Was thiking of getting a 2ds

Was thiking of getting a 2ds
what are the best games for it?
also should i get the xl of the original?

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Other urls found in this thread:


2DS XL is the best model out of the entire 2/3DS family


>OP sees the first post and thinks to himself, stroking his chin
>If we had psychic Anons in the thread, we might be able to know what he is thinking about but we can only presume that he's thinking of buying the 2DS XL


>OP reads this second post and doesn't fucking get it but pretends to get it once seeing the third post to avoid looking stupid in front of the internet

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2DS and 2DSXL aren't really comparable. 2DS is basically the extreme budget version for little kids. I wouldn't even consider it

what makes it so bad? all nintendo is kinda marketed towards kids

Way smaller screens and no clamshell design. The XL is also a new model, so it has ZR/ZL buttons, a second analog nub, and more power. There's a handful of games that only work on the New models

>2DS XL is the best model out of the entire 2/3DS family
It's certainly an interesting opinion, but it's wrong. 2DS XL's build quality is flimsy AF compared to its predecessors.

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is smash on it still active? i assume the 2ds still has a lot of games the switch doesn't right? i planned to get a switch in about 6 months

screen does not seem much smaller
is it really worth double the price?

Yes, absolutely it is

TWEWY, even though it's a DS game. Kid Icarus Uprising, megaman starforce 3 are good too.

Stop posting trannyjack pls

okay well there goes all my spendable sheckles
what is the one game i should get?
preferably 25 bucks or less

Be sure that you get a special edition of some kind, this is the one I got

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Depends on what kind of games you like. I'd say either DQ8 or Super Mario 3D Land or just hack it

how do i become the hacker man?


only have the option of purple or a ugly white and orange one for the xl or i'd get samus if optional

any cons to hacking it? can i brick it accidentally
also can i still play online?
fuck nintendo though

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>also can i still play online?
Bricking is very hard to do. Just follow the instructions

Unfortunately all you have if you want a Samus one is this discontinued 3DS XL that'll cost you an arm and a leg

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i have very bad luck but i'll go for it
is it easy?
i barley manage to pirate a game i get a virus like 30% of the time

that looks cool though
i'd prefere zero suit, do they have any mewtwo version?

Not specifically, but if you want to get a regular 3DS XL you can get a Mewtwo faceplate

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i guess i can always get stickers
and purple could actual fit with mewtwo or zero suit
i'd still prefere blue or black though
how does the 2ds xl stack up to the 3ds xl anyway? a methhead stole mine before i actually got to play it

fuck roms though
it's always inferior

Depends on your taste in games. I like:
>LoZ: Link Between Worlds
>Animal Crossing New Leaf
>any of the Pokemon games on it

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The rounded edges are rounder and it doesn't have the 3D effect, otherwise it's basically the same thing as the New 3DS XL

How much do they go for these days? I picked one up as my first 3DS for Samus Returns.

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About $250+

I can see a number that went for ~$150 used on eBay within the last month. Not that I'd recommend using it as a daily driver since it's one of the N3DSXL models that's susceptible to paint peeling.