DMC thread is getting bigger
DMC thread is getting bigger
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Game's on sale on Steam right now, my dudes.
If you're in this thread, but somehow haven't played it, pick it up. It's a lot of fun. Easily my GOTY 2019.
I'm in a shitty mood.
I live with a neat freak and it causes her psychological torment to not rearrange all the closets and shelves as soon as she got back from vacation due to teritorial issues. She's kind of a bully about it and I'm feeling like retaliation.
Roommate? Family member? Girlfriend?
What do you mean by "territorial issues"? I'm a bit of a neat freak myself, but that's weird.
>barely 3 posts in and it devolves into literal blogposting
What happened to you /dmc/?
the based fans are practicing Dante combos
there was a dmc thread that hit limit just a few hours ago
Nothing wrong with just talking to people, my dude.
That shit's stupid. I saw some video called "Playing DMC5 at 200% speed" or something. I clicked it, thinking it would be him actually fighting enemies. Unsurprisingly, it's just some combowank in the Void. Shit is mad boring.
Going out and getting a fat SSS and holding it for two whole minutes on DMD against actual enemies? That shit is fun. The Void? Boring as hell.
We just had a great thread of gameplay discussion so I guess we were due for thirsty blogposting.
The Void is rad for trying new things and finding new routes off of certain combo starters. You have to approach it like a fighting game Training Mode and try to find the optimal (Damage & Style-wise) shit that you can get off of any given opening. Then of course finding new combo routes that give you good Style and are fun to do is sick.
Sorry for off topic. Roommate. She's the kind of neat freak who wants to throw all your shit away if it's not put away properly by a time she feels is appropriate because that's how she "taught her kids", but we're adults so she can't. Instead she tries to lock down areas under her control by removing my projects or papers and throwing them on my bed under the guise of cleaning. I'm moving out soon so it won't be an issue for long but god, it's fucking stressful when I'm designing a project and it's suddenly "dirty" and removed from the work area.
>He's not a DMC scrub discovering all the mad shit you can do with Dante for the first time while playing around with him in the void
How does it feel to have surpassed the zenith of your life?
Maybe. I've never used the Void beyond trying moves out before I buy them, and I've S ranked all of DMD. Whenever I boot up DMC5, I just pick a random mission and just play it. I never touch the Void. The fun of the game comes from actually fighting enemies.
See I already know the mad shit you can do with Dante, but that means nothing if you don't do it in an actual level.
Mission 17 is hella gay
do want
That's messed up. Good on you for moving.
Nico is honestly the best DMC girl. I know she had almost no character development, but she was great. I'd be 100% fine with a game of just her and Nero. They have great chemistry.
vergil sure likes twirling his yamato
Is it ever explained why Vergil stopped melting after V fused back with Urizen?
>no playable Vergil DLC
>no ability to play any mission with any character
>V is still a janky piece of shit to play
>Dr. Faust is still broken as fuck and hasn't been nerfed
>no Turbo
This game is like the most disappointing 8/10 game I've ever played in my life. If they do end up making Vergil playable in a future Special Edition for the PS5, I'm not going to get it.
The most logical explanation is that the Fruit healed him
The apple cured his aids.
I discovered the secrets, RG is a scent based defense.
Does it still count if it's with V?
Royal Release is just Dante sneezing
He was restored, it explains this in the mission 18 synopsis.
Because this game has a shit story.
Really?I remember not being able to read all of it because the mission loaded too quickly.
We'll have to wait until tgs to see if they announce anything. Hopefully its an expansion pack instead.
Did you walk you Vergil today?
DMC was honestly kind of bad.
What's confusing you? Mundus used it restore himself too.
You're kinda bad.
cat ears when
It just says that after he ate the fruit and fused with V he was restored.
I love Dante
I hope so. They shouldn't really have to wait for simple features like the ability to play any mission with any character. That isn't new content. That's just enabling something that cheat engine can already do on PC.
Fujos get out.
why must you force these threads when there isn't anything to talk about
its not fujoshism if I want that boney ass all to myself
>Doing a Bayonetta Gold-PP run
>The fucking escort bits
Talk about other cuhrazy games
Yet here you are bumping it.
I don't think I'll ever do a PP run of Bayo, because there's just way too many parts of the game I don't like, like the escort quest you mentioned or any of the shmup/racing/autoscroller sections.
