Vita Thread

Hack your goddamn Vita. What are you playing Vitabros?

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The chocolate doom port is pretty good, but I'm burnt out from playing DOOM on every platform imaginable already.
vitaQuake is where it's at. That silky smooth 60fps in Quake 1 is pretty impressive considering most other handheld homebrew ports prior were ass.
this shit ain't getting enough traction and it could lead to N64 emulation

I just updated all my shit too to play PSP but all the graphics filters suck ass
better just play unfiltered

The Switch already has that via Lakka and it struggles with n64, don't get your hopes up. Dreamcast games run better on Switch than n64 to give you some perspective on how obnoxious n64 is to emulate.

I'm hoping Vita gets better SNES and GBA emulators out of that bounty though. The current ones use frameskip and still struggle to hit full speed in a lot of games without overclocking iirc.

what about fucking Daedalus though

Does Enso support 3.68 yet? Still on 3.65 but wanting to play Catherine.

doesn't it work with ref00d?

Just stay on 3.65 and use ref00d. Most guides these days recommend downgrading to 3.60 or 3.65 since there isn't much reason to be higher anymore.
The PSP port? It was an impressive proof of concept for sure but I wouldn't call it a playable emulator.

daedalus on psp can actually run a few games at full speed/playable framerates, even with sound.
it's not much, but you'd think the vita can do even better

Call me when its got GBA emulators like the psp. Bonus points for an NDS emu

can i play mhfu online on the vita?

>Call me when its got GBA emulators like the psp
Okay, I'm calling you now.

With a wired ps3 and ad-hoc party.

You should be able to use adrenaline + hamachi to play with a friend over network on vita. If you want to play with randoms there's a community called hunsterverse that is decent size and plays all the PSP monhuns via PPSSPP on PC.

>order glacier vita from Japan
>tracking hasn't done anything since being collected a week ago

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do trophies still work if you're hacked? I'm trying to finish 2 plats but otherwise I'm mostly done with them

Yeah, as long as you spoof your firmware to 3.70 you can sign into PSN without issue. Been doing it for years and haven't been banned yet.

I'm playing Atelier Escha Plus for third best girl. I'll probably go back to Omega Labyrinth after for the amazing plot.

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3.65+ has become obsolete with the introduction of ref00d. Everyone just uses 3.60 with ref00d and comp. packs if they're feeling extra redundant.

i played the psp quake and some of those halo mods a shit ton years back.

>hacked my Vita
>still buy games
The fuck is wrong with me?

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I still buy games too. I just like having a physical product. But my pirated to physical ratio is like 4:1 because Vita games are fucking expensive.

mine did the same for about a month. it eventually came so dont be too worried

Are the analog stick covers worth it?

Cold Steel 2. I’m thinking of dropping it, because it’s such a fucking slog.

I pirated Ys VIII, how does it run on Vita? I really would rather play on PS4, but even on sale it was still $45. I got Tokyo Xanadu for $15 and really enjoyed that, and I heard Ys gamesplay is even better?

They're like $1 so absolutely.

Nothing I guess.
I got the 4 danganronpa games recently.

Get a chinese to port android to vita and pirate drasic. Or get a chinese to port drastic to vita.

thoughts on bullet girls phantasia and gal gun double peace?

i hacked mine just to emulate shit and have an XMB for psp stuff. i still own plenty of physical games

Whats a good SNES emulator and ps1 emulator? I tried playing some ps1 games thread adrenaline, but man the resolution was small

>bullet girls phantasia

What? Theres hamachi for vita or you just someway use the windows version? How do i do that?

You use an seplugin to connect to your router and use hamachi on the PC to get your friend to connect to your network as well for adhoc multiplayer. I remember doing it years ago on PSP but the details are fuzzy now. Adrenaline has seplugin support so it should work the same.

I would google to see if there's an easier way to do that on vita.

Oh my.

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What's the actual tps part like? Is it difficult?

is anyone doing an english patch for catherine full body?

>picked one up for $40 on craigslist
best investment ever

Oh nice, I wasn't aware of ref00d, my bad. Thanks for letting me know anons

I bought a 200 gb micro SD card for cheap.
I have a 64 gb micro SD card on my vita right now, how do I move everything over to the bigger card?

