Bloodstained Ritual of the Night

Just beat the game, and I'm ready to dig into the NG+, Boss Rush, and maybe even play with a speed run.

Enjoying maxing out shards and abilities to see how broken I can get Mirium.

Minor technical glitches aside (other than the Switch port which is... dissappointing), the meat and bones of the game are probably the best Iga has done. Hoping for a sequel.

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Other urls found in this thread:

Even if you're slightly overleveled, hard ng+ will be piss easy. Unlike ds vanias, hard barely changes enemy stats.

I like the game, but it suffers the same problem that all of his games suffer from: contact damage. The game would be so much better without it.

Also, many attacks are unreadable, since they have near instant startups. You can't read their attacks, since they come out instantly. You have to memorize the AI, and exploit it, so you're already out of the way when the attack comes out. It's the difference between reacting to an attack, and anticipating one. Without proper reads, the player is forced to anticipate based on metadata like spacing and timing to get the AI to act how you want.

>Minor technical glitches aside
Softlocking because you clipped through the floor isn't minor

I got the flippety flip shard from chicken bones, where to now? I can't see a single area in the map with and exit except for the place at the beginning where you get by flipping and there's a shitload of spikes.

>Turn augment gold into skill shard
>Doesn't seem to work unless I have it actively equipped

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Furthermore, this is where Hollow Knight stands heads and shoulders above Bloodstained. In Hollow Knight, all boss attacks have strong tells. So you can clearly see what the boss is about to do, and react in time. Ultimately, making the fights feel like a dance. Where the boss sets the pace, and you try to keep up. And if you step correctly, then you're rewarded with no damage.

But Hollow Knight still suffers from bullshit contact damage, so it's not without fault.

Is there a stronger skill than Summon Chair?

Search the twin towers area, until you find something useful.

I think skills are active, but they stack with the actual shard.
For Augment gold specifically, I was getting 100G with the skill alone, and then up to 2000G with the shard equipped.

Complete the following:


I see. Balance wise that's completely and utterly retarded for shards like optimizer but alright.



git gud


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Iga felt his work on making Soma busted in Harmony of Despair wasn't quite finished and decided to show the world the true meaning of busted.

Invert right after you enter the tower area from the Garden. You'll find a chest under some spikes.

>needs a major bugfix release (all platforms)
>needs a performance increase release (all platforms)
>needs a switch specific performance increase release (switch)

There is a LOT of work to be done before they even get to working on the DLC. The devs are gonna be swamped for ages.

I believe we have at least a whole year of updates ahead.

Post >yfw you talked to O D for the first time

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It's funny, because half the time I got hit by a boss in Hollow Knight it was because of contact damage, specifically, from whenever I try to jump forward and the boss happens to jump as well at the same time.

Did you also raise the other aspect of it to level 9? I forget if it's rank or grade. But whichever one it is that doesn't turn it into a skill shard at 9.

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>LTG has Bloodstained and mega Man 11

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True. I called out hollow knight's bullshit contact damage. But I think the difference here, is that once you learn to read the boss attacks in Hollow Knight, then you can avoid accidental contact damage. The boss patterns are structured well enough, that you can reliably react to most attacks. There is some wonkiness with bosses like the watcher knights, and the radiance, due to RNG. But other than that, it's all perfectly readable.

Anyone else use Heretical Grinder for the majority of the game? That + Critical Rings fucked up shit hardcore.

Magic in general is extremely overpowered. Even in Nightmare mode.

Tamako is cute

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So is she a Japanese backer insert or something?

that granny should be an über secret boss

that appetite is not normal

>Japanese backer

Nihongonese don't understand or care about crowd sorucing. The game would have gotten like 99% of its money from Westerners.

I want this game bad, but I already spent about $200 on about 30 or 40 games... wad shot before I saw it on sale.

you have to rank it up to level 9 first nigga

They're both level 9, though rank is the one that turns it into a skill shard. Grade just boosts how much money it gives, probably.

>try to go for the Bathin medal
>fucker uses his light bouncing and gets stuck in the ceiling
>beat him but feels cheap so reset
>rematch time
>he proceeds to get stuck in the ceiling again

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>32% of the quests are Hungry Hungry Granny
>32% of the quests are KILL THOSE MURDERERS DEAD
>32% of the quests are "bring me this dead person's heirloom. yes i'll still count it as theirs even if you just synthed a brand new one up out of nowehere"
>the remainder is finding that faggot ben

I wish there was more quest variety.

Well I'm guessing you came into this thread looking for a reason to buy it so...
Need anything else?

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When do you run into that guy a second time anyway? I've done most of the quests for the other three.

So the shard limit is 9 for all? Why should I sell shards to that fake god's thot if it's best to have them all on max?
Also, does that mean that I need to finish the game 9 times to stack shards from bosses?

and they all give insane items for very little effort.

waterfall in the forbidden caverns and then under a bride in oriental lab.

If you have 9 shards, you're just discarding any extras you collect. If you have some that you aren't using, you might as well convert them into money.

I just sell the extra shards for ones I don't use like summon bat. Little extra cash for nothing.

You don't really need to stack shards. Grade usually increases damage sure but all of the really useful shards you can get by farming regular enemies.

Why does everything drop


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How do I make that bitch sell more basic mats like silver

Wow, I completely missed him then. I'm up to the 2nd Zangetsu fight.

You need a passive shard to activate medium money. And then you need get it to max rank to create its skill shard and double equip it for Big Money.

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Nope, it's time to get more strawberries, user.

I guess $40 more can't hurt.

That image is child pornography meant to normalize sexuaization of children.

The waterfall one is pretty easy to miss as you need to basically jump kick into it when you first get there or wait until you get abilities to reclimb the ledge easier. You can't miss him in Japan afterward, he's right out in the open.

sometimes a girl eating bread is just a girl eating bread

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>This guy
>The ghosts in SotN

I love my silly ass CV death wails.

>tfw all the lewds

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post favorite shards
Red: Welcome Company and Spears
Blue: bunni
Purple: heretical grinder and shield

Looks like she's sucking on a fat cock.

FUCK alfred and his slow orbs

Red: Riga Storaema
Blue: Accelerator
Purple: Tis Rozain

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I just want them to fix the headless Miriam glitch above all else, it is very obnoxious on nightmare difficulty.

Gale Crawler
Heretical Grinder

poison him, use dullaheads and what ever tracking red shards you have that can deal with the curve of the arena. He cockblacked me for a long while on Hard until I used the snakebite whip on him.

For me, it's easy mode.

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I wish giant robot fist and wolfshield were more practical.

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>AoS butchers
>PoR killer clowns

Bloodstained's 6.5/10 score got such a backlash they've released a second review giving it 8.2/10

>A promise is a promise, and it certainly cannot be said that Koji Igarashi is not a man of his word: Bloodstained: Ritual of the Night represents the return of the so-called "Igavania" genus as it was presented to the orphans of that saga based there of bloodsucker and whips, by an undisputed master of the genre and a capable team. It is not perfect, but it represents an excellent return to the origins in balance between past and present, as well as being a title simply difficult to give up, once started. Well done.

