>Main theme song plays for final boss
It's hype as fuck
God-tier tropes in vidya
Other urls found in this thread:
I liked how Undertale used the same tune for it's final bosses. All of them (sans Megalovania) are a remix of Flowey's theme which is the first song you hear once you start the game
The climax of "Your best Nightmare" in particular is really hype.
I'm gonna be real here man, Toby's a fuckin' master of lemotifs
anyone know any other games that use leitmotif as well as undertale?
>Use the same 3 melodies in everything
Made by the same person but Deltarune also does it. I'm sure it will be used more as the game comes out but I REALLY like the tune that plays during "Field of Hope and Dreams" that reoccurs throughout the game like during the credits. It's such a peaceful tune and the vocalized credits song is really sweet.
I think it's "Don't Forget" or something. It shows up in Jevil's theme too
>starter weapon gets upgraded into a high tier weapon later in the story
God damn I get some Land Before Time vibes from this song.
Call me gay but I have a feeling this game is gonna make me bawl like a baby. I didn't feel much for Asriel and co's plight but Deltarune is gonna do some heartwrenching friendship shit that's gonna kill me.
>use leitmotifs
Mother 3
>as well as undertale
none that I know of
Can't recall how Undertale did it, but Tales of Xillia 2 used its main theme as the final boss theme as well as the family lullaby used by the MC's older brother. It leaves a huge impression during the last time he sings it to you.
flowey's final section made that entire fight honestly, just when youre starting to wonder "fuck when does this shit end" you get a flawless cinematic and musical transition into that hype final bit
the ace combat series, especially AC7. but it's more thematic motifs i.e. music becomes percussive when youre fighting drones
>boss characters are playable as an unlockable character
Diamonds every time
>Boss plays similarly to you and uses attacks like you
The final boss of Judgement was hype as fuck.
>There is a class or mechanic that involves collecting a shitload of abilities scattered throughout the game world
Medal of Honor: Frontline
>Final Boss is super smug throughout game
>Boss loses his shit by endgame and transforms into his final form
>Remixed version of main theme starts playing
what game
Not the theme of the game but the theme of the series
Then a remix of the theme of the game plays for the cutscene final boss
3 was absolute peak Persona
not quite the same, but in dark souls 3 when the soul of cinder takes on gwyns form and the music incorporates his theme i got chills youtube.com
different user, but Fire Emblem: Path of Radiance is one such game.
>Boss has similar/same moveset as you
They still haven't made a final boss theme that surpasses "The Battle for Everyone's Souls"
Xenoblade 2
>The entirety of The Tomorrow With You
>When the main theme hits at the end of One Last (You)
>Orbital Ring
>cultists killed by their own summon
>Boss intro in credits
>Is playable in NG+
Viewtiful Joe
Not in any Persona, Mainline, or any other SMT spin-off has a final boss theme even come close to Battle for Everyone's Souls or even Burn My Dread ~Final Battle~
>Start of fight makes it seem like you have no fucking chance and are heavily outclassed
>Even the music is telling you how fucked you are
>Survive and get bigger and bigger hits in until the music turns around and the boss is desperately trying to keep up with you
Wonderful 101 did this all the time and it was always the hypest shit
>Boss completely curbstomps you near the beginning of the game
>You curbstomp them back near the end
Super Metroid is the greatest video game of all time.
rewarding loyalty in i am setsuna, the starter sword is the best weapon in the game. its hinted by stating the sword is forged with your soul and if you stick by it, it will serve you forever
Ace Combat Zero and 7
Both had sensational leitmotifs, the one in 7 is fucking special and is everywhere
Has actual different cutsences
>final boss/optional superboss is a no-bullshit 1v1 duel with your rival/antagonist
>still looks like it's moving even in the thumbnail
What the fuck?
>When Wonder Red fucking slices Laambo in two
>When Wonder White starts trashing Vijoune's ship around
>When Wonder Yellow hammers in the ship
>Fucking squashing the NANOMACHINE, SON
>That final attack on Wonder Jergingha
>That final attack on Jergingha Planet Destruction Form
Hardest of boners.
>(sans Megalovania)
The Gooper Blooper fight was one of the few things Sticker Star fucking nailed
>The build-up to his super attack with increasing intensity of the music
>Boss claps get louder and louder as well
>Counter his super attack
>Switches to Mario's theme, which the boss claps to
Such a kino fight hidden in a mediocre game
Optical illusions are crazy stuff.
