What was it like being a gamer in the late 2000s?

What was it like being a gamer in the late 2000s?

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same as it is now

Awful, late 90's was the best


People say you're supposed to call those years between 2000 - 2010 the noughties. I think that sounds dumb. But i also think the "2000s" sounds dumb. That's supposed to refer to the whole century.

it feels dab esketit

Demo discs that had a handful of games were pretty cool, I have a couple playstation jampacks from the ps1 and ps2 somewhere

Super Smash Bros.
Silent Hill
Mario Party
Final Fantasy VIII
RollerCoaster Tycoon
Pokemon Snap
Pokemon Stadium
Ape Escape
Persona 2
Ogre Battle 64
Mario Golf
System Shock 2
Tony Hawks Pro Skater
Resident Evil 3
Age of Empires II
Crash Team Racing
Jet Force Gemini
Spyro 2
Chrono Cross
Pokemon Gold and Silver
Donkey Kong 64
Unreal Tournament
Legend of Dragoon
Quake III Arena
Planescape Torment
Harvest Moon 64
All this in 1999, I feel bad for kids now a days that have to wait a hundred years for a new game to come out

>not referring to them as the "Twenty-aughts"

You had ads like this in magazines calling you a fag for playing as a dude

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Great first 5 years. Awful the next

Zoomers should be glad they only have to deal with lootboxes instead of Online passes. I'm still livid how that shit went on for as long as it did

>Online passes
fucking EA cancer

Finally this debate is over

Cool kids called them the double O's

I think we can't all agree that 1995-2015 was an absolute golden age of videogames that will never happen again

Be glad you were around for it and consider finding another hobby

It was alright, not as comfy as 90s gaymen though.



Shut up boomer, PS3 was God's last gift to mankind

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How young do you have to be to not know that answer?

This, gaming hasn't truly been good since 2008.

>Consoles had Halo
>PC had CoD(when it was good)
and there was balance

What was the last good game you slobbering retard

God that's so amazing.

It's a shame that demos are not common anymore.

They'd have to be 90 seconds long based on the length of the average AAA single player experience

>corridor shooters
>chest-high-wall shooters
>multiplayer mode shoehorned into everything
>cinematic games become the norm
>open world games start to become more ubiquitous
>free to play starts to become ubiquitous
>DLC becomes the norm
>MMO market saturation begins

Basically it started out all the cancer that made gaming in the 2010s shit. At least PC had some standout exclusives though unlike now, such as STALKER, Crysis, and The Witcher.