Let's be honest. This game is poorly designed and relies on cheap bullshit to fool people into think it's difficult

Let's be honest. This game is poorly designed and relies on cheap bullshit to fool people into think it's difficult.

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Shit bait but I'll bite. Who the fuck says it's difficult? It's the easiest game in franchise by a longshot. You won't even get carted unless you have a two-digit IQ.

apparently a lot of people on the internet say it's a lot like dark souls. And a bunch of people I know talked about it as if it were the next Mass Effect.

I'm at the elder dragons are man this has been a fucking shit experience all around. I'm moving through it fine but when I'm not bored to tears I'm face palming at the retarded gimmicks.

Having shit like Arch-tempered doesn't make the game hard. It's the easiest title in the franchise.

It's not hard if you know how to play games.
Master your weapon, combine skills, prepare itens, done.

It isn't hard. It's a lot of cheap bullshit. Especially with shit like stun. Stun kills my enjoyment in this game. I know there's armor in this game that allows stun resist but what if I want armor with actual useful resistances? It's so needless and annoying. Half the time I don't even receive damage from the stun, it feels like just a tacked on gimmick. A lot of this games """mechanics""" feel very very gimmicky.

It’s only hard when you reach AT levels of bullshit and even then you have all the tools you need.

what other ways do you want to get punished for making the wrong decision and getting hit?

How about just taking damage like normal games? Isn't taking damage the punishment for getting hit? What's the point of stunning too? That's just kicking you when you're down. Not to mention it's usually not even a result of getting hit, IE the monster roars.

What point do monster roars stunning you for a few seconds serve? What does it add to the experience? Sure it's intimidating and cool the first time. But after the 500th time it's just annoying. again, cheap gimmicks.

Roars tell you the monster AI has changed to an enraged state? It's a telegraphed way of tell you that the fight has moved on to it's next phase without directly giving you a monster health bar.

And that's fantastic. But does it need to incapacitate me for 4 seconds? I'm fine with the roaring, it's the fact that if you're within like 20 feet of it you have to remain motionless until it's finished. There's no reason at all for this and if it was removed tomorrow, nobody would complain. If this feature were removed no one would say something of value was lost.

I don't know why the fuck monster hunter fans can't accept there are flaws in the game. Every forum I go to I see you retards defending obviously unfun shit. The game can be good when it's good but you people treat the game as if it's perfect.

Stun is meant to punish players for getting hit a bunch in a short amount of time so if it happens its really just your own fault

Just kys.
What does it even have to do with the pile of shit that is Mass Effect
Don't reply to me nigger

You only get stunned if you get hit 3 times in a very short amount of time, casual

So what do you define as cheap bullshit? I think most of the stuff in the game is far and I'd only plat AT Lunastra in the cheap bullshit category.

All these gimmicks are something to play around though. There's ways to get around it using tools the game gives you. Sure you could get rid of them, but then what makes this game any different than another game? You're arguing over an identity that a game series has built over multiple iterations. There are things about the game worth defending and things that aren't, but if you act like X must be bad because I think it's bad, then what's the point in talking about it?

It's not even hard, maybe you're just so retarded you're falling for the "cheap bullshit"

Except it's not sometimes. I've been fighting Diablos a lot for a switch axe. And there's one obnoxious thing I've noticed.

If you get hit by it's front charge it's over, no matter how much health you have. It'll hit you with it's front charge, you'll take 100 years to stand back up where it'll pull you back in front of her nose with her horns, broken or not, hit you again which will stun you then hit you again. I really don't see how fair it is to expect people never to get hit by the front charge, especially when you fight it the first time and have no idea about any of this.

God I hate monster hunter fans. Just admit ban mechanics when you see them. You fucking know this shit is cancer. The game can be fun and is. But you have to weed out this bullshit.

Gimmicks by definition aren't fun, which is why most people use it as a negative connotation. And I'm talking about this game spesifically, not the other titles. I couldn't tell you what was what in the other ones. But after 100 hours of this game I think I have a pretty good grasp on things. And it's not all bad. The game isn't like 100% shit. It's just not nearly as good as everyone says it is.

It isn't. That's just what everyone told me.


I wouldn't say that gimmicks aren't fun by definition. Game mechanics exist to give the game rules. Whether they're fun or not depends how you argue it. If you don't want to talk about why you think X is this or that, there's really no point in starting a thread. You're welcome to post a lobby if you want people to play with you though.

You're playing a slow weapon. You have long windups, but high damage output. You're supposed to learn the matchup, don't blindly swing, and especially don't blindly swing with your long ass windup high damaging skill.

tl;dr git gud

Just because you can counter it doesn't make it good. Again. What purpose does roars stunning you serve? What mechanic is this testing? What skill am I supposed to be learning through this?

