Kill enemy that was trying to kill me

>kill enemy that was trying to kill me
>game theme is DUDE MURDER IS WRONG

Why are developers so stupid? How is it wrong to stop yourself from being murdered?

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>character kills in self defense
>is forever traumatized and hates him/herself now
yikes, is that really how humans work? (I never killed anybody)

Believe it or not, not everyone is a psychopath like you.
If someone tried to kill me or someone I knew I would call the police, not just go fucking kill them because I'm not an edgy anime protagonist.

>Video Games need to be exactly like real life
Its called escapism you fagtards thats half the reason shit like video games and books and any kind of media is so popular

I remember Spec Ops: The Line trying to do this.

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>"I-If you kill me you'll be just as bad!"
>"I don't care"
Any games that do this?

>only psycopaths can kill with no remorse
shit meme

Can you personality-less fucks please post something other than dog shit derivatives of wojack/feels guy?

>be american
>be too scared to exercise your second amendment
>call the police
>get shot because it takes 40 minutes for them to respond
>police finally arrive
>get shot again because you didnt put your hands behind your head fast enough

Read the goddamn post and respond to it images are fucking pointless.

>nigger corners you in dark alley
>ayo whyteboi gimme yo money
>h-hold on l-let me just call the police

>mad at a paint drawing
look at this cuck

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>If someone tried to kill me or someone I knew I would call the police
And what the fuck would you do while that person is actively attacking you, sit there and ask them to stop?

kys resetranny pepejak is the only meme normgroids can't appropriate because everytime they do someone draws a frog gassing a jew and gets the meme put on an ADL list

This entire board is forsaken. Every thread is shit and bait. There's nothing left for us here, user.

You do know calling the police takes at least 5 turns, right? You'll be long dead before finishing casting.

good, go back to plebbit


How about instead of complaining and doing literally nothing to effect the problem, you ignore any wojak posts you see instead of drawing more attention to them and giving them (yous) and more reason to post them by letting people know it makes you a mad
Getting rid of wojak is useless anyways at this point since literally any Yea Forums OC that gets made no matter how different it tries to be from wojak it can easily be tied back into wojak starting the meme. For as much as people claim to hate them they've had too much effect on this board to ever go away

>You are a psychopath if you have committed self defense and or believe people the right to do so.

>Killing someone trying to harm and or kill you is the same as intentionally killing another person out of rage, greed, ect.

>If you value your own life, and are willing to defend your self you might as well be a murderer.

How do the onions taste?

For most, yeah. Some higher level intelligence humans would likely be able to rationalize with themselves that they had no choice, it was kill or be killed, etc, but most people would be a little fucked up from taking another human life, regardless of circumstances.

Note, this is in self defense, so we're not talking about sociopaths.

This is bait.

I can't go back to somewhere I never came from.

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I could only take another life in self defense, or defense of my child I think.

nah the only thing about it that fucks you up is that expression on the face of the person you killed as you killed him
you basically etch that into your memory forever

Wojack is the worst thing to happen to Yea Forums.

>I'm not evil I only kill bad people!

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>phosphor bomb the shit out of civillians
yikes no wonder the american "empire" is falling

I could take a life whenever I wanted to
the only thing holding me back is that it's illegal
no I'm not being edgy
I'd just do it when it actually gives me a benefit, though

You're still taking a life, it's not easy regardless of circumstances. That doesn't mean it's not necessary in extreme cases, but most people don't want to be responsible for the death of another person, the ending of their life.

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>no I'm not being edgy

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not for americans, but then again, they aren't human

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It's falling?

B8ing this hard without also posting picture of katana collection

>Only psychopaths have ever taken another human life
>No one has ever been unable to get help, or been suddenly assaulted with out warning.
>Everyone is either a pussy boy or an unfeeling killer.
>You must be a cop/soldier/have some magic ability to use a gun or beat someone with a blunt object.
>I will always be able to rely on someone or some organization to protect me
>The police are not minuets away, a human cannot bleed out in seconds.
>The police are perfect and flawless, they are no human, and are not capable of making mistakes or discrimination.

