The story sucks. The missions are repetitive. The villain is really stupid and the final boss fight is quick and stupid...

The story sucks. The missions are repetitive. The villain is really stupid and the final boss fight is quick and stupid. MJ is ugly and acts like a bitch and that stupid chink cop that calls you and orders you around to do stuff while being a cunt is a big ol cunt. There mini games and the collectible hunting is as bad as any Assassin's creed game, and there's no real incentive to do it. I found all the backpacks and I got some crummy suit. This game is over-rated. Swinging is fun though.

This in no way compares to Batman Arkham Asylum which is better in every way.

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The Ps1 Spider-Man games. Now those were good

Dudebro game is boring? Shocking.

I was at least hoping for some fun villians but it's just some Asian bozo ordering around other asians and doing voodoo magic.


>OP begins to think deeply we can only assume is how both the Batman Arkham games and Spiderman for the PlayStation 4 which came out in 2018, not to be confused with Spiderman the movie staring toby mcguire which came out in 2002, were not very good games.
>if there were a psychic character in the thread we might be able to know more, but alas there isnt.

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Good game, but severely hampered by QTEs and trying to be overly cinematic.

You didn't find it repetitive?

Yeah I guess that too, but I didn't do a ton of the side quests or collectibles to try and limit that myself. I would have been fine with repetitiveness if it didn't treat me like a mong at every turn.

>MJ sucks
is really the only valid complaint

Silver Sable comes around to want the spidey dick eventually and the villains are all fine, though noticeably different from their comic counterparts.

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The missions and the combat are really repetitive, did you not notice?

OP, can you just relax? Nobody here is claiming it's not repetitive.

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>This in no way compares to Batman Arkham Asylum which is better in every way.
so spiderman ps4 is a 1/10?

>The combat is really repetitive
I mean, its better than Ultimate Spiderman and spiderman 2's. There are a lot more things to do IF you are creative.

Have you tried doing more than just spamming the punch button OP?

That said yes the missions get old quickly and there was absolutely no justification for the stealth segments to be Miles/MJ segments. They should have just been spiderman stealth segments.

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I don't feel like the combat gets old. I mix it up and do cool shit. When I feel I've had enough of it, I take a break and play something else. it's a good game. Definitely better than Arkham Asylum.

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>There shouldn't have been stealth segments.
Fixed that for ya.

>This in no way compares to Batman Arkham Asylum which is better in every way.

Strange opinion considering Arkham City is better than Arkham Asylum in every way

Why not? Spiderman does stealth shit in the comics and Shattered Dimensions was good. The PS1 games and Ultimate Spiderman had indoor segments where you could climb on ceilings and get the drop on thugs.

Spider-Man and stealth go hand in hand but these retards at Insomniac wanted to shove a lois lane version of MJ and Miles down our throats.

Most of the Spider-Man games are the exact same.
"ooh you can swing!". Okay go here, beat people up, go here to trigger the next mission, here's a boss fight where you DODGE BECAUSE SPIDER-MAN IS AGILE, attack once, DODGE TIME

I mean it's a repetative as fuck genre but it's fun

I love how they keep adding in new suits.

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Arkham Asylum was comfier and had more soul. That game was a phenomenon when it came out.

i just want a GOTY ver with all the dlc and the suits

It had dogshit boss fights.

>Swinging is fun
Literally the only thing that matters in a Spider-Man game. There could be no voice acting, half the map size, combat being even more simple, no alternate suits, and it could be half the length and it would still be one of the best Spiderman games.

>Why not?
Not that user but it adds very, very little to the game. The stealth sections are all piss easy and they're a jarring shift if you like the base gameplay. I found them a good example of devs adding in a mode that was so different to the base gameplay. On the plus side they at least were short and explored some alternative characters, but they could have not existed in the game at all and it wouldn't be a negative for most players.
It felt like tacked on "hey remember Naughty Dog games?"

yeah but if they were spiderman segments, would've been better.

