Crash Team Racing Gran Prix

The world is green in ctr

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Other urls found in this thread:

all of these challenges are insanely specific and you have to keep backing out to the main menu to see what they are

honestly pretty disappointing senpai. how the fuck am i supposed to make a comeback from 8th place in online? Shit's impossible.

You just have to remember them? Lmao

Yeah I highly doubt you remember all 50 or so challenges dude.


>in 3rd place
>everyone else DNFs
>shuffles me into 5th while people in 3rd, 4th, 6th and 7th and 8th have no times.
what the fuck

>an entire reverse last lap run
What is that?

i think you need to get off of Yea Forums for a bit. your brain is mush

A challenge. You have to do the whole last lap while driving in reverse.

If this game is so good, why so many online influencers choose to skip it? Many of these played the Trilogy before, why not this Kart one?

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>online influencers

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They are too shit to play it and their ego wont be stroked if they fail nonstop

>Every "online influencer" is basically Dsp when it comes to skill level
>You're surprised when they drop it

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How s o y can you get


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They're too busy playing Mario Maker 2.

Probably in a year. I am waiting for it.

When does the update come? I'm seeing nothing

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>CTR not on PC yet.
>Spyro trilogy is releasing 10 months later on PC
>Samurai Shodown is release after the switch version

Why do devs hate PC so much?

Are the rewards from these static, or do you get better yields by completing them online or on harder difficulties or anything?

Rewards are static and you only need to do them online if the challenge specifically says you do. So yes, there's no problem with doing the offline ones against braindead bots.

So does anyone know if you get something for beating Tropy/Oxide on the new map?

Really? You might be colorblind my friend, Because it's actually blue.

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gimme some Megumis nigga

I don't know why we need multiple threads but reposting from the other one:
Confirmed they've nerfed coin rewards on solo
>doing the jungle track as I always do for farming
>usually get a measly 40 coins
>now it's just 30
>did the race a few times to make sure I wasn't going fucking crazy
Also funny that far too many of the nitro challenges are online based so this game can go fuck itself. Beenox are literally punishing people who play offline.

So in the pit stop what is the deal with the nitro next to things to buy?

They give you extra points


Thanks user. You're a cool guy.

Those Nitro Canisters mean that you get bonus Nitro Points when you use that character/kart in a race.

How is MM2? Torturing small animals violates my parole so i need to get my sadism out somehow.

Thanks anons!

I just unlocked the bestgirl

How often do quick challenges refresh? My timer says a day but then why separate quick and daily?


Because Beenox are geniuses

I want to fuck a bandicoot

>good chunk of challenges are online only
>wumpa coin payouts are already a lot more online anyway
This is actually going to get me to try out constantly renewing PS+ free trials, at least until the post launch support for this game ends.

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I mean of the Nitro Girls.

Cause the only people willing to put money towards getting console games on PC is Epic but no one likes them

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i want to fuck these bandicoot wamen

What gives? the game will be released after the hype has died off and then the online will be dead on 2 weeks or less

Was it the best member of the group?

Attached: Isabella.png (1533x868, 2.59M)

Yes it was, your pic seems unrelated though.


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Nah, i'm pretty sure it is related. If not, then you purchased the wrong one.


I imagine quick ones are daily ones that don't change from day to day.

While daily challenges will be different each day.

I must say, user, I think you uploaded the wrong image.

wow tiny looks sexy

Yo yo yo
What the FUCK is up with these froggying speedfucks that play slow characters but have impossibly high speed with ZERO power sliding?

I'm pretty sure I got the right image,

Blonde hair? Check.
Blue Jumpsuit? Check.
Italian accent? Check.

did they fix sewer speedway

glad to see this monstrosity of a glitch hadn't been fixed

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Is that...Nash?

only oney likes it

No, I think you're misguided user. You keep referring to the wrong girl, you keep referring to Isabella.

how come i dont get that screen when i play online

Tfw bonus racers for grand prix 2 are gonna be

Baby T
Baby crash
Baby coco
Baby cortex
Fake velo

Misguided? Moi?
I don't think so, if you purchased the best member of the Nitro Squad. That's Isabella, if not. You just wasted Wumpa Coins.

Daily challenges reset daily and weekly reset weekly but what about the other categories?

Who is this for? Are they just taking the piss out of Mario Kart or what?

I think he actually has the best chance of being in October.

What with him technically being a costume.

Seems like it, no one else has that set of pearly whites and those particular goggles in the game.

do all these challenges apply to online? like one is to finish crash cove without boosting, can I do that in arcade?

They're one offs. If you look at them it says the time remaining is 25 days which is the length of the whole grand prix.

While you can certainly get a massive head start by doing those ones you're gonna have to do some dailys and weeklies to reach the maximum 42,000 points required for everything.

The entire grand prix is a joke, the race track is where fake crash uses n tropy's stsff to turn every living animal in the dinosaur era into a fake rendition. Fake crash cavemen and fake dinosaurs. Expect a fake baby t skin

At this point I consider it a feature. It's so amusing that I'd be sad if it got patched out.

Oh shit it's out?