>pepejak is the only meme normgroids can't appropriate

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just give them your wallet its not like you cant earn more. life is irreplaceable

>Europeans are such sissies they'd rather die than engage in self defense

is that from twitter? do you lurk on twitter

holy shit i bet you even have a twitter account

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go away, bike cuck

Nope. He was trying to kill me, refused to stop and I gave him every chance. I don't feel any guilt at all. It's a shame it had to happen, but I'm far more glad to be alive and unharmed than be dead and have him around doing god knows waht.

they think self defense is racist apparently

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Someone who commits crime not only easily replaced, but also unwanted.

>U post wojak therefore me correct.

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The worst thing was when newfags started flooding in the first time, realized trolling was a art and therefore required effort and began the slide towards much easier bait posting. Then successive population waves and added conveniences like the thread tracker and the mobile site just kept making things worse. Wojack is just the replacement for rage faces after Yea Forums stopped caring their retarded little brother was copying them.

Yes, and the life and time I spent to earn that money can never be given back. Meanwhile there's always another nigger.

all life is precious user

le whoom'st boom'st zoom'st doom'st yoom'st poom'st qoom'st cringe bringe splinge binge boomzoom wojak wojak wojak bojak lojak nojak slugjak brugjak hugjak pugjak wblblblblblblblblbl cringe

>feeling remorse for killing non-existing things

>just give them your wallet
>shoots you anyway because you're now a witness or just because they feel like it
Congrats, retard, your irreplaceable life is now over.

Get off your high horse, fucking incel

TLoU too a t


you sound like a cuck

one off from greatness
Although v doesn't allow dubs right?

I really hope that's just a bad translation

>police kill someone trying to kill someone
>theyre now evil for killing someone
holy shit now I understand why leftists think all cops and soldiers are evil
why do they trust these people with their lives?

is this like one of the videos where the lefty starts making gibberish noises when unable to compute?

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Why do people think that saying "Wojak bad" like retards will make people agree with them?
I mean if anything this is prime ammo to use to make the Anti-Wojak Wojak

Do you realize that humans have killed humans without much hassle for about 100k years as long as they didn't belong to their immediate social group? If they felt any of the alledged "natural" guilt you guys propose, only "psychopaths" would have survived due to natural selection. And yet, the world is full of sissies like you, which disproves your hypothesis.

Then why allow people who take away life? You know very well that the mugger will kill to get a wallet, why would you value the mugger's life over the victim's?
You must choose.
>Just give up the wallet lol
You're encouraging crime which leads to death.

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Imagine being so weak that your response to being attacked isn't to defend yourself, but to seek others to protect you. Your life is too precious to put into the hands of others, user. Get strong, then you can be self-sustaining and not need the strength of others to survive the mongrels that walk the streets.

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if everyone didnt resist nobody would need to be killed

But what if I want to die

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lol what would you eat then? Can't eat meat, can't eat plants. Are you gonna live off dirt?

>just give them your money they'll let you go.

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Why didn't they just kill me in the first place then?

>"hey give me your wallet"
>don't resist and hand over wallet
>demand he hand my wallet back
>he obliges
>repeat until you both starve to death

dilate, have sex or whatever easily repeated line you might toss

or just kill yourself, how about that one?

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>Shoots you
>Doesn't know if you even have a wallet
>Has to spend time looking for wallet, probably getting blood on themselves when they could just be running away with it
Why don't you use your brain for once?

Wojak Wojak seems close enough

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even better
>“no i won’t, idiot”

>mad at wojaks when the board is literally full of subhuman retards and trannies that defend game journalists and google
>a post image


It's not natural, but it's still guilt

How much of a fucking cuck are you? I hope you enjoy being buried 6 feet underground one day.

crime devalues life. honestly the death penalty should be swift for murderers, rapists, etc. Unironically bring back the Old Testament

That was literally not the theme of Spec Ops you absolute brainlet

When did you come to believe that you had a natural right to self preservation?