I also really don't understand why doing EVERY single verse is mandatory for a PP ranking. Say what you will about DMC3, but at least they offered a ton of flexibility in how you get your SS ranks. Despite the stringent rank requirements, there are just so many ways to get SS rank on DMC3. That's why watching DMC3 DMD SS superplays is always fun, because each player is going to tackle the game very differently.
Yeah I love Bayonetta but I have some major issues with it, particularly the Alfheims being a requirement
Is Okami cuhrayzee?
Thinking of picking it up on the Steam sale. I got Dishonored 2 the other day, as well.
for some reason the game crashes after about a half hour of play time. Even stress testing my pc doesn't cause this
Haven't played it but probably given Clover made it
Not really. You can do parries into Izuna Drops and shit like that, but the game isn't designed around being stylish.
7700k, 2080ti, RAM that was faulty at one point but after changing clock speeds it seemed fine. I'm getting some different RAM to test in a few days. temps are all fine too
That's odd, I can't think why it's crashing given my shitty computer can run it at max
It's damn good.
Speaking of older games, I got the Overlord bundle and was thinking of Kingdoms of Amalur but I already played that. I wish there was a new Pikmin title coming.
>That's just enabling something that cheat engine can already do on PC.
does it work well ?
I think it's a memory thing, why else would the game run fine then totally freezing (no error screen, have to hard reset) seemingly out of nowhere?
I wonder if it has a memory leak
I monitored the mem usage in task manager but I don't trust task manager to track shit. Didn't go over 85% but all signs point to memory
Why is he a testicle?
Give me one reason I should invest my time into this series?
They're mostly self-contained and you can understand the entire story without needing to study any extra material, so you can get completely up to speed in a relatively short amount of time
It's fun
The way the combat is designed makes you feel incredibly powerful once you learn to use all the tools at your disposal; you don't need more than the basic sword + guns attacks, but you'll want to use your dozens of attacks as often as possible.
No, but it's a good game and a bit of a must play.
Lads. Should I pull the trigger and get this on Steam? Is it fun?
What kind of PC specs do you bros have? I've been wanting to get a new one lately, and I havent bought one in over a decade.
Also, I know, I know
>buying Jap ports of a PC game
But still. Thinking about getting an Intel machine this time around.
5 is by far the best in the series, but 1 is a nice spot of fun too
What did you dislike about it? And what would you change?
>i5 4760K
>GTX 970
>16 GB RAM
I can run 5 at max, although I still get frame drops. I don't know what does it because I get frame drops no matter what game, so who knows
Pirate it to try it out and then buy it if you like it.
This is gonna sound like a shillpost, but DMC5 is honestly one of the best games I've ever played. It has almost no OBJECTIVE flaws. People might dislike V's playstyle, or say they don't like the environments, but I think the game is as close to perfection within a genre as you can get.
It's slow at the start before you unlock your moves, but by mission 7, you should be 100% hooked. Beating the game once is just the start, too.
I have 120 hours played, and I'm still going. I cannot recommend enough.
I'm gonna get it, then. I read that it's kinda like 3D Zelda games, and I've played every one of those. Gonna be fun, I hope.
Because fuck you, thats why
Don't tell people that, faggot.
Assuming he's talking about 1, also not him but
>Add mission select to another release
>Make the underwater bits commit seppuku
That's honestly it, the game is great
The only 2 legit complaints are no Vergil and no turbo. And turbo is obviously because of consoles. I will never understand people complaining about OP shit in a single player game.
There's a lot of stuff you can do but it's not cuhrayzee stuff. Still fun, and really pretty. I seem to remember really hating the length of all the dialogue though. I don't think you can skip cutscenes so be prepared.
Vergil and Turbo have never been a base game addition. If you guys expected to get those upon release, it's your own fault.
Oh good, you have the same processor I was looking into. Does DMC utilize all 16GB or is that future-proofing type of thing?
I want 16GB or more from some CG stuff I wanted to toy around with, but I was thinking of getting more for fun.
Also, thank you!
>>Make the underwater bits commit seppuku
Oh man, I hate underwater gameplay sections. I agree on that.
Just speaking from experience, this is the first dmc I played so I wanted to check it out before buying it.
vergil when
I have no idea, you'd have to ask /g/. I keep telling people I'm good at games but retarded at knowing the things I play them on
Capcom has wares, if you have coin
we should be getting news about capcom showing up at either gamescon or tgs soon.
Ok, I'll check them out.
Thanks again!
Has Capcom ever been better than they are right now?