Set up the SD card like you did the first time and then just copy everything over.

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The framerate drops are bad on the vita. Just go for the PS4 version, it has extra content and plays at 60fps

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That's what i'm thinking. I have psp and the games just look better on psp that vita.

I've been asking around to no real avail, so maybe an user could help me. My start and select buttons are acting kinda wonky. I been playing a game called G Gen Genesis and when I try to press start at points it doesn't work. However it works when I'm in Vita Shell or when I'm at the title. Just refuses to in game once I'm passed the screen. Any ideas?

Is hacking it easy for all versions? Is it just dropping the files and execute?

It's pretty much just dragging and dropping and following basic instructions.

Holy shit why can’t I find a decent deal on this thing I just want to spend $80 or less on this meme handheld Sony WHY AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA

Will there ever be a way to crack the keys needed to play PSM packages? There actually was some fun stuff on there that still hasn't been preserved in a playable state, and my vita memory card died right around the time they took down the games off the PSN store so I had no chance to save mine.

Should have bought one before they ended production user. I got mine for $70.

Check local ads, I got a hacked vita with enso and a sd2vita as well as a vita memory card for 100 bucks.

I downloaded Puyo Puyo Tetris with the english patch. This plus Superbeat Xonic and Project Diva is all I need for awhile.

Unrelated, but the Vita's dpad feels so good for Puyo and fighting games. I downloaded UNIST for funnies and my execution is amazing on that game. If only they made a pad with that quality, I would never go back to stick.

The Vita D-pad is Sony's best D-pad and yet they've only used it for the Vita. What a waste.

For PS1 if you hold the PS button and get into the settings you can stretch it to fit the screen, some games look like either pixely shit or blurry shit though (Final Fantasy Tactics notably). I'm not an expert on snes but I had the best results on retroarch cocking around with the various snes9x cores, some games don't run well though.

I bought an sd2vita card a while back and tried to set it up but win32 disk imager won't run on my win10 pc. I tried using a linux vm to format 2 cards but my pstv keeps telling me i need to format the card. I don't know what to do. Looked at a bunch of reddit threads but couldn't find anything. Anyone know what's up? Thought i'd ask here.

Didn't know that, I'll try it out in a bit. Been wanting to play legend of dragoon again

Tried out, many thanks for that. I'll still install retroarch to try and test out sega stuff as the emulation I ran across back then for sega made the worse sound ever so did a few of the SNES games

>win32 disk imager won't run on my win10 pc

Just use a different program if it doesn't work.

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The point of the win32 disk imager is to add the zzBlank.img to the SD card. Just formatting it will not work without that and Windows 10's native formatting tool already works.

tried like 3 others. No dice. i'm not the only one that has the win10 problem. read the comments on win32 disk imager.

yeah, I know that. even tried Linux like I said.

i'm currently using a usb as my ux0 but it keeps stuttering and it's a little slow. might be because it's usb 3.0 or some shit. whatevers. thanks for the replies.

Piracy = theft
This is why the PSP and Vita died

How I did it was:

Format the brand new card in Windows 10's default tool. Allocation size depends on your SD card size as always.

Use Win32DiskImager to put the zzBlank.img on it.

Format again using the same method.

Transfer all my shit from the Sony card to the SD card.

That's it. Had no problems.

I would if they were cheap

It's a bit counter intuitive for the snes because the 2010 core ran like shit on every game I tried while 2005 ran games like DKC2 and MMX quite well, just need to experiment with everything.

Most of us started pirating after it died already. You can't kill whats already dead.

Win32 disk imager wasn't working on my Windows 10 either
I used Balenaetcher instead to write to the SD card

did you transfer the files through ftp? did you do it directly from the card to the new card or copy the files onto your computer and then to the new card. maybe that's what i did wrong? i copied to my computer and turned on system/hidden files and made sure to copy everything but it tells me to format when i insert my sd2vita. one time it recognized the card but when i used vitashell i kept getting error 0x00008 or something. i dunno anymore.

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cool, gonna try it later.

This isn’t third person shooting. This is lesbian sex.

