switch on:
January 13th, 2017
>Splatoon 2 Released on [For the Switch]
July 21st, 2017
>Splatoon 2's Octo Expansion released on
June 14th, 2018
>Splatoon 2 Final Splatfest
July 18th-21st, 2019

Will we see Splatoon 3 next year?
It seems we get something at least every year, maybe another DLC expansion, spin-off, Or Splatoon 3? I personally believe we'll see it on the switch and not the next console, due to the lifespan of the Switch.
Question is, How far off is it?
2020? 2021? 2022? 2023?
And how will the winner of Chaos Vs. Order affect Splatoon 3?

Thread One is ending soon, so I made sure to put up a second one for us Splatbros

>Previous #1 Thread:

My Switch Friend Code: SW-4854-7203-5901

My Discord: GMTMemeoli#9528

Attached: Screenshot_2019-07-02-22-12-18.jpg (1440x1420, 560K)

Other urls found in this thread:




>OP is reminded that there is another board for generals but also this is a thinly veiled squid slash kid lolicon slash shotacon thread

2 was made so quickly because it was on the new system. Consequently it will be years until we see a new console, and therefore it will most likely be years until we see Splatoon 3. The only new Splatoon content on the Switch I could imagine is a spinoff or another expansion or otherwise paid DLC.
>My Discord:
Dude fuck off


PAY NO ATTENTION TO it isn't me, it's some fag trying to spam up the board


>old thread deleted
Gee thanks mods, glad to know video games are banned.

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Some lazy mod is just deleting them all without checking.

mod just didn't bother checking.

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This will be our new thread then, maybe.

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Well, might as well make the most of it lads. 16 days remain.

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>16 days remain.
fucking hell...

The end approaches all too fast friend

Attached: chaospearl3.png (500x750, 181K)

when does the fest start?

i feel like splatoon 3 should go really over the top with customization, it feels vital to splatoon
also jp exclusives can suck ass


>if chaos wins we can give our inklings tattoos, scars, body paint, etc
>if order wins we can give our inklings augmentations and cyborg parts

Attached: Bestteam.png (642x485, 156K)

I can't say this for a fact but Splatoon 2 felt rushed as fuck and when you consider the Wii U's embarrassing lifespan and how quick it came out to fill in the Switch's library I really think it might be the case.

That said I would love a single player focused spin-off. Preferably an FPS RPG.

Hopefully never. Spla2n was a massive disappointment compared to 1.

>Lost my job recently
>Surviving on my savings at the time being
>Government might stop giving me federal aid for college because still live with parents even though they won't pay for shit
>Waste 30 bucks on a Splatoon 2 Zine
I'm absolutely retarded but the art is actually top notch which is surprising cause I've seen some Zine's that are absolute trash like that recent Street Fighter Beach Theme one.

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How do you figure?

This fucking matchmaking. Do you just gotta get lucky with teammates?

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Why was the last thread nuked? Did someone post cheese pizza or something?
>my discord

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Some dude posted like seven copies of the thread trying to get it deleted it seems.

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Someone basically spammed a carbon copy thread + discord link, and a mod didn't bother checking if one of them was a legitimate thread. You're in one of those copy threads

>see more chaos than order
the nigger is going to win again, its not fair pearlbros

Op here, some retard copy and pasted this thread and posted it like 6-7 times, got reported and took them all down and apparently lazy mod didn't even check the 1st one and took it down.

Also discord was provided for maybe comfy splatoon gaming?

It's this faggot at work.
Apparently. he's not content with shitting up /vg/. Report and ignore when you see him. He'll be very easy to recognize.

Attached: autism.png (1000x2400, 230K)

Popularity actually matters this time around though because of the new clout system, hence why Marina's wins have been catching up.

>New game mode was complete ass
>A lot of new weapons are just plain dull
>The fun specials in 1 were completely nixed
>Music was distinctly worse
>SS > OtH
>Worse splatest topics (and even balance for score somehow)
>Map much more annoying to use
Single player was overall better and SR was sometimes fun, but the overall experience wasn't half as good as the first game was.

I think she actually has more wins now

My my you're wrong on almost every single account there friend.

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oh goodie, as always one autist dies and another takes his place

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In NA at least. She still trails Pearl in JP and I think they're tied in EU.

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> new game mode was complete ass
only if you're a retarded shitter who can't into team.
> New weapons are just plain dull
Only because you would've bitched if any of the weapons from 1 weren't re-added. They spent so long retreading ground they didn't have fucking time.
> Fun specials completely nixed
"Press stick to be invincible" is not a fun special.
Creating a field of objective-engulfing instant death is not a fun special either.
> Music distinctly worse
Matter of taste.
> SS > OtH
Once again, taste.
> Worse splatfest topics
... I kinda have to give you this one.
> Map more annoying to use
Salmon Run and Octo Expansion make up for any flaws.

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>tfw you'll never play flounder heights in 2 outside of modding it
why couldn't they bring it back bros? its was the map in splat1 where it really felt alive in a sense

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What is it about Yea Forums that attracts these insane autists?