Unless the challenge explicitly states to do it online you can do it in arcade.

post images of cortex thanks

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If it doesn't specify that it has to be done online then yeah

I think that'll depend on when we see if Baby Crash and Baby Coco.

If they're literally just bandicoots then yes it's taking the piss out of Mario Kart.

shot of Liz like this? is it in the new game update or just a trailer?

>see people with speed characters pulling off super sharp turns
>i can barely do a fraction of what they can with a turning character
how he do dat

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Is this good?

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what does the N stand for?

>thread only has wojaks and Pepe

What has happened here?

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Misguided, oui.
Oh, my dear friend user, you are so lost.

when in the air, down+direction while holding the brake, then let the brake go before you hit the ground

Can I do these against bots on easy? Otherwise some of these are going to be down to luck for me.

I've been asking this for days. Does no one have an answer? I just got rekd by Liz after I hit her with an item and she then passed me with zero flame. She just hopped past me and won.

Again why is Yea Forums full of poor fags.By far this is the only board with this problem.

I'd wager r9k is poorer

What is she looking at Yea Forums?

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It's in the extended version of the Grand Prix intro, and yes, it is in the update.

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I am hating all these online autists and constant full lobby disconnects

>collect 10 crystals as polar
>10 trick jumps as polar
I should've just completed these two doing a crystal challenge, but I have no progress. Am I missing something here?

Nah, i'm not lost. You though, you are BEYOND saving.

air braking/u turning
when you're in the air, let go of the acceleration button then press the brake button and down+left/right to make a sharp turn, then accelerate before hitting the ground again
learning this is pretty much required to beat oxide's time trials

Crash's dick pics

>always online requirement to earn currency
>slow currency accrual rate makes things grindy as fuck, especially if you want to get the time-limited grand prix stuff
>fucking shit cosmetics store that requires you to buy through everything to get what you want
>absurdly difficult and/or obtuse grand prix challenges making things even grindier

What's the fucking point? They don't even sell CTR funbucks to bypass the grind so they don't get anything out of making it burnout grindbait.

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>Try to use Liz for the 10% np boost
>Cant win a race to save my life

Shes so fuckin slow. How do TURN mains do it?

Also, I did get the weekly challenge for collecting 100 crystals. So something's wrong or I'm retarded. Or both.


I feel like this is almost exactly like the Splatfests from Splatoon. Only with racing.

Clearly this is beyond your mental capacity

fuck i love her, i need to learn to turn.

They're actually powersliding alright. You or they have connection issues and the froggying is the game doing its best to show you their progression on the track.

git gud, speednigger

>paying for something when getting it for free with a little more effort is a viable alternative
Why is Yea Forums full of dipshit teenagers that don't understand the value of money?

Which track for reversing lap? Also how in the FUCK are you suppose to get enough distance between racers and get the win

Some people suspect they're setting up microtransactions. Personally I think they've just gone too far in an attempt to keep people playing and it's having a negative impact on people who don't play online now resulting in the game becoming more and more about the grind rather than the racing, even more so now that they've nerfed the fucking coins.

Then you have dumb shits like this defending the devs at every single turn.

The Polar ones appear to be broken

Peanus weanus etc

I can't do offline battles with bots right now. Is anyone else having this issue?

They buffed the coins dumbasz, tracks like crash cove give out 30+ now.

Did you do it in crystal challenges as in purple ctr token challenges? Maybe you have to collect crystals in that "collect the crystals" battle mode.

I usually stick to ACCEL/BALANCED, but point taken.

did they remove the tit jiggle on her or is it just really toned down?

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My mistake, sorry user

Why lie on the internet? I played Crash Cover and I got 30. The jungle track reccomended for farming that used to give 40, now also gives 30.

>yfw you see the rocket reticle and it's the final turn

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Threads like these are simple evidence that humanity will find a way.
>undercover political thread
>undercover furry thread
>undercover off-topic etc thread

So the adventure continues.

We had a good thing but everyone sperging about it brought it to their attention and it was removed. Blame Yea Forums for being unable to contain their autism on twitter.

Anyone know where to download the audio files for CTTR? ASKING FOR A FRIEND

>jungle boogie
>best farming track

Nobody tell him

i imagine they'd have freaked out about it post-launch anyways and it'd been patched out but it is annoying that nearly every CTR thread had the webm of her tiddies within the first five posts
i just wish people didn't hate jiggly boobs so much
reminds me of how street fighter 5's chun li had crazy boobs pre-launch and they said it was a bug, like fuck off we know what it was just fucking go with the boobs you prudes

Why the fuck are clocks and orbs so common in online? I just played a race where I was hit with 4 clocks and I had 5 orbs after me.

you going to do something like this?

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>win 10 races online
It's over for me

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The sperglords were posting those directly to beenox's twitter along with a bunch of other weird shit. It was awful.



oh i didn't even realize they were THAT direct
goddamn people that can't keep their dick in their pants fucking ruin everything for everyone else

>3 simultaneous orb reticles

>you here tribal chanting

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>Thunder Struck ultra shortcut still works
I'm surprised. Seems like something they could have easily patched out.

is that the only know ultra shortcut?

> PoorFags tears
Let me wipe them with this 100's.