Vita was already dead when it went hackable.

I keep getting an error code running things on a higher firmware. I even installed ref00d too.

I enabled hidden files and I used the Vita's USB cord to put the Sony card contents on my PC. Then I used a SD card reader to dump them onto my SD card. FTP seemed to prone to failure for me.

>hack vita and load it up with lewd Japanese games
>play each one for five minutes before getting bored
>play hotshots golf for a total of 80 hours even though I don’t usually like sports
This took a turn I wasn’t expecting.

>This isn’t third person shooting. This is lesbian sex.
I fail to see the issue.


Turn on spoofing in henkaku settings and set it to 3.70 too.

vita has no games.
inb4 emulators

But Vita died before piracy happen

Just got a chance to try Killzone Mercenary i have fun with it so far. The control is not terrible as i thought, it made me realize this console is such a waste potential.

I can't get my fucking sd2vita to work, fuck this. I'm convinced this is all bullshit until someone posts a hacked vita with a big memory card.

It is pretty fun, also insanely pretty for a handheld game.

Playing FFIX and trying to decide whether it's worth my time.

Daily reminder for all you Slimbros to edit your brightness and RGB gamut settings in the registry file. It makes a noticeably reduces the piss filter.

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Soul Sacrifice Delta and Killzone Mercenary

killzone is half a game now, nobody is on that multiplayer

Never mind fixed it.
I needed the keys.bin in my tai folder

I dont know what to play.

Oh shit, didn't know that was possible. Can you give a step by step on how to?

This might sound retarded, but how do you move your files to the bigger microSD for SD2Vita.
I've tried formatting the new card with zzblank.img and then just copy pasting everything, but all of the games on the new card is corrupted.

>I'm convinced this is all bullshit until someone posts a hacked vita with a big memory card
Just follow the instructions.

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>download and install the RegistryEditor homebrew .vpk file
>Open RegistryEditor from menu, go to CONFIG/DISPLAY
>find below values:

CONFIG/DISPLAY/color_space_mode: 0 CONFIG/DISPLAY/rgb_range_mode: 0

>and set to:

CONFIG/DISPLAY/color_space_mode: 1 CONFIG/DISPLAY/rgb_range_mode: 1

>push start to save changes to registry file
>turn console on and off for registry changes to go into effect

It should go without saying, but "color_space_mode" and "rgb_range_mode" are 2 separate values. You should merely need to change 2 numbers from 0 to 1 to make the changes you need.

I used this guide for the SD2Vita. Its much more simple than the one in the OP.

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Just using my Vita as a PSP most of the time with GBA, SNES, and GBC emulators. Currently playing SRWJ, Lufia 2, and Pokemon Crystal respectively.

If/When they fix the "cant sleep the vita without losing the ability to save" then I might play some actual vita games.

Thanks user, gonna do it now. Have some tits.

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>cant sleep the vita without losing the ability to save
Wut. I leave my Vita in games during sleep mode all the time and never had this issue.

Honestly, this is a neat feature - but I can afford any game I want and already have a PS2, PSP & Wii full of roms that I never touch. Only reason I'd hack it would be for more storage.

That is an ancient issue that happened because there were no good game dumping tools. Now we have direct copies of games using nonpdrm dumps, so they work just like your store bought games.

use the snes9x 2005 core and go into the core options and set "reduce slowdown" to max, this will run 99% of games at full speed. there are a few games that run better with the snes9x 2002 core (SMRPG), and some that won't run with "reduce slowdown" (Spanky's Quest)

Link? Please?

If you want two of the same ones, you have to buy 2.

Oh Jesus no, What will I do if I can't play Spanky's Quest in the most ideal way?

how do i save in retroarch? ive been playing some castlevania aria of sorrow i saved normally like in any other castlevania but my data didnt stay so i have to start all over again

is there a setting to enable so you can save properly?

well actually it just freezes before the title screen, you can create a save state after and then turn on the reduce slowdown hack and it works, so you can have your ideal Spanky experience.

I just mentioned it in case anyone used that setting and then found a game that didn't work, "reduce slowdown" might be the culprit.

Either exit the game from the quick menu or set this settig to a suitable time.

