Can we have a character creation thread?
Can we have a character creation thread?
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Looks like a fucking tranny
too busy
i like toon threads
My first monster hunter was 4ult and back then i was into space dandy, and ever since i always make space dandy in monster hunter.
>spend hours making character perfect
>character looks completely different in-game
looks like living feces
I have about 50 Soul Calibur 6 CaS made but i don't want to spam the thread
what about this one
>calling them toons
I wanna fuck that clown
Someone post the amazon creation guide for Dragon's Dogma for my next playthrough please.
It's not that hard to figure out
Nevermind, I made up my mind.
Chad reporting in
>make decent character in character creation
>looks like complete ass in game
Fuck this shit
That face is just awful
Do you have some kind of fetish for women with manjaws or something?
Not him, but I do. That face is still bad though
The first time I played through Saints Row I tried my hardest to make my character look like Wario
Ended up using the same character for all three games
That's a dude, right?
Ara Ara ~
Same here.
Fuck, I made this character at launch
What game is this
monster hunter
looks cute user
nice one m8
Is there anyway to mod a character remake vouch?
No this does
got with them beasts tho
showed them niggas who is gangsta
ryder, nigga
That's the best I could do in mhw
You’re a real jerk
Disgusting, at that point I would go male and be a chad.
this is my gf
say something nice about her
looks like a tranny
>this is my gf (male)
From the Code Vein beta.
Sorry for the shitty phone post, but I think she's pretty cute.
your face is awful
based. he looks fuckin awesome.
And my Angel.
Can't wait for the full game.
nice freckles
you're a tranny
best i could do at launch
Yee boi
Mega manjaw
This was the first and only look for my character.
this is my goat, say something nice about her
That's rad
My cute tan gf
>couldn't play this or the nioh 2 thing
reee. also yes cute.
Kiryu, what are you doing in Monster Hunter?
oh wait i forgot i added green lipstick and slightly lighter hair to this
>inb4 someone posts a barbie with tits larger than her body and an ass that goes all the way up into orbit.
Jesus Christ. Horrifying, truly frightening.
Fuck off. We over 60 images into this thread without that shit and all you're trying to do is bait it.
What game is this so I can make a delicious brown muscle waifu
Really nice!
The orange is a bit too bright, but that's just me. Solid 8/10.
She was an aryan chad before
Bottom-right corner, fool.
Black Desert Online
It's a terrible fucking game that traps you and if you want to make a waifu you need to spend 20 bucks
Thanks, I like the orange. It's not as jarring during daylight but I see what you mean
>nearly invisible watermark
>hurrr look at the most abstract part of the image and strain your eyes retard
I want to lick her abs
What's the gameplay like
I guess reading is pretty tough.
before asking to be spoon-fed, you could at least observe the entire image first...
its a fucking grind to do literally everything. it feels like a grind. you get like no reward for the effort you put in. you will end up grinding the same trash mobs for literally years
She's my favorite goat of the /tesg/ goats. I want to pat her on the head.
PVE is pretty good, puts you in a trance sort of. Probably has the best combat mechanics of any MMO I've seen. PVP you need to invest a shit ton of time to get to the gear level of even the lowest tier fights, or you can find duels with people in your own bracket. All the classes play pretty differently, depending on how you choose to play. The character in the image is a Sorceress, uses a lot of i-frames and jumping around to cheese her way through PVP. Some classes excel in certain areas over others.
There is also lifeskilling, which is basically any activity that is non combat that can net you a sum of silver. Most lifeskilling involves you minimizing the game to tray while your character does their thing while you play a more fun game. I do a lot of lifeskilling because I have real world obligations.
Sounds great
hey don't bully
gyro is goofy but cute
As in the game costs $20, or there's a bunch of character creation options in a $20 DLC pack?
So it's like Runescape but with tits
Superior nippon steel with comfy pajamas
you better make some friends because 80% of game is also afk skill grinding. the game even lets you run it in the tray because afk grinding is so integral
Is that fucking gyro
I forgot to mention, gear progression and almost everything is RNG based. At relevant gear levels, you have a chance to fail your enhancement setting your weapon back another tier which is where the grind becomes autistic and the game gets a bad rap. There is a meta to maximizing your chances at succeeding certain things, but it takes a long time to explain. Also, the game is P2W (In the sense that you save time the more you pay, not necessarily 'win).