The answer is nothing. It's a cheap way to eliminate an opening you could use to put more damage out.

I see them as two different things. A game mechanic is something like if a sword swings at you, you press a button and dodge it at the appropriate time. A gimmick is something like with the wind elder dragon who slaps down a bunch of tornados. Pretty easy to doge if you read it, but if you get caught in it, you get stuck for like 5-6 seconds so it can hit you even harder. The game really likes to kick you when you're down I've noticed.

Oh dude I can go through most bosses and tell you what about them is silly and cheap and why it's silly and cheap. There are fewer fair bosses the unfair ones. I explained the silly move with Diablos. But here's another one. A lot of monsters are too fast for you to keep up. And normally that's fine. But it gets annoying when they start zipping around from side to side to side. One of the biggest sources of frustration in this game is having to chase a monster from one part of the arena to the next (and I don't mean when it flees, when it's actively fighting you). You can use flash pods or other stun tools but again. It feels like bad design because it's irritating.

My weapon is pretty medium speed, it's the switch axe. When it's in axe form it's like alright speed. I only switch to sword form when I can really punish them. You don't have to suck at the game to notice it's flaws. I'm tired of people saying that. The game is flawed regardless of skill level.

>But after 100 hours of this game I think I have a pretty good grasp on things
Hahahahahahaha haha hahahaha

And everyone wonders why I hate the monster hunter fandom. The arguments against my points boil down to get over it and you suck or are in experienced so that means it's fair.

I think the game is fun when it's fun. I don't hate this game. But there are flaws. Talk to a monster hunter fan and you'd think every game in the series is literally perfect. Even dark souls fans can come down from their ivory towers and admit when the game has bad areas. I'm not saying the entire game is stupid and bad, just certain bits and parts. Jesus fucking christ. What is it with this fandom?

Not sure if you're differentiating game mechanics and gimmicks by your influence over them as a player. Not sure how you end up with monsters running around a zone unless you're playing multiplayer or with your cat. All flying monsters are directly countered by flash pods and I don't know what else you could expect to do with a melee weapon.

Things that monsters do can irritate you but if you don't want to actually solve the problem with the tools given to you, then I don't know what to say. Maybe it's just not for you.

Dude, you just suck. All of your complaints are about getting hit from easily telegraphed moves. There are only a few random bullshit, but even those can be prevented.

>100 hours
>not done with the game yet
>still complains about roars and Diablos
Use Lance, block, done.

>lmao World is 2 ez I litearlly never die xD
>Tempered Jho releases
>Lunastra releases
>Behemoth releases

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It's not a problem with every monster. One of the biggest ones though is Toestra, the fire elder dragon. God that fight was annoying. He just zips around with his charges.

I pointed out a bunch of things. But like you and everyone else it's always either git gud or it's not a big deal so that makes it fine. No matter how many examples I pull out it seems nothing is ever going to make anyone admit there's a flaw. perfect 10 out of 10 game I guess.

Again I don't suck. I beat monsters usually within 2 attempts, excluding diablos. But once I learned her move sets I can handle her with ease. Difficulty isn't my complaint. These are problems whether you're a master or a novice.

I've been playing so long mainly due to farming. The diablos tree is pretty tedious, especially towards the better axes. Almost got the Axe of Demons though. I'm mainly just taking my time. Stoping to smell the roses and such, see what the game has off the beaten path.

The only badly designed boss is Lunastra
Got gud and play candycrush

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Not that guy but lunastra is a legitimately badly designed fight unless you solo it then everything in the game is piss easy except extremoth.

fuck this bait thread

fucking barioth is in, let's celebrate

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>I'm good at this game
>I get hit enough to complain about stun

Pick one.


It's annoying isn't it?

Don't know why you think my counter argument is invalidated because I don't agree with you. You pulled out an example, people told you how to solve that problem specifically. I don't understand. What do you expect to happen?

It usually takes me two attempts to learn the move sets. The first attempt meaning I inevitably die because I always go in blind. I don't read guides or do anything unless I really just can't beat it which I've only done for Diablos.

Stun sucks. If it was removed tomorrow nobody would say something of value was lost. Nobody would complain.

I think it's just the other retards in this thread that are getting to me, as you've no doubt seen. Apologies.

If you're on pc, you can post a lobby and I'll join right now. We can run whatever you want.

everyone else:
> learn weapon movesets
> use all the items at your disposal
> learn monster moveset
> methodically bring it down time and time again

> "this game is too slow, where are my cancel-any-animation-20-iframe-dodges!"