Red: Throwing Axe
Blue: Bunni
Purple: Bolide Blast
Yellow: Word of Wisdom
Green: Dantalion

So Miriam western VA has some bilk tidys

Just looked her up, and yeesh... Nice voice. but built like an NFL lineman. A big square brick of a head too. She'll give you strong sons, if that's what you're about.

Eh, just post more Miriam.

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Red: Welcome Company
Blue: Accelerator and Healing
Purple: True Arrow, Tis Rozain,
Yellow: Augment Gold
Green: Bloodbringer

My Throwing Axe bretheren.

Rank 9 covers like 3/4 of the screen, hits 3 times and can be spammed.

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I don't like Miriam's character design. I really like her voice though. In fact, I think they should redesign Miriam to fit her western voice.

slo, the pic you posted fucked up her stomach/hip area. Her belly shouldn't be that wide.


flamming doggos covers 3/5s of the screen and can 5-hit bosses on nightmare

Any recommended shards for a fresh nightmare run? Or is it just the classic Welcome Company and True arrow//Fireballs?

don't be mean to magilou's VA

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>tfw killed him so fast he didnt get to use them on NG nightmare
This game is hilariously busted

my current build is weak and farming orientated but more than enough to kill all bosses with little effort.
Red: welcome company
Blue: sonic
Purple:ruinous rood
yellow: augment luck

Welcome Company and Dullahammer Heads, they destroy everything, I almost feel bad for being this OP but then the game whips out its garbage hit detection, bullshit boss attacks, some other jank or crashes and I feel justified in using broken shit.

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rank/grade 9 dullahammer heads + hide, nigga

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anyone else feel like curse of the moon had a better storyline?

zangetsu learning to trust others was so inspiring and relatable,

>only 3 times
You can get better earlier, though it might be better than true arrow (ive never used the max rank and grade thing) and the other early game multi hits it simply isnt achievable as early as the others are.

I just killed this nigga Gabel and the game ended and gave me a trophy. What the fuck is going on? I'm just halfway through the game.

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You're probably done, user.

Trust me.

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why would you kill your boyfriend, user?

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Do bosses always drop their shards or is it random? It feels weird having an 80 MP attack that isn't even that good, I just beat the duel with the swordsman though.

You arent done. I cant remember which boss you need to beat next though. Maybe cumless?

always the first time, repeat bosses do have a chance to it

It's possible to do her before Gebel, so that user might need to head for the depths and get wet.

You got the bad ending. Look up a guide and use it sparingly. You're screwing yourself if you don't mark down every single point of interest if you're going for 100%.

Even so, unless you happen to have some lucky guesses, you'll likely end up stumped again.
Just save yourself the frustration and look up a guide. Don't read boss strats, that part is too good to figure out for yourself, and don't feel bad if you struggle with a certain boss for his round 2 bout- he's not impossible, but he's probably the hardest boss in the game.

there is never enough bloodless in these threads why are we so cursed?

>repeat bosses do have a chance to it
Special note for Millionaire's Bane, if it rolls a 777 it'll always drop its shard and upgrade item. If you keep hitting it with techs like Force Blast you can essentially stun lock it until it kills itself.

Bloodless tries too hard.

Thanks. I think I might have missed something in the underwater and lava part. I got the invert and I cheesed it out of there.

Does bullying O.D. make me a bad person?

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Video game journalists are something else.

then you need aegis in one of the towers and then you need to go to that spiky area.


No fucking way he is the hardest boss in the game. OD is surely much harder. That boss was cheesed by my true arrows while OD had enough stats to make me go and farm for 30 minutes straight, not that i gave him many attempts before deciding to go farm.

Can't fucking read italian, why the first review gave the game a bad score?

Either Jackpot or Insatiable. Can't decide which.
Shadow Tracer
Ruinous Rood
Whip Expertise passive/Optimizer active
>favorite weapon

Timestop would be my favorite if I could use it on bosses. How pleb is my taste?

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There wouldn't need to be any variety if only they reduced each of the quest types to 2-3. As it is, there shouldn't be like 20 food quests for the granny and 20 kill quests for the angry woman. There should only be like 2-3 of each.

The sidequest design makes Bloodstained the second grindiest Castlevania game after Portrait of Ruin.

He's just so bully-able I can't help myself.

>beat the final boss on low health
>controller is STILL vibrating during the credits

what were they thinking

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He was for me. I found a combo that worked great for OD, and all of the vanilla bonus bosses.
You know that dumb-looking floating pig demon? Ranked up, he hits pretty hard, lasts a long time, is cheap, and best of all: you can have as many as you can cast (I never noticed a limit with rank and grades both 9).

They absolutely tear through any boss in small confined flat areas.

>that mac & cheese picture
Has Iga ever seen a bowl of mac & cheese in his life?

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Also if you level invert to give you i-frames on activation then OD's time stop/ice shard combo stops being a factor for the whole fight.

it looked fine to me desu, since granny only wants to eat the finest of meals, she deserves such a grand presentation of mac n cheese

Pastaniggers are not known for having good taste

there's your problem right there, pastaniggers are all mentally ill sycophants with no self awareness or ability for human level thought

Another problem with the quests is that they're functionally redundant. Any player who cares about completion is going to craft every item, cook every meal, search every square of the map, and kill dozens of every demon. The NPCs just give you extra rewards while you're doing all of that.

How am I supposed to know drop locations of items and shards without a guide?

Val Ischa. Got it really early by killing that fish, it decimates big enemies
Welcome company is also a favorite for small ones
Barely used anything, but buni was fun
Teps Oceus. Don't even need to aim and shit. Good when there's a lot of stuff or a big enemy Tis Rozaïn. Good for small targets

You mean ahead of time? Or do you mean, how do you check where ones you've gotten come from? If the latter, just check your bestiary.

Figure them out and either farm out enough that you feel comfortable, or write that shit down; they weren't kind enough to include item drops in the bestiary.

...Or you could be a degenerate normie and google the item you want like everyone else that didn't start on day one.

It may get patched in later, but even if it was going on SOTN rules, you'd still need to acquire an item at least once before it'll show who dropped it(and if it drops from multiple enemies, you'd need to get it from each one before their respective "?????"s would be replaced with the dropped item).

>Remembering Eric Lefaggot's quests of "Master X"c
Oh God please no

Even if you never got the monster drop identified in the Demon Archive, the Item Archive will tell you any enemies that will drop items you've already found.

Nvm I'm retarded, just noticed item drops from monsters are indeed listed, you just need to go to "Items", (NOT the bestiary, dunno where I could've gotten a crazy idea like that) and scroll to the relevant item to see what drops it.

My bad fellas.

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>Have fun grinding and upgrading but it makes the actual game less fun
What a dilemma


Apparently not.

I heard something about True arrow receiving the attack type of your currently equipped weapon but I haven't seen much of a difference after switching weapons. Have I been bamboozled?

I'm pretty sure True Arrow's piercing only. If you want blunt, use bats. For slashing, throw axes.


they hadn't been bribed yet

That's all yellow skill shards, dummy. They're only active when not equipped at max rank, when they produce a white skill shard.

My nigga

Damn that looks good.
(not the guy you're replying to btw)

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GOTY for me so far

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>there's no mega hard area to use all my game breaking skills in

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Yeah, I figured. Bats seem pretty rad. Is it a random chance if it spawns a big one or multiple smaller ones?