Game a sailing, which is more to be said about a lot of other games. I have a lot more to say about the game but those are the things off the top of my head.
There is actually an event right now that if you get to a relatively low level (lvl 50 iirc) they will give you the game for free. Link:
The character creation you get in full for free, however the costumes you have to pay for or pay silver in game (and also sort of rare to get what you want listed)
They really need to add more hairstyles to these games, specifically longer hairstyles.
Runescape I feel presents their game like 'oh we aren't afk b-but NMZ and you have to click back into the window every 30-60 seconds!' where BDO is like 'yeah you're going to afk train a fucking lot, and what?'
Also the combat in Runescape is nothing remotely close to BDO, or anything else really.
More Huntresses
What a qtie.
which ones your character? the maiden on the right or the tranny on the left?
>female hunter
Wew, how do you deal with the sexual tension on hunts with male hunters?
Not only adding more hair options, but also not locking hairstyle into fucking genders. Males always suffer with that shit
nice cowpoke.
so glad they announced the free character redesign. my waifu is straight ug-fu.
Uh-huhuhuhuh, hey baby.
That’s real fuckin dandy baby
I haven't played in a long time
Now this is how you make a cute huntress
Woah!, Check it out hunter, heh, heh-heh, she has boobs!
10/10, marriage material.
is now a good time to pick up Worlds when its on sale or do i wait for iceborne in hopes that its a decent bundle sale?
what game?
this happened
I'd wait
Saints Row has my favorite character customization. You can essentially make anyone
would protect from molesters
that's honey select
>make anyone you want
>everyone makes big fat ugly fucks
Just got MHW, what do you think about my character?
I'm actually finishing up as this, what should I name her
I took it off to show off the face, asshole. It's a German Kettle Helm with a Cloth Coif. Maximum rank and file.
ok, thanks. Im excited for my boy brachy getting in
>I took it off to show off the face
But, user..
That's a big sword...
pretty fucking kino color scheme you got there
A Diablo 3 Crusader set?
pretty much
What weapon should I start with bros
my dick you piece of shit
>Can we have a character creation thread?
nice neck seems dumbass. you could drag a script file to a folder but couldn't figure out how to drag textures to one? probably didn't even realize that the script edit was removing 1 line of code
Skyrim children are supposed to be ugly as shit, and i like to fuck with abomination, normal shit can't get my dick on
This is my god eater slut. You may not like it, but this is what peak performance looks like.
Started the game a little bit ago
>that skin color on the kid
This old fag look like he has autism
I want to get this game but idk if it's good
3 is trash don't bother. Rage burst is peak god eater, everything else is down hill.
Came here to say this
Is there a boob slider in MH World?
Patrician taste
Can't say the same about this one
yeah, its another way of calling a fucktard that triple carts
Her head/body ratio is fucking wrong. Her head should be bigger.
>toon still upsets you 15+ years later
this is why we do it
>An anime man with boobs
I can't fix that but you right now that I look at it
/vg/ calls sorc the tranny class so it's fitting
>game only lets you make female characters
Possibly the most hetero game in existence.
didnt even realise it was MH at first
Based Wizard
Holy shit yeah, the second I started world I made Space Dandy
Contributing I guess
Never play any MH before, just bought world from the summer sale and its well worth the money, much better than all the garbage from summer sale
No way this is real. It's a mod.
Anyway, I'm a boob guy. No big boobs, no deal.
i call her nosferatu
Don't talk to me or my cat ever again.
that power stance
>not being a choya
Nice, I also use the pompadour when I make male hunters.
Now that's how you make female armor right
>Thread full of dudes making female characters
You can feel the desperation.
What vidya is this?
Cute cat, got kind of a Sierra from Legend of Mana vibe.
jokes on you, the female character I posted was my second. I always make Chad on my first playthorugh
red dead online
We can't all play Freedom Force, user.
stan pls go
I wish I could.
Her hair color is a sickly sort of off-color mustard yellow. Pompadour's are typically a male feature and exert masculinity. The eyebrows in particular are especially jarring. Her eye makeup doesn't compliment her features and stands out quite a bit. There's not much personality and the only thing that really stands out is her chiseled jaw which could be used to break into banks. Not very cute or feminine. It's clearly made by a man or someone with a mental deficiency.
