Makes a mistake

>makes a mistake
>now you're the villain

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I make mistakes, ON PURPOSE

You're delirious.

I'm Boss.

need examples

Venom Snake didn't make any mistakes. One second he's elbow-deep in Paz's cunny and the next he's in a coma being brainwashed to take Big Boss' place.
His only mistake was that he didn't waifu Quiet hard enough.

The show made him look like everything he did was malicious on purpose, like some comical villain. Such shit writing.

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I'm Boss.

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Man bad, woman good

youre an idiot

>Venom Snake didn't make any mistakes
For fucks sake, he went down a warmongering path by being ultra complicit with Naked Snake's plan to kill Solid Snake to keep TX-55, a dangerous mecha that also served as a nuclear weapon.

How is that not a mistake?
Plus, Venom Snake is Big Boss. Remember that Big Boss is just a title despite what Kaz and Ocelot say.

I don’t care for the opinion of women

Not great, not terrible

>((You)) didn't make any mistakes.
Nice to see that you're selfishly embellishing yourself, no one cares. Also, what mistakes did John make nigger?

>the super smart and brave woman who gives advice to Legasov and enlightens him throughout the show
>she's made up

>Big Medic didn't make any mistakes
OK, then what mistakes did Big Bad make then?

It's actually in line with what Legasov says in the trial (in the show): all the crap Dyatlov did Dyatlov did thinking there was a failsafe button that could fix everything.

Had he known this wasn't the case, I'm sure he wouldn't have done all the awful shit he did. That would have been malicious.

>when people were leaning over the edge and staring right into the blazing open reactor
damn radiation u scary

Relax, dumbos, I wasn't trying to say that Venom is better than Big Boss. The point I was trying to convey was that him becoming Big Boss as a result of diving deep into Paz's cunny was a good thing.

>shows up at mother base
>"Is it too much to ask THAT YOU KNOW WHAT THE FUCK YOU'RE DOING?"

John is a conscious actor in his own right. Vee is a brain damaged mess who regularly experiences seizures and hallucinations, who has been brainwashed by the memories and guilt of someone else and is also passive as fuck on most counts. He doesn't do enough to do wrong.

>is also passive as fuck on most counts
Because you have to fill in for him. He's not his own character but rather YOURS.

Without your involvement his mind is basically on life support, as null as rock with him not doing much actions.

Almost as if half the stuff in that show never actually happened, and you're watching what amounts to a parody of a tragedy by capitalist american imperialism? Yeah, you didn't think of that at all did you. Think for yourself for a change.

Whatever I fill in still doesn't actually happen in the plot. I just pretend that it does. Medic man did nothing and therefore he technically did nothing wrong.

You will never be funny Yea Forums you take something then you run it into the ground, do everyone including your family a favour and slit your veins.

>Whatever I fill in doesn't actually happen in the plot.
It does. The plot is intentionally mostly empty because you have to write your own. MGSV is not a traditional story, and therefore the plot shouldn't be taken at face value.

>Author Hitori Nojima, citing an email from Kojima, explained that the player brings the story full circle in their own way, with the role of Venom Snake making the story truly theirs, and not necessarily restricted to the fate of Big Boss in the early games. Kojima and the player creating the story together "is something traditional movies and books could not do."
>Kojima and the player [are] creating the story together
>Kojima and the player [are] creating the story together
>Kojima and the player [are] creating the story together
>Kojima and the player [are] creating the story together
How many times do I have to point this shit out to morons like you?

imagine what a wake up call chernobyl disaster was for the ussr
to suddenly realize so clearly how bogged down your entire system was with bureaucracy that it responded so sluggishly to an absolutely critical disaster

If that stubborn hack fraud won't write me a story, I'll write my own story!

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Imagine discussing video games on Yea Forums you fucking cretin retard.

he was a villain, but he was also a victim of the prevalent mentality instituted by socialist politics - don't go against the party, don't make the party look bad

I sure love living in a free society with property rights as compared to being in literally any communist or socialist country. Especially as I wear glasses and thus have a wide selection of them available to me whenever i want, rather than a selection of one, or just being shot.

Big Boss' phantom is the biggest villain in town!

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You're the moron here, bud. I've seen that quote plenty. It doesn't change the simple fact that whatever I imagine won't suddenly become canon.
In the end the only solid, actual canon is that Venom fucked around in Afghanistan and Africa providing cover for the original BiBo and then just continued to carry the BiBo identity

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>whatever I imagine won't suddenly become canon.
Canon doesn't matter here you fucking idiot. It's not a traditional story. Whatever you write is canon. Big Boss fucking Quiet is canon because I said so, for example.

Jesus Christ, you're the moron being unable to think in the abstract. Idiots like you can only see the surface, always expecting a "story" to be provided to you.