You didn't even beat the game yet lol

>Except it's not sometimes. I've been fighting Diablos a lot for a switch axe. And there's one obnoxious thing I've noticed.
>If you get hit by it's front charge it's over, no matter how much health you have. It'll hit you with it's front charge, you'll take 100 years to stand back up where it'll pull you back in front of her nose with her horns, broken or not, hit you again which will stun you then hit you again. I really don't see how fair it is to expect people never to get hit by the front charge, especially when you fight it the first time and have no idea about any of this

It's a front charge, by Diablos in fact. It's pretty straightforward, meaning you're either over committing with your weapon or you just don't have as good of a grasp you thought you did. However if you're hit by it it's still not the end all so I still have no idea what you're whining about.

Stun removes the opportunity cost or risk/reward system of the game. You get stunned if you get hit too often. Removing it will be one step toward the streamlining of games a lot of people fear.

afraid not. I know I'm going to get absolutely shit on for this but I'm stuck on console. I know, I know I'm casual but I'm saving up to start building a pc.

I literally never made one claim of it being too low or anything about iframes whatsoever.

I do now. Took me a while to learn it. But that's the thing. I should be able to learn it. When I was on my first attempt I remember looking at that and saying wow that wasn't fair at all. Because it kicks you while you're down which is just infuriating. The punishment for not dodging her frontal charge should be the assload of damage. Not a huge combo you literally cannot pull yourself out of.

I honestly don't think so. The risk reward should be damaged. Stun just seemed needlessly punishing. If you're too greedy with your swings or misjudge an attack, the risk should be having a huge bit of your health depleted. It just seems needlessly punishing. That's up to preference and very subjective I know, but I really don't like being hit, and being stunned into death with something I could've saved.

Do you just want to go in, hit a punching bag, get a "YOURE AWESOME YOURE THE BEST"-screen and move on to the next punching bag? Play borderlands, trannyloser

So why do Souls fans and Monster Hunter fans pretend that they're hardcore when they constantly cry if something is legitimately difficult?

>World will fail! It has to be on portables!
>It's gonna be shit! You can walk and drink a potion!
>Yeah well it only sold well because it appeals to casuals!!
>Yeah Iceborne is gonna be bad!
>It's not gonna have many monsters!
>T-they're gonna have to redo all the monster models instead of porting them!
>Uh... the new engine doesn't allow capcom to port monster behavior over! They have to reprogram it from scratch! It's way too hard!
>Yeah the director said it will be as big as a G rank game... but you can't trust him... muh paid DLC emotes
any other famous nincel cope quotes?

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How many times do I have to say "I usually defeat the boss in 2 tries"? The issue is not difficulty. I don't no how many more times I need to repeat myself. I just don't like gimmicks and cheap shots, even if they don't technically make the game harder. Just because they don't typically impede me, doesn't mean they make the experience better.

I'm a huge souls fan. And I never complained about that except for four kings. But this is like watching people pretend that Dark Souls 2 was totally fun and not a shitty game. That's what this feels like.

The risk reward/opportunity cost is using skill decorations as well. Some people will hedge their bets and use stun decos to prevent them from dying to something stupid. But once you get good, you can now use damage decos. Removing stun dilutes player choice.

>have sex
Yea Forums was resetera all along

>A game mechanic is something like if a sword swings at you, you press a button and dodge it at the appropriate time. A gimmick is something like with the wind elder dragon who slaps down a bunch of tornados.
Can you actually define the difference between a game mechanic and a gimmick tho? It just sounds like you think "thing I don't like = gimmick"

You might be retarded.

Roars are free damage

But there are so many better ones. That's what annoys me about it. I'd rather fill my slots with useful things like resistances or attack enhancements rather than trying to guard against a cheap hit.

And no it doesn't. If stun were removed it would only improve the game. The punishment is taking damage. It's silly and pointless to stun you, especially for players who suck ass at the game. You're punishing players who are already having a hard time which is a terrible thing to do.

Yes. A better way to put it is a mechanic tests a skill. A gimmick is something that punishes you for something you either can't defend against, would be described as cheap shots, need a lot of items most players wouldn't have to defend again or require a level of skill that isn't reasonable to expect of many players. I know that second part is very subjective but mhw doesn't usually fall into the second part, mainly the first.

> A gimmick is something that punishes you for something you either can't defend against
The tornado attacks are easy to dodge, you even agree with that
>cheap shots
Is heavily telegraphed
>need a lot of items most players wouldn't have to defend again
No item requires to dodge
>require a level of skill that isn't reasonable to expect of many players
As you wrote is easy to dodge them

So by your definition, your example of gimmick, is actually not a gimmick at all

I mean actually getting caught in the tornado is the cheap shot. But really more of what I'm thinking of is stun. If stun were removed I'd probably enjoy this game 90% more

In what way is stun resist not useful if you’re having trouble due to it? This is like refusing to dump insight in bloodborne because the jellyfish instagib you with frenzy.

