What the FUCK happened to video games these past few years? There's legitimately nothing to play

What the FUCK happened to video games these past few years? There's legitimately nothing to play

Attached: doom.png (635x661, 198K)

Go play Rimworld

Pathologic 2 just came out, nigger.

based retard

Nothing has really changed in a few years, if you played games then you will have games to play now.

Mordhau, Doom, MK11, Hitman 2, Kingdom Come, Sekiro...

it's been that way as soon as the PS3 era started. Because the late 2000s were when everything started to go to shit & the big shift in social media started. The Music Industry died, Anime continued it's downward Spiral & all the movie industry was enjoying it's final good years. Then you had the gaming industry, coming off it's best period in history. 2006 & 2007 saw the release of the most negatively impactful games in history (Assassin's Creed, Uncharted, Call of Duty 4, Oblivion) all of these games are responsible for introducing most of the negative trends that exist in gaming today. Which lead to gaming become a monopoly, games were made solely to scam people out of their money as much as possible instead of making them in effort of making a good game. Companies then pushed their developers to rush out yearly releases with little changes & constant streamlining, and Nintendo fell off a cliff at the start of the Wii Era. And only started to recover in 2017. Gaming Journalism also shifted as well due to Youtube's existence which rendered Game reviews obsolute. Because why would people read an article when they can just watch a video. Which lead to Journalists giving inflated review scores for AAA games as a way to increase views & keep themselves relevant. That's why you saw such a drastic increase in Perfect Scores from IGN that generation, going from 0 Perfect Scores to 13 in the PS3 Generation alone.
Naturally this has all progressively gotten worse over time & has gotten to the point where innovation is dead & every game is literally a clone of each other. Nowadays only 3 kinds of Big Budget games exist Now.
> 1. Generic Open World Game
> 2. Cinematic Over the Shoulder Movie
> 3. Generic Online Shooter
Sometimes you would also see episodic games like Telltale TWD, but those have been largely replaced with Fortnite clones.

ON PC , on pc, on PS4 there's a non stop party

I sort of feel like buying some games but this event sucks so much dick it's sapped my will to purchase them
>oh you bought a game? that's nice. you don't get any opportunity for free shit though, enjoy seeing team reddit win free games though
and a fuck you to you too, grand prix.

t. brainlet
Games are still as good as they were in the 90s, in fact they're better in many ways even accounting for the SJW shit

Faggot detected.

Mordhau is played by people who like slapping nut sacks together.

I don't know what you mean, it's a niche game because of the melee combat and 'difficult' to learn mechanics - but it's a very good game

Every AAA game that was hyped before it's release from this Generation has been forgotten after a couple of months. The only ones with staying power are NieR, BOTW & Smash

So just don't buy AAA games? Most of them obviously sacrifice quality to attract more normies to their games.
But there's plenty of non AAA developers that make high quality shit, not like games a decade ago were made with huge budgets like they are today

There's a lot to play. You're just not looking.

>Every AAA game that was hyped before it's release from this Generation has been forgotten after a couple of months. The only ones with staying power are NieR, BOTW & Smash
By who, You?

Aside from graphics and one or two examples, no.

You're depressed.

look at this fucking chivfag oh no no no

>past few years
There's been almost nothing for over a solid decade

t. Doomer

yeah i know

Sounds more like you then video games sorry.

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There's plenty to play, you're just a faggot.

>not one good game in over 10 years

okay retard. maybe you just don't like gaming