Why isn't Yea Forums excited for this game? I thought you guys loved Bloodlines.
Why isn't Yea Forums excited for this game? I thought you guys loved Bloodlines
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Better to keep cautious optimism.
I'll believe it when I see it.
>Made by a different company
>With a different team
>With only a single person from the original team involved at all
>With fucking Paradox of all companies, DLC-whores to the max
It's basically a completely unrelated game with the same name bolted on. There is nothing to be excited about.
But literally the one thing everyone praises the original for is the writing, and it has the exact same writer
Because Rudi.
One writer does not, under most circumstances, a masterpiece make.
It takes editors, and people to smack him upside the head when he writes something is fucking stupid. Without that you have shit like what Rowling spouts all over the internet.
We were excited but then we saw gameplay footage.
yeah the gameplay looks pretty bad unlike the first game's amazing gameplay lmao
I know, it's worse. And that is saying something when VTMB already had bad combat. That tacked on combat where you home/lock-on on a target when swinging a bat, what the fuck.
The game looks like it's going to be a mess
The good:
>Dialogue options seem varied enough
>voice acting is acceptable from what we've heard
>the setting itself is really interesting so it's hard to mess it up
The bad:
>Paradox is involved
>Day 1 DLC
>Janky combat
>Less variety in disciplines
>Facial animations subpar compared to first game
>Developers have a shit track record with a lot of shovelware and 0 good games
>Only Mitsoda is present from the first game so he might not be enough to make the game good by himself
If they take the current criticism and fix some key issues we might have at least something decent or even great, but so far there are a lot of red flags with this game.
The original had shit gameplay. Let's hope this is a kick in the boots.
another preorder EATEN by rudi
>Facial animations subpar compared to first game
This is really the big one. Everything else I can deal with, but the facial animation was absolutely key to the first game. It's basically the main technological selling point, yet 2 has anime-tier lip flaps despite being made 15 years later.
because, quite honestly, it looks like shit
the gameplay looks uninspired
facial animations are practically non-existant compared to the first game
worse music
no soul or atmosphere whatsoever
One writer doesn't mean shit.
>no soul or atmosphere whatsoever
Eh, the gameplay looks a bit janky but I don't think you can judge everything on a few minutes of demo footage.
god i want her to step on me and call me a pathetic thinblood
VtMB's melee combat is actually fun when you really learn how it works. It almost feels like playing DMC1.
The gameplay preview in 2 made it look like pure button mashing though.
VtMB had more than one writer, and we don't know how much Mitsoda actually did for the original. He might've only wrote for the characters he voiced, which was only like 3 smaller side characters.
She's a tremere, she's more likely to use you as fuel for blood magic
>>Facial animations subpar compared to first game
This is obviously a glitch but it's still funny
Honestly the animation jank and the fucking objective compass really put me off. The setting/writing seemed good though. If they can polish some of the animations, maybe make the compass optional (they had an interview where they literally said they wouldn't have something like a compass) then I'd be happy.
Newfag, you need to learn, game companies are dynamic and everchanging. The name of the game doesn't matter but the people and the company that make them. And these same people and company fire and hire people every year.
Bloodlines 2 is not made by the same people, shit isnt even made with the same source material. It will not be a sequel to a masterpiece, but simply a failure to the original.
I am and i do.
I'm avoiding much information because i wanna go in blind. I'll play regardless of the outcome and reviews, i waited too long for this.
All I care about, can I be a Gangrel?
Why yes, I do plan to play Malkavian on my first playthrough. How did you know?
>the fucking objective compass
your objectives being shown on the screen also kind of bothers me. i hate cluttered HUDs. and the UI seems to be designed with controllers in mind because it's a radial type, that always feels awful when using mouse+keyboard.
No, but something tells me any DLC is gonna be clan DLC. No way they're leaving out Nosferatu, at the very least.
What clans can we be?
Modern western vidya industry has done nothing but disappoint me time after time.
It's honestly taught me to never pre-order games and be wary until they are released,
then I can actually watch gameplay or reviews and make up my mind once I have a good enough grasp on whether it's worth it or not
The clans are Ventrue, Toreador, Malkavian, Tremere, and Brujah.
Others are for DLC
It's not necessarily an automatic dealbreaker from me depending on how it's executed, but I really did appreciate that the first game never needed questmarkers and waypoints holding your hand every step of the way.
You were told something was locked up at the local hospital, and you figured it out from there. And I respected that.
>2 is not made by the same people
I've seen this happen over and over with some of my other favorite games and the sequels always end up being disappointments. Not having the same people work on a sequel doesn't really work out too well, even if it still sells just due to name recognition. It's why I've mostly given up on any sequels now, and even with VtMB2, I'll probably play it but I'm more excited about trying VtMB in virtual reality at some point, and maybe a multiplayer mod finally working properly.
Brujah, Tremere, Malkavian, Toreador, and Ventrue. So it's missing Gangrel and Nosferatu. Gangrel I assume are missing because they overlap with Brujah in terms of being brutal melee fighters, and Nosferatu are niche. But I definitely expect them to be released as DLC. And if that means each clan gets more polish and content of its own, I can't be too mad about cut clans.
Probably because it looks like a hollow shell of its predecessor being puppeted by a garbage, soulless dev team and an even worse publisher? This abomination is going to be to Bloodlines 1 what Star Wars episode 8 was to the original trilogy.
Guess I'm going Brujah then.
Thanks anons.
I'm hyped but I really wish it was third person.
>And if that means each clan gets more polish and content of its own, I can't be too mad about cut clans.
Paradox is involved. They won't get more polish and content of their own.
At least not without "Expanded Venture content" DLC
I'm very cautiously excited for this game. I love Bloodlines a lot, but there's a lot to screw up here. Bloodlines is a rare type of game, so it's justified to be skeptical about ever seeing bloodline's magic in a game ever again.
>Gangrel I assume are missing because they overlap with Brujah in terms of being brutal melee fighters
Gangrel were like battlemages in the original, they had their own thing to do and it was pretty fun if you actually made use of Animalism.
Same. I'm happy it exists at all, and don't think that it's something they'd bother to try to cash in on unless they genuinely wanted to try to capture the feel of the original, but I still acknowledge that it's a new game of a new time and will probably have to be judged on its own merits.
It just doesn't look promising at all.