Just Yea Forums in general.
We like to joke around about quote-unquote "autism" here, but in reality, there are some genuinely unstable fucks around here that ought to be thrown into a padded cell forever.

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>Literally not even 2 full years of support for an online TPS
If Splat 3 gets announced, I'm not getting it
Nintendo is clueless when it comes to online games

Or just Yea Forums. Anonymity plus relaxed rules brings out the worst in people

I doubt we see another splatoon until the next console. There’s no need for another anyway

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just what the fuck user. What kind of horrible loneliness would compel someone to do that? To have this idea of a person's personality just from Yea Forums posts?
Fucking how are people so fucked up holy shit

Are you gonna buy them?

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fuck those posters are nice, i might need to. if the shirt was just the logo i'd get the chaos one

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Sometimes, people are just born incomplete. When encouraged by anonymous masses, they don't think to fix themselves or get help, but develop some contrived sense of pride on how shitty they are (just look at 90% of this place), partially as a coping mechanism. Of course, one day, it will all come falling down, and we get those people blowing their brains out on livestream. Part of me wishes more of them would do that. Another part of me wishes mods would catalog certain users who ban evade and chronically shitpost, contact state government and collaborate between them and VPN services to pinpoint and these users detain them in mental wards.

Mr. Grizz is the key to all this

I'm wondering, was there ever a point where Marina had trouble sleeping on the surface, and Pearl had to help calm her down?

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>only if you're a retarded shitter who can't into team.
Hey man, if you know the magic trick to get absolute shitters to stop playing TDM, let me know.
>Only because you would've bitched if any of the weapons from 1 weren't re-added.
Don't put words into my mouth. Hell, I didn't even stick with any of my 1 mains during my stint in 2.
Many were shit, but damnit man I just want my KW back.
I liked the gamepad. It was comfier than expected and it was easier, and less disorientating, to use the map on.
>Salmon Run
In my opinion, fun varied a lot in that. Sometimes the weapons sucked for the map. It was a nice diversion from things.
I'll admit that I had quit prior to this hitting.
And as a side note, gyro aiming felt off in 2 to me. I'm not sure if that was just me or if something was adjusted, but I could never nail that perfect setting.

>just got a switch
>just got spla2n

will there still be lots of online matches after this last splatfest?

Hell yeah

Yeah. People still played S1 long into S2's life cycle. Hell, you'l still find matches on it.
S2 will be alive for a while to come.

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Considering getting the Chaos shirt

Listen here, Splatfests become a chore after the first one you do. Enjoy this one, and be glad you don't have 24 hours of forced Turf War every month.

I mean, She was a high rank in the army so she'd be used to waking up at a moment notice
Of course. Splatfests are just only a part of the game.

Poor Rina.

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I'd really wanted to hug Marina after she said her reason for Team Order

Marina's a good girl.

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They both are

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They'll always be good together, regardless of how this last Splatfest might turn out

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Given what we see in the sunken scrolls, you might be right.

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Where did you guys get all of your art?

I get a lot from pixiv. Tumlr has a handful of artists left. Most good JP artists are on twitter and it's annoying as fuck to try and find their shit. It's literally the worst platform for posting art but they still use it for some reason.

Attached: bodyswaptranslated.png (1613x2046, 2.02M)

DA, tumblr, twitter, pinterest, instagram, and reddit. I will check everywhere I know.
I just basically find one artist, follow them plus anyone they follow, then follow whatever artists work is shown in the feed. Rinse and repeat.

where buy

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Look at this squid

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They will be on MyNintendo around when the splatfest starts

Dum squid

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that's not a dum squid this is a dum squid

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pls no bulli

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I used to get cakes like this when I was a kid, I miss it

What saith the runes?



She fucks Octos


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You're telling me that not only is ogami hording stuff for Japan, but Eu also gets a dribble off of the content train while NA still gets nothing? The fuck, man.

Dum but super cute squid

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Why the fuck is Callie in Team Chaos

Apparently her happy-go-lucky attitude and free spirit, according to the PR team. I see her more as Chaotic good, while Pearl is likely chaotic neutral.

Attached: chaosmuffinsquid.jpg (1414x2000, 413K)

From the splatoon blog
>“I might be a pop star, but even I want to pop off every now and then!” She can be a handful for Marie with her carefree and adventurous attitude, but it’s that same free spirit that qualifies her to be a resident of the world of Chaos.

Why wouldn't Pearl be good?

You might be right. Maybe I was thinking too much of her NA dialogue.

Why is Callie so cute

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>is afraid to stand around the "stop loitering" sign
Callie is too cute to be Chaos.

I haven't been to /ink/ in a long long while, how is it lately?

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Quit spamming your trashy kids game faggot. Crawl back to your general

Chaos can be cute sometimes.

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Mostly chill but also slow.

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On the next console

I want splatoon xcom spin off

I don't wanna wait 3-4 more years goddammit

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Well too bad! You're gonna to have to wait that long

>cheer you on by screaming HOY
>give minotaur free crits to wreck your ass
>all of them are the worst girls
Fuck Chaos

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which chaos would you fuck though

All of them. I love them so much.

>wanting to fuck isoparde
thats too far for me

>just biting right into the ice
Damn, Pearl is pretty tough

He's the best looking guy on the team, though.