>cheap hit
That's subjective, and if you know that damage decos are better, why are you complaining? Also what decos are better is also subjective toward different players. See, you just made your own personal choice on what decos are better and your own personal risk/reward system on whether to take or not to avoid cheap hits.

One of the major features of this game is the opportunity cost of building an armor/deco/weapon set against a certain monster. Some people like to hedge risk and run for consistency. Some like to run speed runs. Removing a damage mechanic just ruins the fun of customizing your own set and factoring their own risk/reward judgement.

Would you also find poison, burn, blight, etc necessary to remove as well cause you're punishment is damage?

>I beat monsters usually within 2 attempts
If it's ever taking you multiple attempts after 100 hours, then you don't play efficiently. There are tells for most things, and for everything else you can game the environment and AI. Work on your observational skills.

Okay so you are using "cheap shot" as an act of deliberate roughness against a defenseless opponent more than something poorly telegraphed

Stun fucking sucks, that's the point. Deal with it and learn to mitigate it.

Yeah, it sucks to get hit by a super telegraphed attack while you're stunned and can't dodge, but that shit doesn't happen if you know what you're doing.

>diablos destroying noobs yet again
What is up with the resident vegetarian and casuals?

The sad thing to is he’s a lot slower and even has the retarded walk before charging. Does he even do the tremor into emergance attack anymore?


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So is mhw for casuals now or is OP just a cocksucker?

tremor only affects you if you're in the underground movement path

Is a game casual if it destroys casual players?

I'll reply to the other guy too because it fits. No because you can counter those. You can drink an antidote, role to limit burn damage, crouch to stop bleed. When you're stunned there isn't anything you can do but wait and hope not to get slammed. I think having an entire build just to mitigate one status effect is silly. I never had to idea to make a build to say counter poison because I can counter it with the tools on hand. I don't need to equip four pieces of poison resist armor just so I can play it without getting annoyed by the mechanic. It annoys me to the extreme the some monsters require full stun resist not to be stunned by them and that's not including earplugs.

I don't but that's because I'm trying to experience it in full and farm. I'm trying to get a lot of different armor sets, weapons, plaico stuff, etc. The story is mostly secondary to me at the moment. I want to experience what the game has in full.

Yes. Exactly what I mean. It feels like you're kicking the player while they're down which I don't understand how people find that engaging. I already missed the timing of the first shot, why is the game punishing me further.

At least someone can admit it. And I do midigate it. I just wish I could use my armor and decorations for more useful things.

I'm a master at diablos these days. Black Diablos too. I've actually grown to kinda like the fight. We're good friends Diablos and I/

If you're too stupid that you stand still while it burrows underground. Its only dangerous attack is the horn swings and only because of its deceptively long range.

>I do now. Took me a while to learn it. But that's the thing. I should be able to learn it. When I was on my first attempt I remember looking at that and saying wow that wasn't fair at all. Because it kicks you while you're down which is just infuriating. The punishment for not dodging her frontal charge should be the assload of damage. Not a huge combo you literally cannot pull yourself out of.

front charge is just a front charge though. even when you get hit by it she slides so much that you can get up and be ready for her next move.

Monster Hunter World isn't even on a new engine frogposter

MHW thread? Mhw thread

I finished my first meta set today after over 300 hours. Needed that last tenderizer deco. Fuck this shit. Playing GS

What do I do now lads?

Not always though. I find she'll sometimes pull you with her wings then use her horns to pull you to her face while you're getting up. By the time you can dodge again she'll have already charged.

getting gud because having a meta set doesn't make you gud

>When you're stunned there isn't anything you can do but wait and hope not to get slammed
There's literally a tutorial that tells you to wiggle your stick to get out of stun faster. Other players can also get you out of stun on multuplayer

>making a meta set instead of making your own depending on your playstyle
You must really love filling up checklists

I usually play solo. But still. Even when I can get out faster it doesn't mean stun is engaging or good.



holy fuck, get it in your head. You don't misses it "once". You got hit like a ball by the monster and therefore you deserve to get fucking kicked in your ass. Holy fuck stop crying. This is one of the cases where git gud is just the best answer. You're a low on who thinks he's the shit because mhw starts very slow. Now with a monster that's more than a punching bad, you start crying. Just get the fuck out of this board. All these people told you what you need to AVOID getting hit like a loser, but you're still crying
Tldr git gud

You can get all three points in stun resist from your talisman. I’m sure you’ll be fine with 9 less attack.