Vergil's a slut.
>still blindly hoping
DMC6 script leaked
Theyre like the only company thats been able to pull off this reboot trend that everyone has been trying to make happen.
Im shocked at how good a run this year has been for them.
I dont want to jinx it.
>ebony and ovary
fucking kek
>Fate is occurring.
you got that right.
>"You will remember this vagina's power!"
How can Fortuna women be this based?
Dantes got the big cahones.
I really want 1SE.
>Fix the visual glitches from the HD Collection version
>Keep the control rebinds to be closer to 3/4/5 as the default like HD did (original in as a preset)
>Mission Select & Secret Mission Select
>Underwater Mission completely reworked or cut
>Devil Arm & Gun hotswapping
>Enemy Encounters changed to allow for multiple enemy types per room (original placement is an option)
>Bloody Palace (maybe instead of the redesign of placements to keep the main game as-is)
>Playable Trish (sort of like her 2 self; plays like Dante but switches between Sparda and fists by using Round Trip or planting Sparda, maybe with more subdued versions of 4SE stuff like her lightning strike Volcano)
>Playable Nelo Angelo (just how he is in 3SE when you DT as Corrupt Vergil)
Absolutely. Their run of quality from the late 80s through the late 00s (maybe even early 2010) was almost nonstop good shit with only occasional low points. The late 00s started the transition into mediocrity and shit decisions but it didn't really hit until around 2011, and they finally started to crawl out once Inafune left, but the era wasn't over until MH World/MM11/RE2make/DMC5 dropped within about a year's time.
>remember this vagina's power
but he forgot
Vergil is a premature ejaculator
>You are not worthy as my opponent
Not for long!
>Vergil is a premature ejaculator
I drive a chevrolet movie theater
This party is getting crazy Yea Forums!
>Mission 17 is hella gay
Im on Mission 17. Where are the strawberry dacqueries and real estate flipping I was promised?
Where can I find Kyrie and Nero porn?
nero will be his reminder to wear a condom next time
I like M17. I was a shitter that got through older games without much Jump Canceling or Trickster and Urizen 3 taught me to fucking use them, and it went from a frustrating fight to a really fun test of how quickly I can do damage while weaving around his patterns.
Was this scene cringe or kino?
Can any man-made condom truly withstand the Judgement Nut?
It would shred your flimsy contraceptives to tatters.
It was peak FUCK YOU.
are you gonna buy the inevitable SE of this game with playable Vergil?
and I cringe easily
It was super kino
There is literally no difference in quality between DMC 2 and 3 don't @ me
nero saying fuck you to vergil was funny as heck
And probably craft a figurine of him too, If I can get off my lazy ass after the 4th.
What if he uses the same demon skin thats on his sword as protection?
can i get some tips in how to get better with dante? i used to be decent back in 3 but ever since style switching i constantly forget which style im on and end up getting hit.
Probably, but Vergil wouldn't be the main draw for me. Costumes, Deluxe content standard and thus usable in Bloody Palace, Trish & Lady, maybe even just little extra story content, like an Epilogue that fills the gaps. That would all be more interesting to me, mostly because Vergil is the most obvious thing and we know that if 5 EVER gets any more content he'll be in it.
Where is this? I want it now.
not re buying the game again but i'd buy the expansion.
The entire plot is literally snarky one liners and two semi-estranged brothers kicking each others asses but never really going for the kill.
What were you expecting, poetry?
Which one(s) and how?
Its covered in sebum, old sweat, demon secretions, blood and mineral oil. In other words- Its nearly identical to Vergil's dick! It wouldnt be enough.
>Tips on how to get better as Dante
Quit to the mission select and pick Nero
>ywn ride that dick
literally 10 years in the making
i can never get the timing on teleport move right, is it frame perfect? it irks me as someone who was really good with exceed ever since 4 that i cant time this shit
>5 has a shit story
>3 is a masterpiece somehow
Dante's always available!
kek wasn't expecting that
its a zelda game with slightly better combat, but its really fucking fun
It features fast, visceral, over-the-top action with satisfying controls, a variety of moves, weapons, enemies, and a variety of difficulty levels. I recommend starting with 3 first, then 1 to get the essentials of the story, then 4 and 5. The gameplay in 3 is satisfying while being relatively simple, which makes it a good starting point, as the gameplay models for 4 and 5 build on the combat from the third game. The killer soundtracks are also a plus and the characters are very charismatic.
nero is my crutch character and i want to git gud :(
Its one hell of a party!