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I hacked my vita but even then there is absolutely nothing to play.

retroarch is a dumb, stupid bitch and it won't save SRAM if you close it by pressing the PS button. you can trigger SRAM saving by closing the game with "close content". there is also a setting for saving SRAM on an interval but I don't think that's helpful.

>every PS1, PSP, and Vita game in existence
>nothing to play
we get it, you don't like games.

sell me on the vita, im conflicted with either buying it or the figure in pic related

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Both of them have and play games just as well

thank you anons, i'll try it now

How exactly would you expect to control n64 games on vita?

Whats the best senran kagura on vita

the "piss filter" is negligible in person and the full RGB mode makes reds ridiculously harsh

>dude the VITA is great!
>people always only talk about emulators
The absolute state of vitashitters.



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Does anyone have a prepatched file for trails in the sky fc evo? I got the vita to play the trails series cause it just feels weird playing rpgs on pc.
I also need game reccs since I'm going on a trip to a place that has little to no internet in some places.

Which of these should I play first?

Ninja Gaiden Sigma+
Final Fantasy X
Need for Speed Most Wanted
Muramasa Rebirth
Soul Sacrifice Delta
Sly Cooper collection
Ys Memories of Celceta
Dragons Crown
Metal Gear Solid HD collection
Hatsune Miku Project Diva F 2nd

do you like handhelds? Vita is peak handheld ergonomics and microswitch buttons. the d-pad is the best there ever was. the screen is big, yet it still fits in your pocket.

keep in mind that GBA emulation isn't good for graphically intense games, and there is no n64 emulator (aside from that ancient one for PSP).

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I literally know only 1 person with Vita(he's loaded tho)

>shitty monhun clone
>shit game

Nogaems. Get a 3DS or Switch and play real games.

I thought there was something called NoPsmDrm

play fruit ninja nigga

Why not just patch the games yourself?

What vita game do I feel like playing? I've only played p4g and I don't like the vanillaware games.
Is weebshit like Neptunia worth a try? Games are free after all

>want to play I am Setsuna
>it's only on japanese on the VIta

There's an English patch.

patching games seems to complex

It's literally dropping a folder onto your SD card. It couldn't be more simple.

Anyone got some updated charts

I'm playing Dungeon Travelers 2. Really fun.

ur a top player user! :)

You sound like a charity user. Mind paypal-ing me 20 bucks?

nothing because nogaems

except for horrible black ghosting (have psp2000)

per game control mapping, the same way you play them on anything without an original controller.

yes, there is.
not sure which psm games are worth the hassle, but they're all playable w/ NoPsmDrm

don't do this

RGB range mode is for HDMI output and does nothing on regular vitas, the color space setting is the one doing anything

beware the english vita version of another episode eats saves

How do I install game updates on the PSP? I wanna install God Eater's update + dlc.

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your [dlc/patch name] folder w/ eboot.pbp in it goes there.

for CFW that doesn't support ISO updates you have to use a shitty ISO patcher that can mess up your file system, if your game has a PSN version you can download that's by far the path of less resistance, though NPS browser is also gay and likes to convert PSN games to ISO so you'd have to download the package from the URL
went through this recently for pop'n music portable 2

question: should i play nes/megadrive games through retroarch/other emulators for vita or through adrenaline w/ psp emulators?

There are Vita game in 2019 ?

I'm litterally playing Pokemon Emerald on my Vita right now.



what's the last physical you bought? this for me

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The asia-english version of this from play-asia. I never opened the damn because by the time I decided to play it, I'd hacked my Vita so I just downloaded the digital version instead. So the physical copy is still sitting in its wrap on my shelf.

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>Before beginning the guide, you must know the risks of Vita hacking: EVERY time you modify your system, there is always the potential for an UNRECOVERABLE brick. They’re rare, but still a possibility so make sure you follow ALL directions EXACTLY.
Thanks for not mentioning this part, faggot. Dodged the bullet there

That's only there to stop people crying to them in the event they don't read the fucking instructions properly. When followed as written, nothing can go wrong.

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I refuse to call myself a "vitabro". They're all fucking disgusting weebtards that spend more time ERPing on Discord instead of doing something productive with their lives. Awful fucking taste too.