>There's literally a tutorial that tells you to wiggle your stick to get out of stun faster.
You're kidding me right

This one isn't that hard, the only thing I had any difficulty with was Kushala. Poorly designed is debatable, though. On the one hand, there are plenty of improvements or things that could be subjectively viewed as improvements like interconnected and seamless zones, more verticality, better usage of differences in terrain, etc. On the other hand, those differences in terrain also make me FUCKING SLIDE EVERYWHERE WHEN I'M CHARGING MY HAMMER FUCK YOU CAPCOM.
Also I don't like how they handled charms and skills, and speaking of handling things, give me the option to make handler shut the fuck up forever.
I just want classic monhun to continue in some form, that was where I had the most fun with the series. World is cool in some ways, but I can't play it for hours and hours without getting bored like I could with FU, 3U, P3rd, 4U, etc.

self important literal retard comment posted by a dicksucking literal retard

the point is you can do something to get out of stun.
the point is you can do something to not get stunned
its a gameplay mechanic, learn to play around it or just go back to call of duty

whats the point of getting into this game now when everyone already has all the cool limited collaboration stuff and you dont

How about the Nintendo-esque lobbies. It was such a chore to join my friends that I straight dropped this piece of shit.

All the events are returning this month

>No G rank
You're a retard, have a nice day.

>limited collaboration stuff
such as?

I actually do

What's next on my Checklist senpai?

the collab stuff comes back from time to time

you can literally gem in anti stun

Jesus OP. Just learn the mechanics or play something else. You're fighting huge ass monsters and yes, they have ways to fuck with you other than pure damage. All of these serve a purpose and if you think the game is too punishing then maybe it's just not for you.

>A games fun is measured in difficulty
Whoever the fuck came up with this meme needs to die

>but I can't play it for hours and hours without getting bored like I could with FU, 3U, P3rd, 4U, etc.
Why is that exactly?

>It feels like you're kicking the player while they're down which I don't understand how people find that engaging.
Well there is this thing in fighting games called combos, once a fighter hits another, the one getting hit enters a defenseless state and the attacker can further hit him without repercussion if done in quickly (some attacks do multiple hits on their own tho), this is pretty much the game "punishing" further by your initial mistake. MHW is not a fighting game, sure, but there is an entire genre built around what you perceive as a "gimmick" so that should tell you that yes, people find that engaging
How are poison, burn, blight, etc engaging or fun? You literally argue they are fine only because you can counter them and now you are moving the goalpost

>finish all the challenge quests in the gathering hub
>get all armors/weapons/decos

Unironically git gud OP. Stuns should rarely happen and all but two monsters attacks can be dodged by simply running in circles. Give it a try, just fucking run in a circle around the monster and you will dodge all of it's attacks.

The only two that doesn't work on are Lunastra, because actual bullshit, and Deviljho, because big ass hitbox.

The only only extra outlier for actually being a poor fight is Kushala, BECAUSE THE FUCKER WON'T LAND.

the only one im interested in is street fighter and i just checked and it hasnt even been released on pc yet after all this time?

does capcom think pc players are a joke?

portable devices are easier to use for longer of course

>someone speaking truth about FFXIV
>not actually a FFXIV thread
nevermind. carry on

the street fighter armor looks like shit and so are the quests to get it
id understand wanting the megaman/dmc collabs but not the street fighter collabs

sony footed the bill for basically all of sfv so it's their call

i dont want the armor i just want to play as sakura

>>finish all the challenge quests in the gathering hub
Are you talking about the arena quests on the air ship? I already did them all with B. Dunno if it will be fun to make all of them again to try for an A

Go boot up the game and look at the tutorials

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>it's another retarded user is too stupid to get good at a piss easy video game
stop playing video games you fucking fag

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Honestly I can't even explain it, I don't know exactly myself. Maybe the changes to how the monsters move has something to do with it, they're much more fluid now. This is looks good, but I feel like it makes it more difficult to reliably predict where the monster's weakspots are gonna be at any given time. It could be and probably is an issue of my own skill, but I've never been able to read monsters as well as I did in older games. I think the terrain differences contribute as well, monsters are moving up and down much more often now, making it that much harder, for me anyway.
It could also be as simple as the fact its not on a handheld, I can't just lay down on my couch/bed and play it while I'm relaxing, then put it down for a bit and do something else, picking it up when I feel like it.
Definitely issues of personal preference, but I really doubt I'm the only guy who feels this way about it.

500 hours
What the fuck
Kill me

you dont even play as her
its just a challenge quest to get materials for the armor
its not even like the witcher collab where the story has you playing as geralt

git gud

>"It isn't hard i just HAPPEN to die a lot!"

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Based post

they're going to ruin barioth's weapons by making them generic
they've already applied their disgusting washed out color palette to his orange colors too

Is this how you bait a MH thread, op?