I thought all red dead online created characters looked like horrific fish people abominations, how did you accomplish this qt?
damn thats really good
What kind of boobs do you want senpai?
look at this fool
>check out MHW mod
>you can play as 2B, xenoblade 2 sluts and Camila now
What the fuck?
damn, do you have the sliders or a preset? that looks great.
We must go further
I call her Plain Jane
rockstar tweaked character creation once they removed the ''beta''
still rough but it's better
Gimme all, please
I wrote this up when I made her
Preset - p1, 4
Face - p1, 4
Skin - 2
Hair - p1, 3
Eyebrows - p3, 3
Brow Type - p2, 1
Eyes - p1, 4
Nose - p1, 4
Mouth - p1, 4
Voice - Type 9
Maybe you can make sense of it. It's been awhile since I've played MHW. The skin color is probably altered from the preset though.
>Ended up using the same character for all three games
I can see it being funny for awhile but 3 games? Did you write fan fiction about how he ended up in the saints row universe too?
what game?
I really think that having the hair be the exact same color as the fur accentuates the animal-like traits even more.
Please no
>2/10, elbows too pointy, would not bang
Have sex
I never said that. Protruding jawline is a masculine feature and I've yet to see one cute female character in this thread, that's all.
is there anyway to get honey select for free?
absolutely based
No, it's online only uncrackable and requires your retinal scan to work. Legend has it that it's also programmed to put your computer on self destruct mode if it detects that you have any torrent clients installed.
fugg you, asshole. i got scared a big fuck you from my ISP and Rockstar for torrenting San Andreas so i try stay away from torrents
clearly it was for you
Will have to try my hand at it again
Could you repeat that in english?
My Valkyrie hunter
>imagine being so sad that there has never been something you always can look back on and laugh, just one little thing that always manages to get a chuckle out of you
Shell of a man, user.
Yo share the sliders man, that is some of the best DS2 female face I've seen.
moonlight boy all grown up with dyslexia
I love KT armor.
why is she so flat
Fuck thanks for making me laugh out loud today.
Get a load of this idiot, she's obviously not flat.
Earth-chan is flat!
Get a load of this whackjob, I bet he thinks vaccinations cause autism. What proof do you have she's flat huh?
You round Earthers are always trying to convoluted things with your fancy "proofs". I don't need proof to know that Earth is flat, it's clear to anyone with common sense.
it shouldve never been made into an anime.
Rate my character
What game is this? MHW?
Why do you get mad at other people enjoying things?
I made her over a year ago and haven't played more than an hour or so
Based ugly bastard
>that face paint
are you on the square?
Mine is cute as fuck
nothin' but the 'tism, son
Something is off here...
I do like their usage of sex simulator levels of customization, but I hope they can polish the game more.
hair makes her look like a fucking bogadoff
the square what?
>shortstack big boobs
What game is this?
MHW with mods.
Check your bogvision, mate.
this innocent face does not belong in dark souls
thats a better angle and lighting but the cheekbones seem too high
as long as you like it, it doesn't really matter though
this looked like a really high-res oblivion mod at first
edit out the lava and the firefly lantern i'd have probably thought it was a remake
Thinking of making a male but not sure if I want to wait for IB or not
Guess i will buy MHW then, it on sale right now anyway
I always make generic black haired anime MCs
If you want mods, go on nexusmods.
Have fun with the game, it's pretty good.
red dead waifu
Fix that chin
which one Yea Forums?
Wario has a camel toe.
>play skyrim for a while
>everything stable
>stop playing
>decide to play again months later
>didn't change a single thing
>didn't add or remove any mod
>get a message that says skyrim ran out of memory after 30mn-1 hour
I'd uninstall entirely then reinstall and mod it again if it wasn't such a pain
You guys ever see monster factory? I like it.
What fucking game is this? I need it in my life
What game is that?
>lolis are locked to one class
if not for this, I wouldbe playing this game
is that a real fuckin shirt in the game?
change your facial hair and its color.
Looking forward to code vein
Outta my way waifufags
I couldn't make a cute girl in the Division, so I made a redneck instead.
The females looks like males in this game lfmao what were they thinking? They have stonger facial structure than me. And the guys look like chads, it's not fair. I just want a cute huntress.
Gotta appeal to that western audience
They're monster hunters user, they're all stronger and fitter on average then the best weightlifters on this planet (they have to be to wield those weapons and do all the shit they do). Of course they're all going to look buff and strong.
Yes. It's the PS4 version so it isn't modded or anything.
You aren't alone in thinking that.