I've been playing some PSX games on Adrenaline though. Wipeout XL and N2O: Nitrous Oxide are a blast.

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vitagen on /vg/ is pure cancer, indeed - still, vita has lots of addictive, gameplay-oriented titles that aren't just moe-pandering weeb shit

Okay Mortebro

please reccomend me some vita games that aren't all uguu~ anime.

also is there a way to fix the ratchet and clank ports? the graphical glitches are sort of strange

WipEout 2048

I got a hard copy of wipeout and the psp wipeout on adrenaline and hard copy, I love the game(s) to bits

Good. That shit is about the only reason I didn't throw my vitas out of the window.

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I didnt get it to work on 3.70, apparently it works best on 3.60, I just stopped caring though

>I didnt get it to work on 3.70
You're not supposed to use it with 3.70, 3.70 is not hacked.

damn! that is a nice shelf colection! also, good magazine taste. the cover arts on those psn mags were always really nice.

you can use trinity on 3.70, not sure wtf you're talking about, and the vid above mentions sd2vita on 3.70

posted several times - my selection of gameplay-oriented titles and some impressive exclusives before sony gave up on vita

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I don't wanna hack it bros

I'm playing danganronpa 2. Next up either nonary games or Odin sphere. Any recommendations?

>you can use trinity on 3.70
Yeah, and do you know what Trinity is for? To downgrade to 3.60. That is literally it. It's not meant to be used like that, it has no support.

Trinity is not a full hack for 3.70, its an exploit to downgrade. Do you fucks even read the guides or what this shit is?

>the vid above mentions sd2vita on 3.70
Well that vid is fucking incorrect if it explicitly says it works on 3.70.

almost everything works with 3.70 except for enso and sd2vita

Imagine being such a pussy you're afraid to hack a fucking handheld console.

might add Steamworld Dig 2 as well - shit was good

thankyou for this. i'll make sure to check those recommendations out!

It really broke my heart to see the vita fail. I sure hope that sony tries again with a proper handheld one day. they gotta make it ballin'

does anybody actually knows where i can get a ps vita in the first place ?

should i buy a used one ?

Why would I wanna hack it? I'm loaded and I like the interface. It's literally pointless

Na get a new one, what the fuck do you think?

Some games aren't available anymore(duke nukem 3d)
Emulators, psp and psx games

Except Nonpdrm is extremely buggy and half-working on 3.70 and no, not all the plugins work.

So Enso, SD2Vita don't work, and the thing that enables you to pirate is half-working. Not all the plugins work. Plus none of this is officially supported and will never get fixed because nobody uses 3.70.

Why even hack at that point? Why fight against downgrading? Again, the whole point of Trinity is to downgrade.

To anybody has any problems with their Vita on 3.70: Get off 3.70. There is literally no reason to stay on it and you'll just have issues.

> promising-looking, fairly powerful handheld that is a successor to a handheld backed by a good history
> crisp, beatiful OLED display
> no UMD's to clean


> wagglan gimmicks
> touchscreen on the front...and on the back
> only japan cares about it
> use it as a platform for mobile-tier anime tiddy games and visual novels

how did sony fuck it up so badly? I need an explanation

they tried psp 2.0 model in a post-iphone world of handheld devices w/ vidya

>almost everything works with 3.70 except for enso and sd2vita
RePatch doesn't work. Pkgj doesn't work properly either. Those two things are pretty big deals to not have working. Why wouldn't you just downgrade? It takes like 5 minutes. Are you scared or something?

I already played all the shit I wanted on it so i'm just replaying FFVII. The last game I was looking forward to was Aegis Rim and we got cucked out of it

How do I tranalate unity games if they are already decrpted? I want to translate that touhou saga ripoff

What was the name of that app to download the games straight from sony servers. NGP or some shit like that.

Nothing compared to me.

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Wait, there are people here that are trying to stay on 3.70 with their Vita? Jesus Christ, why are people so fucking dumb?

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Don't have a Vita yet.
Still too expensive.

Nonary or Odin Sphere next ?

Guess people don't read the fucking guide.