I hope so, nothing worse than seeing a true retard. Unfortunately, OP seems to be really retarded and not trolling.

I still think that we need to wait until the end of the tree, tigrex still has its weapons

Played since 3U so I’m no grandpa but I’m no spring chicken, here’s a list of my carts so far:
Got caught off guard by a Girros in a Odo-GGirros turf war
Carted to Diablos (but I do in every game, I fucking hate Blos and never want to see one again and his family if White Monoblos is in Iceborne I’m gonna scream)
3-Carted to HR Anja, first “quest failed”
Nothing else, just beat Vaal
I wouldn’t say it’s TOO much easier than all the other games so far

so I've read enough to know that the user replying so much is just awful at the game. git gud scrub.

Started with mhw here
Will I have fun if I play FU?

Did you do ATs and behemoth?

My first cart was from nergigante you're actually just bad at video games and don't want to admit it this is the easiest Monster hunter

debatable, every weapon lacks a lot of its movesets from later games but you also get to fight a lot of monsters you've never seen before

the camera is also garbage making you need to use a claw grip

fucking lol

Nope, still haven’t “beat” it as I havent got to Xeno yet. I am not looking forward to Behemoth and Luna, but if I could solo Abyssal Lagi, I’m sure I’ll live. Eventually. After lots of suffering.
But it’s fun, the Rotten Vale trio of Girros-Baan-Odo might be my favorite despite Radobaan literally being Urgaan cosplaying Nakarkos. I feel like the only person who likes Endemic Life. My only complaint is I wish monsters you broke parts off of didn’t retreat in expiditions.

I liked it enough, have done most if not all of the AT fights and other stuff up to this point. I do find it funny though how so many of the fanboy faggots defend some glaringly inconsistent design choices:
>fags arguing """""realism""""" by saying shit like "these monsters weigh TONS, of course they'd do a lot of damage ramming into you"
>characters are completely unscathed from fall damage (impact damage) at great heights, other than sometimes brief stumbling but no damage
That alone would basically make only goring attacks hurt you, charges would do almost nothing except displace you, also:
>characters walk around with heavy weaponry like it's nothing, look very physically fit, and display otherwise superhuman physical abilities like no fall damage mentioned above
>can only run for about 10 seconds at best
>can easily get bucked off by smaller monsters
>"pickle's hitboxes were WAY worse in previous games!!!"
>plenty of videos of jho hitting people with the tip of his tail and nothing happens in previous games like 4U and Generations
This game I guess the sheer air pressure from a missed swing causes you lethal damage, jk it's bad hitboxes/hurtboxes
>can't dodge monster's attacks by running under their belly or other parts, even though the model doesn't touch you at all
>get responses to this like "that would be too cheesy"
>after saying that these people completely ignore the cheese of knockdown abusing monsters while abusing temporal and rocksteady

Adding onto what the other user said, you're also going to have to deal with some really shitty hitboxes and the monsters are damn near robotic in their movement. In some cases this will mean they can hit you shit that you probably didn't see coming/didn't have time to react to, in other cases it means you'll eventually be able to know exactly what a monster is going to do based on where you are in relation to it and what attack it just used with almost 100% accuracy. Makes some fights really trivial.
Despite these things I enjoy it a lot, but its also the one I started with. Won't know until you give it a try, practically any pc can emulate it nowadays so it doesn't hurt to give it a shot.

I don't support the realism argument but strength and constitution are different things

It's still superhuman though, whether it's power or durability.

the game is the opposite of dark souls
dark souls is positional with tracking moves
monhun is combination based attacks with some positioning

That doesn't sound like Diablos man.

>God I hate monster hunter fans. Just admit ban mechanics when you see them. You fucking know this shit is cancer. The game can be fun and is. But you have to weed out this bullshit.
Not sure if this elaborate falseflag reap what you sow faggots. Next game should include hp bars and get rid of drinking animations completely. Cancer mechanics.

Pukei Pukei

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>new to game
>do a search on newbie weapon
>literally every single thread is full of retards saying every weapon is equal
>muh skill based game
>check some speedrun gameplay because I don't believe that
>they're all abusing glitches
>pick insect glaive because I like the aesthetic
>worst damage in the game
>took me 30 minutes to kill a great jagras
>see someone recommend bow because it's easy mode on plebbit
>-41 downvotes 15 replies
>pick bow
>most consistent damage in game without being a glitching tryhard
>lowest skill level highest rewards
>can totally ignore 90% of monster mechanics
>doesn't need ammo like the other ranged weapons
>multiplayer loves bow users
The community for this game is absolutely retarded.

