What the fuck just happened? Didnt understand anything going on.
What the fuck just happened? Didnt understand anything going on
You should have played the first game. It's like the exact same plot but simpler.
Heather barfed up a fetus then killed god
Whats hard to get?
I'm a retard, I meant that 3 is the same plot as 1 but simpler.
girl is mother of god, this god is bad, monsters show up because, she kills fetus god
This games makes 0 sense. Silent Hill 2 everything added up, everything here seems totally random mumbo jumbo. Why are the monsters here for starters
2 is self-contained
3 is a direct sequel to 1
Harry Mason raped Heather, the game is she coming to terms with aborting her brother-son (symbolized as a demonic figure)
So why are the monsters here
Why is Heather giving birth to a god lmao
Uhh... there's a waifu and she's related to the first game? Silent Hill 2 is much better story wise, people circle jerk this for Heather and I can't really blame them. She's a pretty top tier horror game waifu, but the actual plot of the game is pretty flat though.
Because she's the reincarnation of Alessa Gillespie you absolute illiterate nigger kill yourself jesus
What is the plot? Literally rhe only rhjng I understood was Heather is apparently giving birth to a god for some reason and theres a cult who thinks that's good for some reason and there are monsters for some reason. Then you kill god for some reason
And to think SH3 was going to be like SH2, being self contained. They have all the references to sexual assault and such, would have made more sense for Heather to have been a rape victim who runs off to Silent Hill.
Did you play the first game?
I played 1 and understood everything in 3 but 3 is still pretty inconsistent at times with what it does which might lead to some more confusion. Also I wouldn't say the plot of 1 is more complicated, but it might seem that way since you aren't told much about Alessa until later in the game, which is why replaying it should be recommended.
The rape allegories are way too blatant, i'll bet most of the game was being developed with Heather being a rape victim and the whole SH1 connection was added later in the game by Konami's demand and they had them remove rape entirely from the plot because "it's two extweme :("
It was the whole thing of Alessa and the fire splitting her into two or whatever. I still have the general outline in my head but it's messy, I can't remember if Heather is legitimately considered 17 or 24, or whether Alessa was 7 or 14 during SH1. A lot of it's on me but that was still hard to follow.
In one of these threads someone pointed out how the first boss basically resembles a giant dick so it's probably true. Heather is a good character, but her development in 3 is kind of slippery.
The third game is a direct sequel to the first. It will help you understand things a lot better. It's understandable why you would be as lost as you are considering that this game assumes you played the first one. Silent Hill 2 can be played standalone easily. It's easy enough to play the first game on an emulator if you haven't. It's worth it in my opinion.
Yeah i'm sure the Japanese were all for it, people here in the States get all uppity even if the subject is treated well. The Cult was an easy plot to make that wouldn't "offend"anyone. Kinda ruined it, but the atmosphere is still 10/10
>Heather is a good character, but her development in 3 is kind of slippery.
I think it's because they tried to do too much in a short amount of time, so a lot of it felt rushed which didn't really let anything sink in. Her character arc seems to happen too fast and make weird leaps with how it goes.
I just don't get how she went from depressed and emotionally fucked after seeing Harry killed to shit-talking Leonard right to his face like she's Dante from DMC1. The game is way too short to pull off an arc like that IMO, it just didn't have enough room to develop. I can see the case for limited cutscenes and NPC interaction, but the cutscenes have to be really damn good like in 2 if they want to leave an impact. Some would probably disagree, but I'd hope a new prospective SH could give a full development to one of its characters over the game with more interactions with others.
With all the remasters happening, maybe Silent Hill will get remastered. Then 2, maybe 3. 4 could benefit the most from newer controls. It would probably be behind Silent Hill 2
>I just don't get how she went from depressed and emotionally fucked after seeing Harry killed to shit-talking Leonard right to his face like she's Dante from DMC1
I'm not sure if you got that from my previous posts in SH threads but that's exactly the same thing I said. When that shit wasn't happening I really liked the atmosphere of 3, but when it did happen it dragged the whole thing down for me and made it hard to take it seriously. It worked well in DMC1 because he started out that way and things slowly became more serious, but SH3 didn't allow for any kind of buildup and switched things around too suddenly.
Yeah, I was just giving an example.