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It finally happened. I finally lost to a shitposting Zem.


> Why is Yea Forums full of 30's year olds Yea Forumsirgins that have a terrible paying job and are extreme cheapskates?
Keep crying poorfag.Let me just shower in this hugemungus otrapical pile of money.Poorfags make me rich.

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damn it I just fapped

Where do you think we are? This place is full of socially inept autists that ruin shit for other people unintentionally due to being so retarded

I dunno. I was penta, coco park, he was an aqua blue zem. If it was you then fuck off.

nah, no one uses zem

So, the trophy girls, despite being playable, won't actually be present in their old roles? That's fucked up. Listening to Spyro OST as I post.

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Rich getting richer!!!

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this fucker did.

There can be no truer answer.

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well what do you expect? Fake Trophy Girls?

Her pet is a meat-eating cat, this makes perfect sense.

I agreed frend!!! Let me just break a few iphone x's just for the fun of it and posted on youtube and get even more money from Angry poorfags.Let me add more parts to my hugemungus otrpical king kong size PC + ultra that is worth around 10'000.Sorry poor Fags someone has to remind you of where you belong.Licking my shoes.

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> Imagine valueing money more then general courtesy.
Why do poorfags act like money is god?If thats the case im your god.Bend down sissy.

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I thought I was good at the game until today :(
Looks like the gods are online now.

wait which episode was this?

Because PC players pirate games.

You can only do them in online battle mode. At least that's how I got the crystals, don't know why trick jumps isn't working.

So does the bug fix restore the boss characters or do I have to replay Adventure mode to unlock them again?

>online battle mode
Does such a thing exist?

just do it and find out

It's in the menu after private/matchmaking, if you look down you can see "Race" and you can switch it to "Battle"

>I'm surprised. Seems like something they could have easily patched out.
It got discovered kind of late on.

Rich only episode

it looks liek nash stretched onto the skeleton of ami

You need to do the battle mode "collect the crystals" you CAN do it in arcade against a shitty AI. I did all challenges barring online ones within 5 hours.

that looks like Tiny using presumably Megumi's Skeleton?

so its safe to do time trials now right?

big human cock

What's the best track to do this with?

Literally this.

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oh the irony

God online is fucked. There needs to be like a ranked system or a preferred tracks list or basically ANYTHING. Every match is on Nitro Kart with 1 blue flame autist playing Tawna/Penta and 2 quitters that DC right away

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This is going to sound like an "I'm not a furry, but..." statement but Crash girls are the only animal chicks i've ever found sexually attractive.

spyro wasn't successful in skylanders though. he was used to advertise the first game and then threw aside

So the n sane podium challenge. Who does it want you to win races with. It says 2/3 are done. And I think I've just used Ami and Liz.

the moment someone pointed out that Ripper Roo reminds them of SonicFox, this character has been ruined for me

all five new characters

Hmm weird that it doesn't say 2/ 5 then. Thanks user.

What's the difference between a normal starting boost and a perfect boost?

You say Ami and Liz. That's two. You say you got 2 of 5. That's Ami and Liz/5. You're on track user.

Take it from someone who actually operates in facts, not meme opinions. If you don't seek more and varied animal fiction, you are not a furry. The trophy girls are designed to be attractive by human standards (at least mostly), non-furries are allowed by Allah to find them sexy.

I completed it just by getting first places with Ami, Liz and Tawna

>play with a friend
I've tried so many times already but it's always non joinable for both of us.

one you start normally, the other you start perfectly

What the fuck, the event is PS exclusive?

how do get isabella and megumi
am not appear the shop

How do you do a perfect boost? Apparently I've never done one.

its not. update your game

You wait till the gauge is nearly full.

still at the starting line after 1 minute, time to win

Yeah I am just trying to enjoy going for 2nd or 3rd at this point. I'll probably eventually git gud but until then these turbo autists USFing entire tracks as everyone else is punished by Blue Orbs and Clocks are really just above me.

Holy fucking shit am I absolutely tired of being hit by 4+ orbs a race when I am just struggling for top 4, and 1st is absolutely un-fucking-phased by them altogether

you have to charge and uncharge the meter multiple times before the race starts

It just comes down to that they are just fuzzy women and don't have full on animal snouts or other extremely animalistic features.

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Yeah that's fine and all. My confusion is because on my screen it says 2/3. That's all.

I owe you my life.

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nice macaroni stirring in the background there


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Just dabbed on a couple of Amis using a turn character lads

Coco Park vs easy bots, 7 laps

>they removes the jiggle physics
FUCK! COME ON!!! For what purpose? was there an outrage that I didnt notice?

how do get isabella and magumi
am NOT appear they shop

yeah I'm done with this piece of crap.
damn sure never giving activision another dime.

nah theres a couple. Electric Avenue has one that gets abused a fair bit online

>damn sure never giving activision another dime
wait... you can???

But it's game of the year so far?

Cool mobage challenges

>reversing lap

Its just 3 so 2 pitstop + tawna for an easy clear. I did it already.

Finally got CTR now, and there’s a few of us using the PlayStation. If we split screen are we lucky enough to get coins and nitro for all users, or, I assume the more likely scenario, is it only for player 1?