I swear, if 2 comes out on PS5 and there's no way to import every single suit from 1 I'm going to be pissed. They've got at least 30 of them at this point and to not see them on top of Symbiote suits is going to be disappointing.

the swinging in this game is just a cinematic experience though. It looks cool as fuck but there's no game.

Also when you figured out that zipping and jumping from edges is by far the fastest way to travel you'll never swing again and it ruins it.


I can't recall the last time I saw a studio continuously provide content this far beyond launch and ask for nothing in return

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You're probably not a fan of Spidey hence why you didn't enjoy. I've always loved Spider-Man comics since I was a kid and loved the ps1/ps2 era Spider-Man games, and I absolutely loved the hell out of this game. It is the true genre-defining Spider-Man experience.

Also the story was pretty cool, what are you talking about. Way better than any of the latest Spider-Man movies.

For me, I'd prefer they didn't exist at all. That being said they didn't hamper my enjoyment of the game too badly, I was just responding to the topic at hand.

>I love how they keep adding in new suits.

This is a Spider-Shill thread. Just stop.
People will buy the sequel no matter what.

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Crank up the difficulty, dumbass.

I swing because it's fun to maneuver around and do tricks.

Am I not allowed to praise the game?

It had soul though.

The formatting of your post is off color. you're making it really obvious your not from here, and the sudden spike in spider-man threads coinciding with the release of the movies and the new costumes makes it pretty apparent that this is another sony ad campaign
go back to r*ddit or ask for a raise

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The Xcucks rage just never stops, does it? Spiderman is NOT coming to PC or Xbox, EVER. And trying to cope with that by saying it's shit is just pathetic.

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this is all true, but it's a PS4 exclusive so shills and incels can't stop screeching that it's GOTYAY BASED EPIC GOLDFACE KEK etc.

similar thing with DEsouls and Bloodborne, but at least those were 5-6/10, so it's plausible that maybe a few autists were being genuine.

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raimi suit > all others

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All boss fights suck.
>too easy
>too hard
>too repetitive
>too random
That's the lowest tier of complaint, on par with:
>I hate Sonic because he's blue and my favorite color is orange

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This is your mind on xbox

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>Sony Ad campaign

they already got their money from the game. you're paranoid.

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based schizo user

It was dumb fun. I wanted to hate the game for the same reasons you listed but I enjoyed myself. It looks great too

Gravity Rush 2 & NieR: Automata are the best Playstation games of this generation

Xbox and Nintendo shills unironically ruined Yea Forums with their constant 24/7 asshurt at anything sony. They can't even come up with arguments anymore. Last gen they were screaming "no gaems" memes while Sony had the best hardware, this gen because Sony has demolished nintendo and xbox in terms of library, they've resorted to sprouting "muh censorship" and "muh movie game" memes. It's fucking pathetic and they are mentally disabled children.

>incel addicted to blacked cuckold
>shills for sony (for free)

checks out

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The base of the game is really good. The sequel could be a 9/10 game.

NieR: Automata was garbage. Never played GR2.

>wahhh spider-man is shit
>fucking bloodborne is shit
I want the dumb contrarians to leave and never come back
like do you really think you're cool for hating good games? no

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raimi suit is the second worst red/blue suit in the game, beaten only by the OC 2018 version

this picture is literally a mcu advertisement, don't beleieve the lies

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>The I Love My Nintendo Games Because They Are The Best And I Use A PC For Everything Else Special
Culinary Autism.

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Almost everything Marvel releases nowadays is an advertisement for the MCU. Only some of their comic-runs are safe.

Honestly like this kind of bonus content, Arkham Knight had a lot of "apology" content released for free, (extra challenges, skins, even allowing every character to be used in every challenge) it shows that despite everything these people really cared about the game they wanted to give to you.

All of these. PCtards were coping so hard at this on release, almost as epically as red dead 2. Based Sony bringing back AAA superhero titles.