Personally i like the similar trope of returns as normal enemy
No more heroes comes to mind.
>Final Boss/Optional Boss is the protagonist of another game.
>boss have a mech
>mech destroyed
>boss gets out of mech
>he's stronger
for a furfag game, freedom planet was so hype
it's still baffling that there are people who don't know where megalovania originated
Fire Emblem Echoes. Helps that the leitmotif is amazing as well. Fates did it too but not as good and by the end of the game you kind of just want Azura to keep that mouth shut
there's an old psp game called rengoku, just like many psp and ps3 games, selecting the game's icon on the xmb menu plays a song before you start it . that song never appears in the game until you reach the final boss, where a similar version of the song plays.
then game makes you play all over again to reach the real final boss. the new song starts similarly to the previous one, until the exact same version of the original song starts playing
>Rainy rainforest / jungle level
>Its pretty tranquil
pokemon mystery dungeon had a few, the time gear melody, sea of time, and dialga fight share a leitmotif
>characters/items/locations in-game affect the soundtrack
>First phase of the fight is an HONORIBURU fight on foot between your squad of three VS the boss and his most trusted lieutenant only
>Boss realizes you're strong as fuck and about to push his shit in
>Hops in his mech, tells you to equip yourself as you see fit, calls his entire squad of mechs in to assist him
>Trash them so thoroughly they all defect to your side
Recently, shadowbringers
>the shopkeeper singing 4-1's theme
The villain of trails in the sky is a party member in 3 and the most broken in the series
This was fucking amazing
good one
I still hold onto starting gear in most games even though most of them don't do this because I'm an autist thinking this might happen later
>Main theme gets a remix for the final boss
Ladies and Gentleman, can you imagine who's on bass? It's Miss Twisteeer!
What good leitmotif did Xenoblade 1 and X have?
Thy already did
>True Final Boss
>Character themes play back to back
>Then Main theme plays
starting at 4:40, fucking hell it's probably the best final boss music that's ever been.
Marvel Ultimate Alliance
>Use special item to summon God
>The Jingle is flute version of the first thing you hear starting up the game
as much as people give it shit, okami did this pretty well
>MC hums the final boss theme and main theme of the game as he disappears from existance
You can hear your enemies panicking while you fuck their shit up
>monster raising game
>trainer fights in battles with their monsters
>sweep the game with pic related
>Rengoku 3 is never happening
Devil May Cry 3's cutscenes are scored, and there's an underrated level of leitmotif within them.
No More Heroes. Specifically Travis Strikes Again
>the camera sneakily turning on
>power up changes the pace of the game
>as final boss progress his theme becomes more abd more hopless
Lisa, shame the dev went nuts.
>"her song is too pure for your ears, adept"
Wha happun to dingaling? I thought he's based
mechassault 2
Each Menu Theme in the touhou series is all a remix of "Theme of Eastern Story", an unused song from the first game.
Quick rundown?
DMC3 special edition
viewtiful joe
Being able to steal someones soul/life force to replenish health or use for attacks.
Like the soul cube in Doom 3
Shang tsung
Some RPGs do it but it feels not as satisfying. Like the enemy in KOTOR 2 wont even flinch when your draining his life
Any recs?
>vergil stabs me
>panic DT
>this kicks in youtube.com
i fucking love this game
Chrono Trigger
Step aside, fuckers
>Evil version of the protagonist has the same theme but it's a heavy metal remix
I don't know anything about Undertale but Ace Combat 7 has the best motif ever in gaming
Instantly what I thought of when opening this thread
some tekken games do this, like ogre in 3 or devil in 2
F8 comes near though
>this but it's a remix of the main menu theme
mother 3s motif (it was literally just one) got kind of old.
This is the exact song I was thinking of when I read the OP. Good taste.
Scarlet Weather Rhapsody and Hisoutensoku also share a leitmotif in Sky of Scarlet Perception, which is arranged into pretty much every cutscene track between both games.
his gf left him and his dad died, he went mental on twitter saying he hates all white people including himself.
he hates the lisa series now and only cares about his new ninja game
>Recolor subordinates gets serious
>Remix of the track that plays when your crew gets a powers starts playing for them as they fire their laser moves back to back
On that Kumazaki era is beautiful with its leifmotifs.