Oh no I'm gonna kill myself now!!!!!!111111

How absolutely British of you.

wow you really showed him, he's going to die some day unlike yourself

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tbf war awas a lot more fun before the 1900's fucked everything up with mechanization. Once upon a time war was an opportunity for the 3rd+ sons to go out and maybe win some recognition, land, loot, and maybe do a few cheeky rapes. You weren't even at a huge risk of dying,or at least the odds were better than all of your older brothers dying so you could inherit the farm anyway.

Imagine being this unapologetically american

>Kill enemy who is trying to kill me
>He agrees that since I'm stronger, I'm deserving of the right to protect humanity from an incoming dire threat

Why don't more video games do this?

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Initially. This status can be revoked due to intentional actions performed by the living individual in question.

be sure to remember the name that your mother gave you at birth before you do it

Do you even have non-lethal methods to stop the enemy like tranquiliser darts or some shit?

I'd be 100% for the death penalty for anyone committing unforgivable acts like planned murder, rape, pedophilia, treason, etc. but my only issue is how so many people on death row end up being innocent because of how shit the US justice system is.

Imagine being this unapologetically retarded. I guarantee that whatever EU shithole you're in has absolutely no right to self-defense laws in place.

Nahh, I'll just think about that time I boned your mother and you were conceived

At least I plan to go down fighting and not with my pants around my ankles.


That's a fucking stupid trope is why. It makes no sense; Why wouldn't you just work together? Especially when it's a fight to the death, which is likely to result in injury for the victor as well.

so your pants will be completely removed?

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>dude use this tranquilizer dart which takes 30 seconds to take effect
>in that 30 seconds he will gun you down in 2 seconds

What? An American would just shoot them.

You mean it doesn't work exactly like Metal Gear?


That's fucked.

The enemy in this case is controlling the diabolical apocalyptic world ending army of robots. However, while he initially just sees you as a checkmark on his "To kill" list, after defeating his champion pilot, he now feels that you've given reason enough to see you as a realistic savior for humankind, even though he intends to try his best to wipe them out anyways. Rather than just doing something boring and nuking you, he instead lets you return to base to prepare for a war to come later.

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I love how this was completely subverted in hotline miami. You just kill these guys for fun and the game is completely aware of that.

Games with this feel?

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Black guy here, you whiteys argue about the dumbest shit lmao

good luck on your driver's exam

You know it's a shitty nonsensical trope because it's a major part of World of Warcraft lore.

4Channel Yea Forums: Gold Edition

I baited you guys hard. You're all fucking morons.

Is it true that fight club is a white people movie? How did you like it?

got a laugh

I have your mom to give me a ride, retard

>being this much if a cuck
I just keep moving forward... until my enemies are destroyed.

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Undertale neutral ending was bullshit.

>Black guy here

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at least we don't argue about if goku or freeza would fuck bulma harder


I hate that I somewhat agree with you, especially with how easy false accusations are just accepted, but I feel that even with potential innocents the death penalty should be implemented.
The billions in tax payer money that go into giving inmates cable and comfy beds is unacceptable; if the death penalty is too harsh , we should at least bring back forced labor. Prison should be honestly somewhat torturous rather than something people intentionally seek out.
I guess that goes back to the misconception that prison is supposed to be for rehabilitation, as if sticking a criminal with a bunch of other criminals completely secluded from society for 60 years will somehow convince them to integrate back into society. Jail should be punishing petty criminals with a couple years of misery; any sentence that exceeds a couple of years will end up simply putting out people who are worse off.

>Even the incel gamer whites are debating the philosophy of taking a life in extenuating circumstances while the nigger, reveling in ignorance as always, gloats about said ignorance

I really wish I was white, fuck.

I hope this statement actually plays out one day, i dont want you to die i just want you to physically experience the scenario youre describing then remember this thread.

Its not like you feel that bad about killing people who aren't trying to kill you, how many civilians have you run over in GTA with a big smile on your face?

Holy shit based

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until the chinese perfect genetic engineering and make us all equal in mind and body, we can at least be friends

but i get to call you nigger


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I doubt it.