So are only some of the trophy girls gonna come with their legendary gear? Just checked the pit stop to see if the grand prix was up, well it was but that's besides the point, only ami and liz were in there and only ami had her nitro squad skin while liz was just herself. I got them both but I thought it was weird. Should've been in a bundle together t b h. Removes jiggle sucks too

I suspect every day there will be a bundle with diffrent trophy girl for the rest of the month.

no, you can't get online coins in the PS1 version of CTR

Can someone post the Le Chaux kart with the Fiery eagle decal and Red white and blue paint? I wanna see if it looks good altogether

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This I'm just saving and buying the bundle that I see, not gonna waste my coins on single characters when I can get the bundles.

Oh you

Based cortex

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Well AKSHULLY they DO have full aminal snouts and whatever. But yeah, very much close to human women.

Also, I love that artist without knowing any further info (like even a name).

>prix is pronounced as pree

DNF'd everyone on the new track lol

Gonna be honest, if I see you using the electron wheels, I'm gonna assume you're the biggest faggot on the planet

If you complete a list of challenges, do you get a new one? Or is it done until the timer ends? The last two categories have rather simple challenges but they span the entire event.

Were they there to begin with?

I'm pretty surprised Liz is being sold on her own instead of getting her own Nitro Squad set. Will she have a set later on or is she just going to be separate pieces?

That's just how anime characters look like in profile view

They're done until the timer ends.

...fuck I didnt think of that. well what's done is done, they'll probably let you buy the skin separately when the bundle comes out.

I may be a faggot but at least I know how to suck cocks IN STYLE

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user, be honest. Are you actually twelve?

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no I'm 26

Yeah? While I dont have the webm, Ami had some nice jiggle physics but have been removed in the release. I'm goping they add them back somehow

Tried getting the colors to match but the unlock thing for raccoon Ami blocked the screen, no red really shows up either

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Anyone got a webm of Ami in the pitstop? I wanted to save a video of her doing her pose but forgot to and I wanna show it to a friend.

Might work like this, just want the character and no skin? or do you want both?

They better. You know what >we need to do? Get women on board. I am sure women don't want their fictional counterparts have fake plastic boobs. That would be insulting to them.

>online influencers

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Aw that sucks, I wanted the something like a true american racer

my dick

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Yeah I guess

I want to fuck that bandicoot.

Consider it autism, but it annoys me how Chick and Stew say 'grânde' instead of how grand with a French inflection.
>inb4 butthurt "fuck the French" etc comments
>t. not even French

I'm using the retro wheels because I still haven't unlocked the orange electron wheels

What the fuck?

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grand is said normally*

It's okay user, I fucked that up too.

that's just dumb, are they pronouncing prix "pricks" too?

psst, play on nitro court, back up against one of the shorter hedges, switch to backwards view and then switch back to 'normal' view and enjoy

>Isabelle's loss podium animation
Holy fuck be available in the Pit Stop already!

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I'm surprised the flags are GP limited. I thought they were just going to stay in the store. Not exactly interested in Argentina, Finland, and Greece, but still a shame

>every single lobby is just filled with all the bandigirls

>Driving in reverse is a snails pace, because hitting accel just stops the player
am I missing something here

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Where? It just showed me the first one from a while ago but then again I just checked the shop bought ami and liz then turned my ps4 off. Is it on YouTube yet?

Press S to shit on Cocofags

spam hops

Thanks man.

Having bonus nitro items is going to reduce the uniqueness of players as they just cobble together the most efficient setup.

How do I get my 2500 coins??

So what happens if you don’t play the Grandprix? Are things just locked out forever?

uh, play the game?

No, it's like Grânde Prie


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I too wish it was Grand Pricks

I really don’t see the connection...

Maybe the term, anotomically correct would be closer to what I am saying. It is a wierd boundary, but but female bandicoots don't cross that line. I have seen more realistic interpretations and they do not look good.

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>7 trophy girls and a komodo joe
why is everyone a tranny

Are electron wheels the glowing ones? I only use the yellow ones because they go well with yellow suit Pinstripe.

why do we have ESLs here?

>people are using the new characters on the day they were added
What the FUCK is going on here? This makes no sense at all.

Same as everyone else, do races.

The ones they would away?

>picking a girl makes you a tranny
nice mental gymnastics you autistic fuck

Reverse final lap challenge lol
Coco park 7 laps
Laps 1 through 6 - roughly 30 seconds
Lap 7 - 1 minute 43 seconds
Afterwords a survey popped up asking if I had fun

After the patch there are literally no matches online, is the game finally dead or did they break something?

Just don't be poor.

Attached: cortex.png (1244x1028, 1.24M)

>why are people using new characters that give you bonus nitro

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I'm not, but you're a prick nonetheless.

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It was sarcasm you dense faggot, of course everyone is using the new characters. They're new.

I know I'm fitting right in to get that sweet sweet Nitro
it's stupid but I can live with it

How many womb coins does the new stuff cost?

>Twilight Tour isn't appearing at all online

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What would you think if the Mighty Awesome Fools entered CTR as turn characters

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you have to do this against bots? not someone local?