"SHUT UP FAGGOT GET IN 'THE SPIRIT OF THE HUNT'. FUCK DAMAGE NUMBERS, FUCK THE MAP, FUCK THE SCOUTFLIES". The roleplaying fags take this shit way too seriously. These smoothed brain autistics would be fine being forced to sail across the ocean for a few IRL weeks or months to even get to the towns, having to set up at the town for days or weeks, spending many hours and days setting up good relations with people and establishing a name for yourself, spending hours crafting items and weapons, etc. Some subhumans just enjoy tedium and mistake it for enjoyment I guess.

i unironically hate bow fags that don't play to the absolute skill ceiling in multiplayer because i am 100% sure they refuse to play anything else that requires mental activity

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>Some subhumans just enjoy tedium and mistake it for enjoyment I guess.
He says as he post on Yea Forums the irony forever lost on him

The only thing that's difficult is tempered teostra and archtempered whatevers and the only reason they're difficult is because of their ridiculous damage and HP

>tempered teostra
No user, don't pick most fair fire lion

i like it so fuck you and fuck your marker

Oh I mean lunastra

World difficulty is the kind of poorly designed shit made so manchildren can brag about it on the internet with other manchildren, comparing e-peen sizes. Lunastra, ancient Leshen, Behemoth and AT monsters are some of the worst designed monsters in the series for many different reasons and are even more of an embarrassment when you realize the game that came before it has some of the best, most well designed end game monsters in all of MH, including both deviants and the stronger forms of Elders like Event White Fatalis and Alatreon.

Bragging about "muh ex behemoth XDD" completely misses the point of having difficulty, and pretending like that makes up for the laughable difficulty of the main game, even with the new artificial difficulty added to monsters, like roar to hit combos, is retarded.

Basically, Worldfags are subhumans and should be burned at the stake for defending this garbage.

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If they could find a way to combine endemic life with the traditional pre-World maps, I'd be very ok with that. Having a home base that you can decorate is one of the reasons that I loved Tri so much, and I'd like to see that return in future games.

This, except for the sperging about this retarded handheld baby game

>game is flawed regardless of skill level
You're like my retarded friend who's good at FPS games unga bunga but can't beat a fucking Pukei-pukei with a longsword because he can't bother to learn how the game worked.

Yeah fuck me for posting on a thread every now and then for some unfiltered discussion on a topic compared to other sites like reddit. DAE if you aren't on 4chinks 24/7 you aren't a real 4chinker? kys

>nobody realing the real issue that all the new monsters are master rank only

seriously why the fuck did they do this

a good chunk of monsters are gonna be outclased starting with the already revealed ones like barioth and glavenus

Arch tempered is Artificial difficulty by definition.

>1st genner complaining about 2nd gen
>2nd genner complaining about 3rd gen
>3rd genner complaining about 4th gen
>4th genner complaining about GU

>a good chunk of monsters are gonna be outclased starting
Pretty sure no one cares about the starting monsters like tobi kadachi or even anjanath at this point. Who the fuck even cares about fighting pukei pukei?

Nah dude AT Vaal spamming 1-shot death breath every 6-8 seconds and AT Kushala staying in the air as long as he wants means you're just getting outplayed and just need to git gud :^ )

Terrible design, but what do you expect from a game that's literally just you smashing the same two buttons for 5 minutes

Retarded e-thots that farm low rank fashion

>unironically not using slinger pod drops
Even if it's terrible design they still give you a direct counter strategy

every single new monster hunter that has come out, has been "the easiest title in the franchise" and "hyper casual", by the standards of the previous generation grognards

the previous generation grognards, instead of staying with their "objectively better game", move over and play the new "casual" monster hunter, while repeating the same tired complaints as they grind for 500 hours to assemble a meta set which will allow them to grind even faster

at the end of their 1000 hour+ career in the new and "casual" monster hunter, they then declare the game a "waste of time" and "too easy", and remain in the new monster hunter game threads waxing nostalgic about previous titles, which were "objectively better"

its severely limited in tempered and I if I remember correctly in AT it doesn't work.

Wow an actual series veteran. I'm impressed.

you're probably thinking of flash pods

>waah how can endgame stuff one shot me when I have only offensive skills? ¿

Why bother having defensive skills if they don't do anything little man.

Oh yes I am yeah i guess you have that but they dont always drop it maybe they do but I never notice.

You know you are invincible while knocked down and you can choose when to get up right?

So people like you.

You're the reason why the comment was made

lmao you are fucking shitters, this game is easy af tbqh maybe you are just too low IQ to play these kind of games

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Then how come you carted?

iceborne will force the slinger mechanic even more so you may as well get used to it

any hunting horn lads about?

I'll hold out as much as i can I didn't even try out that mechanic in the demo.