>The Adventure Begins
>One of Miracles
>The Noble Haltmann
>Twinkle Stars and Song of Supplication
>Hearing Kirby's Triumphant Return in one of the endboss phases
The hollow knights leimotif is all over the place in the game
Also the fight against Shizuka was 10/10 without a doubt
>Your bother uses all the jaw breakers you got him to kill your best friend
Holy fuck, was this a banger.
why was he such an asshole
>he hates the lisa series now
what why?
>multiple playable characters
>they serve as boss fights for each other
dammit, stupid multiple tabs
>Sneak up on a couple of enemies
>They have a full on conversation about your actions in the last level, how their families doing, throwing sick bants at each other, etc.
Bonus points if they're totally optional enemies to kill
Sonic Adventure 2 did it well. For example in the Biolizard boss theme you can hear that they use a remixed sample from the main theme posted by OP
Fuck this is the game where you can swap out all of your cyber body parts for different kinds of weapons right? Thank you for posting that.
snow level is one of the best in the game
>game has multiple endings
>there's a true ending that requires all the other ones to either be completed or is at least hard to get without knowledge from them
>this is explained in-universe and actually done well
>everything is named in a way that's significant to either the plot or a specific character
>even small things like weapons or song names
Crimzon Clover: World Ignition.
Mutated savato in trauma center second opinion
>Vulnerability starts playing youtu.be
Or when the slower version of it plays after you kill twisted rosalia in trauma team.....
Name one game that does this.
>world is full of powers and magic
>battle rival 1v1 with just fists during the final fight
>bonus points if both are reliant on powers or magic normally and are equally desperate as brawlers
>Final boss is a gigantic menace that's marching towards you from a distance and will instantly blow you the fuck out if it gets close enough
>enemy is invincible OP as fuck
>You can claim such a power for youself and become as strong as them later
I will never forgive Valkyria chronicles for blueballing me so fucking hard for no reason
any ace combat game is better really, zero in particular
Yoshi's Island
>Hearing Kirby's Triumphant Return in one of the endboss phases
Always pumps me up every time, especially when it's played during more grim themes like in CROWNED
>Demon path
>final boss is just a fist fight to the death
>You can change your characters clothing
"Not yet Snake! It's not over yet!"
>You got a good rival character whose always one step ahead of you and a powerful equal in every way, maybe smarter too
>Their final battle theme is a remix of their own theme and more or just a reminder how stronger they now are
Perfect examples incoming:
Yakuza 0
Devil May Cry 3
Pokemon B/W
Gravity Rush
RE3: Nemesis
Dark Souls 3
Guilty Gear XRD
Ga Jiarg was a good boss
>The whole game your good deeds/bad deeds sway an invisible meter that grants you anywhere from godly, to pathetic power, to use against the final boss of the game.
For whatever reason people here are retarded and never finish the story.
After his breakdown Dingaling made an statement saying that he went full retard in a moment of weakness and that he would step down from social media while working on his next game
I'm still so fucking mad that the entire Arceus event went unused.
What about REVO's score in Bravely Default?
Final boss remix is dope as hell
Man, not only did I mess up the link to Prevail, I fucking forgot Farbanti like a dumbass, probably the best callback application of the motif in the whole game.
>the boss tests all of the skills that you've learned and tools you've acquired throughout the game
>they learn from their mistakes as you fight them, so you can't just spam the best attack over and over
as much as we hate the fucking game because of the memes and the fanbase...you gotta admit the fucker knows how to make some good beats
final boss is a giant enemy and you don't need to use any of the mechanics from the game cuz you have a super weapon or are in a special form
i fucking hate that trope
The series he takes the most inspiration from. Mother has motifs set-up in the first game that still show up throughout the series on top of each game having its own handful of them.
Ah good for him
TFW you are fighting the boss and the music is a banger then when the boss reaches 50% health the lyrics come in and make the song 2x better
Octopath Traveler, Chrono Trigger, Bravely Default, Bravely Second
>With an orchestrated version of the main theme or an important song to the game
Metal gear rising revengence
I only don't mind this in Kirby since in those games the whole time you're switching between different abilities on the fly, plus the newer games always have the True Arena that contain the true final boss with one last phase where you don't have the magic doohickey
>game has a button mash prompt that you can mash indefinitely
not sure what to call it but near the end of metal gear rising revengeance when you catch that megaton fuckoff robot sword and fight that big ass spider mech, i nutted
He's not the last boss you fight, but let's be real, he IS the final.