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name some please. everything i googled that was recommended to me was all gay weeb games

You can find used ones for less than 100$ on ebay


Goddamn bros I love my Vitas!

Fuck fine already I ordered the adapter and 256 GB card.

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Okay that made me chuckle

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>Too expensive

Lmao poorfags

>tfw can't buy Vita here anymore
It looked really interesting but it just kinda disappeared.

If I'm gonna break it when I attempt to hack it, it better not cost more than 50$

not even any affordable ones on ebay or some local craigslist?

I always kind of regretted not getting a Vita.
Which model is the one to get if I decide to get one?

>If I'm gonna break it when I attempt to hack it
Unless you're literally retarded, then that's not going to happen.

But considering you're even entertaining that idea, yeah you're pretty retarded and you should stay away.

Polynian figures are pretty great user.
Not sure how a vita is an equivalent option though, I'd assume that would be way more expensive than the fig.

There's always a chance.
I've only hacked my Wii, PS3 and PSP previously and those were easy enough to hack, but I had those years before I hacked them so I didn't really care that much if they broke. If I buy a Vita now I would hack it instantly because it's already a mostly dead platform.

you can hack PS TV too

it's literally so simple that even you could do it, user.
PREREQUISITES: be on 3.60 fw.

1. go to website
2. click the button
3. ????
4. profit.

>like otome games
>most of them are on vita
>most are on Japanese
>can't understand Japanese
It's a catch 22

How do I powerlevel in Hacker's Memory?

i finally hacked my vita because of this thread.
what do i do now?


now what?

How does one go about getting a Vita nowadays? It's pretty much out of stock everywhere I look and the only places that have it are asking it's launch price. I'm a bit squeamish when it comes to pre-owned handhelds but if it's my only option what should I be looking for?

>I'm a bit squeamish when it comes to pre-owned handhelds
this... so much.
I don't want to the previous owners hand oils all over something I'm going to have an arguably intimate physical relationship with. for this reason, I will probably never get a Vita. I'm pretty content with my hacked 3DS.

God I really hope PS2 emulation becomes a thing for this one day. I'd love to make my vita an even better portable ps2.

How'd she react?

craigslist/ebay/ask gamestop for refurbs

you can clean a vita if you're that worried. take the plates off to sterilise or simply replace them. replace the thumb-sticks, scrape a toothpick along the indentations. etc. etc

she went into a shock when she found my body and now she's just sobbing in the corner.
what a fucking casual.

>scrape a toothpick along the indentations

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First off, kys for having shit taste. Secondly, learn Japanese stupid dekinai

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Really? What is the issue? I got the 4 games in physical format.

While I understand your issue, it is nothing some cleaning alcohol and an old tooth brush can't fix. I got an PSP Go for 10 bucks that was advertised as not working. It was pretty beat up, the sliding screen was coming off etc. When I got it, it worked, I tighten the screw inside it to stop the sliding screen coming off and after giving it a serious cleaning it become my daily used device which I can play however I want since it is beat up anyway.

you'd be surprised at how much gamer goo gets in those nooks and crannies

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chapter end saves including the epilogue have a high rate of save corruption so you should rotate saves. when your save is corrupt, loading it just won't do anything, it stays on the main menu. this affects the english vita version in all regions but not other languages or platforms.

I bought a used Vita and was practically brand new. If you don't want a nasty gross Vita, then don't buy one. That's what pictures are for.

Gamestop still sells refurbished Vitas for about 150USD which is a lot cheaper than amazon and ebay unless you are very lucky on ebay.
The problem is most stores are out of stock, I live in a populated area and I had to drive about 20 miles to find a store that had 1 vita in stock. Thankfully it was in near brand new condition with no blemishes.

Oh nice to know. Thanks for the info.

I don't know how the price point is right now, but getting a 1000 is always preferable.

Not really. As someone that owns both the OLED screen is pretty overrated. There's a registry edit for the slim that enables color space and full range RGB which makes the slim LCD colors look just as good as the fat model while retaining the increased battery life.

I'll be so relieved that it looks good on a picture when the owner rubbed his hands all over it after touching his ass and dick.