Chads had enough.
That's the cope mantra. No reason we can't have both fit testosterone od'ing females and cute females too.
the prophet, coming at ya
Cute, do trans just living rent free in user heads now?
Lore wise, hunters are bio-engineered super dragon killing weapons, but the ones we're playing as are like descendants and not as powerful
My old character
yeap, fuck werewolves
This is my daughter. Be nice to her.
Ok but....
But you can make cute huntresses.
I also made this during the Code Vein beta.
Nice to know you've been a faggot since you were a child
Enjoying the new expac
Is it possible to not look gay as shit in this game?
Looks like a boy
But long hair is hard to program and clips through all the shitty accessories
What game is this?
that has to be armored core my dude
one of the Saints Row
this man is your FRIEND
he fights for FREEDOM
>Actually have names ready from years of being asked this question in games
>Play a game that makes you name your clan/base/kingdom/etc
It's FF14, not sure why he's havin a giggle. With mods, obviously
Best hairstyle. Downloaded some old messages I sent to buddies to share.
>Deviljho with eyepatch interrupts your fight
Maybe , but the mhw women really do look like traps and trannies half the time.
Grow out of this soon please
I dont even know why I have this still saved
>You are eyes
What did he mean by this
That BDO game pass thing sure is tempting...
>two scoops...
>chair clatters
December 23, 2009
To think that 10 years ago this was considered outlandish.
Now its powerful and brave.
It's pretty much a free game, just go bounce around. Either you'll like it enough to unlock it or you'll hate it so much that you'll uninstall.
is that ESO's necromancer?
That's actually someone else talking to him off screen
Too based for this world.
Comfy. Would adventure with.
I just have a type
I dig that outfit
Top kek
it's my kind of edgy
Great abs.
That looks like modded Black Desert
Only body mods. And that outfit.
What game
Post more
Hey Peter man! Check out channel 11!
What body mods? I thought that creator was supposed to be pretty expansive already.
>its hard to program
Well, thankfully theres a ton of games with gigantic budgets.
Above and beyond. Amazing.
Most of those budgets are spent on marketing.
You forgot the worst part
>you CAN change the character after character creation
>it costs real money and the game is meant to be played for hundreds of hours
yes, appearance is because he is just a Br*ton
and a vampire
stop watching so much anime
a truly unholy union
>character creator has options displaying different types of lighting in the game to prevent this
on the other hand....
Wrong character.
Looks really nice
I really like her
Thank you, user.
......which one?
See ya big girl
we wuz indians n shit
>they have stronger facial structure than me
Fuck user you must look cute.
I have one name for all my games that a buddy and I made when we were trying to think of a decent one.
Now all my characters get called Ricky
>anything that doesn't look like a 14 year old girl might as well be a 50 year old man
t. Japanimation addicts
Not him and I don't watch anime but that's manjaw, most women I know do not have powerful jaws. You're blind and obsessed with anime watchers
theres a lot more people than the ones you know
Let me fix that. Most women I have ever seen in all my life and will ever see, on average, do not look like the crimson chin.
Theres a lot more people than the ones youve seen
Show me the test tube mutant girls you're hiding in the basement. I've always wanted to date a cripple.
Wish i had a basement
There's been a lot more dicks in your mom than just mine
thanks for the thread, guys
I think Monster Hunter is one of the few games I made a dude in.
i think thats guildwars 2
Guild Wars 2
Good choice. Most of the female armor options look like trash
Fuckin' A, man. That's actually who I used as my inspiration when making the character
What? its MHW, they has FF collab and you fight Bahamut, ifrit something
Anyone here who played on both PS4 and PC? I poured hundreds of hours into MHW on PS4 but I'm honestly thinking about re-buying on PC now that it's on sale. I mean it's ok on PS4 but I rather have it play at 60+fps if i'm completely honest with you. So please, someone answer me this:
>How's the performance of the port, can I expect 60 FPS without needing a GTX 1090 TI? I'm on ryzen 5 and rx 480
>How's the online (won't use it much besides Kulve, but if it's riddled with cheaters fucking up your character I'd rather know beforehand)
>Will PC get Iceborn the same date as PS4 users will get it?
>goblin character creator
>literally 3DPD
Absolutely disgusting
that still doesn't fix the problem in world. characters in the character creator are much higher detailed than ingame character models, so your meticulously crafted face will end up looking like a potato most of the time ingame