You just have bad luck, I've played it a handful of times

I've had it like 4 times already

Amifags Im so sorry, I just realized how based she truly is and how she is best girl over the speedlets.

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Uh I think it doesn't matter who you do it against but I can't say for sure, I just lapped bots a couples times on cocos and had now problem

When does the incense burner come out?

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They fucking nerfed the coins for every race?

Fuck them

Are these Grand Prix updates going to be back to back? I really doubt they are going to be adding a new track every month


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Did you lads buy digital or physical? Asking for a friend.

Is kamikaze online only? I've done it a couple of times offline but I haven't got it

tfw cortex castle is the only track online i can achieve max autism and win by like a half lap difference
thanks big N

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Same, I've done it offline and didn't get it, it's probably online only

>can't turn my wheels left and right during the pre-race waiting period anymore

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>appears rarely
>have to win with Tawna
>vs TAS-like speed autists
Fuuuuck this

So it wasn't just me, then.

I got it in offline two player. Grab another controller.

My wife

What are the chances we get that as a Tawna skin?

>mfw I noticed this

Why would they remove that? It was fun.

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I did this on easy and it didn't count.

The online would be good if there wasn't a clock or orb every 5 fucking seconds.

Do you get bonus nitro for finishing first online, excluding specific challenges?

>tfw seems papu papu is my autism map
>only because the bullshit shortcut is still there

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Same. It's the little things

>getting coins grindy as fuck now
>still haven’t gotten my 2500 (I don’t recall getting it)
>rest of nitro squad will probably be bundled with other crap

I just want all the trophy girls so I can fuck back off to offline world and enjoy playing with my friends or myself in peace. Its only the first day, but I dont think I can keep doing this for two more fucking months! I got other games to play!

cringe. CTR is fucking trash, we all know it at this point. You're the one coping here.

The datamines seem to indicate it’s one a month until the end of the year. I assume the tracks are all mostly finished anyway so it’s not like that speed of release is unfeasible.

Just pray you get in with shitters or keep a lid on USF

Pre race is already boring as fuck why did they remove the ability to turn left and right

let me taunt or honk or anything come on

So how do you unlock the new characters? Do you have to grind for them?

The thing I hate about this is how lazy it is; it's clear they just based the Tawna drawing off her concept art, which was likely in some Crash Bandicoot assets folder. They wanted to make a joke where they bust through a saloon, found a sexy girl in the asset folders, and slapped her on the sign. It's the same pose, same early head design, even the same early pumps. It's a very subtle but blatant example of how Twinsanity didn't give a shit.

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Most of them are coin unlocks like usual, but one of them is related to doing event stuff.

I haven't had time to really sit down and play lately so I still suck. Are the Bandisluts hard to unlock.

>still haven’t gotten my 2500 (I don’t recall getting it)

>people here says you have to earn those free coins playing

Liz is 1500 coins like the Nitro Kart characters, but the rest come in packs of roughly 5000 coins each. Tawna you get from doing the event challenges.

Yes. It sucks.

>play on Switch
>guaranteed to get at least one turbo tryhard every lobby because of small playerbase

Guess I'm not finishing those challenges.

Attached: I8rjyUn.jpg (504x470, 62K)

the free 2500 coins is this weekend (July 4th)


>small playerbase
the fuck are you talking about?

I swear to god I saw one in a lobby before they switched to Tiny. May have been a glitch or something.

For fuck's sake, there was 4 clocks and 7 orbs during that online race. What the hell are those item odds.

Guys, I finally won my first race online after finally maintaining a USF

I won with ami, and as promised, I’m beating it to bandicoot pussy tonight

Attached: 89F0B38C-3394-4BEC-9E72-188A315694DD.png (531x369, 165K)

It works on easy, make sure you don't hit a turbo pad or by an item during the reverse lap.

>Have a friend would I can talk to as we race
>Pretty much sync it so we trade wins and do objectives like the TNT thing in private lobbys
>Have AI off
>Still get full rewards for 1st and nd even though it's just us two
Get a buddy, cheat the system. Your sanity will thank you later this week. When you relise you need 47k of nitro to get everything.

So the only ones available at the moment are Liz, Ami and Tawna?

It was literally the first map I played after the update

What if Beenox releases one trophy girl per week?

On Switch at least, it's hard to find a match and when you do it's like 4 players max.

actually to counter these guys you have to drag him in to the item shitstorm, don't let the guy go half lap away from the crowd, once he's in the 3rd or 4th place, he won't have the leisure to maintain boost since items will come at all direction, trust me this happened to me before

I think I can swing that.

It's not fair

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what an oddly specific thing to complain about

Yea Forums is literally majority ESL

unless it specifically says "online", yes.

know idea why you're having trouble
I find games fast and they usually fill up

I know it hurts user, but we must wait.

>only ~9000 listed players for this nitro thing
>Every other platform breaks 20k
You tell me.

Saw a Megumi online. How? Did they just buy literally everything they could at the pitstop to get her to show up?

