Single-parent gamer thread. How do you find the time? What are you playing, and how often? I just finished BOTW...

Single-parent gamer thread. How do you find the time? What are you playing, and how often? I just finished BOTW, it's taken me 5 months. Frankly my hobbies feel like they're non-existent anymore.

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lol nigger dad left you alone


haha faggot

I'm a dad retard and my ex went crazy and abandoned her kids for drugs. Feels bad man.

Sorry brah

It would be the exact same if she hadn't made those choices.

Being a parent, or even just married, at all means a massive sacrifice for personal time.

I don't want to be rude but you kind of fell in the parenthood meme. It gives and takes, you just have to try and enjoy the positive sides more than the negative sides.

Granted, you still have to say goodbye to your free time.

wow you must be an expert how many whores did you get pregnant

Feed them early and send them to bed. Just Chuck some food in their mouths

Thanks dude. Life goes on. I just want to play some fucking video games. I bought Mordhau on sale but who knows if I'll ever get to play it.

You are kind of a bullshit parent if you don't allow children to stay awake just so you can play vidya.

Well look at the city slicker with his fancy German parenting books

Go get some real friends to tell them your life faggot

My idea would be to send the kids away for some days (somewhere nice) and then marathon games in my boxers over the weekend. At least then the kids could still stay awake.

I hope everything is going well for you and your kid user :)


You should have been playing Jenga so you'd have known how to pull out

How old is your kid/kids?

It gets easier as they get older. Don't lose hope. Level 35 Neo-Wizard here. My daughter is 8 now. She appreciates games. She's playing through Banjo 2 right now.

so not even your kids, huh?


Lol just don't have kids nigger

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>her kids

So a roastie got Tyrone'd, married you for stability, left you with the kids and made off with the drugs

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Hire a babysitter

Wouldn't that be weird? To hire a baby sitter who will see you closing yourself off to bing bing wahoo?


based and redpilled

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Kids are not worth the time and money investment.

If you have children, you shouldn't be playing videogames.

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