>Section in the game has music that isn't a 60 second melody repeated over and over again
>The loop is actually pretty long and like an instrumental song
Superbosses or true-for final bosses are always a God-tier trope, specially if they come with extra lore and a non-obligatory sub-plot that deepens the main lore (for example, Lavos from Chrono Trigger).
Also, ambiguous enemies who aren't evil, just have different ideals from you. Bonus points if you can actually recruit/play them.
>always one step ahead of you and a powerful equal in every way, maybe smarter too
He just wanted to fight people he knew was stronger than him. It was just about making him realize that by beating the shit out of him.
>The faster you press it the faster the animation plays
>turns into undertale love thread
the state of this fucking board my god
We all know it so i'm not bothering with the greentext. The parts in MGS where you had to button mash to survive torture was pretty immersive in my opinion, especially the Peace Walker one. Nothing was funner than trying to escape that cell while my friend was screaming in agony to keep Snake from dieing. Only to have my turn next because I fucked around for to long. Those moments inbetween the pain you have for a quick breath before the pain starts again.
Nigger where? Most of the replies are offering better examples of motif usage and the remainder are people going "the game wasn't that good, but the music was pretty great".
>posts nothing
Dwarf Fortress is just constant Kino. What other games have...
>Heroes/Evil fucks you created and played as can be added in your fortress
>Losing is Fun
>Genocide is preferable to diplomacy
>Geneva Convention is broken for sport
>Engineering and physics actually are good in an ASCII game
>Cats are proven evil
>Necromancy is actually fucking gross
>Mythical monstrosities can be slain by a child
>Dwarf Supremacy
>Everyone is an individual
So good.
>UT is only mentioned a few times in the first few posts before fading away as other people post other things
You rage-shit your pants so hard I can smell them from here. Go take a shower and do something with your life, faggot.
>boss gives you a special form
>it's actually just another tool in your arsenal and isn't even close to an "i win" button
>game's mechanic start glitching
works for nier automata too
spectrobes as a series was way better than it had any right to be
ZeroRanger is the physical embodiment of these threads, sometimes.
>MC's childhood friend is blinded by a boss character at the beginning
>sets in motion their whole journey, and at the end he has a change of heart after witnessing the corruption in the leading powers, and leaves behind his powerful spear to help you fight the final boss
>Get to NG+
>take the weapon he gave you
>give it to the girl he blinds
>murder him at the beginning of the game this time with his own weapon
>game abruptly ends there with a special clear message and they go home and live normally
there were actually two but I agree
it's gonna be hard to top toby
>politely ask superboss for item you're about to fight him for
>he gives it to you since he doesn't really need it any more and bids you good day, going back to just chilling in his evil lair
Not that user, but the thing about Mother's motifs is that Mother 3 has its unique motifs while also building off of themes established way back in the first game. Mother 2 did it more, but Mother 3 still calls back to some of the early themes iirc.
>can accidentally get a cute mascot character wiped off the face of the earth by taking the lazy way out
>(sans Megalovania)
Don't fucking act like you didn't just pull that shit
>after finishing the game you can use that special form anytime you want during regular levels
>tfw i only found out about the counterattack after i finished the game and searched for the OST
Beating shit without the required things felt good but unrewarding
oh, good. thanks for the info user
I love how for every single final boss in monster hunter when you are close to kill the monster/elder dragon/mech bug, proof af a hero starts playing giving you the hardest erection ever
>you can play more than one character against a boss
bonus points if they have different mechanics/combos
God Tier
>All the characters have their own Final Boss
Top Tier
>Characters have their own final boss depending on the group
Mid Tier
>All the characters have the same Final Boss
>Playable Final Boss has his/her own Final Boss, who is a special character on the cast or your alt
Low Tier
>All the characters have the same Final Boss
>Playable Final Boss does not have his/her own Final Boss, but a rather a mirror match against him/herself
>Note: Playable Final Boss fights his/her mirror during the story.
>You can select characters as battle narrators
>You can unlock characters select animations and listen to their voice lines in the gallery
>Clear 100% the game after playing the char. many times (Far worst for the Final Boss)
>Unlock a Congratulation Scene where the characters breaks the fourth wall and thank you for playing them
>A character discuss with the others which characters will return in the sequel, and all are looking forward to that at the end
they permantly got btfo
>100% Finish the Game
>Main Screen Image Changes
>A triumphant version of your own theme plays in the final phase of the final boss
Tekken 2, Soul Blade and DB:GT Final Bout.