Fucking stuck at 99.90

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That's why I said they're skill shards dork
The problem was that it the effect is doubled when stacked and it made it seem like it wasn't active at all.

bats got me through my first playthrough. big one is random

>"I sense great vulnerability. A man-child crying out for love. An innocent orphan in the post-modern world."

“I see a parasite. A sexually depraved miscreant who is seeking only to gratify his basest and most immediate urges.”

Yeah, that easily knocks the game down to an 8 or so for me.
I was looking forward to some super-hard boss, or series of bosses. To find out O.D and the bonus bosses *are* the endgame was pretty disappointing. I guess there's a whole (one) boss and (one) weapon for only $9.99 USD. No idea if he's what I'm looking for because I'm not paying 10 dollars for one fucking boss. Though I hear there's some good stuff coming, like coop, roguelike mode, and others. So maybe our salvation is coming, but maybe it'll come with a $19.99 price tag, who knows!

The Steam page for the IGA DLC has this defensive tidbit: "
Also just FYI, we didn't want to do day-1 DLC but Kickstarter crowdfunding backers paid extra to make this content happen, so we couldn't include it for free, we promise we're not going to turn into 'corporate commander'... ;)"

This doesn't explicitly state future DLC will be free, but it hints at it.

>"He transcends time and space."

“He sickens me.”

>This doesn't explicitly state future DLC will be free, but it hints at it.
Pretty sure they said all of the future content would be free in the kickstarter stretch goals.

>that easily knocks the game down to an 8 or so for me.
don't you have a dark souls thread to be spamming "git gud" in?

>"I love it."

>corporate commander

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They've explicitly said all other KS content will be free

>“Me too.”

I think Miriam might be a bit...touched in the head.

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Just look up a map and compare, it'll take a sec but look closely

I feel like I should've made it clear; I do not consider boss rush to be viable endgame.
It is zero-effort, something tacked on just for fun. I want unique, obscenely difficult challenges. And if those challenges have extra lore tacked on for funsies, then all the better. Ole Galamoth apparently wanted to rule the netherworld. How? Why? It's never explained! At least not in SOTN.

I didn't enjoy Darksouls. I tried, but it kicked my ass and I just wasn't feeling it.

That's good to hear. I hope they keep their promise. Bloodstained is fantastic, it just needs a bit more work and polish in a few areas(item drops that can't be picked up, anyone? this is especially bad when you're upside-down- and even autoloot shard does nothing).

this is what i did. i ended up missing four rooms

Tell me about Miriam. Why does she wear the mask?

>OD lets Miriam "pillage" his bookshelf
You guys think she femdoms him?
Vampires are into kinky shit I wouldn't be surprised.

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>item drops that can't be picked up
if you're near a door, go out, then back in. sometimes it'll give it to you

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Special Message 12


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I've always waited after touching the bag, never once has it not autopicked up for me after about 30 or so seconds, then I leave and it's all fine.

You lack imagination

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>goes through collection putting dog ears in every book

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>dog ears

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alita a shit

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I like my ships to make sense in context. Miriam clearly doesn't know what to make of OD and OD's contempt for her after being bested is obvious.

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>Trying to get Alfred's medal


I'm just past the twin dragons and have the double jump.
Will I find something better than true arrow?
Would I be able to romantically and passionately have anal sex with Dominique?

absofuckinglutely for both but you gotta use your imagination for that last one

>Been playing on and off since launch
>Just got double jump

Can someone tell me without spoiling if hoarding shards is a bad thing? I remember some NPC telling Miriam she shouldn't get a lot of shards because it will kill her or something like that.

I've been getting all shards of the enemies i've found, am i fucking up?

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It's fine

Thought the Shovel Knight enemies were cute at first, but they really quickly outstayed their welcome and frankly are starting to piss me off.
That stupid fucking dirt attack phases through everything, has knockback, does a good chunk of damage, and the majority of the places the knights are placed make it almost completely undodgeable

Nope, feel free to fill your Miriam with shards

Good for you, not everyone can enjoy a painfully ugly and mediocre game enough to play through it more than once and more

I personally thought the game was servicable but ultimately a chore to play. I should have just replayed Order of Ecclesia instead of buying this game

It's true. You will get corrupted and get the bad ending if you carry shards. You have to sell them.

absolute lie

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Fuck off Dominique

Summon Chair reds are mostly boring
Sacred Shade
Chisel Barrage or Shield

who is character #3

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>want muh stats
>but also want muh style

Glamour Option when?

I'm fucking farming, hording, and whoring shards and the only consequence is the game is now even easier

>reds are mostly boring
>Summon X
>Summon Y
>Summon Z
>Summon A
>Summon B but not directly stated as a summon
The reds are disappointing as hell

Level up your passives to 9, that way you can become a fucking truck without sacrificing your style.

bros where do I go to get to the boss that lets me slip between those narrow passages?

I just beat the two headed dragon and the double jump boss

Its the next skill you will be getting.

Ask Dominique

you need to get your train license, user

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Does luck effect drop rate or is it just crit chance or some dumb shit like that?

What'd you use for him?

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It does both crit rate and drops.

>Granny ends up being the third playable character
>Her gameplay involves devouring the demons

Have you returned what you borrowed from OD?
This is a library, not a bookshop

>Only gives a shit about one specific book
Why'd he lend it out in the first place then?

Not him but using that Gram greatsword tech with the running start on him here was the most satisfying shit ever.

Bunnymorph is baby mode, more dishonorable than guns imo I can't bring myself to use either of them.

Alfred's a son of a bitch who chugs buffs and has garbage hitboxes on an even more garbage arena, he's the only one I used bunny on.

Kirby-mode Grandma.

>Tis Rozaïn
Hell yeah son that shit is great for long-distance, low-cost high-damage bullshit, as well as relatively cost-free fast farming. Only problem getting it early is the fucking diamonds.

Have you tried Val Schia? Craftable with Ischa and a sapphire for easy G9 and R9, does pretty good damage and huge area fuckery but slightly annoying to use in cramped spaces.

Ok if it's your last resort then I don't blame you at all. I'm never against options but the thought of cheesing with them is unconscionable to me as a huge fan of the games.

I thought the game would have something like the level caps the DS games would have, that really prevented cheesing I thought.

>Red: Summon Plume Parma, Draconic Rage
>Blue: Accelerator
>Purple: Teps Oceus, Teps Salrenda

Red: Summon Hellhound
Blue: Bunnymorphosis
Purple: Directed Shield
Only the most OP bullshit for me please.

Just to emphasize how bullshit his hitboxes are, the surfaces his bombs make can hit you from the opposite side of him.

I haven't, actually. I'll probably use it for my second playthrough

Thats what nightmare mode is for.

nah nightmare can still be cheesed, just takes more effort to do so.

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>enemy darting around narrow corridors
>you fight him in an big room like every other boss
Well at least the chained some blocks on the ceiling for variety's sake.

He seems more accepting of her in Japanese.