>Not Spyke

>Mike Inel gets a Cease and Desist for Splatoon stuff
>Does off-brand Splatoon stuff now instead

I'll accept it?

Spyke is a lanky fuccboi. He's not my type.


Shame. I liked his stuff way more than most other artists. Mostly because he could actually keep some tiny semblance of character in his depictions. I hate how everyone else just draws the characters as generic, cookie cutter town bikes with literally zero semblance of the actual characters (looking at you, JTveemo and diives).

Notabale porn artist was getting a bit too friendly with Splatoon for Ninty's liking so they sent him a a good-old-fashioned legal threat to get him to stop, so he slapped together some Not-Splatoon characters to draw instead

It is pretty nice to see an artist who can do what you just said.

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It's a fucking unicorn to find, that's what it is, especially in this fandom.

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it is a damn shame, really.

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JTVeemo can literally only draw octolings, and it bleeds into his other art.

>splatoon merch available worldwide
I'll believe it when I see it.

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Why you so angry about it?

It gets monotonous after a while.

I guess you might be right but I cannot get too much worked up about it since the artist might not know anything about the character they are drawing

>since the artist might not know anything about the character they are drawing
See, that's a huge part of what bugs me. All that tells me is that the artist is an attention whore looking for clicks off the latest buzz. What a crock of shit.

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The only thing I can input is that I want artists to at least do some research about the characters if they don't know. They don't need to commit hours of it, but like just enough to get the bare basics about them. A wiki should be more than enough

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Boom. Fucking thank you.
I'm not asking them to drop money on a game and play it for hours. Literally all you need to do is flex some google fu and you can at least make a semi-convincing depiction. Fuck's sake, half the reason i find character hot is because of who that character is. If that slutty Marie literally acts the same as that slutty Peach who acts the same as that slutty Taki who acts the same as that slutty Tifa who acts the same as that slutty Wario who acts the same as that slutty Serious Sam, then what in the ungodly fuck is the point?

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/ink/ has one of the worst autists on the board. I remember posting my twitter usename under a spoiler for someone there and immediately got doxxed and had shit I posted half a decade ago surfacing up in the same thread.

>Splatoon 3
For what purpose? It'll just be another rehash. This shit is reminding me of Fifa and CoD, there's absolutely no need to make a new game.

Pearl is cute.

Yes she is

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what the fuck.

Damn right

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Do most console shooters even get 2 years of updates?

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Why is everyone still so shit at Salmon Run?

What are your biggest issues?

Nobody uses bombs, even against the bosses that need to be killed with bombs

damn, that looks good.

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They actually send C&D's on porn now?

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I require more cute Pearls for my folder before Splatoon2 comes to a close

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How big is it?

>I remember posting my twitter usename under a spoiler for someone there and immediately got doxxed

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I dunno
it's nowhere near organized, but if I had to guess maybe 500 cute OTH/Pearl pics by now?

Flounder Heights...home....

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Am I the only one who hated that place?

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>Why is everyone still so shit at Salmon Run?
People just suck at the game, most rank and turf players are equally as bad even into the lower ladder of x rank.

Salmon Run specifically, the game just does an awful job of preparing people for the mode. The tutorial can't be re accessed to practice vs bosses after you get through it and you'll pass even if you fail. (If you're unable to kill the bosses, the game just skips them and you can do this for all the bosses to pass without doing anything. Theres maybe 10% of the tutorial where you actually have to do anything before proceeding and none of it involves enemies.) The written tutorial which actually has a lot of useful information on the night waves and what to do during them probably went unread by like 95% of the people playing the mode. The levels below profresh are so stupidly easy that its almost impossible to fail if you have a single brain cell. to pass any of them, the team only needs to take out anywhere from 1 to 4 bosses to get enough eggs to complete the wave because the quotas never go any higher than 12. Less enemies can be present at once, less bosses will appear and in night waves, the enemies move at like a quarter speed. Speaking of night waves, the percentage of getting one is so low that you can make it up to profresh without ever even encountering one at a quarter speed or such to see how it's done and is infact what happened to me when i first played the mode. I shot straight up to profresh with all wins in like an hour and never once saw a night mode that entire time.

Then all the sudden these morons get into Profresh where things actually start to get serious and then they're blindsided by the night and day difference in difficulty, especially if they end up in a lobby where other people are well into the 700s or so instead of profresh 40, jacking up the quotas they're used to from 9 to like 20+

Isn't Octavio with order?

The weak shall be separated from the strong, user.
I've heard the boss salmonid horn so many times I no longer recognize the music without it.

Guys, I have a serious problem. I hate niggers, but I also love Marina. Why is this happening to me?

No, the octarians are on order, as well as Tartar, but Octavio is chaos.

I know I'm a bit shit but man I try some of the dudes in profresh are either retarded disconnect the moment things go a bit wrong or rarely competent

Well, I definitely think Splatoon 3 WILL happen. I just really can't think of the best time for them to announce it. Maybe E3 next year? But, hands down, I definitely think it'll be a thing. Maybe not on Switch, but definitely Nintendo's next console.

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