What’s the purpose of deliberately making a character this fucking ugly?

What’s the purpose of deliberately making a character this fucking ugly?

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To tell you that your mom is beyond salvation

i thought she was cute, in a nordic ice-mom-carrying-logs-in-for-the-fire kind of way.

It's ethical


its ok when the japs do it

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Most western developers actually believe it is morally wrong to make female characters that appeal to men.

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What's the purpose of deliberately ruining a character that didn't need any more design changes because said character already looked good?

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So anything that dosent look like an anime fuck doll is ugly?

bb in pw looks like some kind of animal lmao, especially ingame

I think she's cute as a button.

Aloy is qt. She's not gorgeous and isn't supposed to be.

to annoy you fat ugly incels

she looks like Ann Coulter now...
even her first PS2 model hat a better looking face.

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At least PW BB's design actually had SOUL and didn't look weird, ugly, fat, gross and crooked as fuck.

SOUL will always beat SOULLESS.

She's basically living in the jungle

Better question is why is she so clean

Honestly hated PW Big Boss, dude looked like a faction leader in some generic ass mmorpg

Big Boss looked best as an older version of Solid Snake

It's a good thing the industry has decided this is best, because as we all know, the industries biggest fans have always been college age girls majoring in women's studies. Right? I literally do not see how this could backfire.

Don't make fun of me!

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I was distracted at every cut scene. I couldn't give my full attention, because in the back of my mind there was an itch, a slight gnawing sensation whenever her face was on screen. I found questions racing through my mind like "No seriously, why would they do this? Was this a ploy to attract a new market to video games? Did they think that would work? No, it can't be that" stuff like that over and over again. I have never been so distracted BY a video game, while I was trying to play the video game. And I know I can't be alone. I know others felt this too. She looks like those pictures from school text books of "Neanderthal Man". It is hideous.

They know their target demographic.

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They want the ugly roastie audience

*makes thread crying about virtual womens appearance*

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This. I felt literally the same, to the point that eventually I droped the game before finishing it and sold it to a normie friend.

This scene was tough to watch knowing all Aloy wanted to do was give that bitch some berries or whatever, but the bitch said no. MADE ME MAD! >:(

The Black Eyed Peas?

Because they wanted more females to buy the game, believing them to be an un-tapped potential market they could grow into. They had to make her fugly as not to threaten this demographic’s fragile self worth.

TLDR; we want more money, we think women might might this game but only if they’re not threatened by a fictitious character’s beauty.

I don't like her character design either, but you faggots who think she needs to look like some creepy porcelain anime doll are pathetic.

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No one cares what you think.

She's kinda cute though, I think.
She actually looks human and not like some basement dwellers fantasy female face like the ones they put on sex dolls.

lol looks like a boy. I guess it's to drive home the point that women are incapable of anything .

Marketers calculated how many sales they'd gain and lose making her ugly and making her pretty. They obviously took the extreme route rather than just making her average.
Either that or go down the rabbit hole of "western artists are actually incompetent" when you see the real life model she was based on.

Sure, if you like literal cave-women.

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>Yea Forums hates Horizon because aloy isn't a sexy anime waifu
>I hate the game because the gameplay is boring, yet another ubisoft inspired sandbox where you button mash generic enemies in their giant glowing weakspots

Now, who demonstrates the better priorities? The weebs who only care about jerking off, or the patrician who actually cares about gameplay quality?

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except it wasn't OK. they got a shit ton of flack for bending to western tastes and uggo'fying their female cast

>assuming people cans dislike it for multiple reasons.

It isn't and Jap companies like Capcom and Konami deserve shit for jumping on the west bandwagon with a lot of their games.

I hated the game because of all the praise it got despite just being another generic ubisoft open world game.
The hatred toward the character design came later when I saw how ugly she looks compared to the pretty real life model she is based on.

Here's your MC bro

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My housemate has it on ps4, but I literally cannot play it because of how ugly the main character is, and that she's shoved in your face all the time.

It isn't ok but at least in this case it's a side character with 10 minutes of screentime rather than the main fucking character

Your priorities are skewed. You put the uggo protag at the top of your list, and I rarely ever see anyone discuss the abominable gameplay.

Good looking girls, both real and fictional, make fat and ugly women feel bad. Rather than changing their appearance (getting in shape, better self grooming, etc.), it’s easier to complain. Since attacking real good looking women results in some backlash, it’s easier to attack video game characters.

To attack straight male sexuality.

because, like it or not, most people are ugly and the main character of a story doesn't need to be good looking. you want videogames to grow as a phenomenon, you need to stop perceiving them as shiny toys where everything and everyone has to pander to your expectations. don't get me wrong, the opposite excess is just as retarded, but I'm absolutely pro normal looking characters, especially when they're trying to build someone who's a little bit more than a one sided placeholder like your animu waifus. she's not very good looking, she probably knows it and is insecure about it, or it never actually dawned on her to acknowledge it, cause she just doesn't care enough, seeing as she probably smells like shit, piss, sweat and blood.

tl;dr have sex

Ugly and dirty

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no clue
girls that play games are cute as fuck, so why not design game characters around them.

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Oh shit. That's Aloy from that game Horizon Zero Dawn right? I recognize her.

is this real
i hope this is real
i want to live in the reality where this is real

because that's what soi bois are into