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I would totally take advantage of this, but for some reason we get "unable to connect" when we try to join each other's lobby

fucking sucks

I've run into the same players multiple times in matchmaking without even trying to. It's probably not like that on PS4 but Switch has like 6k players in the evening, which isn't much.

So you have to pay wumpa coins for them and its timed content too before they vanish from the shop?


If that's true then Beenox are pretty based, I hope they bump the wumpa coin rate back up though, I like some of the new skins but I'm not sure I'll have enough for everything I want

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probably, coins aren't as hard to get as Yea Forums memes

Yeah it's timed, but they'll rotate through the shop consistently for the next month. That's more than enough time to get them

this, coins are cheap as fuck, 1 hour offline and i already got 2000+ coins

Liz is best girl

Yep, you can get at least 20k during weekend boost

i'd wait and see if the numbers increase in the next few days
I haven't but maybe I just don't pay attention to usernames

I could only buy Liz and Ami then shit was sold out.

They’re permanent silly, it’s only the Nitro stuff that’s timed and if you miss out on it it’s added to the Pit Stop a month or two later. The only true time gated content is the championship kart.

Post Ami so I can cum

>began to wonder why my friend wasnt playing CTR:NF after nearly a month
>he told me he couldnt decide between the switch and PC version
>had to tell him a PC version wasnt even announced yet

Attached: 62e.jpg (334x372, 30K)

Post character skins you would like to see.

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They should give the option to re-roll a Pit Stop slot once a day or so. I don't want to buy Zam or this ugly fucking kart god damn it.

Fuck you faggot

I know you are here

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>online race
>boost at very beginning and get into first
>immediately barraged by every pickup and tossed into 7th
this shit happens every time

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A timed shop is the most retarded shit, just let me buy them all.

my entire online experience in one post

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>uses N. Tropy clock in first 5 seconds
Heh, git gud kid.

that's what you deserved 'Turbo'slut

So.. did Cortex like.. undress Coco or something?

penguin yay one

There's no event exclusives in this game, right?

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I just want to violently rape the nitro girls. Is that really so bad?

In my experience, an online race can go two ways.
>race starts
>don't get hit in the first 15 seconds


>race starts
>get barraged with items the first 15 seconds

It is worth mentioning that while the kart will eventually appear during the other events, the decals are exclusive.

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Literally git guy


How does the bonus multiplier works now?
I hace 15 trophies to multiply my earnings?


Attached: cortex7.jpg (512x288, 105K)


>play online with randos
>multiple orbs
>anything below top 3 is an absolute clusterfuck

Playing online has made me realize I only liked playing this game against AI. That same AI that now all wears legendary skins to taunt me into going back online to suffer more so I can get the cool stuff.

PC version can’t come soon enough, I want a mod to turn that shit off! If I dont have the coins for the legendary stuff, AI shouldn’t be wearing it when I’m offline!

Are the polar challenges bugged

Post your waifu setup waiting for Megumi

Attached: 2019-07-03 080251.jpg (874x717, 152K)

>Race online against one of your friends.

Only one thing, the championship kart. Everything added to the Pit Stop is permanent, and the Nitro things are added to the Pit Stop a month or two after the event ends for people who missed them.

Attached: 1562099250193.jpg (1000x1000, 103K)

no I got them all done, sometimes the post-game won't acknowledge that you completed a challenge so double check

I could do the trick jumps one but not the crystal collector

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What the fuck!

We must be the only people online who boost at the start, because I end up in first place for the first 5-10 seconds every time. End up bottom half every single time too.

nope, I got them all no problem

a lot of people don't realize the crystal one is a battle mode, too

Liz is hotter than Ami

Is it possible to get the other friend one unlocked with two controllers as well? It's the one i'm missing so far

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Jiggle physics are gone. Not just for the titties, they're literally gone from the game. I'm assuming it's a bug.

Is it the same case as with N Trance, if Ami is in the bundle section she can't be bought individually?

I just want a confirmation but you do get nitro points towards the items when you finish a race right? It seems so low so thats why i'm asking

imagine being THIS much of a faggot


Attached: FUCK.png (114x104, 15K)

How the fuck do you do the Crystal Poacher challenge? I've used Ripped roo, polar, and pura on crystal challenge maps and completed them but it doesn't count? What the fuck.

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Shes bundle exclusive

I want Megumi, give me Megumi

Attached: MegumiNF.png (265x753, 275K)

Yeah it's only like 18 points or some shit.

>"Perform 25 perfect boosts at the start of a race"
What am I missing here? Is there some sort of frame-perfect moment you need to hit? Because after a couple hours of boosting at the start like normal, it still stands at 0/25.

>Completed reverse race 5 times
>Doesn't take
Fucking broken piece of shit

From what I’ve experienced, you only really make a lot of progress if you complete challenges. Just winning races is not going to get you anywhere anytime soon.

Has anyone else suddenly had their adventure mode save data reset? My first file was on easy with 101% but the difficulty inexplicably changed to medium and I lost everything

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>be so massive a faggot you'll take a capture of who beat you to post it online
You deserve what you get.

are you doing it in BATTLE mode?