I'm playing Curse of the Moon for the second playthrough, have been enjoying it. Trying to find all the possible ending combinations, I get that there's at least:

>Slay all characters
>Ignore all characters
>Recruit all characters
>Nightmare Mode

The other two I'm not certain on, is this correct?

>Recruit one, but either slay or ignore the others
>Slay one or two, but ignore the rest

I felt like I didn't get ridiculously OP in Nightmare NG until the oriental lab.

A grade 9 dullahammer familiar makes short work out most of them to the point I stopped using them because I felt bad about it. Except Vepar, that bitch deserved it.

Not gonna lie.
Pharaoh Rebirth and Touhou Luna Nights is better than Bloodstained ritual of the Jank. There I said it.

Where can I get downloads for the rest of their freeware games?

What directional shards are better than true arrow?
as for the second one, people should post more Dominique, there is surprisingly little porn of her

What's your end-game stats for Nightmare?

If you beat the game with too many shards, you end up taking Gebel's place as the evil ruler of the castle. Sell those shards.

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Dullahammer heads
>Zangetsu 1 through Doppelganger
guns. true & chaser arrow, directed shield or werewolf shield, sacred shade of not using wolf shield
>Orobas onward
Summon hellhound, sacred shade,directed shield. Sub out shade for timestop for 8-bit and bael

>get double jump
>explore the whole fucking castle
>no way to progress
>double jump just reachs minor stuff
>roam around the castle thinking where the fuck am I supposed to go
>talk to NPCs but they are retarded and don't say anything useful
>find out that I HAVE to kick the fucking candles in a specific room to progress
checky motherfuckers.

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I fail to see how this is a bad thing.

>Can someone tell me without spoiling if hoarding shards is a bad thing?

No, there aren't any ramifications. Conversely, selling shards is only really useful in a pinch than in the long term.

Here's my loadout for Dominique/Bael

you mustve forgotten somewhere, I beat the whole game without a single candle kickjump

Who the FUCK decided to make some shitty underwater section where you have to fucking propel yourself with extremely awkward controls through a labyrinth of spikes?

I've seen better levels in fucking Mighty No. 9.

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>didn't upload

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That's very false. You can get places early but you certainly don't have to.

Fuck I'm having so much fun with this game. I backed it on Kikestarter against everyone's advice, and it actually delivered. This is honestly the best I've felt about gaming in like 10 years. Finally a game that's just fun to play.

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>Only get the actual underwater walking ability later
>It's a lot slower than the water jet

Red: INSATIABLE (seriously the best fucking magic skill)
Purple: Grinder, though I didn't need it after a while
Blue: Speeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeed
Yellow: Luck
Green: Dullahan Heads

Well, I did.
Maybe I did forgot something but fuck it, is the exact same shit I did with SotN when I first played it, I didn't knew about the high jump boots nor the bat transformation so I just kinda brute forced my way to Olrox quarters by using the mist and wolf transformations.

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I kind of like that they did something so fucking awkward. It shows they're trying shit they think is interesting.
I actually kind of hate directional shards as a whole, but I can respect the concept.

Even the grinding is a joy for some reason. grind up nine shard and enjoy having something new and powerful along with the item drops that'll be useful later.

>mfw Kunekune
Fuck you IGA, It was late and I was half asleep. This faggot was the last monster remaining on my bestiary and the moment the camera zoomed in I saw that shit coming from a mile away.

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>got inverse
Where do I go next? It feels like I covered all the possible areas except for the upper floors where there's a couple of layers of spikes that won't let me progress and also there's a spot where I can't go further up because there's a floor blocking me. I looked a map and it should be where the oriental sorcery lab is

Oh shi-

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Is invert around the Twin Dragons towers.
Not on them. Around them.

outside the dragon towers then back to the entrance

The directional shards I think kind of overshadow the on-use red shards a lot especially, in Castlevania I'd usually pick a projectile depending on how it travels but Bloodstained just has a dedicated spell category for them, so the reds I used were basically stuff like AoEs.

Try inverting around the two towers. You'll exactly know what to do after finding something.

I have one blank spot on the right of the tower, I suppose that's where I need to go? Thanks

>Blood steal!

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I just ended up using reflector ray for movement instead

I bet you're using the English dub you peasant

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>2D platforming on a rotating plane in 3D

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How well balanced is Nightmare difficulty for a fresh playthrough? Does it just turn into into everything killing you in one hit while all enemies are being as damage spongey as possible or is it still balanced well enough?

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It is rough at the start since you can't take too many hits and bosses can 1 hit kill you, but you can still become an op machine

Will Angrey Jose review the game? It actually seems big enough.

Up until Zangetsu #1 you die in two hits and you do shit damage

it starts to get easier after that although you still can only take a few hits before you

also you really got eat all your food.

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All it effectively does is put melee even farther into the trash while testing your ability to avoid contact damage.

>only used the sword familiar on my first playthrough

Which of the familiars are actually worth using besides it? I didn't want to change it past a certain point because it was already such a high level.

I'm assuming you're talking about the Bloodless fight where she hipchecks you with contact damage.

You know what the solution to dealing with that is? Be cautious and stop running into her.

Also it does not take a genius to finish this game on the highest difficulty. If you think memorizing attack patterns is hard, you should be blaming yourself and getting better.

Also most of the attacks are semi-random and not based on spacing save a few fights, and between deaths the AI changes it's attack weighting so that it doesn't do the same stuff.

Contact damage forces you to deal with an enemy with some degree of caution, without it the game becomes piss easy because the attacks were designed with contact damage in mind. And without it the AI isn't challanging because patterns based off of spacing means all you have to do is get in the grill of the enemy and dodge the predictable attack pattern.

This isn't Dark Souls, which is explicitly stacked against you, and even that is beatable, this is a Metroidvania, if you can't defeat via regular skill, find a better ability, explore the castle for better stuff, or whatever the fuck else. This is not a hard game, it's just a fun one.

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Knight is the best one easily, protection against projectiles and full-screen attacking is too good.

>PS4 almost dying against Valefar if you start casting Riga Storæma and also spam directional skills at the same time

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They called it "vulgar plagiarism" and that said it didn't do enough to innovate the genre.

I had Dominique get stuck into the corner of the room after about 30 seconds of fighting. I only found out where she had gone because my sword familiar was still attacking her.

This is the ugliest and worst optimized game in years

It should run constant 60 fps in a dual core celeron 2.5 GHZ, 4 GB RAM and onboard intel graphics but it doesn't for some reason

>tfw I can fill the screen with shit the framerate barely goes down.
I don't like saying PC master race but in this case it really is the master race.

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>missing the joke this hard

>Can't fucking read italian, why the first review gave the game a bad score?

>A burning disappointment, this Bloodstained: Ritual of the Night. A metroidvania all too anchored in the past that does not really add anything new to the genre that Koji Igarashi himself has helped to make bloom. Not to mention the many problems that affect not only the technical and artistic sector, but also the purely playful one, particularly with reference to the combat system. A lot more could be expected from Igarashi-san, especially considering the enormous success achieved in the crowdfunding campaign.

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>A burning disappointment, this Bloodstained: Ritual of the Night. A metroidvania all too anchored in the past that does not really add anything new to the genre

Stupid dago.

Miri has excellent taste in food, baked macaroni is top tier.

