Senior Developer for WoW Classic

Hello everyone. I am a senior developer at Blizzard working on the restoration of the "vanilla" (1.12.1) client.

For those of you who follow, this project, you may be aware that our beta is already open to a select few, and we're slowly, but surely, inviting people. Right now, as I understand it, the people who get added to the list to be admitted in waves, you need very few degrees of seperation from either a customer support agent/other employee working at Blizzard or be an "influencer" is the term they use. So for those of you who didn't get in, sorry.

To clarify: You will *not* randomly be invited. You will need to know someone, there's a list of "known good players", that are "brand safe". Blizzards wants the experience people see on streams to be as smooth as possible, and that's why they haven't let you spergs loose.

Anyways, onto the meat:
>There will obviously not be a cash-shop, even cosmetic, in Classic. This has been discussed again and again internally, and we always end on the same answer.

>Realm structure is as follows: EU players will all play on the same realm types. We will not be making special locale-specific regions.

>EU will start with 20 realms. Names are being developed as we speak, we get to pitch in, I can personally say that "Deathknell" is going to be a PvP server on the EU locale. US similarly gets 20 realms. Oceanic gets 10. These numbers are subject to change. Here's a little secret, the numbers we use to derive realm count and load balancing is based on a couple of different metrics. One of the important ones are stress test attendance, the other is how many has flagged their account for "Want WoW Beta". It's immensely helpful for trying to predict the market.

>Cross realm BG functionality is there, but will not be enabled unless que times are too long.

>RPPVP realms are being discussed.

If you have any specific questions I can try to answer them to the best of my ability. The only thing you cannot ask for is my name.

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I forgot to add. The level cap on the beta will NOT go above 40, and it is set currently to end 2.5 weeks before release.

Why are you wasting your time on this literal dogshit game when you could be working on Lost Vikings?

I'm not a veteran at Blizzard. I was flown in and recruited to the team (that does not only apply to me, several of the people on the team are handpicked outsiders).

I have only ever worked for this project for Blizzard. I'm quite fond of the game though.

what does your penis smell like

Kill yourself

yeah is it like stinky or

I have a feeling you knew what you were getting into, but ignore these idiots:
That said, are there going to be any quality of life changes given to WoW classic outside of area loot and auto looting?

Are the classes going to have on-going balance updates to get specs that weren't usable at all in vanilla at least playable?

Will we get BC and Wrath servers as well if demand is there?

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>entertaining a larper
fuck off

I doubt you're actually working for blizzard. However, there is something I want to ask.

How does it make you feel that WoW Classic is essentially following the same path OSRS took?
Are MMOs destined to be ruined and then rebooted?

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Why is there so many WoW/blizzard dev LARPERS now?

I don't want phasing/sharding/whateverthefuck.
That's not my goddamn classic experience. Launch nights need to have massive clusterfucks of people, server crashes and long ass queues to even get in
I also don't want cross-realm anything
And I want my old AV where as a kid I'd get on, fight for a bit, go to school, come home and join in the same battle

>Are MMOs destined to be ruined and then rebooted?

The ones that want to survive the current MMO draught need to do this if they want to keep hype for the big names they carry.

It's not even just MMOs, either.

>Halo MCC
>Any of the recent CoD re-releases
>Pokemon Let's GO (Basically a re-release of Yellow)
>Borderlands Enhanced Edition
>Borderlands 2 VR
>Crash and Crash Team Racing

A lot of old names need to do reboots/re-releases in order to stay relevant and to fix past mistakes.

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>ingame tauren models will forever look like trash instead of like art.

Fuck off larper

*ting ting ting*


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There will be slight QOL changes. We've restricted those to be client-side only. Meaning we cannot modify how the server works, to alter game functionality. So anything that you could find an addon for may be a standard feature in the final release patch.

No. The leadership is very strict on "Recreation of the game as it was", the questions we're dealing with is more what part of the timeline should we follow, we're not looking to experiment with changing the game to allow for new methods to play it.

To your last question, yes. At least for TBC.

I think the private server emulation scene had a huge amount to do with Blizzard starting this project. I don't think that's a bad thing. Companies exist to raise their market cap, and that's Blizzard felt, with the metrics they had, that this was a good move, and so did Jagex.

Layering is being tooled with as we speak. What you're seeing in the beta is not the final version.

I get that you want to think this is fake - however, truth is, I don't go on here very often, but I saw a post on here claiming we "sleep under our desks", that's simply not true. I can't speak for Overwatch, Battle for Azeroth, or the other teams. I can give some insight into Classic.

Fuck this boring WoW shit, give us some Diablo 4 news.

hm yes very interesting


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can you post literally anything with a timestamp to signify you're a real blizzard employee? an employee shirt? an employee card with the photo/name censored out?

why is layering even a thing
we didn't have it back then we don't need it now

I got a shirt, but it's black and says "Blizzard" on the top left. Not signable.

No layering is a dealbreaker for leadership. Server instability is the last thing we need. Shareholders need to have faith in the upkeep and housekeping of our servers architecture.

do you like dick

why did blizzard start banning porn modders

Could we have some kind of layering/sharding by EU spoken language?

theodore obviously

>I got a shirt, but it's black and says "Blizzard" on the top left. Not signable.
post it with a sheet of paper with today's date in the shot

Do the developers not understand that leeway kills hunters as a class in almost all potential pvp scenerios against melee?
Do they seriously think that melee having an 8 yd range replicates the vanilla experience at all when that melee player is now on 120+ fps and sub 40ms ping?

>To clarify: You will *not* randomly be invited.
False. I have a friend who got randomly invited just for a having a sub. You're full of shit.