Where the fuck did chernobyl hbo even come from

It was just such a fun thing to watch


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>You're the moron here, bud
you still are though
>It doesn't change the simple fact that whatever I imagine won't suddenly become canon.
"MGSV is not a traditional story"
"The plot shouldn't be taken at face value"
so you're going to betray Kojima and do the opposite of what he wants you to do because you feel like it? OK you lorefaggot

... So you admit that I'm right and it's canon that Venom did nothing and therefore did nothing wrong.

No. I am saying that you are wrong.
>Whatever you write is canon.
is the opposite of
>Whatever I imagine won't suddenly become canon.
Go back to ESL, retard.

>no games that let you choose to be the villain or the hero anymore

If an 8 isnt considered great in your book what the fucks a 7? Also check my 7

So, who was Venom Snake anyways? ALLIGATOR?

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>So you admit that I'm right and it's canon that Venom did nothing and therefore did nothing wrong.
how did these things
>Canon doesn't matter
>Whatever you write is canon
>It's not a traditional story
>Big Boss fucking Quiet is canon because I said so
>You're the moron being unable to think in the abstract
>Idiots like you can only see the surface
even lead you to concluding with that statement? Are you that dumb

>whatever you write is canon
Fine. So Venom did nothing wrong. He also never fucked Quiet in the chopper because he only realized he loved her after she left for the first time.

>MGSV thread
>MGSV sucks, never getting hyped evar again
>Gameplay was great
>Gameplay repetitive
>Story sucks
>Story is unconventional but not that bad
>You stupid
>No you stupid because you didn't understand story
>Fox engine comment
>Kojima posting
>Obligatory Infinite Heaven post

Can we close thread now?

>sent to deliver a letter
>settlement is under siege by lunatics
>recipient of letter murdered and eaten, but their son kidnapped
>track down his location and go in guns blazing, gunning down these psychopaths
>find the kid and tell him the cult leader is wormfood
>now I'm the villain

Venom did everything wrong since he took the same fateful path as Naked and he shot Quiet to despise foot fetishizing faggots like you.

>elbow-deep in Paz's cunny
If you actually played the game you'd know that was just a false memory created by guilt.

God thanks for reminding me about how retarded metal gears story is

I think you misunderstood what OP wants, friend

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No, I didn't get to complain about Kojimbo dropping Stefanie yet.
Why Kojima-San?

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>makes a villain
>now you're the mistake

No it wasn't. That was the snuke removal from her snizz. He later feels guilt about how she suiceded after the whole thing so he hallucinates that she's still alive though.

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I once wrote a store, and when it was finished I re-read it to do a proof read and I came to the realization that the main antagonist was a self-insert.

Cause she is an autist and waited a year to call back after the job offer. Pretty much neet mistakes 101.
Probably wouldn't have passed the audition anyway with Lea acting circles around her and more blowjob experience.

Yea you're baiting.
The entire Paz storyline is literally explaining what happened, and it's even on the wiki. Consider my responses to you over.

He did nothing wrong

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Don't forget the massive unresolved shitstorm of:
>Venom is Big Boss!!11111
>Venom is not Big Boss!!!1
>Venom Snake is you.
>Stop trying to embellish yourself. No one cares if you're better than Big Boss.
>You uneducated doof, why are you saying that Big Boss is better than Big Boss?
>Venom Snake is not an actual name, his only name is Big Boss in the canon.
>deeeeeyuh venom is worser than big boss... :PPP
>Venom is exactly the same as Naked and as a man, he is no better than him. Also, Venom and Naked are Big Boss.
>You are supposed to write Venom Snake.
>Venom is exactly the same as Big Boss and as a man, he is no better than him, but dyuuuh he's not Big Boss hyup and any, hyick, one who says otherwyuusse IS A STUPID CRETIN WAAAAH!
>Venom snake is gray fox LEL

I agree about the blowjob experience though. Stefanie's mouth probably feels like heaven itself, but Lea clearly has S-rank succ skill and can probably blow Kojimbo's mind by just using that giant gap between her front teeth to pleasure his tiny dick.

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B-but he was a MEANIE! He wasn't nice, he raised his voice at Akimov.

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Dude. Dyatlov was in trouble on multiple occasions for being mean to his subordinates in real life USSR.. in an industry where speaking up about this meant you could be sent to Siberia. He was a fucking ass based on the real historical documents we have.

Isotope poisoning is a real thing and test should have never been done. He didnt mean for it to happen but it did. And showing the real documented accounts of what happened shows him to be an asshole.

This. I'd have pounded her mute bioweapon ass into next week.

>Dyatlov was in trouble on multiple occasions for being mean to his subordinates in real life USSR

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