What is this scrub nonsense.
Nero and Dante both have super high skill ceilings, no character is a "crutch" except Johnny from Guilty Gear
Reminds me of my old gymnastics classes.
People just randomly twirling batons and rings as an idle animation irl.
i meant it in that hes the closest thing to 3 dante in in 4/5, and i gravitate towards him for that reason
It triggers the fuck out of my autism whenever weapon animations clip through the floor. Like mother fucker your sword is ALWAYS the same length and the floor is ALWAYS in the same place, how did you animate this so fucking badly.
I love 5 too, but it has some jank to it. I dislike the vastly increased cap on how many gold orbs you can have at once, meaning casuals can breeze through the game without really learning how to play it, and normies don't care about scores, anyway. The accumulation of style points is also obtuse, which makes S ranks more difficult. They were so close to perfecting the grading system, but tweaking how style is calculated threw the whole thing out of whack. Players have blown the game wide open with cheese strategies, but that really undercuts the spirit of the game. They should have balanced Faust by making it consume more orbs over the duration of each mission while still dealing the same damage, as well as lowering the money cap. I also dislike how enemies that are resistant to stun require overly specific strategies, like how there are many ways to knock down Judecca, but only certain obscure moves will prevent it from reflexively teleporting away.
This gets me too, but my most hated thing is static objects like clothing or hair clipping.
Like I find a beautiful screencap of the game, in a gorgeous closeup of a character's face, but their hair is sliding through their high-rendered collar.
But that angle isn't even in shown in the game, that's just from the camera mod.
I don't mind so much since that's pretty much impossible to get rid of since the thing that is clipping is also the thing that is moving, every animation would take twice as long to make if you wanted to eliminate it. But some egregious stuff really bothers me, like there's some armour in Monster Hunter that sheathed weapons completely clip through, like if that's the case just weld the sheathe a few units back, why would you even have armour in the game that the weapons YOU DESIGNED can clip through?
Yeah but I'm referring to in general. It's a huge problem in the Souls series too where almost 90% of normal ass attack animations send the weapon careening through the fucking ground.
Devil May Cry has come back twice before. After 5, I'm convinced that literally ANYTHING can come back.
>I also dislike how enemies that are resistant to stun require overly specific strategies
This has been a thing in the entire series.
I want straight-up remakes of the ps2 trilogy.
literally if i just mash it it seems to work
It's okay when Japan does it
Mission 20 of dmc5 is one of the landmark sequences of the whole series. Everything about it was perfect. It's the one moment where 5 fully eclipses 3 in every aspect.
The underwater mission wasn't even that bad nor did it take that long to finish.
Not like it's hard to eclipse 3
ill hope until it fucking happens you prick
But this is almost always true.
>Son of sparda mode
>Vergil boss from chapter 19
>Finally I learnt how to fight against Vergul
>Then his DT happens
I blame this game for pamper me
with tons of gold orbs. I should fight Urizen and Vergil battles in normal just to get used with theses and not being dogshit with them
I wanna use that bulge as a pillow.
I've played Viewtiful Joe a dozen times, so my resistance to clipping is legendary. To me, it's just a part of video games. Better than having physics where you gotta worry about your weapon hitting shit.
Please post more Nico.
Maybe, but it's more prevalent and less common sense in 5, which features the behemoth and three different types of teleporting enemy.
17 is super easy. Urizen is huge, so you can JC on him all day. As long as you stay above his nips, he can barely do shit to you. I just do constant JC combos around his head and shoulders and use Trickster to teleport to close distance of he gets away from me. Pretty fun fight.
>1 have sometimes a story which was basic and meh
>3 is a masterpiece, one of the most emotional stories in vidya despite having cuh-ra-zee moments every 5 minutes
>4’ story is fucking dogshit, yet it have two of the best moments in the franchise
>5 is just tons of fanservice (REMEMBER VERGIL?!) and meh again
I don’t understand this series consistecy with the story
>the behemoth
I can't even think of a specific move you need to stagger this guy though?
Vergil DLC when
Sounds like a UCM movie to me
I think those are all the reasons why he's saying it is hella gay. I enjoyed it myself, but it is a drop in difficulty. Urizen was a dumbass for dropping his force field and OP homing tentacle attack.
Context matters kid.
It's kinda hard to tell when it's safe to attack him, though, since some of his moves appear to only be slight nudges.