I got the 100 crystals challenge and still don't have the Polar one.

same here, just can't get it to work

You need to not push anything but down. I had to do it 3 times for it to take. Just stick to the middle of the road, stay far away from any boost pads. Don't stop for nothing.

you got tropy'd

>nearly a month


Have a Megumi

Attached: 1561674674040.png (905x813, 35K)

>Not just for the titties,
You mean there were jiggle physics somewhere else?

Got on mine not long ago, it’s still fine. That sucks bro!

Yeah, I'm on xbox, happened to me before the update though. My 101% reset to 0% for no reason. No notice or anything.

Revving the engine lets you reach a full bar so just time it at the start of the race.

you have to charge and uncharge the meter multiple times before the race starts to get the perfect boost

I think Papu had jiggle on his belly.

Fucking impossible because you reverse slow as fuck

Battle mode in Arcade user

They better have Megumi tomorrow and not next week or the week after.

Oh shit, I must've totally forgotten that from 20 years ago. I've just been pressing it the once.

I know Cortex's hair had physics, someone could check that

God challenges are a fucking slog. I don’t even play as Crunch or Tawna so I don’t even know why I’m doing them. I feel obligated to fill the gauge but I wish it was less tedious and more fun than just “going into easy mode and attempting to drive backwards VERY SLOWLY without losing”

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Coco Park 7 laps on easy

More than enough time to lap them twice until the 7th lap

You can't even look backwards?

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resident drawfriend, has no blog or twitter afaik

see the /trash/ thread for the topless version

>all items magically disappear when I'm not on first
Oh? Don't feel like breaking boxes anymore? You just want me in 8th? Ok.

Because Megumi is what we want...they probably will wait.

What's the new track to farm coins on now that Jungle Boogie only dolls out 30?

looks like nash had his hole stretched in the summer of 92

Thunder Struck (Forma Exploidad)

Isn't it thunderstruck? The skip still works, right?

The tuft is a minor detail, but it is important.

Attached: 1562106240079.png (2422x1922, 1.77M)

Do Thunderstruck, and do the skip at the beginning. 1:30 race for 56 coins.

>on nofap
>all i could think about when seeing the OP pic was grabbing her by her hair, sloppily making out with her, and fucking her into the ground
Why am I like this its a cartoon animal

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>4th place
>get hit by mask
>alright fair enough
>wait a second or two
>wait another second
>5th and 6th drive by
>another second
>FOLLOWED BY 7th with the mask


She is a centerfold

Attached: liz bandiboy.png (1067x557, 361K)

You can.

>Tawna's victory animation is not the pose from Crash 1
Goddammit. Her tits and showgirl attitude are just gone, what does she have going for her anymore?

Attached: Crash_1_Tawna.png (146x339, 36K)

I did. Just don't let go of the stick. And stay off the grass. It accidentally stopped registering as the wrong way for a quick second.

Because you're bored and haven't had much experience with real women

being a stronk independent woman

Thanks. Please tell me I'm not the only one who hears the fucking AC/DC riffs in my head when I'm on that track.

Being a 2x4

Attached: 1560914211856.jpg (623x579, 452K)

Is that a Trans Crash?

I'd post the cover of said mag by an artist but I don't have it on hand.

you're not the only user with this problem. I've been able to do the other challenges, including the polar ones, but not this one. no matter which character i choose.

I tried to stick at the 8th place once and apparently, masks, orbs, and clocks are the most probably item you will get there and masks are more common than orbs and clocks

What's her victory animation?

never really listened to AC/DC but i really love Fenomena tracks OST

Coco isn't exactly Pamela Anderson either, user.

I thought that after the month passes you can't get the girls anymore.

Holy shit, is that gone too?


Have you finished the round with ten crystals?


I see the online netcode is still fucked. Had a match where it just replaced all players but one with a bot, and the one player was running circles from the start. Clear the match because points are points, got 1st, end result shows other people winning that weren't the bots.


I just want to thank you all for being helpful. I appreciate the generousity


Attached: anglocoot.png (1068x772, 304K)

Its not crystal challenges, its the crystal battle mode. Go to local arcade and choose Battle mode. Then choose the crystal game type.

I did try that with just polar. but with roo and pura i tried with all 20. on multiple courses

>egypt map
>indian music playing on the background
What the fuck?

No probs

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You should probably take a few days off my man. You're like a broken record

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no shit nigger. where the fuck else am i gonna try three different characters just to fail?

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Kanpai you bitches

Thoughts on the new level boys? I like it!

So fucking annoying getting hit item after item after item after item, there's literally nothing you can do

In the mode labeled Crystal Challenge outside of Battle mode.

I don't think I'll get anything beyond bronze at my current skill level, nor do I have the time to check in daily for the easy grabs.

Pretty meh.

Looks cool but it's too simple.

Just play better and don't get hit

She just puts her hands on her hips standing proud and then points at herself, generic as fuck and doesn't fit her at all

>online influencers
Fuck off, fag

I agree with the other user, it's okay but it's nothing special and pretty simple

the shortcut is hella obvious too

Rockets can be blocked and dodged, also don't act like you don't have the option to go for crate and get items. Git gud.