How does it work? I tried using it next to enemies and it did nothing

>Get accelerator
>Suddenly the game is too slow without it

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>does not really add anything new to the genre

Is this tranny code for game lacks diversity/gender identity politics? If anything this has more features than a generic castlevania/metroidvania game.

I hope when new stuff gets added, we'll get a second "hand" slot.
Playing with two complementary melee, or a melee/gun without the awkward switching would be so much fun, and that "B" button(Circle for sonybros, assuming everything is mapped the same; I'm on pc) is just calling to be used for something.

I am concerned about balance, so maybe restricting it to ng+, or as an unlockable with hefty requirements would suffice.

Doesnt work like Soul Steal, when you hit monsters they drop blood splatters, those you can succ

>hey look at me straw man!

>Got Flying Edge
Friendship with Rhava Bural OVER
Now Boomerang Sword is my best friend

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>Rotating plane in 3D
>Non directional shards like summon bats go straight instead of following the rotating design
It's accurate but also annoying as fuck

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Dimension Shift reminds me so much of the ability to fly from OoE, except a lot less cool. You get both right at the end of the game and basically only have to use them in 1 area to finish it but there is random stuff hidden on the other end of the map that requires those skills to find.

How will Dominique play? Just have her limited boss attacks(whips/super dive kick/spells)?

Seems to be a pretty pointless extra character

Fairy because she's cute and scouts for hidden stuff, also I think she healed me once

This piss me off, you really dont get a flying skill or something like bat fom

Anticipation and manipulation can work as well as reflex, but the learning curve is different. It's when we get completely random bullshit you can't prep for or learn from that there's a serious problem.

I kind of wish she was just Shanoa, but I shamelessly made use of the demon barber to turn her into a hentai character so I'm not too concerned about her default design.

She heals you if you stock up on fairy specific healies.

Zangetsu trailer

he has:
-fast movement
-whip for attack and platforming
-fire sword

Is there anything that makes shards drop more often other than Luck?

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This dodging behind enemies to avoid the water laser on this first boss is annoying as fuck.

High jump works like it does in other castlevania games in that it lets you repeatedly high jump infinitely in the air, but there's no real "controlled" flight like bat form.

I think the final item you get from the lady who wants to burry all your good items was a ring that increases the chances of shards appearing, but I am also pretty sure it required an item that you only get in the final area.

Solomon Ring

I generally don't like alt modes in CVs, but I'm fairly excited for Zangetsu since katana is the most fun weapon anyway.
Apparently with good timing the kick combo can keep you afloat.

Solomon's Ring from finishing all the grave quests.


Lost all will to play due to this, all that farming for nothing

Solomon's Ring gives you an increased chance for shard drops.

Most of the alt modes in the old games got boring pretty quickly because there usually isn't anything to do but MAYBE find health ups. Julius mode in Aria was just killing bosses so that your attacks do more than damage to the final boss, with pretty much nothing else of note happening anywhere on the map.

Kind of agree with this. Contact damage is an antiquated mechanic thats fine in old games and games like Curse of the Moon that try to look old. But apart from that I fucking hate it. It's fine if the enemy is covered in spikes or fire or something.

are you dumb?

Is this game just like the castlevania version of mighty no.9? I feel like it lacks a lot of soul that the sotn-style castlevanias had. I think I'd prefer a romhack of one of the ds castlevanias over this

Straw man ut would be without the second sentence, tranny.

>he didn't sit at the piano with the fairy familiar
The game is oozing soul.

Julius mode in DoS was great. Partner system, actual level-ups, and full map exploration on top of having a story and it's own final boss

I don't know if I'd call it overpowered since you need to use spells to get by. Weapons don't do shit.

I think the presentation's bad with all the 3d fuckery going on at all times, also I hated how much pizzaz they put into the some of the animations, take the level up for example
>halts the game
>has fancy cursive text fly from all corners of the screen to the center
>the just sits there for a few seconds

>Is this game just like the castlevania version of mighty no.9?

They were literally both set up by Ben Judd, following the same developers with Fangamer setting up the rest. MN9 was seen as a huge success at the time since the game hadn't been released yet.

I dont' think Iga or Inafune have Ben Judd anymore as clients.

>tfw never beat death on it
Do you still get stronger by killing bosses in it like in AoS? Because I recall I sequence-broke the fuck out of that game with alucards special attack to hit switches

I shat my pants when the train secret monster jumped scared me

Cheap knock off soul. Like Chinese discount soul. Which is plastic soul, not real.

Yeah, easily the best of those extra modes.

You think we'll ever have good castlevanias in the same manner of DoS or SotN again? Or will they all be souless like this, assuming the genre even lives on

Red: never use them
Blue: Craftwork
Purple: Flying Dagger
Yellow: Words of Wisdom
Green: Beur

It's hard to tell without numbers, but from the outside the game seems well-liked and successful. I wonder what it would have been like if it had a less tumultuous development cycle.

All Zangetsu shit from the boss fights:
-Fire/Ice/Lightning sword modes
-Helmsplitter, if on an elemental mode it adds an unique elemental effect
-Kunai Throw, if on an elemental mode it adds an unique elemental effect
-Rising Katana Slash
-Running Slash
-Teleport, can hace additional kanji erupting attack
-Circling Flame Talisman attack
-OHKO Talisman attack
-Chain for mobility/attack

Did I miss something?


Yeah man, Dawn of Sorrow anime style was full of soul

Fuck off with your shit opinions

This is clearly a labor of love by the devs

There's so much cool content for the budget they had

I agree. I’ve been playing a lot and it feels soulless like might no 9

Bloodstained 2 is gonna improve a LOT. They're not gonna use Unreal Meme Engine but rather something they can actually work with. And the graphics and assets will be better.

Sorry if this is a brainlet question, but is O.D supposed to be a nod towards Dio? Google isn't telling me shit.

+1 for Somafags needing to die in a fire

Well, I lost to Death so much that everytime I hear the boss battle theme I hear Death's laugh. iirc, the switch thing is intended in some parts.You get stronger by getting XP, just like normal mode, you just don't have a menu to see the actual number

delusional as fuck

IGA is the master of re-using assets so why not re-use them and cash a good portion of the future kikestarter for himself

It's kind of shit how you can make Miriam completely overpowered but there's no content to flex your muscles at. Even halfway decent farm will make you completely destroy nightmare mode.

What would it be though
Most of the cast is dead

Miram goes on some adventure somewhere. It doesn't have to be deep. A dawn of sorrow "here we go again" plot would be okay.

You don't recognize the voice actor?

>AoS end with Dracula literally being one of the good guys now
>Here is this random group of people starting shit who also somehow have their own castle

OD backwards is DO.

He physically looks like Alucard, has the same role as the Librarian from Symphony, and same voice actor as Alucard.

So he's Alucard with Dio's power-set.

Orlok Farenheit Drakule. References Orlox, Alucard's middle name, and Dracula. If anything, the whole time stopping vampire with the backwards name is secondary

Bloodstained 2, if they make it, will absolutely run on Unreal. The difference is that IGA's team (do they have a name?) will work with someone with prior Unreal experience on their resume from the beginning, instead of shoving a square peg into a round hole like with IntiCreates.

