Video game clothing

Attached: dk.jpg (800x800, 69K)

does this count?

Attached: todd.jpg (498x1024, 63K)

Whoa, you thought ahead and cropped it this time. Maybe your shit thread will last more than a few minutes. Hopefully not though.


Post the full pic, faggot.

nice dubs

I mean, I have the uncropped pic but it’s not really worth the 3 day ban

Why is it a ban?

that is clearly a child user

Do. It. Fag.

Fuck it. I could use a break.

Attached: AECF5500-58C3-4A85-B4AC-30BADBE3B9FF.jpg (819x1024, 119K)


There's no nudity in this. Why ban?

its not banned

Attached: 1528079562876.jpg (1080x1350, 158K)

Just watch. I’ll fucking get banned. I always do.

what game is she playing, Yea Forums?

Literally Donkey Kong Tropical Freeze


she isnt playing shes showing off her ass on the title screen

Attached: 1515227416494.jpg (500x269, 15K)

she looks like she fucks black guys

shit taste

Monkey Municipality: Equitorial Extreme

You are not wrong, just this once

she fucks apes

Mega based.

if he isnt getting a break than i am

Attached: lexi-belle-rides-cock-on-the-couch-in-a-polka-dot-bikini-11.jpg (800x1200, 77K)


Attached: mx5qm2z2ahcz.png (900x844, 274K)

because offtopic/lowquality posts are bannable. The fact that it has some video games in the background doesnt make it ontopic if somebody actually reports it



So random lowquality or off topic posts are bannable, even if you aren't the OP? Jesus this sounds impossible to enforce on any board

it's been some time since i've seen porn that is this vanilla.

these kind of porn pictures that are overly explicit in every regard have never been arousing to me. the picture creates absolutely no feeling of intimate interaction with a female.

Thats a real pornstar. Does look fake though

>not peeing
What's the point


That's why bikini dancing + hairy is the best fetish.

Stardew Valley

>sterile lighting
>unflattering angle
>unattractive female
>no taste
of course it doesnt turn you on

what’s her name?


Based fucking thread

teacher: you can't smell pictures

Oh well

Attached: 1561748606926.webm (576x432, 585K)

Bull fucking shit that's lexi belle.

god damn these are some fucking fine titties

>still not removed
i'm proud of u, v


Source is Tacwolf

They have lots and I do mean lots of videos out there. Enjoy anons

woah, that guy has to be at least...7 feet tall.


based phoneposter

Attached: bj.webm (720x480, 2.86M)

>wearing videogame clothing

I swear, I won't keep pushing forward if I don't find some female intimacy soon. There's just no point to life without it.


Attached: 1560616559860.jpg (1024x427, 21K)

I don't wear clothing with words or pictures on them; I'm not a fucking advertisement, and it's autistic and NPC to wear something because you're a fan of it.

Just letting other NPCs know what your NPC likes are.

what's sex like, Yea Forums? i'm 33 and i haven't even held a girl's hand

salty milk and coins

Bags of sandy milk coins

Sounds like you should have sex.

Attached: 1556895454850.gif (233x241, 1.97M)

fuck i wish my girl could suck dick like that

You're in the wrong neighborhood, hub-bub.
Go to reddit, every redditor has had sex.


Attached: 1562110480496.jpg (498x1346, 107K)

Congrats you're a wizard. Got any new spells?

is he holding him up?

just know that even having sex once wont give you the satisfaction you crave. it's intimacy you want, not sex


all his kept promises


he cute

its like that videogame you preordered and HOOOOYPED THE FUCK out of and then realized it was a massive disappointment

this tbqh

Why is Arianna grande playing video games

Why aren’t you?

anyone here that can suck my dick like this?

Attached: 1555617845511.jpg (371x353, 13K)

who is this btw

well it is heavily reliant on content actually getting reported, the janitors/mods aren't going through every post of every thread, that's not realistic considering their numbers and amount of posts per day
the picture op posted is cropped because it baits off-topic discussions, regardless of it not having nudity it is also not SFW
the op's picture is commonly used to bait offtopic discussion, not vidya discussion, so being surprised it is bannable is pretty stupid

>playing a female character
heh, what a fag


Why would you want to get your dick sucked while looking at a man? The fuck is wrong with you?