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>be american
>dude breaks in my house
>grab the shottie and shoot him in kneecap
>ask him what his favorite vidya is until cops arrive with gun pointed at his face
See i can do it too.

frieza doesn't have a dick

thats okay hes creative

Another black here. I personally loved the ideas of the film, although the book handled them better. The notion of Durden introducing the powers of anti-primacy and Primtivisim to working-class schmucks is something that I don't see being limited to just one ethnic group, especially in Capitalist America. It's also liberating to see the story of this group eventually worming themselves deeply into society and causing global havoc without the use of superpowers or magic or sci-fi technology that implies that the events of the story could just "Happen" one day. I would say a White People movie is probably something like Juno or Scott Pilgrim (or literally anything else featuring Michael Cera) where I cannot see any other ethnic group sympathizing or caring.

There's certain things I'm really easy going on when it comes to crime. Like if someone steals food because they can't afford anything to eat, they need help more than punishment. If someone successfully robs a bank without actually hurting anyone, that's pretty bad ass. Hire them in the FBI or something. But repeated crimes, gang activity, drug selling, rape, murder, human trafficking, treason, and other crimes that label you either as "irredeemably evil" or someone who will never be a positive aspect of society, well their life becomes null. Either put a bullet in them and toss the body, or use them for science experiments so they can benefit society somehow.

>"he he he just gonna get rid of thid evidence right quick hehe"
>"he he oh shit the floor wont catch fire"
>"ill just light this mothafucka up"
I really really hope this dude got buttfucked to death in jail this is fucking inhuman.

>jew movies
>white people


Michael Cera is not a jew, you retard. Have sex.

white boys without a strong father figure be like

poopy nigger! poopy poopy nigger!!!!

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America's social programs are so excessive that anyone who is legitimately living on the streets is doing so because of drugs, mental illness (often caused by drugs), or because they are intentionally avoiding help for some odd other reason. Food stamps are so easy to get on and even to exploit that anyone who steals is doing so for selfish and very often drug related means

>Wojakshitter defending human pit bulls
Imagine my shock


and yes I will

No you don't understand. We do know you get off to being called an abject retard. We are just giving you what you crave, retard.

I don't know what country you live in, but it's certainly not America. None of that is true whatsoever, and as someone who was a foodstamp recipient before the government decided I was making a little too much money to keep giving me EBT, I can tell you that it's a pain in the ass to get started with the process. That, or you're just some fag living off of his parents still who thinks he understands the world.

People aren't inherently bad because they're black, and there are a lot of black people who are all around better people than me, but fuck me if most black people aren't maliciously stupid and stupidly malicious

>if you kill a killer, the number of killers on the world will stay the same
>kill two killers

>a pain in the ass to get started with the process
>proof of income

i suppose anything can be difficult if you're retarded but somehow as much as I like to think you are retarded, you're able to use a keyboard and formulate sentences so maybe you're just full of shit or really just fucking lazy

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Advance Wars: Days of Ruin
>"I guess you're right"
>cue gunshot

Tales of Berseria I think?

>Find SNAP office which are never near any real habitation area
>Deal with filing applications which are organized like shit
>Federal background checks which take weeks
>Attend interview after they have responded to your application
>Continually re-certify benefits and make sure I keep an accurate tally of all assets and my shifting income every single fucking month

Again, I know you trust fund children who pretend as if you've ever worked a day in your life know how the world works, but you don't know everything just because you post on Yea Forums.

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Californian spotted.

This is why Lin is the best character in the series.

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okay druggie

i'm glad that you get to experience the joys of having to keep appointments and track your income and spending

maybe one day you'll realize most people have to do shit like this even when they aren't on welfare

and maybe if you're not a total lazy bum you might be able to get paid to do it half the time

sorry ment to say druggie and neet and African american/Undocumentd Immigrant

You see, since I have a job, and had a job even when I was on government welfare, I am used to doing this shit. My point is that it takes more work than just walking up to an office, showing them a single proof of address and your ID, and getting thousands of free dollars like you retards keep spreading misinformation about. I'd ignore it if it wasn't something that was immediate to my own life, but it's clear to me.

>maybe if you're not a total lazy bum

I work harder than you ever will, and I can only guess I'm not getting paid as much as your parents pay you. However I am anything but lazy.