If it's within the first set of boxes item catastrophe there literally is nothing you can do

>Surely the other trophy girls will be behind Biker Tiny
>Buy it
>Komodo Khan replaces

Learn from my mistake.

cope speedlets

I know, just fucking with you.

too late, already tried and regret it


My wife

Attached: Liz2.jpg (687x531, 90K)

>tfw no Biker Crash
Does anyone have him yet?

Because they suck lol

fuck my sides, the pepe punch always gets me

Probably going to be staggered through the month just like the trophy girls.

pretty sure not all the nitro items are in rotation atm

so far no megumi or biker crash

I've seen one (1) online already and all I'm wondering is how the fuck

are you retarded? i just told you that's where i went. And tried multiple times with all three characters. Multiple courses too. Please get some reading comprehension.

They saw what happened when dsp trid it

git gud faggot

Attached: 1392664471998.gif (80x92, 27K)

holy shit handling feels borderline unplayable

A little simple but better than a few tracks. I just like the aesthetic.

I've bought a metric fuck ton of things from the pit stop and haven't seen either her or Isabella come up, just these STUPID FUCKING TINY SKINS I HAVE THREE SLOTS FILLED WITH TINY SKINS REEEEE
could it be a Beenox employee showing off maybe?

Have you tried going into battle mode? You gotta pick the crystal grab gamemode

>He isnt amipilled

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The powerslide angle is atrocious in straights.

Your mum's an armadillo!

I just use her because she came with the nitro-boosting suit

Are you sure it wasn't a player replaced by a bot? I've seen a couple Megumis driving around but they were all replacement bots.

DNF'd in 5 races tonight...
Then got this.

Attached: becauseisuck.png (626x266, 271K)

Tropy dabbed on you

I love Painter Dingo lads.

Yeah, yeah. So it seems. All my TT times are still there, and it didn't give me a notice about corruption and I thought I was safe on xbox

seems I was wrong

Cpus fucking teasing us

I just did the Polar challenge and was against a Megumi

What is the real purpose behind this thing anyway? What are they looking for? To get you to a different tier or something?

so do we know if today's patch actually got rid of the save file corruption?
I really wanna do time trials but don't wanna get TROPY'd

how are you getting 5 DNFs?

Maybe trying to figure out whether I'm okay with getting rocked, or if I need babying.

feels like handling is genuinely meant only for tracks like oxide circuit and electron avenue if you don't like air break turning



let's check out the event
>have to use car for bonus
>have to use ugly colors for bonus
>have to unlock pattern for bonus
>have to unlock tires for bonus
>have to use new racers for bonus
>have to use their alternate outfits for bonus
>no point in using anyone who doesn't come packaged with their alt
>can't afford to buy a new car or racer without skins because wumpa coins are still in short supply
>challenges are akin to walking through the desert in Dune
>tryhards make online less fun than usual
>challenges don't always register correctly
at least the popularity guarantees future crash games

Attached: 1561706703344.png (301x308, 222K)

Combination of being really bad and everyone else being good.

>guarantees future crash games
remaster or fresh content?


Attached: LizWitch(C).png (1080x1568, 195K)

the best one

Attached: 220px-Cortex_TWOC.png (220x336, 43K)

But I want to do challenge one

What's DNF again?

>Are you fucking retarded?
>Do you want to be placed with other slowpokes?

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t. smashfag
It's more than possible to make a comeback the majority of the time.

What is wrong with his eyebrows?

setting up a ps4 lobby, add RachelGhoul for invite.

Fuck. Just tried crystal grabber battle mode again, just as I tried it before and it gave me the achievement. idk. maybe i just needed to reboot my ps4?

probably both

i'd kill for a proper crash 4 or the impossible scenario of a finished twinsanity. CTTR content was guaranteed for this game so my hopes are high

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I dont race with trannies

Any Nitro Tour flags for Ireland or the Netherlands?

Did Not Finish

>no one ever gets the joke
truly suffering.

Did not finish

its a kart racer’s equivalent of a perfect KO or a four stock, it means the gap between you and first is so bad, the game just marks you down as “did not finish” for the sake of time. its 30 seconds in this game

go back to your lazarus pit

Someone confirm this
I need the friend challenges


How the fuck do I buy Isabella and Megumi? Only Ami and Liz showed up in my pit stop. Do I have to just keep digging through other stuff until they show up or are they not in rotation at the moment?

Naughty/Tumblr/LGBT/Rainbow Dog

It shouldn't exist yes

heyyyy. you get a point i guess.

I actually like capture the flag.

No don't do that.

How does the bonus coins work now?

Its something related to the trophy at the end of a race?

If you could simply slam the other racers with your kart...

I spent all my 20k coins and didn't get them kek

How the fuck am i supposed to do a whole lap in reverse on a track you dont have to use jumps and still win

>Hype up new characters
>Don't put them all on Pit Stop on the first day

Why on earth would they make ami 15% nitro point, but the other ones... not? I don't understand

all you're doing is making your players just play her, that's it

Why? I played it locally and it was fun...

>Queue up for online
>No twilight tour
>Repeat until twilight tour appears

Did they fix the race corruption glitch?

Fun doesn't make something good or worthwhile.





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