After you beat the game on DMD without Super Costumes with Whoops All Furies mod
>3 is a masterpiece, one of the most emotional stories in vidya
Fucking hell THIS is shitposting
It’s fun. It isn’t square square and sometimes triangle, is stinger sword aerial attack change stance to gunsligther gun gun devil trigger stinger. Is like and instrument, you can try doing any shit that could sound cool
5's story is good if you read the manga and novel.
I’m not joking. I fucking love 3 story because it have an actual theme and is a relatable story. You have no soul if you didn’t got emocional in that scene
After you stop yelling Dan.
whoa dude, like, your right hand comes off?
yeah it does desu. Actually, the new john wick movie was kinda like that and was a ton of fun.
nope, too dumb for read
V looks like my ex gf
I wish V was my gf
Never saw John Wick. Is really that good?
But the novel is just summarized,since there's no official English translation.
Enough shitposting user someone might actually think you're serious
i convinced my 14 old cousin to buy this game. hes playing it right now. hope hes enjoying it.
First one was a cult classic because it has really good gun choreography and a steady camera. It also introduced a sorta of "magical hidden assassin world in plain sight" which was fun.
Second one basically memed itself a bit too far with the whole "underworld" thing and the fights weren't as amazing. Much more forgettable.
The third one was fucking great, they really fixed whatever they did in the 2nd one with it. Ton of fun, light hearted in a sense. Takes itself seriously when it needs to, but also knows how to be not serious. Also the fights were top notch. There's a motorcycle chase in the beginning with John Wick on a fucking horse fighting asian ninja samurai guys.
We wont see him again, will we?
Won't happen, Itsuno already moved to another project and it seems the DMC team also moved on to the next DMC
Wouldn't Itsuno being on another game mean that the DMC making 5SE is more likely? Give the team experience making content Itsuno right there so the series has people with experience after he retires (which may be after a couple more Itsuno projects, neither of them are likely to be DMC6).
they updated vergil recently though so they must be working on something
I have digested your comments.
I bought Okami. It's downloading now. Cheers.
Unless they make some bullshit like
>Ey Nero, Vergil and I fused Dante and Yamato to make the Danyato and after shove it in Vergil’s Ass we could bring back V. Isn’t that cool? Also he apologizes for almost destroying the world
post tasty pizza's you've got since launch night
pic related was BBQ chicken, bacon, sausage, onions, cheddar
thank god, we'll might actually get to play vergil in the base game now
hope not. his gameplay sucked.
Is God Hand worth playing?
I'd hate for them to introduce the puppet mechanic and then just forget it.
Ideal scenario is Vergil gets pet devil arms that function just like the pets that you can choose to use or not. Obviously make them different than Shadow and Griffin, since they died.
you look like a fag if that's your picture there
I wanna play God Hand, but I don't like emulating and there's literally no way to play it without owning a PS3, PS2, or emulating.
What if dante is the one that gets mundus aids and he has to split himself?
>Wouldn't Itsuno being on another game mean that the DMC making 5SE is more likely?
If someone on the DMC team was already being groomed during DMC5 to take over then it is unlikely they would do a SE. Best chance for a SE would be for next gen consoles, to give some experience working with the new console generation
Yes but it's kind of hard to wrap your head around to start. It's got that behind-the-back camera with tank controls thing in a beat-em-up with the right stick mapped to dodges, and you have a "loadout" of moves on various inputs that you can completely customize on top of a small number of universal moves, the Roulette Wheel techniques, and your God Hand itself.
Yes, but you need to emulate it
Nico more like Ni
I wouldnt care. I love V.
He's gone, user, and his summoners will never return again so there's no points for him to come back. If you like his gameplay, maybe you can get it again in new Dragon's Dogma later.
I was laughing my ass of the whole time
get over it
This picture sealed the deal, leaving Yea Forums to fap
>the youtube account with the only good rip of silver bullet got deleted
fucking hell every other one has this awful high pass filter on it
Enjoy yourself. Come back when you're finished to tell us how it was and discuss DMC.
why v gotta continue existing for people to beat their meat
just take the porn fanart and let the nigga rest in peace ffs
download the fucking song faget
I literally cannot find a good version of it. They're all compressed to shit, no bass, watery treble.
>gameplay thread
can someone link please?
you're going to listen to Silver Bullet played from the inside of a toilet and you're going to fucking like it you ungrateful little motherfucker