If I say the word "Checkpoint!"

whose voice do you hear it in?

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Crusin World or Crusin USA, can't remember which

Nobody. I just associate it with words appearing on the screen.

No one, I don't even remember anyone that says checkpoint

Who the fuck is this chick.

my nigga
non ayy suzy

the voice that i read text inside my head with

I think of the voice from Rush 2

the first Carmaggedon

Attached: CHECKPOINT.jpg (1280x720, 92K)

that dude from the game neo driftout

If it's one word that isn't in all caps and has an exclamation mark i hear a cheerful happy voice. It's hard to describe. Like a child or a girl. Whenever i see reisenanon say "i love reisen!" I always hear a child. But if the word is all caps i hear my voice shouting.


reminder there's a fanmade pc port with working multiplayer servers that can run on any toaster

The genie from the Aladdin game my mom got for me because it was bundled with a 4 pack of Kraft Dinner.

the announcer from Nitronic Rush


OutRun announcer

Trackmania Turbo
>trust your instincts

W A V E R A C E 6 4

This one, yeah.


In the metal slug announcer voice but i don't even know if he says that

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this one


I hear "Checkpoint Reached" from Halo Reach's Announcer

>0:10 youtu.be/ZPl0zh1-QbU

I can hear it perfectly in my head but have no idea what game it's from anymore. The announcer is a male that sounds like he's running out of oxygen as he pushes the word checkpoint out.

outrun 2sp


Originally none, but then I heard it as the announcer for Aggressive Alpine Skiing for some reason.

Weirdly, the announcer in Sonic All Stars Racing

Me too, too many racing matches

the british lady from marble blast ultra.

The FATALITY voice from mortal kombat

This pic goes as far back as December 2015. What is the source, OP? Judging by the filename, only one other person has posted this image before. All but one instance is you. So where did you get it from?

Krunk from the Emperor's New Groove PS1
Running into checkpoints and hearing the familiar "CHECKPOINT!" is very satisfying. Next to hearing the old man say "bananas in the river hmm what will they think of next?"

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Is that Suzy?

what's her name?
reverse image gives nothing

How come this is the one everybody remembers?

the announcer from moto racer


the carmageddon 2 announcer


Ok, I might be crazy hear but I heard the voice of the guy in metal slug that tell's you when you get shit like "HEAVY MACHINEGUN" But I'm 95% sure metal slug does NOT have checkpoints so now I'm really second guessing myself

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Holy shit I really should read the thread before posting, does he say it? its not just me?!

I see it coming out of a crate.

Moto Racer Announcer



Some female robotic voice, no idea where it's from tho.

It's in both of them but I hear the USA version

Rahzel speaking as the announcer from SSX.

That bitch announcer from one of the Ridge Racer games
Or the guy from Test Drive 4

Cruis n' USA is seared in the memory of millennials. It was a very big deal when it came out.


I can't believe how long it's been since I've heard this, but I can replicate it clear as day in my head

The announcer from this old lego racing browser game, I can't remember the name

Emperor's New Groove on ps1

San Francisco Rush, my dude.

I think I’m thinking of Arctic Thunder?

Honestly cant think of a single game

Daytona USA on the Saturn.

Funny someone else said it. I think it was just an announcer guy not Kronk though

Could have sworn it's kronk but it's been years since I've played. Maybe I'll dig out my cd case and ps1 later

based brain memory storage

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I don't know. I can hear it clearly but I don't know who does the voice. I also don't even know what game it's from.

who is suzy?

The vox voice from Half Life

Egoraptor's girlfriend. The alien looking creature.
It's not her, but looks vaguely similar. Suzy's tits aren't enar that big.

Because I want to fuck that voice.

That's easy

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Lol exactly who I hear

this chick and a few others have this very specific set of facial features that drive me nuts. the button nose, round cheeks, and deep folds. holy FUCK it's so good

This is correct.

Fuck, beaten

>Didn't know Cruis'n World by name
>Still got this answer
Wtf it's been like 5 years since I've been to an arcade

Cruisin' or Daytona