>There's a registry edit for the slim that enables color space and full range RGB
the color space setting is an unused registry setting because sony realized it was retarded and most games didn't account for the OLED colors to begin with. the RGB range setting only affects HDMI output and does literally nothing on a retail handheld vita. do not pretend this change is anything more than blowing out the colors inaccurately because you think saturated colors look more fun.

Does dynasty warriors godseekers crash for anyone else on 3.60 Enzo?
No other game I've played does this.

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Are you sure about that later point? I definitely notice a big difference and the colors don't look over-saturated at all. I've done side by side comparisons with my OLED model and slim and the difference is marginal at best on the OLED. The blacks in particular definitely look better with full range, I swear it's not placebo.

I am stuck in yomawari, where the dog steals onee-chan's shoes. Where can I find the distraction for the dog?

it's an awful port with awful optimisation.
if you want good dynasty warriors play the psp games on the builtin psp emulator like warriors orochi

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Got my friends into getting a Vita. I even hacked them for them. Ginn play some soul sacrifice tonight.

I enjoyed the Warriors Orochi 3 port on Vita. I also enjoyed Fate EXTELLA LINK

You can just use Adrenaline and use the PSP emulators.

sony would have made mad cash if they released an actual monhun on the system. instead, we got like 4 bootleg monhuns that just didn't scratch the itch at all.
it's literally MADE for monhun. you can claw AND use dual sticks! what a tragic and rage-inducing waste of potential.

Better off just using the nightly builds for the vita emulators. The PSP GBA emulator is extremely dated and has frameskip set to like 9 or something awful just to be playable.
iirc the latest mGba and whatever core retroarch is using now are both solid as of recently. Only a handful of games don't run fullspeed.

Damn I really wanted to play it too
bravo omegay team

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peak retard

>hack vita, which takes less than an hour and is just about following the instructions
>install nopaystation on your pc
>download every ps1, psp, and vita game + dlc you want and transfer them onto your vita with vitashell
>install retroarch and emulate shit
you'll need more storage though

Can I play brutal doom in Vita?

No. Chocolate DOOM is the only good DOOM port on Vita and that only supports older and more basic wads.

>peak retard

Explain pls. Are you saying that I can play xenosaga on my vita right now?

can I play am2r from start to finish on vita or is the port still fucked

i'm saying the vita isn't even close to being powerful enough for that
it's only barely better than the ps2 when playing outright ports, emulation is not gonna happen

What would you say if someone posted
>God I really hope PS4 emulation becomes a thing for this one day. I'd love to make my vita an even better portable ps4.

The vita cpu is weak as shit, it struggles to emulate even 16 bit consoles without speedhacks and tricks.
PS2 will never happen. PS1 only happened because it uses Sony's native emulator. Homebrew emulators will never be as good.


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If all you care about is handheld emulation then try finding a switch while you still can get one that's hackable.
Lakka linux for switch is looking extremely promising, it's in the very early stages and it already emulates everything Vita can except better + more. Dreamcast runs pretty well with Gamecube being worked on next.

PS1 only happened because the Vita still contains the PSP's CPU and that's the same as a PS1 if you squint and do some trickery.

Does pkgj update its gamelist automatically when new stuff is released?

>it struggles to emulate even 16 bit consoles without speedhacks and tricks
Thats not because the CPU is weak. Emulators aren't optimized from the get-go and the Vita scene is just small. You can't expect much when there's so few developers in the community. As far as I know, mGBA is the only emulator that is really actively developed.

That's the result of their greediness. They didn't want to fund anything and get all the benefits of having the best selling game series in Japan. Capcom struck a deal with Nintendo instead and 3DS mopped the floor with the Vita. I don't know if we'll ever see a new handheld from Sony any time soon but they'll probably be licking Capcom's boots the next time around.

it's a bit of both, don't forget the CPU at maximum overclocking is still a little shy of 500MHz. If there were an active scene and not just retroarch ports, though, you'd see people nipping away all the accuracy autism to get playable speeds.

half of my plugins won't work. i got a 1000 model with an sd2vita, use enso on 3.65 and my tai is in the r0 partition. anything other than the basic stuff doesn't want to load, such as the udcd_uvc plugin.