>I can't speak for Overwatch, Battle for Azeroth, or the other teams.

Well, there's go my hope to see even a slither of info on the subject of Starcraft II Warchests and Co-op.

Ahem, back to on-topic, I'll bite, here's my quesion:

While I see you speak mostly of technical features and workings, do you have any info if the story/lore will have any kind of retcon/alterations like they will be doing with Reforged?

Yeah but its fun

You need a soda mate

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Fucking badass, we're a LARPer board like /pol/ now. Based for the win!

Look at the fucking larping faggot
what a loser

drink water

Correct and Factual.

OP it seems like dungeon elites are umdertumed, is yay just my bad memory? Didn't level 40 capped players clear Sunken Temple? How could this be possible with damage mitigation I remember

>I get that you want to think this is fake

Probably because toy don't have a shred of proof it's real you fucking larper.

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If you want to see a larp for that shit here you go.

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That image is more believable than OP.

Hello everyone. I am actually the lead developer for WoW classic. This guy will be promptly fired tomorrow. AMA

How much Activision cock do you suck on a daily basis?

this is a shit larp, just like the last one

Contractually obligated to suck at least 4 feet every day

Friendly reminder that the only real blizzard leaks this site gets are usually posted 4-7 days before Blizzcon by some user that helps set up the panels.

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Theo duh. Everyone knows the father the girl the better the head and she's the fastest

Those values were ripped and converted straight from 1.12.1 data. You're just remembering it wrong. Also the amount of doubt here is understandable. Most of the stuff I can reveal you'll see in 50 days anyways.

We asked how much cock you suck, not how many feet.

did they push it back 2 months due to bfa AND the ability to slow cook the project? because beta has sucked all hype out like a vacuum for non-"influencers" that were looking for a summer release. did you all really need another 60 days, when it really comes down to it? if not, that seems really limp wristed to be afraid to impact a dying game because no one... would want to play it

>Didn't level 40 capped players clear Sunken Temple?

They basically just abused the fact that hunters deal higher damage to high level targets and kited bosses. They took like five hours and I don't think they were able to kill Eranikus.

LARP someplace else faggot.

1.2192 meters

What version of C++ are you working with? What do you think about the future of C++ in game development now that c# is gaining relevance?
How much work did you actually do? Are you just doing maintenance on the code base or are you implementing important features?
What’s your opinion on all the private servers’ code quality? Did you contribute to the mangos github?
What do you think about the engine that blizzard is using? It’s pretty outdated isn’t it? Would you rather work with unity or unreal engine?

>Blizzards wants the experience people see on streams to be as smooth as possible, and that's why they haven't let you spergs loose.
>our game is a buggy mess and we don't want to get exposed as being incompetent

>You will *not* randomly be invited.
i know fucking no one and i got an invite for it 2 days before my sub ended.
larping faggot fuck off.

Why new alterac valley? Why not the original one? Do you even know that people want mostly the old one which was much more fun?

>Questions you can't bullshit by LARPing
prepare to be ignored.

>Implying anyone of the nu-blizz stuff has any idea how code works at all

hello im hideo kojima death standing is getting delayed thank you for you support

Go back to work on my penis

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15-year sub and 10-year statue owner here, The ONLY betas I've been invited to have been Warlords of Draenor and BFA. Don't even care, I lived classic and probably won't go back, I remember the fucking grind, the class imbalance, the absolute shitroll you get for not sucking a raid leader's cock and having absolutely inferior gear. Kaplan was an absolute mongoloid to have designed such a beautiful instance game 20-60, and layer Raid shit on top of that that completely invalidates the rest of it. I almost want to relive old scholo, blackrock spire, sunken temple, but then I remember the utter lack of rewards for leading a pack of retards through it all and just sigh. You can never truly go back.

>15-year sub
you are retarded though and your opinion carries no weight

こんにちは私は Shigeru Miyamoto。 私は兄についての私の最新のビデオゲームでニュースを広めたいです Mario。 何でも聞いてください。

I question this because sunken temple trash respawns on a 2:30 or 3 hour timer if you take too long in it. WONDERFUL DESIGN BY THE WAY, YOU FUCKING FAGS. I LOVED DOING THE SIX PLATFORM PUZZLE AND MAKING THE SUPER TROLL SPAWN AT THE BOTTOM, AND IT HAS SHIT LOOT

Not sure why you replied to me.

If this goes well, would they remake TBC, Wrath? I'm having trouble even understanding how this will play out. Like could we have two current versions of WoW, each being updated independently with different stories and balancing? Of all the things, I never expected them to actually release Classic servers. What a timeline we live in. Blizzard must be really desperate. OP is a faggot too.

Is FFXIV and the launch of Shadowbringers actually not allowed to be discussed while at work?

Because my post was tangentially related regarding levels of beta access. Sorry for interacting with you, nigger. Won't happen again after this.

I just went and looked through assmongeler's vids and it looks like they couldn't even come close to clearing it. They were getting decimated by the trash. when they tried to fight it. They only killed stuff when the hunter kited it.

Why don't people always do this with larpers? Seems like a pretty good way to sniff them out.

I was just wondering if I missed something. It's not like you were bitching about not getting an invite. Excuse my assburgers but I didn't really have anything to relate to in your post.

>I have only ever worked for this project for Blizzard.
>Senior anything
lol fuck off

how much of this is true, OP?

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nice roleplay

OP vacated the thread. He was too obvious of a larp.

I'm betting that a lot of people aren't even going to know how to get in the fucking instance, let alone know where to go once they're inside ST if Blizzard doesn't add maps.

His first point
>no cash shop
is the most obvious giveaway one can imagine. It's 100% bullshit.