Just finished the game, where the fucking is Zangetsu? Him getting dragged into the grounds wasn't him actually getting killed right? He seemed so non-plussed by it

The game had kind of a cheap feel but I think it looked alright. Would it be cheaper or more expensive to make pixel art?

He will return as a brainwashed boss in the sequel and you save him near the end.

Eye of Horus

>if they make it,

Huge sales, so yes.

>will absolutely run on Unreal. The difference is that IGA's team (do they have a name?) will work with someone with prior Unreal experience on their resume from the beginning,

Iga's company is called Artplay and they have like 6 people.

I don't think it'll be Unreal. I think they're gonna hire Wayforward and they will use the WF engine that they currently use for Shantae. If that has a name.

>Another page in your story written
>Summon fucking chair
People are just so jaded, if Bloodstained is soulless then I don't know which game has soul, aside from OLD GOOD NEW BAD.

You can bang out a low resolution 2D pixel art game for a few hundred thousand. But that is considered "cheap" and "indie" and Iga wanted to make a proper game. So that means HD. HD 2D is super expensive and takes forever, as it's basically traditional animation now. The alternative is 3D.

Thing is, I don't think anyone would have given a shit if this was 2D and low resolution, like 640x480.

>those fucking special messages in the sound room

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Dominique doesnt die, she gets sealed with Baal, Zan still alive, use Eye of Horus in the Baal fight and in the ending In theory, Gebel lives as a fucking shard and they can add more bad guys anyway since the ending is rather open

>hurr anime bad
Have you played bloodstained?

Can that engine handle 3D games? I honestly don't know much about Wayforward other than Shantae and being go-to guns for hire on any 2D game. I can't imagine them throwing out all those models and experience and stuff and not reusing everything they can.

>Apparently with good timing the kick combo can keep you afloat.
Oh shit that made the fight so much better. Thanks bro.

Depending on the stage of the game
>Summon Bat > Welcome company > Va Schia
>True Arrow > Lethargy > Flying Dagger (Reflector Ray regardless of stage)

Did that Italian studio actually do anything? I'm so confused about this game's development. They dropped Inti and then dropped ??? and then suddenly they were codeveloping with WayForward.

Do you need to do something to unlock nightmare difficulty before you can actually select it?

I just got the Double Jump, Miriam asked Dominique about how to get in tight spaces but i wasn't paying attention, is there a way to re-enact cutscenes or does it record somewhere in the journal? I do not know where to go now.

>Can that engine handle 3D games?

Shantae HGH has 3D environments and 2D sprites. yes, it's a 3D engine.

You need to beat the game in normal to unlock the other difficifulties, or you can get them from the start by naming your file NIGHTMARE

Get your picture taken and talk to OD.

It's not a question of "anime bad", dumbass. Dawn of Sorrow and Portrait of Ruin's character portraits were all boring garbage. It was a massive downgrade unless you have shit taste.

I'd sure like to know how to get inside Dominique's tight space!

Dawn of Sorrow's was pretty bad, but Portrait of Ruin looked fine for everybody except Dracula.

I like the techniques, but I wish they were unlocked for every weapon by default instead of needing to be grinded.

How are the nude mods?

Shantae Half Ass Hero is the first show off of their new 3D engine.

Something as graphically simple as Bloodstained should work in it.

WF basically has no clue hwo to make creative original fun games, but they have the technical aspect (programming, music, graphics) down pat. They just need a series of creative directors to show them what to do. That's where Artplay should come in.

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I think the current look suits the game fine. It needs some work in some sections but for its budget and content it looks great

Summon Giant Rat.

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Lugosi Dracula was a good idea but the artstyle made him look like Dracula using a hawaiian shirt. Still one of the most fun Dracula fights.

Also fuck for not giving you the Harmony of Dissonance orb pose rating in Bloodstained, that shit was cool

>I'm assuming you're talking about the Bloodless fight where she hipchecks you with contact damage.
No? I'm not sure what you're talking about. A "hip check", is a deliberate move. If an enemy is doing a deliberate attack, then I wouldn't classify it as contact damage.

>Be cautious and stop running into her.
No shit sherlock. The problem is that enemies can just run into you. You maybe you get just a tiny bit too close, and your hand happens to overlap slightly, and it counts as a hit.

>If you think memorizing attack patterns is hard, you should be blaming yourself and getting better.
I can memorize attack patterns just fine. But the moves are just bad. Like edgy samurai guy having an upward slash that comes out instantly. You can't actually react to the attack. Rather, you just have to know by trial and error, that his attack will come out if you spend more than X seconds in his face. You're not learning to dodge the move, you're learning how the AI times their undodgeable move, and getting out of the way, before the game arbitrarily decides to damage you.

And like you said, there is some RNG to this. So sometimes you can get 3 attacks in before coming running away, and sometimes you can only get in 1. The boss's RNG will just randomly decide to slap your shit, so in reality, you only have the time for a single hit, and then you need to run in order to play it safe, no matter how much time he stands there open. The gamble is too risky.

If the move had a better tell, then you could actually gauge how much time you have.
Dodging the move in the nick of time. Maybe he could fake you out by holding on for a longer or shorter time. But as long as the tell is a good one, then it's a fair chance for the player to react.

>Chairs aren't useless, they speed up mana recovery while you sit on them

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>Contact damage forces you to deal with an enemy with some degree of caution, without it the game becomes piss easy because the attacks were designed with contact damage in mind
Well if there wasn't contact damage, then they would of course design the patterns differently. duh

Git gud.

Do you get anything for beating the game on Nightmare? Just beat it on NG+ Hard and didnt get shit

>generic bat drains half your health on nightmare mode

It's going to be one of those glass cannon playthroughs, isn't it, with everything killing you in 2 hits while you endlessly spam the best spells you have?

Nah just get past zangetsu and its not that bad

I'm interested in this.

The game has more visual detail than SotN. A lot of people were hard on the graphics. But visually, it holds its own.

Haven't gotten to it yet, but that description reminds me of how difficult Ruvas Forest was in OoE on hard despite being such an early level with "weak" enemies and how satisfying it was to finally beat. Should be fun.

>high level Summon Chair is strong enough to outcharges heal and other mana intense spells

>He doesn't know

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Aren't you supposed to lose your food bonus on death?
I haven't noticed any change in my food buffs so I'm just stacking all these stats for absolutely free.

Just collecting more of a damage dealing shard will increase the damage it does, right?

man it is amazing how many people still do not fucking understand this.

Food is a permanent buff. Its the only way a NG nightmare run becomes possible (and the best way to experience your first run through the game because rpg leveling has no fukkin place in this genre)

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Never happened to me and I've beaten the unpatched version first.

Nice Dreamcast game.

Don't know, just seems kind of overpowered, but I guess they weren't too concerned about balance with all the crazy shit in this game.

The RPG character building element is what separates Metroidvanias from straight Metroid ripoffs.

>because rpg leveling has no fukkin place in this genre)

The concept of leveling up is meant to be specialization. You pick a class, and you level up relative to the stats of that job.

Leveling up has become meaningless in most games like Symphony where you have no control over your stat bonuses and you just become generically better than before. No specialization no nothing.