>series theme plays when you hit the dragonator
>Final Boss shares your moveset
>Comes with a kickass track too youtu.be
> No one hit kill bullshit
> Neither you nor the boss are damage sponges
> Every hit fucking counts
> high risk/high reward attacks feel better than ever to pull off
>Heroes/Evil fucks you created and played as can be added in your fortress
>boss gets serious
Does MGRR Sam DLC count?
>Final Boss Moveset is just an amped version of the Sub Boss
>Final Boss has all the char. moves or mimics one each turn
Super Mario 64
The big man himself has leitmotifs in his games quite a lot.
>boss has multiple health bars
Final bout is not when you finish the game, is when you unlock the characters.
Trails games are extremely leitmotif heavy.
>you can romance the main antagonist
>the final boss music is a hype remix of the opening song for the game
DMC 3 and 5 are awesome for this
dmc 5 too.
I'm still fucking mad that pokemon died and we'll never get that same level of kino from gen 3-4-5 again
tell me please
>You slowly go from hating to liking some character during discovering more information about character's past and interacting with that character.
>Male Elves are not bunch of sissy twinks.
>That one type of creature you don't want to kill only because talking with them is funny.
Sees Morshu
>Fans make characters far better and interesting in the YTP than what they do in their original game
>game has every female characters bust size in their description
I always go back into a hentai phase when playing a new Danganronpa
Pixie in SMT Nocturne
Twisted Metal 2
>song lyrics are actually about the character you're facing
>character is hyped up to be OP
>he joins the party
>is actually really strong
I love this. In this particular example, the guy actually sacrifices himself and gets sent to another world/dimension filled with strong monsters. It's pretty much assumed that he died. Then after a long time passes, I think there was a time skip involving a number of years, this guy just walks back into the story and says something like "yeah those monsters were strong, but I was stronger. Also I used my power to destroy that entire other world" in the most casual way possible. I love this guy, I wonder if anyone will know what game I'm talking about. Hint: This is a remake that fans of the original/series don't like. Since I was neither of these, I enjoyed the game a lot.
I was thinking of The Legend of Legacy when I posted that.
This cat here is your save game kitty.
He shows up across the areas on pedestals and gives you presents sometimes, usually a pebble.
In a later area called the Bottomless Pit, he shows up in an early pathway, but if you talk to him, he gets taken by a shadowy vortex, and is completely gone for the whole rest of the playthrough (the cushion where he used to sit just saves instead, and it says sad messages like "It's very quiet." or something like that). Afterwards you receive an important key item called the shadow stone.
However, when you instead ignore that pedestal in the pit and go to the lowest, spike and trap filled floor (that has minibosses as regular enemies), you will trigger a battle against 3 dangerous enemy minibosses all at the same time, and if you beat it you also get the stone and Coco will be safe.
>final boss music starts as either the final boss or the main character(s) give the last part of their speech before the battle begins
Nothing sets the mood better
Love this, even in animes where the ending song plays like 10 seconds before the ending animation.
>hubworld progressively gets more developed and populated as you get further in the game
>hub world deteriorates and falls apart as you approach the end of the game
>right before the final boss it's in shambles
>final boss incorporates all the major puzzle elements you faced throughout the whole game
sounds like the witcher 2
both roche and iorveth are dicks but you become bros with them as the game progresses, and the scoia tael are based in that game
too bad they dropped the whole non-human theme in TW3
Previous game protagonist is a (secret) boss battle
>Demifiend in DDS
>Red in Gold Silver Crystal
>nearly had the BW1 protagonists in BW2, but at least they’re in romhacks
>Agent 3 in the Splatoon 2 dlc
I think Dark Souls 3 did this too, but I forgot the full context.
>final boss is in the ravaged hub world
honestly i'm a sucker for any "final boss is in an apocalyptic atmosphere", whether it's a bunch of magma or fire or a black hole
I loved how the final dark souls 3 dlc boss fight involved literally travelling forward in time until the entire world was a barren wasteland
one of the most kino boss fights in vidya
>main bosses join you for the final battle
>I liked how Undertale
Which version of MGQ should I play?
What do you mean "version"? If you're talking about Paradox, that's a separate game and should be played after the original.
>game's main theme starts playing as you deliver the final blow
>The main character's theme overpowers the boss's after damaging him enough
The Final Boss of DS3 is literally the player character(s) from DS1 and the final boss of DS1 combined. His first phase uses the movesets of different playstyles before switching to an upgraded version of the DS1 final boss' moveset, complete with theme change.
