Why aren't you enjoying a JRPG right now?

Why aren't you enjoying a JRPG right now?

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dunkey said there shit

Because RPCS3 refuses to boot up Graces for whatever reason.

Is Ar Tonelico good?

i feel like talking about tales but no one else wants to do the same
might as well go back to playing vesperia

I'm trying to play Breath of Fire III, but I'm having a hard time enjoying it because there's just so many points of no return and hardcore railroading here at the beginning of the game that it's making it difficult for me to get into it. When does the game open up and let me travel wherever and explore all over?

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The game-play is usually extremely tedious for every JRPG I've tried playing

Really what were they?

I'm going through the series now. Aside from zestiria which I've heard bad things about are there any (english translated) tales games I should skip?

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Which Tales games are good? I’ve played
>Symphonia: Great
>Xillia: Decent
>Zestiria: ok
>Berseria: bad

My laptop is getting repaired.
Any good mobile JRPGs or JRPGs worth emulating on the phone?

I play one if you recommend me one with good writing.
I don't want anime cliche the game.

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Does The Last Remnant count?

symphonia, abyss and vesperia are the holy trinity of tales games
i'd recommend phantasia and destiny too if you're not satisfied after playing these three games

Also I guess I got pretty bored with Atelier Rorona after I realized it's just shallow dungeon crawling to get enough items to meet the main quest and then collecting ingredients until the deadline is up

She looks pretty cute and funny for her age

Oh, and definitely Agarest: Generations of War Zero

the only really bad game is Tempest, Zestiria has flaws in terms of being a Tales game but its still a decent jrpg in general

Abyss and Vesperia are overall regarded as the best games
Destiny DC, Graces f, and Xillia 2 has some neat things with their combat
Hearts R and Innocence R are also fun

But I am playing 3 different JRPGs right now and buying more every month.

>Agarest, the last remnant, Atelier Rorona
>for someone who is not into jrpgs
Holy shit did you fuck up go play chrono trigger or something.

I highly suggest getting a gameboy, but there are a couple jrpgs with mobile ports like romancing saga 2 and you can struggle through touchscreen controls while emulating turn based games like fire emblem

Fuck yes, I & II are in my top 5 games. I haven't played much of Qoga though. Ar Nosurge is very fun as well.

>Zestiria: ok
>Berseria: bad
Nigger what the FUCK did you just say?

Don't skip Eternia if you can help it, it's truly a great game.

I've been playing Fell Seal. Not really a JRPG just a western FFT clone I think but close enough

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I want to play with this tight pussy but my PS3 doesn't work anymore. Graces f port when?

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Played through FE4, 6, 7, 8, 9, 11, and 14 already.
Heard good things about Romancing Saga, might try it.
I have a GBA SP, but my charger's been lost for years and I haven't gotten around to picking a new one up yet.

Why would he play something bad when he's already tried two good jrpgs and disliked them?
At this point it's clear that turn based jrpgs are not for him, he could try some action games like souls and ys but I don't see the logic in recommending chrono trigger

Because I have sex

cause i have to study

FE5 just got a new translation, I haven't tried the translation but the game itself is a favorite of mine. There's also Tear Ring Saga on the psx which is basically a fire emblem game. Some other srpgs you might want to try are langrisser 2 and front mission.

In terms of character, specifically their development and interactions, Zestiria's fucking solid. It's gameplay suffers somewhat due to its excessive focus on playing bingo with its skills, but it's still decent. There's some complaint about the story and some concepts not making sense which it doesn't from a western standpoint, but the overall narrative is cohesive.

Berseria had even worse gameplay and both had generic plots. Unless you somehow think Berseria is good, I don’t see the point in squabbling over which is worse.

>SRPGs are FFT clones

I'm a bit burnt out on Fire Emblem at the moment, which is why I'm waiting on Thracia.
Next SRPG series I plan on playing a bit through is Super Robot Wars.

The Last Remnant

I mean, we know that SquareEnix are Jews, but do we really need Jews in their games, too? Take this pic, for example:
>Light Metal
>buying price is 1500 gold
>selling price is 15 gold

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Which jrpg should I play if I'm pc only?

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SRW is almost all RPG and no strategy. In most games you don't even have to try so long as you upgrade properly, and almost never are there objectives more complex than "kill all enemies"

This one literally is though

I'm playing Bravely Default, black mage is OP and Ringabel is annoying but a power house, absolute unite, also Edea's Japanese voice is cute, CUTE!

Graces f is one of the absolute worst Tales games.

that's pretty pointless without knowing anything about your taste in video games, what are you looking for / what are your favorite games?


I'm enjoying the greatest JRPG of the decade

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I figured. I just like mech stuff, and sometimes it's nice to sit back and relax with something simple.

Better than either Xillia, at the very least.

It is meh, but still better than Eternia, Legendia, Tempest, Innocence, Xillia 1, Dawn ofNW and Zestiria.

Fallout: New Vegas
Only jrpg I played are the Neptunia ones
JRPGs that try to take themselves seriously are a joke

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Why the fuck would you play all seven of those? You Tales fans have the biggest case of Stockholm Syndrome since the Sonic fandom.

Emulation aside, Tales of Vesperia Definitive Edition is a good place to start. Final Fantasy XII Zodiac would be good if you can get it on sale, but it can be real hit or miss depending on your tastes.

Because i am still playing Kenshi.

>Akarinnnnn poster is retarded
Not this again

You think there are only 7 Tales games, user?

I'd need one to play, first off. Trails has died for me

Learn to read, please.

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I know the filename says Akari, but I only see dead other Yurus

He might as well be a satania poster

Because I just did the first 3 Dragon Quest games and I need a break

JRPGs don't stimulate my noggin enough.

Because I work too many hours in a week (and commute a good 10+ hours a week to get to/from work) and JRPGs are too much of a timesink.

If I can't play it portable, I really can't play it.

I'm waiting on a flashcard to play the DS ones.

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Is Monster Hunter considered a JRPG?

Assuming you can't read jap, your best bet is probably Metal Max Returns which you can play on a snes emulator. Maybe an Atelier game if you want something with an official port. And since you like touhou you can try some of the spinoffs like The Genius of Sappheiros.


My nigga
I got an R4 coming in the mail but figured I'd play 4 on mobile since everyone says party chat really improves things.

Action crafting game.

Because I've lost the ability to enjoy things.

im playing world of final fantasy switch right now,
is a good game but too fucking easy

I'm waiting for a sale on PSN before I buy Final Fantasy 10 remastered. I haven't played them game in quite a few years I feel it's time for a replay.

It's not an RPG, so no.

I'm waiting for Ryza's game

Just emulate it