Play DDLC on Vita.

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anyone know if there'll be a language patch for catherine full body on the vita?

It's a damn shame too. Makes me both sad/happy that Switch already has a booming scene since I own both, but I really wish the Vita got more love because it's far more portable.

This seems as good a thread as any
How the fuck do you reach the exit in e2m4: deimos lab I can fucking see the exit but I can't reach it because it is too high up above the blood? Floor

Try the DOOM thread on /vr/ user, I play a lot of DOOM but I can't recall specific vanilla maps.

there would have to be a new PS4 exploit to dump the english PS4 version so a translation port is unlikely, a fan translation from scratch is possible but unlikely unless the localization dramatically shits the bed

I haven't played any of those games that were ported to the Vita, so they're new to me. Who cares if it's a port or not

sigma+ is a shitty port
ffx and mgs are shitty games

go for muramasa or ssd

sad. why the fuck didn't they just port it themselves, they had the assets and already made the game?

atlus USA/sega of america believes the game would sell so poorly on vita, it's not even worth building in english and putting up digitally. english vita sales of persona dancing were probably a factor in this.

switch mini leaks are popping up more every day, and it's looking to be the right size to replace the vita. I love my vita to death but you know I'm gonna drop it the instant the mini is announced.

I did downgrade, but then I realised that emulation is pointless because it is slow on vita and I would rather leave it vanilla and play the games I own.

I have now fully converted to emulating on my phone. Vita library is nothing but loli shit except for the few I already own anyway.

How are they shitty?

Why do people bother with the Vita anymore now that the Switch is out?
I stuck with the Vita since its launch for it's big screen and near-console quality controls, but now that the Switch is out there's no need to rely on it anymore for anything.
Only reason I could see someone preferring the Vita is if they REALLY liked P4G or Soul Sacrifice, but the former is just a port and the latter isn't really that good especially compared to mainline MH.

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sigma+ runs like shit, but this is a game where you need rock solid performance
ffx is bad for 90% of the reasons ffxiii is bad, you don't need me to tell you why
mgs2 is a trash fire, the level design is horrible and the entire story between the tanker and arsenal gear is simply bad (hurr durr but it's on purpose so it's okay)
mgs3 is fine I guess

Because the only reason to hack is emulation.

>Why do people bother with the Vita anymore now that the Switch is out?
Because games.

What games?

Persona 4 Golden isn't just a port, it has a lot of extra content and is currently the only portable version of the game.

It has some extra stuff but a good portion of that extra stuff is focused around an awful donut that detracts from the story more than it adds.

I reaally want to buy a Vita, but there are only second hand options available here. How can I make sure that it won't break after a buy from someone? Are there any signs that indicate a shorter lifespan?

Have any of you guys tried the cheap replacement screens from ebay?

What's the best vita to get? All models are hackable right?

There is no "best Vita" despite what tards will tell you. Slim is good for the extra hour of battery life and little QoL improvements while the OG has a great OLED screen

Uncharted, Killzone, Resistance, Sly, Ratchet, God of War, MGS 2 & 3, Gravity Rush, Freedom Wars, Soul Sacrifice Delta, NGS1 & 2, Disgaea, Dungeon Travelers 2, the Persona dancing games, underwater Ray Romano, like half of the Atelier series, Omega Labyrinth, Lumines, Danganronpa, DOA, Ys Origin/MoC, Tearaway, Dragon's Crown/Odin's Sphere, Muramasa Rebirth, Yomawari/A Rose in Twilight/That other game who's name escapes me, Bullet Girls, Mary Skelter, Steins;Gate, Muv Luc, the remastered versions of the Trails in the Sky games, the Cold Steel games, and of course, Persona 4.

Just off the top of my head. Plus every PS1 game ever made and every PSP game ever made.

When the Switch can do all that, I'll drop my Vita.

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a great OLED display if you don't have the glue issue.

Anyone put the 2.0 version of Xenogears on their Vita?

The games on this list that aren't ports are pretty underwhelming to me but I understand that's subjective. I hope you enjoy your games.

Best vita is PSTV

not playable on the go.

it's a shit console with top tier hardware. a shame really.