>random mass-produced mook becomes important character/powerful boss while retaining generic appearance
risk of rain, acrid
Not really a trope, but
>normal battle theme is the best theme in the game
I would consider this more of a flaw
Why? It's the theme you'll be hearing 50% of the game
DS2 had something similar. While not a final boss, the battle with benetnasch happens while your world is being deleted and a scar that erases all slowly covers the overworld map and can even be seen in some battles
all three xiv expacs have great motifs and uses
my dude if you like this song and have not listened to this, you HAVE to. i personally think it sounds even better than the game's ost because of them horns
>Main Theme has lyrics that kick in after you fight the first stage of the boss
Why the fuck did Sega switch from Open Your Heart to some random boss theme instead of the other way around
Boss destroys you in the beginning but you face them again much later and this time it's you that destroys the boss.
>being this new
>google game
>Nintendo 3DS
please tell me there's a decent N3DS
>bosses have great themes
>they all have a fast paced remix on their hard version
SaGa games usually do, RS2/3, the Frontier games, Unlimited and Scarlet Grace all has heavy use of leitmotif, Frontier 2 and Unlimited might be the best at it though.
*decent N3DS emulator
He came back, but he seems changed, it seems he cancelled Ninja Tears and is working on a new project called Air Marty that seems completely different. store.steampowered.com
He's also shilling some game called Fragile Fighter.
holy shit that's pretty what game user? secret of mana?
>mid-game boss is a wish-granting god
not really. i would say 3ds library is so good buying a 2ds is worth it(cheaper/better than3ds)
what game?
>ambient music w/ industrial or natural or otherworldly sounds does as much to set the tone as the world/level design
not that easy to pull off but so very effective when done right, whether it's Thief or Half-Life or Elite Dangerous even
Persona 3 does it only once but it's fucking hype as all hell
A boss fight which only happens because the boss wants to have some fun.
what happens with pixie?
Name ganes that do this, please
Timestop abilities
>(sans Megalovania)
Pac Man World 2
>secret super bosses
also completely shitty tropes
>infinite mode! play til you lose xD
>Trailer music is boss theme
>Main theme is FINAL BOSS THEME
It can evolve back into (uber) Pixie with sick stats and megidolaon
>you can join the antagonist and fight the so-called heroes because they're the true enemies
>final chapter: (game)
>The antagonist isn't wrong and he's more justified than you are. You're only fighting him because his plan is sacrificing everyone you know and care about.
why are you so mad?
>>game has a button mash prompt that you can mash indefinitely
God of War 3. You just punch Zeus over and over until the screen goes black with his blood
and there is a trophy for keeping on beating up Zeus long after the screen goes black
>Name ganes that do this, please
Stella Glow
pic related is her ending
>The antagonist isn't wrong
>his plan is sacrificing everyone you know and care about
fucking almost anything, leitmotifs are a staple of game design jesus christ
Ok, but here's the thing
they outdid that version, too youtube.com
You lived thousands of years with your pals. They're perfect and everyone lives in a perfect society.
They all die and humanity is born
Humans are a piece of shit
You can revive your old society and everyone who died if you sacrifice the current humans.
I'd say he's pretty justified.
Air Marty is being made by Dingaling's little brother, Dipster. Dingaling just helped out with some art/music and exposure. You can even see in the Steam page it's developed by Myles Jorgensen instead of Austin Jorgensen
>when 1:14 kicks in
>mission is a repeat of another mission but from a different perspective
>Comic Relief character has serious moments as the endgame approaches and full justification for being aloof all the time
but the piano
Was she secretly gay for Velvet?
It wouldn't really have shocked me. But then to be honest pretty much everyone works well with each other in that party, so...
>Being this much of a retard
>Song lyrics sound like they're about the opponent, but they're about your player character too
Demon's Souls
What game
not him, but doesn't SMT4A do that?
>Vocals kick in when boss phase changes
>Theme from previous game shows up near the end of a sequel
When I first got to this part, I lost my shit.
Just beat this last night. Shit was cash.
Not many people know this, but MGR actually fits OP's criteria.
Wanna know the fucking best? The themes line up at the same time-code (0:54)
The last time Engage the Enemy plays in the game (followed up by You will know our names)
That's not a leitmotif though?
Its fucking cool as fuck though.
super mario rpg, sorta
i still cant beat him
>Press start to set the entire game in motion