games where you have sex?
Games where you have sex?
every game ever.
damn must be playing the wrong games
with tifa
Degrees of Lewdity. Try not to get raped or do. Mods hate it for some reason.
>"Shut the hell up Cloud. I stay on top, you don't get to talk. Yeah... you like that you fucking retard? Gonna fuck you so hard the goosebumps on your dick are gonna be there after a month!"
What the fuck did Remake Tifa mean by this? It was really jarring to go from a romantic scene between to people talking before the final battle to full penetration with no ambient music
Honestly its a good change.
why did the japs include this? sounds unethical
Mass Effect and Witcher are the two that come to mind
Is the implication here she is giving Cloud herpes?
>good games have sex scenes in them
really makes you think
no retard
You retard.
There's lots of good games that have no sex in them and lots of shit games that do.
>having a good time with tifa at her bar
>after hours of laughing and talking you both are drunk, and she gives you this look
Ask where the real Tifa is because this half assed changeling is not her.
>I gotta take a shower to sober up
Koikatsu party
Wild Life
Ape Escape 4
real life
Awful 2fps furshit
Games in which you have sex.*
Have sex
cute pits
That's a funny joke user
I did I still hate women and minorities
Corneo's Ambition. Best Tifa game so far with excellent voice acting.
I want to impregnate her armpits
You've clearly never been to bars or seen drunk bar patrons because I can assure you after a couple hours of dirnking no women looks like THAT. This would be pre drinking tifa if anything
t. barback shitter