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Is there any weapon that boosts int? Mines at 97 and I need more.

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Nigga this isn't Monster Hunter

>giant robot fist

Would some light form of scaling help prevent getting super OP in this kind of games?

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I've been only using the magic attacks in the hopes it would boost my int and con stats. Does this mean I can just play this game however and the stats are predetermined?

With mandatory level scaling, leveling up at all is pointless. I'd rather every game rip off TWEWY and reward the player for lowering their level. Maybe leveling affects damage and defense, but playing at a lower level augments your luck or something like that.

>fight first boss on nightmare
>attacks deal 100 out of 120 health


I’m afraid to ask but
What is that and how do I kill it

The water bitch? Super easy to avoid.

this is fun

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It might be what seperates it but what is the fukkin point.
There is no customization whatsoever, all levels bring flat increases. All of these metroidvanias tend to have difficulty issues where you can waltz through it after the first boss.
NG nightmare mode is a good example. Even when being locked to lv 1 you still easily break the game without resorting to guides or min maxing. What does another form of grind that just gives you flat global stat increases in an already easy game even offer to Bloodstained aside from significantly amplifying one of its biggest flaws, the non-existant difficulty?

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Without spoiling where the fuck do I go I beat the final boss in literally 10 seconds and got the bad ending and there's no where on the map else I can explore even abusing the Lion wheel double jump reset and kung fu boots aerial helicoptering.

Hunt the moon user or first reach glorious nippon land of Los Angeles

Theres an item you have to use in that fight to unlock the late-game.

>Miriam will never squeeze your hog
why live

>lion wheel double jump
You have a lot of exploring left, man. Have you been swimming recently?
He's not even at the point to do either of those.

You need to go underwater.

Did Iida do a good job of directing? He's Iga's protege after all.

No wonder people say Alf's easy, he skips his second attack pattern on Normal.

Is it better to just upgrade the rank of passive shards when you get them, or should I be maxing the grade as well? Not sure if the skill shard bonus is better than having the active for resistance based shards.

Oh shit he is that back. Yeah explore the underwater
If you kill him quick enough you can skip the slow balls in both hard and nightmare too

I started out on Hard so wasn't that powerful enough to push him down that quickly. The second part of the fight is fucking stupid if he gets to it.

What do I do after getting invert? There's that place blocked by the spikes but I don't know what to do about that.

reflect ray your tits up the cathedral

Take a load off in the train when you go back on it again, you'll make a new friend soon enough.
don't look him in the eyes

Is 922 the hard limit for MP? I have got 2. MP MAX UPs and none have raised it above that.

Sit on the train and wait for niggly wiggly

Go to the bottom of the tower where you fought the twin dragons, outside, on the left side, and invert there. You will fly up, find a chest with an armor that will allow you to walk on spikes.

Red: Head Flail
Blue: Doppelganger
Purple: Void Beam (I got lucky in the Abyssal Dragon fight)
Yellow: Augment Int
Green: Carabosse

How on earth do I get the monocle for the tribute quest also which mob drops lemons I keep seeing recipes for them but no dice so far.

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I think I would have enjoyed the first boss on nightmare mode a lot more if there was a way to dodge the big water beam that didn't involve hiding behind his minions.

The green harpies drop lemons, as well as tomatoes.

Switch update to not be shit when? Not going to sit in front of a monitor to play a fucking castlevania game.

Throw Bone is pretty good for dealing with sea bitch because you can hit her twice. It really does cut down her health.
Just remember to deequip your dullahammers when trying to hide behind the squiddies...

The friendly succubi (seriously they will buff you if you leave them alone) in the library area drop lemons if you kill the poor things.

Iga literally had never had mac and cheese before, and the first time he got it, he was immensely disappointed that it was not what he expected it to be.

Where do you get apples at? Need them for a dish for the insatiable black hole.

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Upper church, Yellow bird monsters drop them. Also farm G meat from them

Thanks, was out of those meats too.

Ocypetes or whatever the yellow birdgirls before Bloodless were called.

>Doesn't even ask for it back first despite coming in person

thank you

There any other demons in the game that aren't out to kill you on sight? Rul'sha is the only one I've found so far (she even asks you why you are attacking her when she's hit). Do the pixie types initiate combat if you ignore them? I haden't actually thought to test it with the ones that turn into a familiar.

It's pretty damn good.
Infinite mana recovery is great and you can cast heal while sitting for free.

The only reason I'm using Zangetsuto right now is to prepare myself for losing Flying Edge to create the sexier stronger boomerang sword.

Fuck you user.
And jesus christ why is the granny so fucking hungry all the time what the fuck

where can I get the last book after Supreme Dish/r??

Silence mortal, feed me and you shall receive infinite power

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Bloodstained feels like the next logical step in the genre personally

She‘s the garfield of video games.

Do the medals you can get from the bosses have any actual use?

But when you use flying edge to get oracle blade, just have oracle blade. It's the same thing but better.

Attached: oraclebladebloodstainedwikiguide.png (128x128, 5K)

Bragging rights, that's it.
Same with Order of Ecclesia's boss medals.

I like it a lot but I consider it a great version of stuff we've already seen. How would you say it steps forward?

When's the Girlfriend Mod?

Oracle blade is twice as broken

>runs up
>steps on your foot
>backdashes away
Is there a more annoying attack?

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Honestly, most attacks in this game never hit me. It's just that the enemies clip into me and knock me back, during which time they run into me during the stun and hit me again just by existing.

Reminds me that this game has way too many enemies that can ignore walls and floors. Almost every vertical room has them hiding SOMEWHERE to blindside you. I also swear this game has more bats than most actual Castlevania games.

Hehe, like you

>Almost every vertical room has them hiding SOMEWHERE to blindside you
I've been replaying SotN because of the xbone rerelease, and that's the inverted clocktower in a nutshell.
>TWO sets of infinitely respawning enemies
>they both fly through solid objects and can stunlock you
>getting hit at all causes you to fall, losing your progress
The same thing happens over in the inverted chapel towers, but the enemies don't respawn. They're the two hardest sections of the game because of it, and everything before and after is a cakewalk.

It'll play like if you crossed the game with Demonophobia.
Except she'll be loving every minute of it

I don't mind their movement, but some enemies spend entirely too much time hovering inside walls or just outside of the screen. Standing around waiting for an elemental to get out of the floor isn't exactly fun.

Are any of the early 8 bit coin weapons especially useful on Nightmare mode?

Main reason I take Dullaheads into rooms with elements.

Poisons shoes so you can play hit n run with zangetsu. Deathbringer for good dps. The chisel spear for general exploring. You cant sustain godscross anyway with that low manapool.

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Thanks I'll play more tomorrow and I've heard "Staying up late tonight" enough

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It's been a long time old one.

When can I upgrade the Rheva Bural?

I'm not entirely sure but I think that you get the recipie from that book above the staircase to the Gebel's boss room

Where is the damn Supreme Cook Book

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How much money do you need for the money-to-attack ring to be useful?

There's like 2 or 3 of endgame cook books in the underwater area or next to it

Way too much for it to be worth the effort

This game is cruel to footfags, making the closest to barefoot option also be the weakest weapon in the game.
Not stopping me at all though.
Mod fucking when?