>go berserk constant attacking on the monster
>surprised when you are left vulnerable to its counter
>repeat this behavior
>it stuns you
>kills you while stunned
>you complain about it online instead of learning patience

>unironically using the weapon with the least variety outside of hammer and GS in vanilla mhw

By allowing players to reposition and reorient themselves in the middle of attack/item animations, but keeping the monsters as clunky and telegraphy as ever, it's fundamentally easier than the previous games. Even if you ignore things like no G rank and earlier/longer telegraphs.

Attached: Monster Hunter World.jpg (800x429, 159K)

its fun though

>Counter does a lot of damage, has barely any buildup and can be chained from anything, including itself
>Forces the player to either play super defensively in a way that's boring as fuck and makes the hunt take a very long time, or play in any other way and basically throw a dice every time you commit to anything
>Worldfags will call it good game design

This guy gets it.

monster hunter isn't about difficulty. it's about preparedness


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I notice a lot of monsters can turn on a time so fast you could mistake them for those fire lizards from dark souls 2.
Shouldn't the player be more limber and mobile than this hulking massive piece of shit monster? Why is it the other way around?

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No, it's about wasting time.

Well, World fails at that too

What monster has a counter stance?

it's not difficult, and it's probably the easiest one in the entire series

No you do actually

MHW has some of the best mobility out of the older games but with this new mobility they have to give monster retarded mobility as well instead of their slow and methodical movements shit sucks.

The fire lions and deviljho come to mind

>Monoblos in Iceborne

If that happens, I wonder if they'll nonsensically make him harder than Diablos like with Lunastra.

May I see your games design resumé, user?

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That’s not P3rd

They’re excuse for that is that Lunastra started appearing in the new world in search of Teostra to mate with. So they’re in heat and super aggressive.

Bro like... you’re a retard
You probably got BTFOd by some monster and now you’re going into autistic shit post mode but will play again tomorrow

Not every punishment has to be damage that’s boring as fuck just cause other punishments than damage exist doesn’t make it a gimmick


>How about just taking damage like normal games? Isn't taking damage the punishment for getting hit? What's the point of stunning too? That's just kicking you when you're down.

So even monster hunter world wasn't casual enough for some...

vespid hunting horn
kushala daora









Anyone else thought this scene was a little too much?

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AT stuff is the only thing with any difficulty to it
AT nergigante feels like HR narga from XX

put on ear plugs retard, or have your friend that plays hunting horn play a track that grants it to the party it's not rocket science. the game has all these annoying things, but gives you multiple ways to deal with it.

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>pick insect glaive because I like the aesthetic
>worst damage in the game
Keep your feet on the ground next time, Pierre. IG shits out damage if you can use it right. I wouldn't call it a beginner weapon though. And yeah, all weapons are viable. Speedrunning is not the game. What's important is that you enjoy what you're doing, because over 300 hours of grinding you won't care that much what weapon killed something 5 seconds faster.

What you just compared it to does it the opposite of justice, I hope you know that.

>What purpose does roars stunning you serve?
It gives the monster a chance to escape before you can flash pod it. some monsters also use it to set up attacks (Azure Rathalos)

you're just SUPER fucking casual my dude.


Im aware of G rank user but base HR still needed you to be somewhat decent as opposed to worlds HR

It didn’t though lol

How can people possibly find the easiest game in the series hard?

When is AT Zorah coming back on PS4?

Fine whatever Im just a shitter

lol cope hard world babys

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keep coping you dumb faggot lmao

It’s okay, those days are in the past

Whenever they’re doing the thing where they bring all the event quests back right before Iceborne comes out

keep seething you dumb fucking RETARD CUNT

Mad as fuck lol

Fun fact: World is the new starting point for future games to copy paste assets from. The one on the bottom is what he's gonna look like from now on.

no you're the mad one you fucking incel, have sex dumbass

Close your eyes and count to 10 zoomer

>Fun fact:
you're GAY, thats a fun fact, faggot



close you're dumbass eyes and count to 11 poomer

Too easy, you bore me.

lol did World Barioth become a brainlet?

My biggest complaint with the game is the music is absolutely FUCKING TRASH. Especially compared to how good the previous games music was, it's fucking embarrassing how bad it is.


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I agree even hero's proof is shit in it.

Really long thread just for OP to restate over and over again how shit he is at video games.

narga's theme in iceborne is fucking great so we need more returning monsters and their GOAT themes

>Great Sword
>Not Kirin
>None, they are all soulless husks

Attached: Cutesexyrobutts-627229-fish_aficionado_npc_monster_hunter_world.png (1100x1540, 1.75M)

>AT Nergi
>Vaal Hazak
>Rotten Vale
>Trash music