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The only moment more satisfying was when the Mayor died.
I never expected Advance Wars of all games to get me to hate an NPC so effectively.

>things lazy bums say

You would get raped so hard in jail.

mass effect had some retarded moments like that
like with balak's second in command
>I only wanted to enslave some humans dude!
>kill him
versus going
>you can go and don't ever let me catch you in human space again
which outside of vidya and even in most vidya is comically stupid

no you are lazy by your very choice of words, you are resentful and presumptuous and dishonest

until you can come to terms with yourself you will always be unhappy

now if you will excuse me, i have to go for a joy ride in my imaginary ferrari now with the imaginary money from my imaginary trust fund, oh and would you mind dreaming me up a supermodel girlfriend while you're at it, i've had a really tough day handing out at my imaginary dad's imaginary country club

KEK imagine coping this hard. You are delusional af bro.

I have noticed a lot of black people confuse jew shit with white shit. On that note, whenever you see an "old rich white dude" please realize you're actually seeing a jew. The more you know.

>guy finds some loophole to sue you
>asshole judge goes along with it
Always shoot to kill.

Alitafags are so cringy.

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>The theme is how horrible war is and how video games glorify and paint over the effects it has on both innocents and the men inflicting such horrors
>Game still fucking sucks and the message of how you shouldn't play it successfully puts off most people who care from buying it
Yeah, great themes.

are there any games that punish you for killing enemies at the end of the game?

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Reminds me of FNV usually forcing you to either honorably duel the big bad tribal in HH or talking to Joshua to let him live. Or you could have just taken the sneering imperialist perk and go full british colonist on the subhuman degenerate he is and have joshua dome him on the spot.

Dude you're a little bitch. If someone had the intent to kill me it's fucking on. And I'm not letting up until that person is super dead.

>find enemy that was trying to kill me
>brand his face
>reveal his crimes to the world over intercom

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>oh no someone is attempting to strangle my mother
>uuuuhhhhhhh better call the cops, she'll have to hold on in the meantime since I'm not a psychopath, haha
You've really hit rock bottom, haven't you?

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>How is it wrong to stop yourself from being murdered?
IT'S FASCIST you fucking NAZI.


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Depends on who you kill.
A family member or friend you thought you could trust? You feel bad
Some trashmob NPC? You feel a little confused and a bit worried
An enemy? You feel good.

>Go to a hospital to get the bullets taken out
>Costs $30,000 (not including tax)
>Forget to tip my doctor 15% of the bill
>He puts the bullets back in

>This entire board is forsaken. Every thread is shit and bait. There's nothing left for us here, user.
What do you mean "Us"?
Maybe to YOU, this board means nothing.
But to me ... this bait gives me power.
You REALLY should've checked my stats while we were here, user. Because while yours were decreasing due to the toxic environment ... mine were getting stronger.

it's the game devs apologising for being incompetent and not giving you the option to not kill
games that are actually good like the Metal Gear Solid series give you a non lethal option

You better pray to God you won't get into situation where someone or something will try to murder you, cripple you or just Rob you.
Of course nobody wants to get into that kind of situation but if you will get into that situation, definitely you will be fucked.

If you get attacked by criminal you have only seconds to react.

First of all that crook won't wait like 20-50 minutes for Police, he will murder/cripple/Rob you and then dissapear from area in less than 10-20 seconds. Also if crook realizes that you are about to call cops, he will easily prevent this.

But if you have gun, pulling it out will take less than seconds and in most cases if criminal sees you have a gun, he will run away. But if you have to shoot him because he is too dumb/brave to be feared then you are not a bad guy actually you prevented all future attacks this guy will do if he will get out alive.

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>tfw killed 3 people
>tfw just want to forget

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Depends on the person. If you are just defending yourself from someone, for example, a thug who is trying to kill you then you'll not be fucked but the feeling you've experienced on killing will be etched to your memory but not in some traumatic way. Killing someone that can give you a regret is the one that fucks a normal person up. I know a friend who killed his abusive father and he is now in prison and he said to me that it still hunts him to this day and he remembers very well the expression and the last sound of his father when he killed him.