It's in the underwater area, in an easily missed breakable wall.


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but even then silver ring and traveler ring are better

>trying to get one of those grinding swords early on to make nightmare less annoying
>still no drop after 30 minutes

When you get to the last area in the game

>got one right after complaining about it

Every time.

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probably the stupidiest and most useless skill

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Is that sands?


What's the point of teps oceus being a purple shard, if it hits entire room anyway?

>World probably in peril and here I am cooking massive amounts of food for this geriatric fuck

So that you can spam it alongside your fire pillars to truly kill the FPS

Speaking of which, any console owners able to confirm if IGA is available yet? I think they said it was dropping today.

you can decide who it strikes first

thank you, now I can gun down the world

Miriam still has to be cured of her shard corruption. Easy sequel bait.

speeding it up more doesn't really do much, in fact any more than this and it looks slower because it gets stuck in the same 4 frames

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what does miriam's asshole taste like?

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>have 150 health
>Zangetsu deals exactly 150 damage

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just don't get hit lol

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I like how happy she is when she's killed.

I don't mind doing the quests for Dommguy's Mom. There should be one for every single demon.

>tfw you have to get the medal to even beat the boss

Reminds of that hard mode racing level in Sonic Adventure 2 which was impossible to complete with anything less than an A rank because the timer was too strict for anything else.

Theres at least two hp goblets you can find before the fight and food is always an option. Then it just becomes don't get hit twice in a row


>tfw spent the whole game getting killed by contact damage
>OD destroyed me hard
>all those fights with OD forced me to git gud and learn his sword range and how to avoid running into him or his sword
>can now play without constantly running into things and getting damaged

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In terms of the haircuts you collect, is there a hime cut? I have to know.

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Apparently maxing a passive shard to make it a toggle only gives you its rank bonus but not its grade

it gives the grade you have for your shard and continues to go higher even if you already made it a toggle skill

Just finished the last of the cooking buffs. All I got left is shards, which i'm missing like 6 and all of the items. Might take a break for a while, put 30hrs into this game over two days. Gonna go back to play Judgment for a while

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It's quite funny that you posted that picture while talking about the bad ending.

Contact damage is stupid, although I think the only reason it's such a problem is because the hitboxes in this game are pretty bad. Bloodless is a great example because her hitbox seems to expand and contract for no reason. Her blood cyclone attack in particular is ridiculous because her contact damage hitbox suddenly gets bigger at the end so you can get hit by nothing unless you know precisely how to space around it extending a foot away from her body.

All that said, I think unreactable attacks are completely fine, and that would take the place of contact damage anyway. These attacks aren't unreadable: you can predict them based off of your position relative to the enemy. That's quite literally a read. If the game had no contact damage, the punishment for getting too close to an enemy who isn't vulnerable would be a quick unreactable attack like one of Zangetsu's short-range slashes. It's completely fair to expect the player to not put themselves in that situation, just like how you can avoid the shoryuken by not jumping above him when he's waiting.

Good spacing should be rewarded, bad spacing should be punished. Not every attack needs a slow enough startup to be reactable, and trial and error is not an inherent problem since the game gives you enough health to survive attacks you didn't see coming. If you're going for medals, trial and error should be expected.

Redpill me on Ridill. Why does it take three high-tier swords to craft 20 ATK weapon?

Throw Spear
Standstill/ Accelerate
Directional Shield
Augment Luck
Dullahan Heads

>Good spacing should be rewarded, bad spacing should be punished
The problem with this logic is that the variety of attack choices means they have no way of predicting what's a proper attack range. Staying the full screen away with a gun shouldn't always be rewarded, and at close range you shouldn't be forced to just guess when to parry.

All I need now is just x5 flying beef x13 G-Bone Steak x2 clam x5 Fey Leaf x4 Forneus FiIlet x 10 plume pork x5 black pepper x2 onions sauce x5 strawberry x2 breast milk and x1 lemon to complete my food list...

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Oh, so it stacks. Makes more sense.

>grinded for fey leaf
>first 10 minutes got nothing
>and then got 8 fey leafs within a 30 second period

Well then get to it, you wouldn't want granny to starve, right? It's been a whole 10 minutes since she ate.

For me it was the Revenant, he got stuck at the door after doing a jump back

>It's completely fair to expect the player to not put themselves in that situation, just like how you can avoid the shoryuken by not jumping above him when he's waiting.
Yeah? Then what the fuck are you supposed to do when he runs up to you and does the shoryuken? It's literally a three-way guess between horizontal, vertical and upward slash. And the only way to avoid ground slashes is by jumping because your mobility at the start sucks shit.
Take a 2/3 gamble every time to avoid attacks, that's "great" boss design.

Red: Teps Salrenda
Purple: Teps Oceus

Only all purpose solution I could come up with: Eleventh Hour.

Yeah, I actually tried that, but superior japanese game design was one step ahead of me:
sometimes, rarely, Zangetsu will run up to you and do nothing for half a second, and THEN attack during your recovery frames.
It's almost funny.

I'm actually at the Zangetsu fight on Nightmare right now and I have no clue when he will use his upwards slash instead of a regular ground attack. The start up seems exactly the same until he suddenly attacks you in midair instead of doing his ground move. Since he kills me in one hit, this is quite annoying.

>get 1 of everything
>make stuff
>dupe it by buying the finished food dish and disassembling it

that wasn't so hard, was it?

I feel like jumping over him is something you can never safely do. If you need to switch sides, you need to wait for him to jump and then slide under him. It definitely doesn't help that when he goes into his parry stance it's almost always with his back right against the stairs, so you wind up cornering yourself just to hit him.

he is the king of trash boss fights and by far has been the most annoying and time consuming for me. I've had the same experiences as everyone else and all I can say is it really does come down to luck and praying he doesn't DP you out of his dash. Bullshit hitboxes on his horizontal swing too, about twice as big as it needs to be.

>parry stance
In my experience, the stagger after you hit him in the back is just long enough for you to jump over him safely.
Personally I'd hit him with rank 7 true arrow for nice damage and immediately jump over him and slide 1-2 times for a good measure.

Then youre farming for gold, 13 g-steaks alone is going to cost +99 alkahest

Where can I grind out cash easily? I'm going broke trying to cook food for this fat old bitch

find a hallway with a bunch of lamps then just go left to right breaking them with augment gold on

>Finish the game
>Wanted to skip hard for NG+
Why even lock hard for new games with how easy normal is

I don't actually have augment gold yet. Is it something I should actively seek out or is it one of those shards that'll come naturally?

Make your name NIGHTMARE.

if you wanna make more gold you're gonna need it

Oh wait you can just put in the nightmare cheat on a new save and then immediately leave to get nightmare NG+
It's all so strange

I did but it didn't do anything since the game was already created I guess.

>Using Eleventh Hour with Zangetsu's sword

Pssst nothing personell.

Definitely look it out, when it's rank 9 and you have the accelerator you can make 40grand in 1-2 minutes. Accelerator you can only get near the end of the game tho'.

Bandit's Knife is the actual nothing personell.

>Accelerator you can only get near the end of the game tho'.
And for good reason because it's really addicting being able to literally become Sonic